Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 159 See the parents?

Chapter 159 See the parents?
October weather.

Although it is already a refreshing autumn.

But with global warming.

It is very hot in many cities.

Let alone Shanghai.

But it was time to go to college.

But Lin Feng had no choice to go.

After all, his business is still developing.

I really can't get away and become a student.

With Lin Feng's current status, he can definitely get a student status. When will he want to study.

Then go or not.

Today is just an ordinary day for many ordinary people.

But for Lin Feng, it was a special and exciting day.

Why are you excited?

Of course there is no need to say much.

My girlfriend is back, can't I not feel uncomfortable every day?

Those wonderful days are back.

There is such a saying in the ancients, it is so.

Seeing each other in one day is like every three autumns.

It has been more than 80 days since Lin Feng has not seen his girlfriend Tang Tingting.

Then there are more than 240 autumns.

But obviously, Sanqiu does not mean three autumns, nor does it mean three years.

but three quarters.

Understanding the meaning of three years is actually a misunderstanding.

Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns, that means 9 months.

(Baidu Liberal Arts: Sanqiu: Refers to three quarters/seasons (nine months))
Hongqiao Airport in Lushi.

The flight from Hawaii to here arrived here at ten o'clock in the morning.

Lin Feng was already waiting at the airport for the arrival of his beautiful girlfriend.

Today, he is not dressed in a grand manner.

After all, it's not to pick up girls or something.

It doesn't have to be like a big star attending an event.

Simple white T-shirt.

Cropped board shorts.

canvas shoes.

It is so clean and neat.

Sunny and handsome.

It can't be seen at all that this handsome boy is a billionaire with a family fortune of tens of billions.

But if you look carefully at these casual wear brands.

Everyone knows that it is expensive.

Of course, although Lin Feng's face has not been exposed on the Internet.

But as long as you are an individual, you have to deal with society.

When traveling, it is still necessary for Lin Feng to wear super cool sunglasses.

Lin Feng, who has nothing to do, would take a picture of himself in the mirror of his mobile phone.

Be narcissistic.

"It's so handsome, how can I be so handsome?"

Looking at himself in the photo frame of the mobile phone, Lin Feng couldn't help admiring.

It may be because of a good mood, or it may be because of love.

With the system, Lin Feng's temperament has changed a lot from before.

I feel good every day.

Also very optimistic.

very confident.

When it was ten o'clock in the morning, the flight from Hawaii to Hongqiao Airport did not arrive as scheduled.

Many people know a truth, the "punctuality" of Huaxia Airlines has always been an unfamiliar word in the hearts of Chinese people.

It can't be said that it will be wrong every time.

Anyway, almost every flight is either ahead of schedule or delayed.

Maybe a few minutes with luck.

With bad luck, there might be a bigger delay.

If you meet Baoqiang Green.

It is not necessarily possible to return to the original place and not fly.

(Watching the movie, you will know what it means.)
But now is the flight in 2015, so naturally it cannot be compared with five years later.

But whether the flight is on time or not.

Even Lin Feng came here an hour earlier.

Lin Feng now drives sports cars.

But the roads in the city.

Traffic jams are relentless every day.

Under such circumstances, the sports car can really be said to have fallen into a stinky ditch.

Can't perform at the level it should be at all.

So, now Lin Feng suddenly had an idea, that is, should I buy an ordinary SUV and drive it?

At 10:11.

The voice broadcast came out.

The flight from Hawaii to Hongqiao has arrived.

Lin Feng stood at the exit of station C and kept looking inside.

I hope that Tang Tingting can see herself at the first sight when she comes out.

"Little brother, are you here to pick up your girlfriend?"

It was an uncle next to Lin Feng who spoke.

On his left is a woman.

To his right is a young man in a suit.

I don't know the identities of these people, but they should be the uncle's wife and son. .

They should have come to pick up the plane too.

"Yes, my girlfriend went abroad to play around and hasn't come back for several months. This time I came here to pick him up."

As the saying goes, getting together is fate.

Lin Feng has always been a kind person.

Because of his noble status, he will not have any contempt for these ordinary people.

But the family in front of me is not a rural person, it should be the middle class.

Anyway, it should be someone who has a job, as for whether they are rich or not.

I can't see it for the time being.

Because ordinary families can’t afford to take a plane, and few people take it.

Not to mention flights abroad.

Uncle is a very mature and talkative person, and it doesn't seem awkward to chat.

"This is such a coincidence. My daughter also came back from abroad. I came to pick her up at the airport. What do you think is good in this country? My daughter insists on traveling, and she doesn't listen to it. I can’t see you once a month, and it’s not good to be in a foreign country and not familiar with the place? By the way, young man, you are very handsome, and your girlfriend must be a beauty.”

Uncle is really a chatterbox.

Once you open your mouth, you can't stop.

And the tone of the speech is a bit younger.

"Uncle Er, don't think so. Foreign countries still have the benefits of foreign countries. Foreign countries are not dangerous places. They are all peaceful now. As long as you don't go to any impoverished areas, such as Africa, they are relatively safe. Now our country is not strong. Well, we Chinese are outside and won’t be bullied.”

Lin Feng was bored at leisure, so he also chatted with this uncle.

The current situation abroad will not be what the Chinese used to think.

It's a dangerous place.

With such rapid economic development, many young people will choose to go abroad for development or study abroad, or travel.

I haven't heard of any situation or danger.

"It's true, the China of today is not the China of 100 years ago, and it was bullied by the great powers."

When the uncle talked about the affairs of the country, it was as if he had met a bosom friend, but at this moment, Lin Feng's eyes were fixed in front of him.

The uncle also knew that the beautiful woman Lin Feng was waiting for had arrived.

The chat ended.

"Tingting, I'm here."

Tang Tingting and a few girlfriends were pulling suitcases and wearing fashionable foreign short skirts.

White thighs.

On the contrary, it attracted the attention of many men at the airport.

"Lin Feng?"

When Tang Tingting looked this way.

A middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman were found beside Lin Feng.

Isn't that Tang Tingting's father and mother?
A best friend next to Tang Tingting, named Tang Xue, said in surprise, "Is this Lin Feng's parents? Tang Tingting, are you going to meet your parents so soon? When will you get married?"

"This... isn't Lin Feng's parents." Tang Tingting also panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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