Chapter 18

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and instead of chatting with the female editor Su Wutong, he opened Yang Yun's profile picture.

A few days ago, Lin Feng found an excuse to gain access to the account of Yang Yun's writer's assistant, and secretly published "Master Brother Ordinary" for him!
Published 10 words at one time!

After Yang Yun found out about this.
With his personality, he would naturally not take other people's works as his own.He refused to continue publishing, and wanted to eunuch the novel.

But after two days of interruption, the readers are not satisfied.
Those readers started frantically urging updates in the comment area
Directly turned Yang Yun's comment area upside down!Tens of thousands of comments were posted in two days.
Yang Yun's writer backstage can only see the rows of reminder messages about sending blades, sending off knives, and even sending dichlorvos.

Lin Feng: "How many words have you updated in the book I gave you, "Brother Ordinary and Unremarkable"?"

On the opposite side, Yang Yun was flipping through the comments section of his 'his own novel' "Brother Ordinary".
Seeing Lin Feng sent a message, Yang Yun immediately replied.

Yang Yun: "Fengzi, I update 15 words every day, and now I have updated 2 words, with more than 5 favorites and more than [-] recommendation votes! I still don't understand, where did you get this fine novel?"

Lin Feng: "Shouldn't I tell you? I set up a studio to collect manuscripts. These are collected from private authors. You have to keep this secret for me. I will create a novel after a while." Platform, you are the number one author under my banner."

Lin Feng thought for a while, and then sent another message, "By the way, if you have nothing to do, you can also accept the manuscript online. It doesn't matter how much it costs, as long as the work is good."

The operation of receiving manuscripts is, of course, Lin Feng's blindfold to confuse the world, which means that these works are all from the folks.

Regardless of whether the world believes it or not, Lin Feng can only do so.

Yang Yun: "That's fine, I'll collect manuscripts for you when I have time. I have received more than 2 soft sister coins for this "Master Brother of the Ordinary", and 15 leaders have been produced! I will transfer all of them to you when the time comes." I'll give it to you, and I'll give you the royalties as well."

Lin Feng: "Didn't it be agreed? I only need one-third of your manuscript fee at that time, so you don't need to mention this question."

While Lin Feng and Yang Yun were chatting
A chubby boy wearing glasses was sitting in front of his computer, blankly reading Lin Feng's "The Way to the Sky" for several hours.

This person is undoubtedly the trick of the great god
When he was updating "Zhou Tian Ji", he was also conceiving the outline of the next book.
And Lin Feng's "The Way to the Sky" is basically consistent with the opening content of the new novel he conceived.
"What kind of monster is this person? Could it be that he came to my house and stole the outline of my novel? Why is it the same idea as the new work I thought?"

"Even if my novel outline is stolen, it's impossible to update 200 words every day? Now more than [-] chapters have been updated?"

"And he updated eight books at a time! This person is too weird! Who the hell is it?"

"Even if I conceived it, but I haven't published it yet, who will recognize me on the platform and the world? Now I jump out and say that this book was conceived by me? Does anyone believe it?"

"Even if I have evidence, so what? If someone updates eight books at a time, who would doubt him?"

"Just like Fan Xian in my "Celebrating More Than Years", someone suspects that the poem "Climbing" he 'written' is stolen. If someone directly recites a hundred poems, who would doubt it?"

"This person doesn't have a system, does he?"

The tricky god said and patted his chubby face.

"What the hell am I talking about? What kind of system? Am I writing too many novels?"

Only these authors who write novels have this kind of imagination. If it is anyone else, they would not dare to think about the convenience of the system.

"It seems that the idea of ​​my new novel has been thought of with this author."

Afterwards, the news of the QQ group of the god of tricks rang out. The people in this group are all bigwigs in the novel world, such as Tianshen Tudou, San Shao, Chen Dong, I eat tomatoes and other great gods gathered in it .

I ate tomatoes: "Why does this "Cangyuan Tu" look like my style? Could it be that another me came across from a parallel space?"

Chen Dong: "This Shengxu book is also very similar to my style, but I feel that the author's writing style is better. Anyway, I can't write such a novel."

If Lin Feng saw that Chen Dong sent this message, he would just smile and say: "This is the system that refined your work, so of course you can't write it."

Tidy: "Don't talk about it, his book "The Way to the Sky" has exactly the same opening idea as the new novel I conceived!"

Chen Dong: "Old Mao, won't your novel outline be stolen?"

Tricky: "What are you talking about? I can't write with his style of writing. It may be that my thinking and his thoughts have gone together."

San Shao: "I plan to open a book called "The Legend of the Dragon King of Douluo Continent"! I hope readers will like it."

If Lin Feng was here, he would definitely have smiled contemptuously when he saw this message from San Shao: "I wanted to steal your Douluo Dalu III and publish it, but you have already released two Douluo Dalu. It’s just a copyright dispute.”

(End of this chapter)

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