Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 195 Design Drawings

Chapter 195 Design Drawings

Shenhao lottery draw system, the number of daily lottery draws is still there, and Lin Feng remembers to draw prizes every day.

Isn't it?You can draw a lottery when you sleep at night.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host!Get a blueprint.The function of the design drawing is: it can generate a design drawing through the design drawing imagined in the host's mind.Whether it is the design drawing of the building or the design drawing of the car!Or the blueprint of the engine!All three categories are fine. 】

Lin Feng was startled, the system was really dumbfounded when he said that!

The name of this prize sounds ordinary, just a blueprint, but the thing hidden behind it is too powerful.

Just think about it in your mind?So is it possible to generate a blueprint?
What a great benefit!

However, this item seems to be quite expensive, and it takes more than 1 pride points to exchange for this item.

However, Li Feng has already spent tens of billions, which is not bad for this level of arrogance. (investment also counts)
Lin Feng is very happy to have a blueprint of the engine in his hand, but let alone whether it can be made, even if it can be made, it is still a major project!To explain the source of this thing, these things are a headache!If it is not done well, it will be caught as a guinea pig for research.

After all, it is high technology.Future technology. .

As for things such as car design drawings, let alone, if these things are produced, they are all shocking things. How to explain them at that time is a very troublesome matter.

"The system is huge. If I want to design a headquarters for my company, that is, my Wufen Entertainment Company, is that okay?"

[Provincial-level buildings need 1 heroic points, and national-level landmark buildings need 5 heroic points.A world-class landmark building requires a heroic value of 10.This system only provides the host with a design drawing, the host can find someone by himself, and build it according to the design drawing. 】

"I'm going! Do you want to do this? This thing needs arrogance to receive this prize, and it needs arrogance to design something? What's the situation?"

Lin Feng lay quietly on the bed and communicated with the system, showing a thoughtful expression.

Then Lin Feng thought of a very happy thing, and asked the system excitedly: "The system is big, what I want to say is: can you build me any type of building? Even those that appeared in movies Buildings, can you make them all? If you can make them, I want this."

Lin Feng already had the answer in his heart. He quickly imagined the buildings in Hollywood high-tech movies in his mind. It might shock the world.

[Returning to the host, in principle, this is possible, as long as it is the design that the host thinks of, it can be made.This system can draw everything out of the world, only you can't think of it, without this system, those future technologies, those advanced architectural technologies, can create architectural styles, and there are ways to make designs From the picture. 】

Hearing what the system director said, Lin Feng was overjoyed immediately, and then his brows were brimming with joy. After all, this system is powerful. The buildings in the movie have all been built, which is really too powerful.

It's better to take actual actions than to talk so much with the system.

"System, design the Avengers, Iron Man Stark's villa for me!"

"Ding! The design was successful."

The reason for choosing such a building, Lin Feng thought for a while.Because in Lin Feng's view, the building, the villa in the hands of Iron Man is of a very high level, and it is a real artificial intelligence building!

Doesn't Lin Feng himself have an artificial intelligence development team?If it is said that this artificial intelligence building was created, then it can still be explained. After all, there is an artificial intelligence development team, even if others doubt it, there is no big problem.

Because this villa looks very ordinary on the outside, but the systems inside are a great fortune.

Those systems are all arranged by artificial intelligence, and the arming effect is also very good.

Looking at the design drawing in front of me, it seems to be a 3D holographic exchange technology. Anyway, Lin Feng doesn't know much about it, so it's fine to hand him over to his subordinates. Anyway, if you want to hand it over to that kind of loyal subordinates, you can't just hand it over to anyone. Just leave it to him, you can't take this design drawing so casually.

He didn't think about anything, now Lin Feng just wanted to sleep well, if he went back to sleep.Just get up and eat at night.

Soon night fell.

Tang Tingting and Lin Feng lived together in the villa.

Tang Tingting had a simple dinner today and then went to her computer room.

After putting on the beautiful clothes, I adjusted the sound card equipment in front of the computer, and after adjusting the video and other things, I kind of wanted to live broadcast.

She turned on the camera and sat in front of the computer, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared like a rocket.

"Brothers, I haven't seen you for another day or two. I miss you all. Do you miss me? It doesn't matter if you don't miss me, but I miss you very much." Tang Tingting sat In front of the computer, I started to say hello to these water friends. She is very good at chatting, and she will mobilize the atmosphere at the beginning.

Watching Tang Tingting greet the water friends live, Lin Feng didn't stay idle, but turned on the computer.

It seems that it's [-]-[-], and Grandpa Lu Benwei is broadcasting live.

Lin Feng liked Grandpa Lu's live broadcast style very much, it was very funny, so he clicked in.

What about Grandpa Lu?In the last life, he just suffered from being uneducated. Others encouraged him to tell him that he cheated, and he was in trouble. He was not convinced, because he really did not cheat, which was confirmed by the Blue Hole Company. It's a matter, but he is still unconvinced, he just wants to fight against them, and then instigates his fans to scold them, and in the end he ruined his beautiful career in the live broadcasting industry because of this incident.

"Damn it, if I can't win this hand, I'll just die. I'll pick out a catty of booger and eat it."

Many League of Legends players, especially those professional players or non-professional players, will play a game of Fighting Landlords when they play a game of League of Legends.

Because it takes a long time to choose a hero in the League of Legends game, and sometimes it takes a while to read the article, so this time is very suitable for fighting the landlord game.

Wuwu opened the game skills of Fighting the Landlords.

How should I put it, that is known as the landlord who scattered wealth.

What is the meaning of this single sauerkraut landlord?That is, it doesn't matter whether he has a good card or a bad card, even if he holds four two-pair ghosts, he still can't beat the opponent.

But why are these anchors so good at playing cards?

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are many anchors just for the atmosphere of the live broadcast room, and they will not have such bad poker skills.

It's more just to be able to stimulate the atmosphere in the live broadcast room and market it in a funny style.

Some people can understand the meaning of these anchors, but many amateurs still don't understand, because they think it's funny that this person plays cards too much.

In fact, these means of creating atmosphere are not a big deal.Just like those variety shows, isn't the script arranged first?

Every person in a variety show has their own lines, just like acting, every guest and every judge has their own lines, generally speaking, there must be a program effect, anyway, everything is arranged .

1-[-], very confident today, he has a good hand.For the two bombs, he also swore a poisonous oath to his fans, saying that he would eat [-] catty of booger if he could not win this game.

But the weather is unpredictable, what should come will still come.

"Wang Zha, I only have one card left, be careful!"


Looking at the two words of failure on the game interface of Fighting Landlords.Fifty-five is already a slap in the face, very loud.

This is an ear scraper on the left cheek and an ear scraper on the right cheek!

"I knew that I couldn't let him play any more cards. If I had blown him up just now, he was holding a plane, a pair of ghosts and a single card. He would definitely not be able to beat us. I think he still If you have such a card, just bear it."

Fifty-five are regretted to death.

At this time, on the Doudizhu game interface, as a [-]-[-] teammate, that person sent a dialogue.

"You play cards too well, don't you?"

"You play cards really well."

The teammate who cooperated with the [-]-[-] open was really disgusted by the [-]-[-] open. It's this level, and it's not bombed?

The [-]-[-] split held two bombs, and was finally vacated by a king bomb.

Is this a card that people should play?

Now that the 1-[-] split has failed, it means that the poisonous oath he made will be fulfilled, right?If he said he would not eat [-] catty of booger, what should he do?

"Fifty-five, a man promises a thousand gold, even if you can't deduct a catty of booger, then you must eat a lump."

"Grandpa Lu, hurry up and fulfill your promise. He is a man who keeps his promises, so what he says must be counted!"

"Grandpa Lu eats shit live! Hahaha~"

Studio!It's really starting to get crazy today!

They are all booing!

Hearing Grandpa Lu, he can dig his nose and eat it.

But these water friends underestimate Grandpa Lu too much, right?

Grandpa Lu's thick skin is at the level of Zhu Bajie, how could he be moved by this poisonous oath?

Is eating boogers something he can do at [-]-[-]?Grandpa Lu is also a decent person, would he do such a thing?

"Brothers, what you said just now is completely wrong. I didn't make it clear just now. I meant to dig out the booger and throw it in the trash can. I didn't make it clear. It's my fault. "

Lin Feng looked at these water friends in the live broadcast room and kept mocking Grandpa Lu.Has been taking him to the rhythm.

also smiled,
When Grandpa Lu is free, what shit does he eat live?There is really no one else, if you can't win this hand, you just pick your nose and eat it.

That's disgusting enough.

But Lin Feng is a person of 2020 anyway, he thought of that Ollie who eats the sky.

That's the most disgusting thing, what's the matter with eating nose, that's the real eater!

"User Tuhaofeng, present Grandpa Lu as a gift of Longquan Sword X10."

This gift is a relatively expensive gift from the Wufeng live broadcast platform.

One gift like this can be worth tens of thousands, and ten gifts can be worth tens of thousands!

Grandpa Lu is very happy, Lin Feng is here.

"Thank you for the big gift from Tuhaofeng, thank you, everyone, let's open the treasure chest!"

Lin Feng's live broadcast platform, this Longquan sword is a very precious gift, and it can also trigger the world banner, just like the rocket in Xiaoyu TV.

It can trigger the world banner, so many people come to open the treasure chest.

When someone came to open the treasure chest, the live broadcast room naturally became lively, so those local tyrants would spend money to reward the female anchor with gifts in the live broadcast room, so as to make the female anchor popular.

"Dear water friends, don't embarrass the anchor. The anchor just said something wrong. I meant to put the booger in the trash can. I just said something wrong. Please forgive me, see In the face of Tuhaofeng's ten Longquan swords, let's open the treasure chest."

Grandpa Lu is shameless enough to directly describe Lin Feng's gift as something to appease these water friends?
Lin Feng didn't try to appease these water friends with gifts.

Instead, seeing Grandpa Lu being so funny in the live broadcast room, he brushed out the gift, not doing him a favor, this Grandpa Lu is really invincible, and he is really famous for his thick skin!

No wonder in the current live broadcast room, there are many friends who say that it is impossible for Lu Benwei to eat booger. This person is already thick-skinned.

It is impossible to let him keep his word.

"I said, Grandpa Lu, you are too unkind, aren't you? I swiped the gift because I thought your live broadcast room was funny and I couldn't help swiping it. Wasn't that to appease these netizens? They let you eat boogers and you Just eat it, this is something you promised others, I also want to celebrate with gifts, let you eat booger quickly."

How could Lin Feng miss such a good opportunity?This is a great opportunity. If Master Lu really ate it, he would be very angry if word got out!

Lin Feng continued to type: "Grandpa Lu, eat quickly, eat, I will continue to give you gifts, as long as you eat a small lump, I will give you 100 Longquan swords, okay?"

"Wow? 100 Longquan swords, isn't that hundreds of thousands? Grandpa Lu, hurry up, eat a few piles of boogers for hundreds of thousands."

"Yes, yes, eating a pile of boogers for hundreds of thousands is too cost-effective. If it were me, I would rather eat my nose clean."

Lin Feng saw that these water friends actually sent these messages, but no one!
So disgusting, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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