Chapter 199 hint
These girls who are doing yoga in this dance studio.

The members of the female team were already stunned when they heard this song.

"Boss's song is really nice, isn't it really a song for us? This song is going to be popular!"

"Yes, yes, many young people in this era like this kind of cheerful song. This song has a sense of rhythm, and the lyrics of this song are also very good. It is too festive and funny. This song is not It's hard to be red!"

Although the little girls in these girl groups are all girls at the age of 18 to 20, they are really discerning. They can see that this song is very suitable for the current environment, and the meaning of this song It's still very profound, it's a weight loss song, this is a weight loss song!If this song can be sung more popular, then it is absolutely necessary to perform some kind of square dance, this is a song like a divine comedy!

Once such a song becomes popular, it means that they will also become popular, and their girl group will also become popular with this song, so this song really gave them hope, which shows their The boss has now decided to start praising them.

For the past two or three months, they have been practicing dancing in the dance studio and singing in the singing studio. They work so hard every day, just waiting for such a day!

These two or three months have been really hard work. The so-called emperor pays off, the boss saw how well they cooperated and how tacitly they sang and danced together, so the boss decided to start praising them.

"Everyone, don't be surprised. This is the sound recorded by Ke on Tuesday, but I will definitely not give him this single. He doesn't need such a single. This is the song of your girl group, and this is for your spaceship girl team. A tailor-made song is a song specially written for you, so you have to practice hard, and then I will listen to you sing once a week later."

Lin Feng saw that all the girls below were extremely excited. Could they not be excited?As soon as this song sounds like a super happy song, it is a song that can become popular!Every sentence and every lyric of this song is very pleasant, the melody is very cheerful, this song will definitely become popular.

"We know, boss, we will definitely work hard."

"The boss is so talented. I don't know where the boss's songs come from. There are also their songs and their new songs on the title Ke on Tuesday. They are all very good. The boss is really capable. He There is a way, I don’t know where I got these new songs!”

"Yes, yes, boss, we are also very curious. Where did you get these songs? We want to know! Boss, each of your songs is really great. Every song Giving a song to a person is enough to make him popular."

Lin Feng stood down, looked at the girls from the girl group who were asking questions, and said, "Actually, it's not a big secret, I just have a friend who is a poet of an outsider,

It is equivalent to that kind of seclusion, and he can sell the words written by these hermit bigwigs.

He usually does not appear in the public eye, and he usually makes these songs out and sells them to people in the entertainment industry, like the word Sheng Linxi, sometimes the songs they write are not necessarily written by him, but I bought it for this old man, this worldly expert, and those singers in the entertainment industry. Many people want songs,

I will buy it for this old gentleman, but not many people know that this old gentleman exists, so generally you can’t find him.

If he sells these songs, they will be sold at sky-high prices. This song of yours cost me 5000 million yuan! "

These girls from the girl group listened quietly to Ling Feng's blindness here, and they really believed it. After all, 5000 million yuan for a song is really possible, and China, the big world of 5000 years, has hidden treasures. For China, which has a culture of 5000 years, there are many hidden world experts, that's a normal thing, right?
"Then we have to really thank the boss. We spent 5000 million to buy such a song to support us. We are really going to be popular. This song will definitely be an instant hit."

Lin Feng looked at these girls, and the dozen or so girls spoke happily, and said, "Yang Chaochao, come here."

"Brother Feng, what's the matter." Yang Chaochao didn't shy away from his relationship with Lin Feng, which was the relationship between his little sister and his big brother.

But this relationship is only unilaterally considered by Lin Feng, and he still thinks in his heart for the convenience of his lover.

"The climax of this song is the line that burns my calories. This line is up to you. I think your voice is quite suitable for this."

Lin Feng knew very well how important the lyrics in his previous life were. This lyrics can be said to be the soul of this song. Anyway, Yang Chaochao sang very well in his previous life.

No matter how you say it, you won't sing badly in this life, right?
And in this life, she practiced singing and dancing even harder. Under the supervision of Lin Feng, the man she loves, she obviously worked harder than in the previous life. She was also very strong and hardworking. Anyway, now His talent is much better than his previous life.

So Lin Feng plans to arrange for him to sing the climax of this song: Burn my calories.

Not only that, Lin Feng also planned to arrange for her to sing a few more lyrics.

Because in her previous life she couldn't sing or dance, wasn't she being complained about as a girl who could only cry?But this time his talent is much better, so let's try to let him have more exposure to lyrics.

If you have more exposure to the lyrics, you will receive more attention.

A song if you upload more lyrics.It's definitely better than just singing: burn my calories.

And much better.

"Thank you Brother Feng,"

Yang Chaocai smiled happily. He is very happy. This big brother, the man he loves, cares about him so much and gives him enough benefits every time. Does he really like him? Otherwise, he wouldn’t be like this Great care.

But in Lin Feng's faith, he doesn't know what he misses about this foreign car, what is his feeling about this foreign car?Anyway, it's a somewhat subtle feeling.

However, most of them still treat her like a little sister and dote on her, but the element of this doting is not simple anyway, and this element of doting is still mixed with a little bit of emotion.

This feeling is naturally the feeling of love between men and women.

Although Lin Feng said that this little sister treated Yang Chao's as his own sister, but everyone has desires and misses.It's all about feelings!

This girl is very pure, this girl is very, very likable, and under the playful surface is very sincere and enthusiastic.

He is very kind, he never does bad things, and he never does anything to be sorry for others, he is a very pure person anyway.

Although he sometimes plays tricks, her cleverness is often self-defeating.

Anyway, she is just a silly girl with fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs.

And she is so kind to Lin Feng, she likes to talk to Lin Feng every day, and comes up to discuss things with Lin Feng every day. Anyway, for Lin Feng, such a girl has gradually transformed into a feeling that is not just treating him like a little sister. up.

When suing, Lin Feng thought that maybe he thought he was cuter and she was more pure and beautiful, so he doted on her like his younger sister. Anyway, this is a girl from the countryside. This girl came to this city If you work hard to come to this entertainment circle, you will definitely suffer a lot of shady people, so it protects this girl, don't let such a pure girl fall into the hands of many people, then it is a waste of money , then it is a very pity.

So Lin Feng's mood when riding a bike is still to protect this innocent and beautiful little beauty, so young and so beautiful.If you have never experienced anything, the little beauty must not be corrupted by the entertainment industry, so I said that my heart was like this at the time. Lin Feng used such an excuse and such a mood to protect him at that time, so I am right He is very good.

But judging from the one or two months of dating after all this time, this girl is indeed a girl who doesn't care much, anyway, she just loves to play tricks.It's really that the emotional world is as pure as a piece of paper, she is a very nice little girl.

"Okay, okay, practice singing quickly, I will leave first if I have something to do, you continue to sing."

Lin Feng touched Yang Chaochao's little head, and walked out with someone at random.

"Brother Feng, you are touching my head again. They have said that they will grow to 1.7 meters, and they will not grow up for two years. Why do you keep touching my head? If we are not tall, you will be responsible Yes!" Yang Chaochao whispered a few words in Lin Feng's ear.

"I'm going, didn't I tell you that girls won't grow taller when they reach the age of 18, why don't you believe it? If you grow taller, you can still get it! This is the second growth, do you understand? Do you understand? Besides, I touched your head and it doesn’t grow taller, so what am I responsible for? Can I be responsible? The law doesn’t recognize it, right?” Lin Feng laughed and joked about the cute little girl Yang Chaochao in front of him.

"Who said you are not responsible? You are responsible. Anyway, I want to grow taller. I am 141.6 meters now. I want to grow to more than 1.7 meters, so if you touch my head, I will not grow taller. Now, what should I do if I can’t find a boyfriend in the future? My boyfriend is about 1.8 meters tall, so I have to be 1.7 meters tall to be able to follow me. My boyfriend went shopping together, so I came here Standing beside him generously, so now I am too short, so I just want to look tall." Yang Chaochao also muttered in a low voice, not wanting what he said to be heard by the teammates of the women's team.

How could Lin Feng not understand the meaning of his words?That is, Li Yifeng is a 1.8-meter man, and this Yang Chaochao wants to grow to 1.7 meters, which is the most suitable for couples, and the height difference is ten centimeters.So what he said refers to what he wants to sue. Lin Feng should not dislike him for being only 1.6 meters eight.

"We are so beautiful, why can't we find a boyfriend in the future? You are such a beautiful girl, let alone 1.6 meters, someone will like you even if you are 1.5 meters! There may be a lot of suitors Go after yours."

Lin Feng told the truth, this Yang Chaochao is so white and tender like a baby, and also so beautiful, if he is 1.5 meters, he can be liked by many homeboys like Timo, after all, his appearance and figure are the most important. All in all, height doesn't matter at all.If the height is higher, what's the use of having an ugly face with a fat body?Girls are originally lovable, and if a girl can be lovable, she also has her own charm.

"I don't want to be 1.5 meters, then you are a celebrity, I don't want to be like the female anchor of the 1.5 meters of the king of the land tiger Timo, I am now a year six or eight, I can't do it now 1.5 meters."

Yang Chaochao muttered and said, "Besides, why do I need so many suitors? I don't like any of those suitors. Although those fans are my fans, they are not the ones I like. If the person I like is a super A handsome man, if he is a very, very good person, he has a good temper and a good personality. Then he cares about others very much, and then he is very loyal to love. Such a man is also very rich, anyway, he is very good in all aspects , such a man will become the object of my pursuit of Yang Chaochao, I must catch up with this man, I must have a man like him, I will get it sooner or later."

Yang Chaochao silently confessed his love to his beloved man in this way.

The little girl is such a young girl. These little girls are such a tough guy.

Anyway, young girls are very obsessed with love, they will give everything for this love, they will not hesitate, because love is like dry wood for young people, that is dry wood I met a lot of flames, and then ignited them all at once, and it was difficult to extinguish it after being simple, it was like a forest fire.

Because little girls are like this, they have only one word for their feelings for these beloved men: crazy.

Not only young girls, but also those young boys. When they meet a girl they like very much, they are willing to give a lot of things. Anyway, in a word, they are too young, and they will pay a lot of affection for love. , paid a lot of heartbreak.

(End of this chapter)

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