Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 30 Ask Lin Feng for Help

Chapter 30 Ask Lin Feng for Help
certainly!The current Qin Lang doesn't know that the Pagani in Lin Feng's hand is a new model released this year, three Chinese-style sports cars specially made by an Italian company for Chinese people. Pagani-Jiazi is three of the nine sons of the Chinese Dragon named.

There are only three in the world: Pagani Yazi, Pagani Overlord, and Pagani Kiss!

Note: Chi Kiss is also known as Chi Kiss!It is one of the nine sons of the dragon.

"Student Yang Wei still likes racing cars? I have a pair of Lexus LFAs in my hand. Although they are a little short, they are not bad."

Before Qin Lang finished speaking, Yang Wei sneered, full of irony, but he didn't interrupt Qin Lang's speech.

Qin Lang raised his mouth and continued: "But my friend has a couple of Paganis, which should be pretty good. I'll ask him out, let's play with his car."

"Pagani?" Yang Wei was surprised at first, this kind of limited edition car is rare, but then he made a disbelieving expression
Like what Ferrari and Lamborghini!Although there are many limited edition models, there are also many models that are publicly sold on the market.

Cars of a brand like Pagani are basically not for sale, and they are all limited editions. Their entire brand is limited editions, which is why Yang Wei was first surprised when he heard about Pagani.

"Okay, since everyone wants to go racing and they've eaten enough, let's go." Qin Lang just wanted to get Lin Feng out quickly and hit Yang Wei in the face with his Pagani.

"Yang Wei, you bastard, what's that expression on your face? You don't believe my friend has a Pagani? You'll know how it hurts later." Qin Lang smiled secretly, and led everyone out of the Crown Hotel .

"Boss Qin, where are you taking us to play with cars?"

It was Yang Wei who spoke~
certainly!The car games Yang Wei talks about are not real racing cars, and they are not professional racing drivers or enthusiasts, they just play casually.

"Qiantang Xinqu, cross the Jiangdong Bridge, there is a new section of road, straight, almost no one, no speedometer."

"But we are not professional racing drivers, just for fun, don't drive too fast."

Qin Lang is especially good at talking, so he naturally has to be more mature in front of the goddess. This is not a scheming, but a calculation that a boy should have.It's not as good as a boy dressing up in front of the goddess he likes, it's really not a scheming.

Following Qin Lang's words, everyone nodded, saying that it's fine to just play around.

"Okay, let's play casually." Zhang Shuai was very excited when he heard that Qin Lang's friend had a sports car like Pagani, and wanted to see this sports car soon.

And Yang Wei!Qin Lang's rival in love!Because of personal grievances!He didn't want to believe that Qin Lang had such a wealthy friend.

Qin Lang immediately took out his mobile phone and called Lin Feng, "Fengzi, bring your Pagani over here, we will meet at Jiangdong Bridge."

"What's the situation? What are you doing?" Lin Feng on the other side of the phone asked in confusion.

"Yunyun's friend, that Yang Wei, he wants to play with the car, and he needs to find a couple." Qin Lang glanced at Yang Wei, and his tone of voice was self-evident.

Lin Feng quickly understood, but he still said, "Have you guys been drinking? Can you stop racing?"

"It's okay, just play casually, and you don't have to drive it." Qin Lang laughed.

"Okay, you guys invite a drunk driver. I'll go to the Jiangdong Bridge Personal Auto Show to help you look good. You don't want to drive. You don't drink and drive, you know?" Lin Feng repeatedly urged.

"Okay, I see, it's long-winded." Qin Lang hung up the phone~
Then he apologized and said to everyone, "My friends, I'm sorry, my friend will be there soon, but he told us not to drive. After all, we were drinking, and he agreed to drive Pagani over for fun."

"Then don't go to the Jiangdong Bridge, why don't you go for a wind? What fun is there in racing." Han Yun also strongly objected.

Yang Wei naturally thought that Qin Lang didn't borrow a car, so he said this on purpose, trying to prevaricate them, "It's okay, let him drive out in Pagani, we won't drive after drinking, let's see the style of Pagani sports car. "

After Yang Wei finished speaking, he sneered.

"Yes, yes, I also want to see Pagani. Although a friend had this car in Forty-Nine City, he has never played with it a few times. This time, I have to take a good look." Zhang Shuai really wanted to see it. Look at Pagani instead of deliberately making things difficult like Yang Wei.

"No problem, then let's find a driver or take a taxi. Let's go to the Jiangdong Bridge first. My friend will drive over." Qin Lang said, and directly waved to stop a taxi.

The section from the Sanbao Ship Lock to the Zhijiang Bridge is about 17.2 kilometers, which is the most popular section of the Qiantang River with the best night view!
Of course, Qin Lang and the others were just passing by
The beautiful Qiantang River, which is the largest river in Jiangnan Province, was the source of the naming of Liangzhe Road in the Song Dynasty and the source of the province name when Jiangnan Province was established in the early Ming Dynasty.

Counting from Xin'an River, the source of the river in the north, the river is 588.73 kilometers long; the drainage area is 55058 square kilometers, and flows into the East China Sea through Hangzhou Bay.Qiantang River Tide is known as "the best tide in the world"!
It is one of the natural wonders of the world!Great!A very nice river!

"Lin Feng, have you arrived? Our taxis have arrived, but your Pagani hasn't arrived yet?" Qin Lang glanced at Han Yun who was leaning on the bridge railing to enjoy the night view of the river.

"My home is in Yuhang, okay? Naturally, it should be slow. You are so close to the Crown Hotel, so of course it will be fast." Lin Feng said, but in fact, he just opened the garage and came out of the house.

"Alright then, Fengzi, hurry up."

Qin Lang hung up the phone and glanced at Han Yun next to him, "Yunyun, is the scenery of our Hangzhou okay?"

"Well, there are not many. There are many scenery that the emperor can't see, such as the beautiful night view of the Qiantang River in front of me." Han Yun squinted her eyes, looking at the Qiantang River under the lights in the distance.

"Then you have to play for a few more days this time, and you will come here often in the future." Qin Lang looked at her bewilderedly.

"Well, we want to visit the West Lake tomorrow." Han Yun turned to look at Qin Lang.

"No problem, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

While Qin Lang was chatting with Han Yun.
A pair of fiery red sports cars come roaring
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
Buzz buzz. buzz buzz.
The speed of the car came through the air like a red sword in the dark night.

The two red 'sharp swords' stopped in front of Qin Lang's people. Due to the speed of the car, they braked suddenly, and the tires rubbed against the asphalt road, making an extremely ear-piercing sound.

(End of this chapter)

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