Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 33 A friend's wife can't be bullied?

Chapter 33 A friend's wife can't be bullied?

Lin Feng had just returned home, finished washing, and planned to go to bed.

At this time, someone chattered on the first floor of the villa.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm here to look for Lin Feng."

"It's so late, why are you looking for Xiaofeng? Could it be going out for a drink?"

"Auntie, don't worry, today I will come to play an all-night game with Lin Feng."

After Qin Lang finished dealing with Lin Feng's mother, he went up to the second floor of the villa and opened the door of Lin Feng's room.

"Qin Lang?"

"Why is it you? I thought who it was, chattering on the first floor of the villa."

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Feng didn't even get up, he was still lying on the bed in his pajamas.

Qin Lang chuckled, took off his shoes, and fell down on Lin Feng's bed.

"What are you doing? I'm not used to sleeping with other people, especially men~" Lin Feng pushed him, a little confused about what Qin Lang was going to do tonight.

"Fengzi, I came here to guard you. You added my goddess's WeChat account." Qin Lang was also straightforward, and directly stated his intention.

"I went to Nima, and that's why you came? Come to my house to watch me at night?" Lin Feng was about to explode, "Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

"Yes, a friend's wife should not be bullied. I believe you are not that kind of person." Qin Lang looked at Lin Feng with a smile.

"Haha, what kind of friend's wife can't be bullied?" Lin Feng smiled evilly, "I only know one thing, friend's wife is welcome! If this beautiful woman is very active towards me, I am a big man, how can I bear it?" " Lin Feng winked his eyebrows~
"Brother Feng, Master Feng, I kowtow to you." Qin Lang's chubby body stood up all of a sudden, and he really kowtowed on the bed.

"Hahaha, are you going to tease me to death? Isn't she just a woman?"

As Lin Feng's voice fell, WeChat vibrated.

Lin Feng picked up his phone and looked at it~
"It's a WeChat message from your goddess." Lin Feng secretly covered his mouth and smiled.

"Show me what she sent." Qin Lang snatched the phone in one go, took Lin Feng's hand, and unlocked the phone with his fingerprint.

Han Yun: "Lin Feng, are you there? I heard you said today that you also graduated from high school."

Qin Lang was very aggrieved, so he had no choice but to use Lin Feng's mobile phone, and sent a message to Han Yun: "En."

Qin Lang smiled and said, "Fengzi, let me pretend to be cold for you, and then persuade my goddess to leave."

Han Yun: "Then how are your grades? Have you considered coming to Beijing to study in university?"

Qin Lang paused, picked up his phone and showed it to Lin Feng, "How do you reply to her?"

Lin Feng was lying on the bed, squinting his eyes, "You can watch it yourself, don't bother me."

"Han Yun asked you, are you going to the capital to study at university?" Qin Lang knew that it was better to ask Lin Feng himself about such matters.

"Tell her, if I don't go, isn't it over?" Lin Feng turned over, "Then you tell her to sleep and stop talking, and your goddess promises that she is not interested in me. This kind of excellent girl, see me Ignore her, it's impossible to keep chatting with me in a brazen manner."

Qin Lang gave him a thankful look, and immediately typed on Lin Feng's WeChat: "I don't plan to go to the capital to study in university, okay, it's late at night, go to bed first, let's talk another day."

Han Yun on the other side of the phone obviously paused, and after replying with the word "en", she pouted and put down the phone. Now she is not in a sad mood, but just a little disappointed. Such an excellent boy , that's rare.

"Luohua wants to be ruthless, so don't bother her." Han Yun sighed.

Han Yun is a powerful family in the capital!
She has a good family background, good looks, and good studies, so how could she post it shamelessly? If Lin Feng didn't mean it, she wouldn't bother her anymore.

"Fengzi, return your phone." Qin Lang handed the phone to Lin Feng with a smile, "But when she chats with you in the future, you'd better not talk too much with her."

"Yo? Is this a threat? If it's a threat, I don't recommend participating." Lin Feng took the phone and smiled badly.

"Brother Feng, this is a discussion, not a threat." After Qin Lang finished speaking, he added, "No, this is my brother begging you."

As Qin Lang spoke, he stepped forward and rubbed Lin Feng's shoulders.

"My super rich second-generation classmate Qin Lang, is this what you do? Han Yun really fascinated you?" Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, "Hurry up and go home, don't worry, I won't rob you of your goddess Yes, you can go back to sleep with peace of mind, and chat with your goddess more often."

"Okay, then I'll go first, I'll remember this favor." Qin Lang said with a smile, turned around and went downstairs to the villa, and drove home.

Seven days later~
Lin Feng also heard good news.

When Qin Lang took Han Yun and others to the KTV to sing, under the dim light of the KTV, Qin Lang kissed Han Yun's small mouth, which made the relationship between the two of them develop a lot.

The two people who were originally well-matched quickly established a relationship.

The speed of development is not so fast.
Han Yun was interested in Qin Lang, otherwise she wouldn't have come to Hangzhou to play with him.

It's just that Lin Feng, a handsome man, was killed halfway, which made Han Yun start to waver.

Following Lin Feng's cold treatment, Han Yun naturally wouldn't lean any further.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, thank you so much. I wanted to kill you when Han Yun added you on WeChat that night, do you know that?" Qin Lang called Lin Feng.

"I'm going! Are you going to kill me?" Lin Feng said angrily, "If I knew you had such thoughts, I'd just grab this beautiful girl~ Isn't it delicious?"

"Come on, you, you are also a beginner, what's your strength?" Qin Lang said in a contemptuous tone.

"Yo? What do you mean yours is gone?" Lin Feng laughed loudly, "Haha, when did it happen? This is raw rice and cooked rice? You are really good at it. Is this the first time for Han Yun?"

"Go away, you have to ask any questions? Why don't you go to heaven?" Qin Lang wanted to curse, but Lin Feng actually asked this question.

"Hey, I just want to know, if you put a non-original product on your original product, wouldn't it be a loss?" Lin Feng joked with a smile.

"She's popular. Don't say anything, I'm hanging up, I don't want to chat with you any more." Qin Lang said, and hung up the phone mercilessly.

"Hey, another good cabbage was eaten by a pig, why am I still single? This is unscientific, I need to work harder!"

 Everyone check in, is it so difficult for fifty people? Tomorrow there will be more [-]D numbers, so hurry up and check in.

  Over 50 people, explosive update,

(End of this chapter)

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