Chapter 35

Once "Legendary World" enters the official website platform on September 9th, you can apply for an activation code for the closed beta
The number of activation code applications in about ten hours reached 150 million
This made the person in charge of Tencent's mobile game operation department completely dumbfounded. You must know that "A Chinese Journey to the West" did not have such a proud result!
But this data is here, so they have to believe it.

According to this trend to the day of the closed beta, what kind of terrifying data will the number of players reach?
No one knows the result. Even Lin Feng doesn't know
But everyone thinks so!By the time of the public beta, the number of players will surely shock the world of mobile games!

This is a popular mobile game from another world. The system said it will explode the entire mobile game circle.

But then again, when Lin Feng learned that he had applied for 10 million activation codes for the 150-hour internal test, he was also shocked. He didn't expect that the explosion of the mobile game circle that the system said would be so terrifying!
The internal beta alone has reached this terrifying number, so after the public beta, the monthly turnover of this mobile game will be.What will be the concept?How huge will the income generated be?Thinking about Lin Feng, I feel excited. Fortunately, I chose to hand over the promotion rights to Tencent. If Lin Feng had published and operated it himself, the situation would have been different.

Don't look at those popular mobile games with a monthly turnover of 1 million or [-] billion, but if you want to calculate the operating costs, you really can't make much money.

What's more, Lin Feng's game company was just started, without the label of Tencent, would players buy it?

The smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, it is true
But if you put good wine on the dazzling shop of Tencent!So profits will come slowly?

Let Tencent make some money, but Lin Feng makes more!Why not do it.
(The key lies in the step-by-step division)
With the hot data of the "Legendary World" public beta, Lin Feng's game and Lin Feng himself have successfully attracted the attention of the top commander of the Tencent Empire.

Led by Leng Qingqiu, Lin Feng personally went to Shenzhen z Tencent headquarters, and also met Lao Ma, the supreme ruler of the empire!

The two chatted happily, and the topic of conversation was naturally the profits of "Legendary World"
For Lin Feng to be able to meet the supreme commander of the Tencent Empire, this is not because Lin Feng developed the legendary world of this boutique mobile game.

It's the game producer behind Lin Feng.

Lao Ma also thought about it, if the producer behind Lin Feng can make such a mobile game, as long as Lao Ma recruits this production team, his Tencent will definitely make more money.

But Lao Ma has been inquiring for a week, but he still hasn't found out the game production team behind Lin Feng.

This old horse can only start with Lin Feng himself.

"Qingqiu, you have to stay in Shenzhen during this time, so that you can negotiate work with the people from Tencent. Thank you for your hard work. When the time comes back to Hangzhou, I will cleanse you up."

Lin Feng, who walked out of the Tencent Building, was saying goodbye to Leng Qingqiu.

"It's okay, I don't work hard, I like this kind of life very much." Leng Qingqiu smiled, her smile seemed to be only open to someone these days.

"Such a beautiful girl should smile as much as she does now. Why are you keeping a cold face all day long?"

Leng Qingqiu, who was smiling slightly, turned cold again after hearing Lin Feng's words, and she did not answer Lin Feng's words.

"Okay, let's not talk about you. Every time I say something off topic, you ignore it." Lin Feng said, stepped into the big Mercedes, rolled up the window and said, ""Legend World" is handed over here. Give it to Tencent, you just need to pay attention to the running accounts regularly."

Leng Qingqiu nodded, talking about work, she finally spoke, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep a close eye on the current accounts, and I won't let Tencent take advantage of our company."

"Well, I believe in your ability." Lin Feng rolled down the car window as he said, "Arrange the working hours reasonably, combine work and rest, don't wait a few months when you come back, what I see are two pandas hanging If you look at me, then you are not beautiful."

Leng Qingqiu frowned slightly, planning to say goodbye to Lin Feng, because she couldn't listen anymore
But when he looked up, he could only see the rear end of Lin Feng's Mercedes-Benz.

"This guy." Leng Qingqiu said with a three-point smile on his cold face, like the beauty of a winter plum blossom.

 Check in and check in, can you let the humble author see fifty readers. . .

  There will be more [-]D numbers tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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