Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 37 The top-up data is not strong?

Chapter 37 The top-up data is not strong?

After Leng Qingqiu slept like this, the time soon came to 12:6 noon, and she slept for [-] hours in one go.

For her who has a very long working period, she only sleeps 6 hours a day, which is enough sleep!
She lifted the quilt!
Although this lounge is her private room, she still didn't take off her clothes and went to sleep, because it is very likely that when the data fluctuates greatly, she will get up and take a look.

After simply tidying up her attire and washing her face, Leng Qingqiu came to the studio. Many high-level executives who stayed with her all night last night had changed shifts and went to the lounge to rest.

"How many downloaders are there?" Leng Qingqiu asked her most concerned question.

"Director Leng, the number of downloads exceeded 10 million at 350:12 in the morning, and then a small climax began to increase at 12:420 noon. The rapid increase lasted for half an hour. After all, some players did not stay up late at [-]:[-] last night Go download the game, but wait until noon the next day, and now the downloads are already [-] million!”

Leng Qingqiu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then how many ingots have the players accumulated?"

"The top-up data also started to increase sharply around 12 o'clock. Now it is 5000 million yuan, and the top-up data is also increasing very quickly. After all, many players have completed the novice mission now, and it is time to start topping up!"

Leng Qingqiu still looked at the data on the big screen with some concern, "The number of player downloads is naturally very good. The Westward Journey back then didn't have such data, but the recharge data is not too satisfactory."

Ding ding ding!Leng Qingqiu's phone rang.

"Hey, Qingqiu, I heard that you woke up. Did you sleep in the lounge last night? Why don't you go home and sleep? I've said it many times. You don't have to worry about my game. It's guaranteed to make us earn a lot of money." Bowl full."

It was undoubtedly Lin Feng who called.

Leng Qingqiu naturally didn't want to talk about rest with Lin Feng, but directly said what she wanted to say.

"Boss Lin, the download volume is really impressive, but until now, players have only recharged 5000 ingots, which is just 500 million yuan. This."

"My chief director of Qingqiu (emphasis added), have you never played the game? It's only the first day of the game's service, and players should always experience whether the game is fun or not, and whether it's worth paying for."

Lin Feng changed his hand to hold the phone, "The accumulative recharge amount is different from the download amount. It takes a few days to check the recharge data, and it can be seen within a week. It's only the first day, why are you panicking?"

As Lin Feng's words fell, Leng Qingqiu's pretty face was stained with some red frost, and the surrounding subordinates also couldn't understand how this iceberg-like Director Leng would have the look of a little woman.

Lin Feng realized that he had said something wrong, and Leng Qingqiu's blushing was naturally because of Lin Feng's words, "My chief director of Qingqiu"!
Then Lin Feng said apologetically: "I'm sorry Qingqiu, I saw that you are so stupid, I couldn't be more angry, I said the wrong thing, anyway, recharge the data, let's check it in a few days, I can't see anything on the first day, wait Players have recognized our game, and the recharge data will naturally go up."

Lin Feng said and added, "If you haven't had enough sleep, go to sleep again. I know you only slept for six hours, right? Women, you need to get enough sleep, or you will turn ugly sooner or later."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone and didn't give Leng Qingqiu a chance to hang up on him this time.

"Director Leng, who called you?"

One of the female subordinates was very curious, so she couldn't help asking, because she found that Leng Qingqiu, Director Bingshan just now, looked really young.

"No one is a friend." Leng Qingqiu said and remembered Lin Feng's advice, telling her to go back to catch up on sleep.

"I'm still a little sleepy, you guys are staring at the data, I'm squinting for a while."

After Leng Qingqiu left, the female subordinate murmured:

"What's wrong with Director Leng? She turned into a little woman after making a phone call? Could it be her boyfriend who called her? But I didn't hear that she had a boyfriend. Besides, Director Leng has always been a workaholic , Why did you just wake up and go to rest again?"

 check in!Let me see fifty people!please! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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