Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 39 Hello Everyone, I'm Zha Zhahui

Chapter 39 Hello Everyone, I'm Zha Zhahui
Lin Feng's "Legendary World" mobile game had a turnover of 48 billion in the first month.

However, this is only a monthly turnover, and the specific profit needs to exclude operating costs, R&D costs, maintenance costs, employee wages, etc., especially for the project of maintaining the normal operation of the game, which requires a lot of money.

In the previous life, Gu Tianle, Zha Zhahui, and Chen Xiaochun endorsed the "Playful Blue Moon", with a monthly turnover of about 5 million to 10 million yuan, and they made a net profit of [-] billion a year.

And Lin Feng's "Legendary World" monthly turnover is about ten times that of "Playful Blue Moon", so the total profit for a year can be estimated at 100 billion!
Since there is a contract with Tencent, 2.5 points will be allocated to Tencent, which is 25 billion.

Then the remaining 75 billion is purely earned by Lin Feng~
But there is one more important thing, the profit of 75 billion is only calculated normally~
Because Raymond Lam's mobile games don't need research and development funds~
Mobile games are directly rewarded by the system~
So there is no need to pay dividends to the R&D team~
The R&D team pays dividends, which actually accounts for quite a lot.

Generally speaking, a game company distributes dividends to the R&D team in two ways: monthly turnover or monthly profit.

In the case of Tanwan Lanyue, the game company uses the monthly turnover as the standard, and the dividends distributed to the R&D team are as follows:

More than 500 million monthly turnover - 3% dividends for the R&D team

More than 1000 million monthly turnover - 5% dividends for the R&D team

More than 1500 million monthly turnover - 8% dividends for the R&D team

More than 2000 million monthly turnover - 15% dividends for the R&D team

Based on monthly profit, the game company distributes dividends to the R&D team as follows:
More than 500 million monthly profits - 5% dividends for the R&D team

More than 1000 million monthly profits - 8% dividends for the R&D team

More than 1500 million monthly profits - 15% dividends for the R&D team

More than 5000 million monthly profits - 30% dividends for the R&D team

(The monthly turnover must be more, and the proportion taken is smaller, and the monthly profit value is smaller, so the proportion taken is naturally a little more)
The above content is actually just a template. The specific dividend depends on the specific negotiation between the game company and the R&D team. This template can only explain one problem, that is, the proportion of R&D funds is really high!
If it is said that Lin Feng's game is made by other people's R&D team, then he will naturally give the R&D team 30% of the profits. There is no doubt that after this calculation, Lin Feng does not earn much money.

Fortunately, there is no need for Lin Feng to spend money on operating costs, so if Lin Feng's "Legendary World" continues to be popular, then one year later, this game can bring him 100 billion in net income!
In the first month, Lin Feng received a profit of [-] to [-] million!
certainly! The popularity of "Legendary World" must be due to the excellent quality of the mobile game itself, but there are still a few people who have made great contributions.

That is Gu Tianle, Zha Zhahui, and Chen Xiaocun.

Lin Feng's "Legendary World" was naturally endorsed by these three people.

The standard of the contract is naturally a short-term cooperation of six months!
The endorsement fee of the three is about 2000 million!
They only need to cooperate on the spot to shoot 3 to 5 short films and 10 floor plans, and each of them will earn 700 million in endorsement fees.

The status of the three of them in the entertainment industry is now top-notch, and the endorsement fee for a short-term cooperation of 700 million is not low. In the previous life, Chen Long endorsed Legend, and the short-term cooperation for six months only cost 1000 million.

Today Lin Feng and Lao Ma are at the Tencent headquarters and invited the three of them to discuss the endorsement contract.

Although there are still about five months before the expiration date, with the popularity of "Legendary World", many things must be finalized first.

"Hello, I'm Zha Zhahui~" (Cantonese)

As soon as Zhang Jiahui came in, he talked about his advertisement, which is also a very popular sentence on the Internet recently.

"Big Zha, I'm Gu Tianle, Legendary World, Jiesilimu has a new version of the boat that I have played before." (This is a brand new version that you haven't played before)
Gu Tianle, who is mediocre, is really getting darker and darker, but although he is dark, his career path is not dark at all. In recent years, the movies he made have very high box office and high ratings.

"Big tie, I'm Chen Xiaocun, start with a knife, become a local tycoon in three seconds, the drop rate will increase ten times, and all equipment depends on explosives."

The person here is naturally Brother Pheasant, Chen Xiaochun~
These advertisements, of course, were Lin Feng's theft of the advertisements from "Playing with the Blue Moon" in his previous life.

"Playful Blue Moon" was launched in the last life around July and August of 2015, but because of Lin Feng's "Legendary World" turned out, it is estimated that this game will not be released, because no one can compete Won Raymond Lam's "Legendary World".

"The three of you, don't show your advertisements. These advertisements of yours are very popular on the Internet." Lin Feng raised his hand to invite them to sit down, and took a look at this scumbag, "Especially Mr. Zhang's advertisement , On the Internet, it can be said that no one knows and no one knows."

"Thank you~" Zha Zhahui took the female secretary's tea with a smile and continued, "Mr. Ma, Mr. Lin, in the game industry, you should be the biggest winners this year."

Gu Tianle took over the topic and said: "Yes, I heard that the monthly turnover of "Legend World" in the first month exceeded 48 billion! My God, this is more profitable than our filming!"

Lao Ma smiled confidently, "In the current Chinese game market, the annual game revenue is as high as 1100 billion yuan, which is more than three times the box office of movies."

Lao Ma’s Tencent is so brilliant today, which is also inseparable from the rise of the game industry, but what Lao Ma doesn’t know is that in a few years, when the time comes to around 2017, the domestic game industry will truly flourish , especially in mobile games, Lao Ma has made a lot of money.

Because in China at that time, it can be said that men, women and children have a smartphone in their hands. Can mobile games not be popular?
"Mr. Ma is right. The post-90s generation is now the world, and the game industry is developing at an ever-increasing trend." Chen Xiaocun took a sip of tea, "Mr. Ma and Mr. Lin, let us come here today to discuss the contract. So let's get straight to the point."

These big stars have very full schedules every day, and Chen Xiaochun is no exception, but with Lao Ma, a business tycoon, inviting them, even if they don't have time, they still have to make time.

"Then I won't talk nonsense." Lao Ma glanced at Lin Feng, coughed and said again, "I have discussed with Mr. Lin, after our six-month contract expires, we still want you to continue to endorse "Legend" world"."

"Okay, no problem, I, Zha Zhahui, will be the first to agree."

"It's okay to continue to endorse, Mr. Ma and Mr. Lin, please tell me the endorsement fee in detail." Gu Tianle smiled slightly, staring at the old horse opposite.

Regarding the endorsement fee for the next six months, Lin Feng and Lao Ma have discussed it a long time ago. Now that Legendary World has made so much money, if the previous endorsement fee of the three of them was 2000 million, it would be a bit too much
The so-called money is earned by everyone, so as not to lose favor, Lao Ma said: "We will continue to sign a short-term contract for 6 months, and give the three of you 2500 million endorsement fees."

"The specific content of the contract is here. You can take a look and sign it if you can." Lao Ma motioned to the female secretary next to him, and handed the three documents in front of them.

The three first glanced at each other, Gu Tianle said: "No problem, more than 800 million per person, thank you, Mr. Ma, and thank you, Mr. Lin."

2500 million for three people!This price is also their satisfactory answer~
If the asking price is too high, if someone asks someone else to speak for them, then the gain outweighs the gain. After all, the short-term cooperation is just a few short films, and 800 million yuan will be earned. As long as it is not difficult for money, it will agree.

 Everyone check in, please recommend tickets, please beg~

(End of this chapter)

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