Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 42 Win over Zhao Shanhe?

Chapter 42 Win over Zhao Shanhe?
"Warmly welcome. lv60 Tyrant Peak. Come to the live broadcast room."

Lin Feng came to Teemo's live broadcast room! (This is the special entrance effect presented by Xiaoyu TV to Lin Feng)
This barrage directly dispelled all the barrages in Teemo's live broadcast room.
After the welcome barrage sent by this system disappeared, the barrages of other water friends rolled out one after another
Lin Feng was dumbfounded by Nima, this technology is so awesome. Douyu made this special effect in just a few 10 minutes and awarded Lin Feng's account, which is too awesome.

"I'll go. The special effect of entering the room is too impressive."

"Dog thief on Tuhao Peak, don't come to Timo's live broadcast room and pollute the environment here."

"Yes, get out."

"Tuhaofeng, your whole family died suddenly..."

Timo looked extremely ugly when she saw these bullet screens, and she said apologetically to the camera: "I'm sorry, Tuhaofeng, my fan"

Timo's aggrieved expression was about to cry, because today's incident was also unintentionally provoked by her. If she offended this local tyrant, what would she do?

Timo also received an inquiry from Super Guan just now, and Super Guan asked: Why did Erke and Teemo's fans break up?what the hell is going on
Chaoguan was also at a loss.

lv60 Tyrant Peak: "Temo? Why do your fans come to Erke's studio and scold me?"

"This...this" Teemo said momentarily, "I just said hello to call you, and then my fans went to find you."

"I'm going... that's all?"

Lin Feng was also speechless.

Teemo's fans are too boring, they came to scold me because of this matter?The last time I praised Er Ke as the number one singer of Xiaoyu TV, she was also a fan of Timo and Chen Yifa, and she was scolded crazily!

Lin Feng looked at the barrage scolding him in the live broadcast room, thought for a while, and finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, most likely it was the rhythm brought by some water friends who didn't think it was a big deal.

The last time I praised Er Ke, it was also these stupid fans~
Lin Feng has plenty of money now, so he can directly use gifts to smash these stupid fans to death.

lv60 Tyrant Peak: "I farmed 2000 rockets, friends who opened my treasure chest, give me these trolls!"

lv60 Tuhaofeng: "If there are any more rhythmic water friends, Timo will directly ban them for me forever!"

Timo heard that Lin Feng wanted to spend 2000 rockets, which is 100 million soft sister coins. She nodded heavily, "Well, if they keep the rhythm, I will ask the house manager to directly ban the speech forever. Tuhaofeng is big, I'm sorry."

What happened last time plus what happened this time, Lin Feng didn't mean to blame Timo, because no anchor would have trouble with local tyrants like Lin Feng, it's purely these idiot trolls doing things in a rhythmic way, probably just hating the rich~
While talking, Lin Feng didn't slow down either, he ordered 2000 rockets and sent them out in batches.

"User Tuhaofeng presented anchor Teemo Rocket X2000!"

With the triggering of the world banner, the army of 6666 bullet screens in the live broadcast room directly covered everything, and the bullet screens of those trolls were naturally invisible.

"66666, Tuhao Peak is really rich."

"Everyone, open the treasure chest quickly, thank you, Mr. Tuhaofeng."

"Since we opened a gift from Tuhaofeng, let's help Tuhaofeng."

"Yes, yes, whoever dares to scold Tuhaofeng, we will directly scold you!"

Timo, who received 50 gift shares, had a flower-like smile on his face, "Thank you for the 2000 rockets sent by Tuhaofeng. I will broadcast it for you until [-] am tonight. Please order a song from Tuhaofeng, what difficulty is it?" Everything is fine, except for the anxiety about the Divine Comedy.”

Just as Timo was waiting expectantly for Lin Feng to order a song.
Someone privately messaged Lin Feng, and it seems to be the backstage news of Xiaoyu TV.
"Hello, I'm Zhao Shanhe, the director of Xiaoyu TV. If you don't suggest it, sir, can you give me a contact information?"

Lin Feng paused for a moment, he didn't expect this to be an official message, it was from the director of Xiaoyu TV.

"In the future, I will designate to open a live broadcast platform, but I may not be able to use this director Zhao Shanhe."

"In a few months, Principal Wang's Panda TV will be launched. I heard that the registered capital is only 2000 million, and then Principal Wang has earned hundreds of millions. This big cake in the live broadcast industry cannot let Principal Wang and others I ate them all."

Without thinking about it, Lin Feng directly sent out his WeChat contact information.

In less than half a minute, Lin Feng's WeChat rang, and a WeChat name called Xiaoyuyu added Lin Feng, and the note name was: Zhao Shanhe, Director of Xiaoyu TV.

Timo’s live broadcast room, because Timo asked Lin Feng what song he wanted to listen to, but Lin Feng did not respond to Timo because of Zhao Shanhe. .

The studio started to explode again
"I'm going. Tuhaofeng ignores us, Timo?"

"Lord Tyrant Peak! What do you mean?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shanhe's circle of friends, glanced at the bullet screen inadvertently, and immediately typed: "Timo, I'm going to download first, I have something to do."

Now Lin Feng's thoughts are all on Zhao Shanhe. To open a live broadcast platform in the future, a lot of talents will be needed. After getting acquainted with the high-level executives like Xiaoyu TV, he will directly dig them in and use them.

Seeing this, Timo's expression immediately darkened, and she secretly said sadly: "Hey, it seems that the fans scolded Lin Feng, he gave me gifts on the surface, but he was probably angry in his heart, I don't know if he will come again in the future In my live broadcast room, to be honest, I really don’t care how much money he has, and I don’t care how many gifts he collects, the key is that this guy is very handsome.”

Timo also took the initiative to ask for Lin Feng's WeChat not long ago, and only then did he know that Lin Feng is a sunny and handsome guy.

She was a little sad, and then smiled at the screen, "Since Tuhao Peak is down, the promise to broadcast it until [-]:[-] a.m. tonight doesn't matter. Good night everyone, I'll be down first."

After Timo finished speaking, he added, "If Tuhaofeng comes to this live broadcast room again, my housing management will notify me, and I will go live again at that time, no matter what time it is tonight, as long as the old man is online."

"I'll go, don't go."

"Didn't Timo say that it will be broadcast until 1 o'clock in the morning?"

"Hey! Timo said that the extra broadcast is specially for Tuhaofeng. Now that Tuhaofeng is down, they will naturally stop broadcasting."

"Lord Tyrant Peak! Big brother! Grandpa! Come back soon! Please."

In Timo's heart, what Lin Feng thinks about is not only that Lin Feng bought hundreds of thousands of gifts for her, but also that he really admires this rich and handsome young man, but Lin Feng always likes to go to Zhou Ke's live broadcast room.

The conversation was divided into two parts, Lin Feng was happily chatting with Zhao Shanhe, the director of Xiaoyu TV, after a while of useless nonsense, Lin Feng got straight to the point.

Lin Feng: "I don't know how Director Zhao is treated in Xiaoyu TV?"

Zhao Shanhe on the other side of the phone saw Lin Feng asking this question, thought for a moment, and murmured: "Why does this Lin Feng ask such a question? Is his company trying to poach me to work in it? But I don't know what company this Lin Feng is doing. "

Zhao Shanhe: "Why did Mr. Lin ask this question? I am very good at Xiaoyu TV."

Lin Feng: "As the saying goes, water flows to low places and people go to high places. Director Zhao has never thought about greater development?"

Zhao Shanhe: "Greater development? What does Mr. Lin mean by that?"

Lin Feng: "It's not too late to talk when the fruit is ripe! It's late at night, let's rest first, and thank Xiaoyu Platform for giving me a special gift."

Sitting at home, Zhao Shanhe smiled softly and said, "So this Lin Feng came to throw stones to explore the way? Then I will wait for your time to come. Didn't you say that people go to high places? As long as you follow Lin Feng and have meat to eat , who still follows Xiaoyu TV as a vegetarian! The annual salary is only about two million yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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