Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 49 Send Jewelry?

Chapter 49 Send Jewelry?
As the voice of the commentary hall fell, fireworks were lit on the scene, and all NTG staff, coaches, and substitutes had already walked to the center of the stage!

Get ready to receive today's championship trophy!
The atmosphere at the scene was not dimmed by the end of the game. Shouts resounded through the venue like landslides, and the shouts, whistles, and cheers seemed to never stop for a moment.

They all cheered for this name: NTG, TTT.

This is Tang Tingting's ID. Today, her three MVPs have conquered everyone, and the audience seemed to have seen the prosperity of the queen's ascension to the throne!

"Tingting, your expression is so awesome today!"

"Good job Tingting, today is your solo show!"

"OMG that mid-laner girl, I think she will doubt her life in the future!"

"Okay, okay, let's think about where to celebrate today!"

"Tingting, after the awards are over, you have to accompany us to celebrate, your little boyfriend, it's not too late to open the room tomorrow." Zhou Xinger patted Tang Tingting on the shoulder, teasing her, and then gave her a Big hugs.

"Sister Xing'er, what nonsense are you talking about? I've said it all, that Lin Feng is not my boyfriend!" Tang Tingting blushed in joy, but now is not the time to be shy, they have to go on stage to receive their honor , A trophy that belongs to them!

The winner is naturally smiling and excited, but the loser is sad.

OMG five girls, sitting blankly in the battle hall, bent over, covering their faces with their hands, the atmosphere is depressed!

Especially OMG's mid laner Nixiong, she felt that today's failure was all her fault!Because Tang Tingting, who was in line with her today, has solo killed her a lot, and has been suppressing her in line.

Little Xiong Ni didn't expect that a newly formed women's team would put down a professional club team like them!
"Don't be sad, there is another chance."

"Okay, sisters, the second Goddess Invitational Tournament will continue, we will strive to win the championship next time!"

As one player stood up to comfort him, the five losers stood up one after another and left the field slowly!

But Nixiong's heart is broken. According to the rules, the winner and the loser should shake hands after the game!
She will never forget the handshake just now, and the smiling faces of the NTG members!She vowed to win back everything she got today next year!
The first League of Legends Goddess Invitational Tournament, from the audition to the top 16, to the top eight, and even the final BO5, has come to a perfect conclusion!
Lin Feng, who was in the front row of the auditorium, looked at Tang Tingting, who was constantly smiling on the stage, and was also very happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Feng originally thought that the game was over, so he naturally left!

But there is another important link, that is, the post-match visit!

And the interviewer is naturally Tang Tingting, who is the brightest and brightest today!

Lin Feng still kept his feet and watched the post-match visits for a few minutes, but these visits were not worth seeing, and they were basically clichés.

There are no nutritious topics like how do you feel about winning the game today!

Lin Feng glanced at Principal Wang on the left. The two had just met, and they didn't even count as acquaintances. Principal Wang is a proud son of heaven, so naturally he wouldn't have too many conversations with Lin Feng!

Lin Feng left the scene, at this moment, the mobile phone WeChat rang!
Ding Dong!

It was Tang Tingting who sent Lin Feng a message!

Tang Tingting: "Lin Feng, my performance today is not bad, right? Are you free tonight?"

Lin Feng laughed immediately. What is Tang Tingting doing when she asks this question?Lin Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth a lot, it was a wicked, evil smile.

Lin Feng: "Do you think I'm free?"

At this time, Tang Tingting was tidying up her keyboard and mouse in the backstage of the lounge. She picked up her mobile phone and glanced at Lin Feng's text messages, pouted and said, "Every time you ask me back, it's really boring."

After complaining, she started to edit the message~
Tang Tingting: "Let me tell you, you must be free, Tiandi Hotel tonight! See you soon! Don't forget what you said, my surprise, my gift!"

Lin Feng: "You have the final say, you are beautiful and you are self-willed!"

After Tang Tingting sent the message, she pressed the phone lock with her slender index finger, put the phone in her bag, and followed the team out of the waiting room!
Her mind is full of thoughts, what kind of surprise will Lin Fengfeng give her today?

Lin Feng left the venue, since he wanted to give Tang Tingting a gift, it was time to go shopping!

"What kind of gift should I give Tang Tingting?"

Lin Feng was walking alone on the street, and he had no idea.

Naturally, he had given gifts to girls in the past, but this time it was different. The relationship between the two had reached a delicate moment, a state that could only be understood but not expressed in words. It was time for a showdown!

Lin Feng navigated to a Cartier store on his mobile phone, which is a brand with the title of 'King of Jewelry'.

For girls, jewelry should be a pretty good choice!After all, those shiny things are girls' favorite.

Lin Feng didn't hesitate any longer, walked into the jewelry store, went crazy for a while but didn't come up with an idea, now he really wants to have a close sister who can pick out suitable gifts for him.

At this moment, a tall salesperson with a fair face came to the counter where Lin Feng was standing, and she also observed Lin Feng for a few minutes.

"Hello sir, I don't know who you want to choose to send? If possible, let me give you a reference."

It's not that the salesperson in the jewelry store doesn't give Lin Feng a shopping guide, but just now Lin Feng said to see for himself, so no one guides Lin Feng in shopping!

However, the salesperson saw that Lin Feng hadn't chosen a trick for a long time, so he stepped forward to ask.

"I just want to buy something for a little girl, but I don't know what to choose."

Lin Feng originally wanted to choose by himself, but now he has no idea, so he had to ask the shopping guide for reference.

"Sir, what is the relationship between the little girl you want to give and you? The relationship is different, and the gifts you send have different meanings."

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and didn't shy away from anything at all, "We are still ordinary friends at the moment! But it will be difficult to say in the future!"

The female salesperson quickly understood Lin Feng's meaning. Is this rhythm meant to give a gift to confess his love?

"If it's an ordinary friend, it's fine to send some with an average price. If it's that kind of relationship, it's best to choose a slightly more expensive one, which will also let the woman see your financial resources and your sincerity."

As the female salesperson's voice fell, Lin Feng smiled, these salespersons are really smart, and it makes sense to ask him to buy more expensive jewelry!
"You are right. I just want to develop from ordinary friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. You can choose one for me. It doesn't matter what price it is!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket......


(End of this chapter)

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