Chapter 56
"Hey, where did this bad guy go?"

After waking up, Tang Tingting touched the big boy next to her, but she was in vain.

I checked the time, it was only around 10:[-].

It stands to reason that both of them went to bed relatively late yesterday, so it is impossible for Lin Feng to get up so early today, isn't it true that boys can sleep well?
Thinking of this, Tang Tingting looked around the bedroom and saw no one, and panicked all of a sudden.

"This guy won't want me anymore, he is so rich, he must be just playing with my feelings."

Doubt, worry, and questioning have always been the nature of girls. They are smart, emotional, and suspicious.

In fact, sometimes such thoughts of these girls are just unfounded worries. Moreover, such thoughts will only increase troubles and cause some gaps in the lives of both men and women.

"Big villain Lin Feng, big liar Lin Feng, are you there?" Tang Tingting called out in the bedroom.

Today's Lin Feng is not because he got up early, but Leng Qingqiu called him to tell him about the "Rampage Incident", otherwise he really wouldn't have gotten up, and he didn't go to bed until two or three o'clock last night.

"I'm here, you're awake, baby."

At this time, Lin Feng and Leng Qingqiu talked on the phone for more than ten minutes, and he didn't feel sleepy anymore, so he went straight into the bedroom.

"So you're here, you scared me to death just now." Tang Tingting fell into Lin Feng's arms at once, holding him tightly, not letting him leave her again.

"Of course I'm here. What do you think I have to do with you? You are my girlfriend. How could I run away?"

Lin Feng immediately understood Tang Tingting's meaning. It turned out that he was afraid that he would play tricks on her, so he left quietly.

Lin Feng patted her on the back lightly, and gave her the most caring greeting, and said, "Are you hungry? I'll call the hotel and ask someone from the hotel to bring you breakfast?"

Tang Tingting propped herself up and nodded heavily: "Well, I'm really hungry, but"

"But what?" Lin Feng asked.

"You have to make it for me yourself. I want to eat your loving breakfast, not the one delivered by the hotel." Tang Tingting pouted her lips and resumed her usual arrogant look.


Lin Feng was at a loss for words for a while, his family was considered well-to-do, not to mention that he stretched out his clothes for food and opened his mouth for food, and his five fingers were not in the sun. He was usually at home or at school, but he never cooked.

"What's wrong?" Tang Tingting frowned and looked at him.

"Tingting, that hotel doesn't have ingredients, and the hotel doesn't allow you to cook your own food. Haven't you read the news? Some people cooked hot pot in the hotel, set off the smoke alarm, and were fined."

Lin Feng found a high-sounding reason, but he didn't say that he couldn't cook~
"It seems to be the same." Tang Tingting nodded, her pouting mouth was still high, "Anyway, I want you to make it for me, not someone else's. The hotel can always make instant noodles, right? Can you boil some water? "

"Do you want instant noodles?"

Lin Feng was really speechless, he wanted to eat instant noodles?But cooking instant noodles, as long as you are an individual and a child over 10 years old, you should know it.

"En." Tang Tingting nodded.

Immediately, Lin Feng called the waiter's button, and the front desk lady answered the call soon.

"Hello, this is the front desk of Tiandi Hotel, what orders do you have?"

"Please, bring me two buckets of instant noodles. I want Master Kong's, thank you." Lin Feng said and glanced at Tang Tingting, "What flavor do you want?"

"Sauerkraut, hot and sour is fine," Tang Tingting said.

"Just order some sauerkraut. Remember, you need Master Kong's brand, and nothing else." Lin Feng hung up the phone immediately.

The young lady at the front desk of the hotel hung up the phone in a daze. It was the first time he heard that someone wanted to eat instant noodles. This is a high-end hotel, and it is a well-ranked hotel in Shanghai.

Such a high-end hotel basically does not store instant noodles for guests, but some high-end pastries and drinks.

(Friends who have stayed in hotels should know that in general hotels, some drinks and instant noodles are placed in the guest's room. After you eat, you can count them together when you check out)
"What's wrong with you? Look at your dumbfounded look?"

"No, this guest is so strange. He lives in the most luxurious hotel suite and wants to eat Master Kong's instant noodles."

"I'll go, this guest is really weird, and it's the first time I've seen him."

The two ladies at the front desk didn't mean to despise Lin Feng. After all, he could afford such a nice suite, so how could he not be able to afford the hotel's breakfast of several hundred yuan? Maybe it's heavy taste.

"Tingting, I promised to make you a love breakfast, shouldn't you have a reward or something? Otherwise, I won't make it for you." Lin Feng hugged the kitten in his arms and gently pinched her face.

"What reward do you want?" Tang Tingting propped herself up and kissed Lin Feng's side cheek as she spoke, "Is it all right now?"

Lin Feng chuckled, touched the side of Tang Tingting's kissed face, and leaned over, "This is not enough, I need it here." Lin Feng pointed to his lips.

"Woooooh, Lin Feng~" Tang Tingting faltered, and then she didn't say anything, but responded to him~
Ding Dong
Ding Dong
The doorbell of the hotel room rang, it was so untimely, it should be the person delivering instant noodles, Lin Feng had no choice but to reluctantly end the kiss, got up and walked towards the door.

"Sir, you want two buckets of instant noodles."

A beautiful hotel waiter spoke outside the door. She looked at the handsome young man in front of her with interest, and murmured in her heart, "It's so weird, so handsome, so rich, and still eating instant noodles?"

Lin Feng seemed to understand the meaning in her eyes, but he didn't explain too much, but said, "Thank you."

"Well, take it easy. If you need anything, just call the waiter button." The waiter girl looked at Lin Feng's handsome face again before turning and leaving.

Naturally, there is a kettle in the hotel. Lin Feng was drinking water in front of the water dispenser, and he began to think that instant noodles are also an art. If they are not soaked well, they will not taste good~
Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly remembered a prize in the system backpack.

That is: "Instant Noodle Master"!
This is a very tasteless reward, that is to say, as long as the "Instant Noodle Master" reward is redeemed, the instant noodles made by Lin Feng will be very delicious.

In the past, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to this thing at all, but today it can come in handy.

"Tang Tingting, you are lucky today~"

Lin Feng called out~
"Yeah, I've taken it orally. Is this the first time you've made something for a girl?"

Tang Tingting naturally didn't understand what Lin Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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