Chapter 68
Who is Lin Feng?That is Xiaoyu TV's No. [-] hero. Facing such a challenge from others, if Lin Feng endured it, why should he be the No. [-] hero?Is that still a man?
"LV60 Tyrant Peak, I'll give the anchor X1000 to Ke Rocket on Tuesday!"

What is a rich man?This is a rich person, 1000 rockets, 500 a piece, just tipping, this is 50 soft sister coins.

What is the protagonist halo?Presumably such a rich person, no matter whose live broadcast room he is in, is the protagonist.

Lin Feng's 1000 rocket gifts dropped, and the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly ignited, and rows of densely packed rockets floated past, as exciting as watching a basketball game.

You know, so far, no one has achieved such a record of 1000 rockets, and the most is only a few hundred.

1000 rockets, 50 soft sister coins, enough to pay a down payment for buying a house in most big cities.

If it is a first- and second-tier city, there is still a lot left after paying the down payment.

But for Lin Feng, the 50 is as simple as spending a dime, because he is a person with a system, and his current monthly income is about 50 to [-] million! What is [-]?
"The local tyrant 666, the 50 reward from the local tyrant directly blinded my dog's eyes."

"It's worthy of being my local tyrant, who paid 50 yuan in gifts just because he didn't agree with each other. It's the same as buying a bottle of mineral water. Isn't it too casual? This is what you call a local tyrant."

"I'll go, my annual salary is only more than 5 yuan, and my ten-year salary is only 50 yuan! This is 50 yuan in just one brush, which means I have paid my ten-year salary."

"Stop the local tyrant upstairs, you need ten years to get 50 yuan, right? I need 50 years' salary to make up 50 yuan~"

Lin Feng's 1000 rockets undoubtedly played a leading role. On Tuesday, Ke's popularity continued to rise like stocks soared.

Of course, Ke's current popularity on Tuesday is not only due to Lin Feng taking the lead in making 1000 rockets, but also the new song "Confession Balloon", which is indelible.

650 million~ (Ke’s popularity on Tuesday has surpassed Timo, the first sister of Douyu)
680 million~
700 million~
750 million~ (already more than 100 million Teemo)

At this moment, in a certain villa in Hangzhou, a young man sat in front of the computer, and he smiled softly~
Directly ordered 2000 rockets and sent them out~
This person is undoubtedly the second god of Douyu, Lao Baoer~
Real name ~Tan Mingbao~
In the past few months, as the only son of Hangzhou Jinkai real estate tycoon, because the few houses that his father opened and repaired have not been sold, he naturally let Lin Feng replace him as the number one Shenhao~
Now that his father's real estate is selling well, he, the only illegitimate son, naturally owns shares in the real estate, with hundreds of millions in his hand, why don't you continue to work on Tuhaofeng today?

Don't you want to take back your position as the No. [-] god in Douyu?
It is a man who wants to regain his original honor~
"The lv60 old Baoer presents the host Feng Timo Rocket X2000!!!!"

Lin Feng's 1000 rockets have set off a storm in the live broadcast room.

And the two thousand rockets shook like a major earthquake, directly blinding the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room.

"6666, is this a competition among local tyrants? There is a good show to watch."

"The No. [-] God of Douyu pk the No. [-] God of Douyu, this scene is really good! The local tyrants continue! Hahaha~ The two local tyrants continue to brush, we are waiting to open gifts."

"As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer, but today these two gods are really happy when they fight. We mortals are getting benefits one after another, and we have already opened gifts to the point of softness!"

"Is this Monkey Sun messing around in the Peach Garden? A few ginseng fruits from the lower realm? The gods are fighting!"

The local tyrants' competition in the live broadcast room of the singing contest naturally cannot escape the eyes of Douyu's backstage~
In Douyu's backstage headquarters, which is the Director's Office of the Operations Department.

There was a loud bang.

The door of the office was pushed open by a subordinate.

"Xiao Wang, are you going to scare me to death? Come in without knocking, are you in compliance with the rules? What's the big deal? Look at your flustered expression~" Zhao Shanhe patted his chest, and was slapped by the loud noise just now. I was quite frightened.

"It's a good thing, Mr. Director, it's a good thing, don't be nervous." Xiao Wang took a few breaths and said, "The Xiaoyu Singing Contest organized and operated by us is very successful."

Xiao Wang continued: "In the past few days, the number of daily active users on our Xiaoyu TV website has increased a lot, it should have increased by 3% to 5%, and the highest number of simultaneous online users on the entire platform has reached About 4500 million. And during the singing contest, the total amount of consumption was about 3500 million, which is already far beyond our expectations. This singing contest is really held perfectly!"

Zhao Sanhe stopped talking, "What's the matter? I already knew."

"No, no, Mr. Director, you don't know about the finals tonight, but it's really wonderful! Didn't you watch it?" Xiao Wang asked.

"I took a nap just now, so you can tell me what's going on." Zhao Shanhe thought it was a big deal?It should be that a few local tyrants bought hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of gifts, this little king shouldn't be so excited, right?

"Master Director, let me tell you, the No. 500 god on our platform, that local tyrant, has started to fight with Lao Baoer, the number one local tyrant back then. The two have fought each other, and each of them has earned more than [-] million yuan. It’s a gift from me~” Xiao Wang said, his excitement was beyond words~
"Do you mean that these two local tyrants have collected 1000 million gifts in the live broadcast room of this singing contest?" Zhao Shanhe stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, Director." Xiao Wang nodded heavily, "And this trend doesn't seem to be stopping, because Ke sang a new song on Tuesday, and his current popularity is still ahead of Feng Timo, so on Tuesday Once Ke's popularity takes the lead, Feng Timo's supporters... Lao Baoer will frantically swipe gifts and catch up with his popularity. However, Douyu's No. 100 god, Tuhaofeng, is not a dry man, and he is not a fuel-efficient person either. Deng, as long as Ke's popularity is overtaken on Tuesday, he will make another [-] million, and then catch up with Feng Timo's popularity."

"Okay, very good, this is great, two gods fight, our platform has made a lot of money! Not only the anchor can get [-]% of the dividend, but our platform can also get [-]%. The platform takes money, we Don’t these high-level leaders, us leaders, get rewards? Moreover, these local tyrants are comfortable and happy to collect gifts like this. Hello everyone, everyone is happy, and they are really happy.” Zhao Shanhe was already very happy Speech is incoherent, do not know what to say.

"Go and stare at the data, and report to me if there is anything!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't beep too much. He was going to take a rest for a while, but now he didn't feel sleepy. Instead, he directly clicked into the live broadcast room of the singing contest with the computer in the background, and watched the competition between the two local tyrants.

(End of this chapter)

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