Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 74 Little Nanny

Chapter 74 Little Nanny

"Tingting, open the door, I'm at the door."

While talking on the phone, Lin Feng knocked on the door of Tang Tingting's rental apartment.

"Lin Feng~"

Tang Tingting let out a cry, like a little girl bowing to an uncle, and gave Lin Feng a warm hug.

"I haven't seen you for a few days? Do you miss me that much?" Lin Feng pinched her cheek.

"I just miss you." Although Tang Tingting is usually very arrogant, but now she seems to have a much better personality.

"Okay, let's not talk, has the moving company got in touch?" Lin Feng asked.

"I've got in touch, just call and I'll be here right away." Tang Tingting said and pulled Lin Feng into the room, "Hey, it's all here. I'll take these things with me, and I don't want anything else."

Lin Feng looked around and saw that it was a pile of suitcases for clothes, and computers.

"If you pack it up, leave it to the moving company. We'll go ahead."

As Lin Feng said, he directly pulled Tang Tingting out of the room, and put the key on the shoe rack outside the room, so that the moving company could open the door by himself.

Boom, boom, Lin Feng was still driving his Pagani sports car, attracting countless people to look back.

"Lin Feng, where are you taking me? Why did you drive to Xinqu, Pudong?"

Because Tang Tingting bought a new suite near Hongkou Qu.

"We're going to Pudong Xinqu, let's go to Jiujiantang villa area." Lin Feng said while holding the steering wheel.

"Why are we going there? Are you meeting your friend?" Tang Tingting asked puzzled.

"Fool, what kind of friend are you meeting? I asked you to move, just to live in a villa." Lin Feng looked at her sideways.

"What? You mean you bought a villa in Jiujiantang?" Tang Tingting covered her mouth, "That's the most luxurious villa area in Shanghai, with an average price of [-]."

Tang Tingting never thought that Lin Feng was telling lies. With Lin Feng's financial resources, he could really afford a villa worth hundreds of millions.

"This is the first surprise I gave you. Why do you still like the environment here?" When Lin Feng spoke, he had already reached the outskirts of the Jiujiantang villa area, and he could see the beautiful environment in the villa area. The green small The woods, the set of spacious Chinese-style houses~ makes people feel good after seeing it.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, can we live here in the future?" Tang Tingting got out of the car and looked at the villa area in the distance.

"Sir, miss~you~"

The guard came out from the security room and glanced at the luxury car in front of him. The security guard in this high-end villa area naturally has some knowledge. The villa area is full of rich people. He has seen a lot of luxury cars going in and out. , recognize this car as Pagani.

But looking at Lin Feng and Tang Tingting, who are relatively unfamiliar, they should not be residents of the villa.

"Master, this is our real estate certificate, can you go in?"

Lin Feng also knows that in such a high-end villa, if you just say that you are the owner of the villa, then the security guards can't let you in just by saying that, they all need to check in, so you can only show the real estate certificate first.

"Nine No. [-] villas!"

The uncle took the real estate certificate and saw that it was actually the largest villa, covering an area of ​​more than 3200 square meters.

However, the authenticity of the real estate certificate cannot be distinguished by the doorman. To enter, you must punch in the card, which is a card for every resident.

"Sir, wait a minute, I'll call the property manager."

The doorman didn't say that Lin Feng's real estate certificate was fake, but got out his phone~
"Well, you can call." Lin Feng nodded, he was very satisfied with the attitude of the security guards, if this is the case, it proves that the security system of this villa area is very strict and will not let people in easily.

"Brother Wang, please check to see if the head of the No. [-] Villa in Nine Buildings is named Lin Feng." The guard said while holding the phone.

"Well, let me check."

Ten seconds later~
"It's called Lin Feng, and the phone number is 1xxxxxx. Ask him to show his ID card and phone number. If all these are correct, let him go. By the way, let them wait for a while. I'll come over right away, and then handle the entry and exit for the head of the household." card and fingerprint identification of the villa.”

Lin Feng naturally brought his ID card with him. Within a few minutes, the property manager came to greet him outside the gate in person, and everything was settled in about ten minutes.

When Tang Tingting entered the villa area, she looked left and right like a child, her expression was the same as that of the Pagani sports car when she saw Lin Feng for the first time.

"Mr. Lin, you are welcome to stay at Jiujiantang Villa. This is my business card. If you have anything, you can order it."

"En. Thank you, manager. Would you like to go to the villa for a cup of tea?" Lin Feng took the business card very politely, but this is just an order to evict guests.

"No, I have something else to do. Thank you, sir, for your invitation."

Saying goodbye to the property manager, Lin Feng parked the Pagani sports car in the garage of the villa area~
The villa is very large, so it naturally has a garage, and there are three garages, each of which can park two cars.

Not only are there three double garages, but there are also two separate swimming pools, an indoor plunge pool and an outdoor large pool.

"It's so clean water." Tang Tingting couldn't help but stepped forward to hold a handful of clear water, "I really want to swim, what should I do?" Looking at such clear water, Tang Tingting was in a good mood, and the tiles at the bottom of the water could also be clearly seen to the texture.

"Let's deal with the moving matter first, and let you swim enough every day in the future."

Lin Feng said and pulled Tang Tingting to the second floor of the villa, "This is a computer room, how big is it? We can buy five computers and put them in it. When we are free, we can play games in two rows or invite friends Come in Wuhei."

"Wow, the computer room alone is that big? It's even bigger than my rented room." Tang Tingting looked at the computer room, which should be about [-] square meters. Not to mention five computers, ten computers can fit there. ah.

"Tingting, come here, this is our bedroom, do you like this big bed?" Lin Feng pulled Tang Tingting into the bedroom, and pointed to the round water bed in front of him~
Tang Tingting's face turned red immediately, "I really like it~ You bastard~"

"Hey, I bought this specially for the two of us~" Lin Feng smiled and continued to show Tang Tingting around the rooms in the villa.

Kitchen, living room, study room, guest room, storage room, bathroom, the entire villa, there are probably about [-] large and small rooms.

The most amazing thing is that there are all kinds of entertainment and fitness facilities such as gymnasium, indoor KTV, and indoor billiard room, which are no worse than big hotels.

With such an area and so many rooms, if it were an ancient mansion, it would be able to support hundreds of servants~
At this moment, Lin Feng felt that he and Tang Tingting lived in such a big villa, isn't it a bit deserted?
Before Lin Feng could speak, Tang Tingting said, "Should we hire two nannies? No, five. For such a big villa, there must be a housekeeper and nannies. Otherwise, how can the two of us manage it and just clean the room?" Are you exhausted?"

"I've found two beautiful babysitters, do you want to call them over now?" Lin Feng smiled wickedly.

"Have you made a reservation?" Tang Tingting pursed her lips.

"Look at you like that, I lied to you."

(End of this chapter)

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