Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 89: Heavenly King Gedihu...

Chapter 89 Heavenly King Gedihu. (Pick one name)

Huaxia International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition~
Founded at the beginning of the century when China's online games exploded, after more than ten years of development, it has become the world's leading digital interactive entertainment exhibition.

This year's exhibition is naturally at the Hangzhou International Expo Center.

The digital entertainment exhibition is naturally a stage for young people.

Some people may have a vague definition of the word digital.

Its content covers PC online games, mobile games, console games, intelligent entertainment hardware, VR/AR technology and home digital entertainment, etc., and its audience includes players and consumers, game business people and technology developers, thus forming It has established a pan-entertainment industry exchange and display platform that spans the entire digital entertainment industry and gathers games, animation, film and television, online literature and other fields.

Because this is a grand event for young people, many dead house fats will also be willing to spend time dressing up to participate in this exhibition.

The last time Lin Feng participated in the Goddess Invitational, he was stuck in traffic for half an hour, and was photographed by many people.

But this time, he also didn't learn his lesson. He drove Pagani every day, and he was already driving smoothly. He really didn't want to change to an ordinary car for travel.

Without him, when Lin Feng came to Hangzhou International Expo Center, it was very crowded, and many people were taking pictures of his Pagani.

But Lin Feng didn't care.

The windows are opaque anyway.

If you don't take pictures from the front, you won't be able to take pictures of Lin Feng's face, not to mention the mask.

number plate?
Then you shoot!

There is only one car in the world~
And the license plate number has long been published online.

Those netizens who especially like Pagani ~ Yazi have basically remembered the license plate number.

As long as you see this car appear, you don't need to look at the license plate. This is the car of the boss of Wufeng Company.

"Hello, Director Wu, I'm Lin Feng, and I'm already outside the gate of the exhibition."

The call made by Lin Feng was naturally the planner and director of this exhibition. Since Lin Feng's "Legendary World" was very popular, Lin Feng was invited again and again for the convenience of the exhibition.

I want Lin Feng to share his successful experience in making games at the exhibition.

For other people's kind invitation, Lin Feng still agreed, but he did not agree to show his face.

After all, this opportunity can also promote your own game.

Although this amount of traffic is far less intense than a random ad inserted by Tencent.

But Lin Feng's Wufeng Company is not well known by the world.

This opportunity can also improve the international status of Wufeng Company.

"Mr. Li, there are many things about the exhibition, which are very cumbersome. I am also here to direct, and I can't leave for the time being, but I will send someone to send you the VIP tickets for the exhibition."

Director Wu is very sorry, there are too many people here today, I am so busy and dizzy.

Lin Feng hung up the phone, and after a while, he saw a man wearing exhibition overalls approaching, and Lin Feng also entered the exhibition smoothly.

After Lin Feng entered the exhibition, he did not wander around. Instead, he found a high place and carefully looked at the distribution of the exhibition.

The H5 exhibition hall is an interactive entertainment exhibition hall, and interactive platforms such as Xiaoyu TV and Huya are arranged in this area.

Of course, in this area, there are also things like online games, online games, and home console games.

There are not many people in this exhibition hall. There are so many people that there is basically no gap.

This is enough to show that the anchor industry and the game industry are currently hot.

Of course, there are many anchors who will participate in this kind of digital event for young people.

Along the way, Lin Feng also saw many familiar anchors from his previous life.

No, on the stage ahead, I saw Chen Yifa singing on the stage.

This was the first time Lin Feng saw Chen Yifa in real life. To be honest, it was just like the one in the video. It was pretty, but not amazing.

It can't hit Lin Feng's nerves all at once.

It's just that Sister Fa doesn't rely on her appearance. Didn't Sister Fa always say that she relies on talent.

And it wasn't just Chen Yifa alone, there was also the retired god of war Lu Benwei.

He was sitting with sister Youyou, eating potato chips at the booth in the exhibition hall, and sprinkled a lot of dog food for the single dogs around.

Ten thousand critical strikes!

Today Tang Tingting accompanied her best friend to Hawaii to play, otherwise Lin Feng would not bother to take a look at Lu Benwei and her sister Yoyo.

But today, as soon as Tang Tingting got off the plane, people sent pictures of staying in a hotel, and then there were all kinds of pajamas.
Pretty seductive anyway.
Lin Feng also teased her casually, anyway, she would be "beaten up" when she came back.

And Lin Feng took advantage of Tang Tingting's opportunity to go on a trip, so he happened to make an appointment with Ke on Tuesday.

Of course, this is not a cat stealing fish to eat, it's just a simple meeting.

After all, it's not like I haven't seen him before, and Tuesday Ke is still an artist under Raymond Lam's company.

But so far, Lin Feng has not seen Tuesday Ke in the h5 exhibition hall.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to call Zhou Ke on the phone, let's see the exhibition first.

Because it is so beautiful.

The H5 exhibition hall was originally the world of live broadcasting and gaming.

On each stage, as far as the eye can see, there are two-dimensional beauty anchors of cospaly.

Anyway, it is a strip of big white legs.

There are Two-dimensional in anime, and of course there are beautiful heroes such as Ahri, Guanghui, and Carter in League of Legends.

But it doesn't make sense to look at it.

Isn't there a saying on the Internet that if you just cosplay, you can't play, and it doesn't make much sense.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he found a familiar figure, which was really hard to spot in the crowd, because she was only 1.5 meters.

But that pretty face is quite recognizable, very pure and lovely.

Speaking of the height of 1.5 meters, many people must know who she is.

She is the Heavenly King Gai Dihu, named after one person.

Lin Feng naturally has Feng Timo's WeChat account, which was proposed by Timo himself when Lin Feng sent her a gift.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Timo.

"Teemo, you are not 1.5 meters at all. Who said that? I think you are only [-] meter."

Feng Timo, who was live broadcasting the exhibition from afar, the phone in his pocket rang.

Teemo uses one mobile phone for live broadcast and one for chatting.

She took out her phone and looked, but she didn't expect it to be a WeChat message from Lin Feng.

However, when Timo saw the specific content of the message sent by Lin Feng, his mouth immediately pouted, and he sent a message:
"Who said I don't have a meter? Have you seen it? Lin Feng, you are slandering me, I want to sue you."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and then sent a message: "Of course I saw it, I'm right behind you."

Timo read the news, and didn't rush to reply, but turned his head to look around, but didn't find a handsome guy.

"Liar, just fool me." Feng Timo pouted and sent a message.

"I didn't lie to you, today you are wearing a white T-shirt, right?" Lin Feng sent a message.

"Fuck you, I'm live broadcasting, who doesn't know? Are you watching my live broadcast?"

Lin Feng paused, took a photo of Feng Timo from a distance and sent it.

"I'll go, are you really there?" Feng Timo kept looking around, wanting to see where Lin Feng was.

"Teemo, what are you looking around? Aren't you live broadcasting? Who are you looking for? Have you dated a handsome guy?"

A girl next to Timo looked at Feng Timo's expression suspiciously.

"I turned off the live broadcast. There is a big villain secretly filming me. I want to find him out." Timo still looked around.

"Your boyfriend?"

The girl next to her seemed to be throwing dog food at Feng Timo's tone.

Timo pursed his lips and said, "Ghost's boyfriend, it's Tuhaofeng. He sent me a message, and he's in the exhibition hall. I just can't find him."

The girls around Timo are basically the female anchors of Douyu.

They heard that it was Douyu's No. [-] god, Tuhao Peak, and they all became restless.

"Where? Why didn't I see it?"

"Tuhaofeng, where are you?" (There is an anchor girl who has already started to shout out)
"Tuhaofeng, since you're here, why don't you dedicate yourself?" (Could it be a mistake, this is the one who appeared, but it seems that they all sound the same)

And just as Feng Timo and the female anchors were looking around.
Feng Timo was suddenly patted on the left shoulder.

"Hello, 1.5 meters."

It sounded good.

Very magnetic.

When Timo turned his head to look over, it was a handsome, sunny face.

this is not.
(End of this chapter)

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