Shenhao super lottery system

Chapter 92 Come to my platform?

Chapter 92 Come to my platform?

What should I do with two little beauties?
Ask Zhou Ke to take a taxi?
Or let Timo take a taxi?

Or all three together?
But this is not very good, right?

Lin Feng finally had no choice but to spit out a few words, he said: "This car has two seats."

"A two-seater? Lin Feng, do you lack a pendant on your leg? Just hang it on your leg, it's easy."

Timo was also familiar with Lin Feng, so he made a joke.

Seeing this, how could Lin Feng not return it after being teased by her, he said: "There is no shortage of leg accessories, but an airport is missing."

Speaking of taking off at the airport, Timo looked down subconsciously, and his big white eyes drifted over. This airport made her more sad than saying that she was short. She pursed her mouth and said: "Mine is obviously a big apple. Is it an airport?"

On Tuesday, Ke did not join the joking camp, but said: "Since it is a two-seater, I will take a taxi, and you can sit."

"Erke, how can I ask you to take a taxi? You hug me, and we'll do it three times."

After speaking, Timo dragged Er Ke into the co-pilot, and sat in Zhou Ke's arms in a dizzy manner.

As expected of the king of heaven and Gaidihu, Teemo's 1.5-meter guy is petite and exquisite, but now it comes in handy.

"However, the car can't be overloaded, right?" Lin Feng looked at the posture of the two of them and wanted to laugh.

"Don't be afraid, it's just overcrowding, not overloading, the two of us can weigh up to 170 catties, maybe not as heavy as you." Timo sat in Zhou Ke's arms, like a baby.

She is very cute.

very cute.

"I said Timo, what is your IQ? Do I seem to weigh 170 pounds?" Lin Feng pouts and got into the car.

"I think you are 1.8 meters tall. You should weigh 150 to 170 catties." According to Feng Timo, if a boy is this tall, he will weigh about 140 catties.

The slightly fatter boy is 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 200 catties.

"I'm 130 pounds, not much, not a little, I'm very strong." Lin Feng said, and started the car. Although Ke and Timo were sitting in the same seat on Tuesday, because they are very thin, the car is very thin. The space is very large.

Not very crowded.

It's just that Ke and Timo's arms occasionally touched Lin Feng on Tuesday.

But Timo is doing it on purpose.

Even if you touch it, you still intend to touch it twice
Lin Feng was left speechless by her.

Soon Pagani stopped at a place called French Restaurant.

This can be regarded as a relatively high-end western restaurant in Hangzhou Bar. Lin Feng has never been there anyway, and he rarely eats western food.

At most, I often eat with Tang Tingting recently.

In the past, Lin Feng preferred to eat Chinese food.

It is said that the consumption here is also very high, with per capita consumption ranging from 1000 to 2000 yuan.

Then three people eat it, and the minimum consumption is three to five thousand.

"Sir, miss, please come in, what do you need?"

The little sister of the waiter greeted warmly.

Lin Feng said casually: "We have something to talk about, please give us a quiet box."

"There are private rooms, and this one is, but you need to pay a private room fee, which is 666 yuan." The waiter girl continued, "If you have a membership card, you can waive the private room fee."

"No card." Lin Feng said and walked into the box pointed by the waiter's sister.

The environment is quite good, with soft lighting, luxurious dining tables, and some foreign lamp decorations.

"Whatever you want to eat, you can order it yourself. For me, just give me a Tomahawk steak and Conti wine. If there is no Conti, other red wine is fine."

Lin Feng sat down and took out his mobile phone. Ke and Timo sat next to him on Tuesday.

"I won't be polite, who called you a rich man?" Timo smiled and took the menu from the waiter.

"It's better if you're not polite, I'm afraid you're too polite." Lin Feng raised his head and responded.

On Tuesday, Ke and Timo naturally wore masks.

Although they are female anchors, female anchors of their level, people who know them, are no worse than some second-tier stars.

To be honest, they even have the popularity of some first-line stars in the young people's world.

But just popularity and!

As for her status in the entertainment industry, even Zhou Ke, who just stepped into the music industry, even if she is very popular, her status is still very low.

Let's use an analogy, those actresses with tens of millions or hundreds of millions of fans in the previous life, such as Mi Mi, Zhao Yingbao, and Fat Di.

Although they are very popular and have many fans, their pay is also very high.

But it is still not as high as those old actors in the entertainment industry.

Although the popularity of the veteran actors is not high, but after so many years in the entertainment industry, their connections must be better than these young juniors.

Of course this is normal.

Some junior stars, although they are young, have a good family and their status in the entertainment circle is as high.

Just like Xue, one of the four beauties in the capital, his grandfather is a general. Who dares to offend.

Or some young junior stars, although they are young, they have strong ability to deal with relationships, and their connections are also not bad.

Too much to say, just a word, Ke and Timo's status in the entertainment industry on Tuesday is just a fledgling rookie.

The two of them ordered for a few minutes, and it was considered finished.

They ordered a total of more than ten dishes. Although they looked like they were beating local tyrants, they actually didn't have this intention. They were just greedy cats.

But to Lin Feng, the money was as simple as spending a penny.

Lin Feng was playing with his mobile phone. On Tuesday, Ke and Timo asked questions without saying a word.

Lin Feng just raised his head, and said perfunctorily, after all, he has girlfriends, so he asked them to come here today because he was going to talk about his work.

Soon, more than a dozen dishes were served.

Timo stood up, opened the Kangde wine, and poured Lin Feng a glass first.

Now that the food and drink are ready, the waiter probably won't come in. After Lin Feng took a sip of the wine, he began to talk about the main things of the day.

"Timo, Principal Wang, did you see you recently?" Lin Feng didn't finish his sentence.

"Principal Wang looking for me? Why is he looking for me?" Timo frowned, pretending not to understand.

"He is looking for you because he has opened a new platform and wants to sign you to his live broadcast platform." Lin Feng didn't make a fool of himself and said it directly.

"How do you know?" Timo was taken aback.

"I heard what others said." Lin Feng smiled.

"It's true. President Wang wants me to develop on his platform, but the conditions are not very good. I'm doing well in Douyu. I don't want to change platforms. If I change platforms, it's easy to lose fans." Timo carefully explained.

"It's not enough to lose fans, why not come to my platform to develop? The prospect will be very good." Lin Feng looked at Timo's cute face.

(End of this chapter)

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