Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 11 The Real Sharing Economy

Chapter 11 The Real Sharing Economy

Now Li Feng likes to have nothing to do every day, so he comes to the Internet cafe to have a look, looks at the sign "Green Apple Internet Club" on the door, and then looks at the things inside, building it from beginning to end, just like his own children Same, there is an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Especially when I hear someone calling myself "boss", this sense of accomplishment is particularly strong. No wonder rich people like Ma Huateng and Ma Yun work harder as they get richer. The success of being able to help others succeed is like taking drugs. addicted.

"Boss, you're here!" Dong Li greeted Li Feng with a smile.

This Dong Li is also a part-time job, from the Accounting Department of Peking University, a girl who likes to laugh, and her legs are also very hardworking, so Li Feng specially asked him to be a cashier, and the monthly fee is 1000 yuan.

After Zhou Wei and the others finished repairing the Internet cafe's network management software, Li Feng's "Green Apple Internet Cafe" finally officially opened.

Just as Li Feng imagined, although it was still summer vacation, the opening day was really hot, not just ordinary hot, but very hot.

First, the publicity was in place, and there were firecrackers, flower baskets at Rainbow Gate, and leaflets were distributed. Before noon, the seats were basically full.

Li Feng and Zhou Wei all went on stage, and they finally managed to get busy.

The most important thing is that Li Feng's Green Apple Internet Cafe is a bit like an "Internet Cafe" later on, it is very high-end and very novel!
Although there used to be six or seven Internet cafes around here, they were all small Internet cafes that were smoky.

Firstly, there are few computers, secondly, the space is too small, and after someone smokes, the air is particularly unbearable. As a result, almost all boys in the Internet cafe are playing games, and few girls are seen.

But Li Feng's "Green Apple Internet Cafe" is spacious and brightly decorated, with high-end hardware facilities and neatly arranged computers. Li Feng also specially divided the general area and the smoking area...

Catering to the welcome of all girls and non-smokers, in comparison, "Green Apple Internet Cafe" has ushered in more customers.

Even those students who like to smoke also like "Green Apple Internet Cafe", after all, all the beauties who surf the Internet in the university town gather here.

Why do men go online?There is no answer other than beauty.

Due to the large number of people surfing the Internet and the small number of computers, Li Feng also specially added a lot of seats at the outside door, so that the students waiting in line for an empty plane could have a rest.

Chinese people like to join in the fun, and they are very curious when they see a long queue at the entrance of the Internet cafe. Many students subconsciously queue up;
As more and more people lined up, the line got longer, and more curious people were attracted to line up, forming a virtuous circle for a while.

And this move also greatly increased the popularity of "Green Apple Internet Cafe", which was an unexpected gain.

In the end, Li Feng was still at the bar on the first floor, selling some snacks, drinks and other non-staple food.

Li Feng himself used to play online games all night in Internet cafes before, and he knew that snacks and drinks were most needed when it was time to eat or surf the Internet all night.

Although there is food outside, many people are afraid that there will be no machines when they go back. Few people will give up the game and go out to eat. Drinking some drinks and eating some biscuits is the most suitable choice, which is economical and affordable.

Besides, this can also bring extra income to the "Green Apple Internet Cafe", so why not do it!
There are 100 machines on the first floor of the entire Internet cafe, and all of them are filled up in a short while, and there are still many waiting in line behind.

What is the sharing economy, this is the real sharing economy!
Now that the sharing economy is popular, what are the four new Chinese inventions, such as shared bicycles and so on!In fact, these are just false head of some commercial hype.

The essence of the sharing economy is to integrate offline idle resources and jointly obtain economic dividends through the Internet.

Uber and Airbnb in foreign countries can barely be regarded as sharing economy, but China’s Didi and Mobike OFO are not sharing economy at all.

Didi already has its own cars, and has begun to transform into an asset-heavy direction, more like a rental company using Internet technology;

Let alone shared bicycles, just look at the piles and piles abandoned on the street, and there is still no profit model;
I just don’t know when Mobike and OFO will merge!
As for sharing charging treasures and sharing umbrellas, isn't it purely to fool "fools"!
In fact, the real sharing economy has already been demonstrated to us by our ancestors more than 2000 years ago.

Sharing beauties, isn't this the ancient brothel?
The current Internet cafes can also be regarded as a real sharing economy!
Share a computer!

There are 1 or 2 people in line behind 3 computer.

Li Feng is so busy now that he doesn't know what to do, he only knows how to mechanically collect money and change his hands.

Fortunately, there are Zhou Wei and the others who have made the network management system software, otherwise relying on manual work will exhaust people to death.

After making arrangements to surf the Internet all night at night, Li Feng can finally sort out his earnings for the day.

A profit of more than 1 yuan can be earned in one day. Now Internet cafes are in short supply, and the attendance rate is relatively high; in this way, the cost can be paid back in three months.

When Li Feng reported today's revenue results to everyone, everyone cheered and hugged together.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

"Success! We succeeded!"

The opening of "Green Apple Internet Cafe" caused a sensation in the university town, especially among the students.

The scattered small Internet cafes also felt the pressure, but at this time the Internet cafes were still in short supply, and students looking for computers to surf the Internet could be seen everywhere, which also made the owners of these Internet cafes relax a lot.

Maybe it was because it was near the school, anyway, the "triads" and "protection fees" that Li Feng was worried about didn't happen.

In the end, Li Feng hired two old ladies who worked part-time to cook meals and provide takeaway, so that many people who surfed the Internet didn't have to go out at all, and they could squat for a whole day.

Some can even squat for a few days. Li Feng found a 17/18-year-old kid who stayed in an Internet cafe for almost a week. If he hadn’t been forced out by Li Feng, he might have stayed for another month based on his performance. No problem.

Now is the golden age of Internet cafes, and the Internet fees are still relatively high, usually 3 or 4 yuan, of course, it will be reduced to 1 or 2 yuan in the future, and later the economic conditions improved, and it became 3 or 4 yuan again. Loop!
For several days in a row, the "Green Apple Internet Cafe" was full of seats, making Li Feng very happy about the success of this investment.

After a period of adaptation for the Internet cafe, the turnover has finally stabilized.
The Internet fee of an Internet cafe can be close to 1 yuan a day, plus a series of value-added services such as drinks, snacks, takeaways, and mobile phone recharges. The entire daily turnover can reach 1.5 yuan.

This is only the first floor. If the second floor is opened up, the profit will have to be doubled.

Seeing that the business in the Internet cafe is so hot, Li Feng arranged for 10 more computers one after another, and all the affairs of the Internet cafe are on the right track, so Li Feng can finally relax.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for collections!


(End of this chapter)

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