Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 14 My Roommate

Chapter 14 My Roommate
When Li Feng returned to the dormitory, all six people in the dormitory had already arrived.

Wu Di, Zhang Lei, the fat man Wang Xiao, and the little fat man Wang Meng needless to say.

The last guy, who was at least 1.8 meters tall and handsome, introduced himself, "My name is Liu Bin, from Qilu Quancheng."

"Little Fresh Meat" Liu Bin is really tm handsome!Tall and thin, with thin cheeks, a pointed chin, and bright and sinister eyes, he looks like the star Luhan.

Several people introduced the general situation to each other, and they knew each other.

Then they each narrated their ages. Among them, Wu Di was the oldest. I heard from him that he had repeated his studies for a year before.

Then Wang Xiao was ranked second, Li Feng was third, Zhang Lei was fourth, Liu Bin was fifth, and Wang Meng was the youngest.

Only Wang Xiao was not very happy, and kept asking everyone to call him "Second Brother".

The dinner on the first day was eaten by the six boys in dormitory 601 going to the cafeteria together.

Along the way, Li Feng and the others met many small groups that were dispatched at the same time. Judging from their appearance, they should be freshmen. Freshmen usually like to hold groups in dormitories when they first enter the school.

After everyone is familiar with the campus and the surrounding environment, they will form a number of small circles based on factors such as personality, appearance, hobbies, grades, etc. Especially after having boyfriends and girlfriends, there will be fewer and fewer activities in the whole bedroom.

When they came back, everyone felt that it tasted good, probably because it was the first time they ate it, and when they got used to it, it would naturally be unpalatable.

Li Feng, Wang Xiao, and Wu Di were walking slowly behind. Wu Di said to Li Feng casually, "Third brother, look at the evening class meeting. How about I run for the class monitor? And I was the class monitor in high school."

Wu Di could see that when Li Feng and Wang Xiao were together, Wang Xiao generally listened to Li Feng more.

Li Feng glanced at him from the corner of his eye, nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, Fatty and I are not interested anyway, if you become the squad leader, it will be more convenient in the future."

"I support it too!" Wang Xiao echoed.

Li Feng has his own career and has no time to worry about it, while Wang Xiao is purely a "lazy person" and is not interested in these things.

Wu Di smiled when he saw this, and ran to the front to talk about the campaign with Zhang Lei, Liu Bin, and Wang Meng. The three of them had no objections and expressed their support.

Especially Wang Meng said excitedly: "If the boss becomes the class monitor, it will be much more convenient for us to skip classes in the future! I plan to make a class leader!"

After eating in the cafeteria, it was almost time for the class meeting, and the six people from dormitory 601 went to the complex building together.

When Li Feng and the others arrived in the classroom, there were already many people in the classroom.

The crowd was almost seated according to the dormitories, with clear distinctions, and they didn't have much to say when they met for the first time.

The girls all occupy the front of the classroom, because their purpose is relatively simple, that is to hold a class meeting,
The boys sit in the back, because they can see a whole beautiful scenery: ear-length hair, wavy hair, ponytail, curly hair, fair neck, and graceful figure, which will make you have the illusion: beautiful women like cloud.

Li Feng and the others found a vacant seat and sat down. Wang Meng couldn't stay idle, and he was also quite courageous. After sitting for a while, he ran to chat with the girls.

When Qu Bo, the pawn shop instructor, entered the classroom, everyone was already there.

There are 40 students in the class, 16 males and 24 females, the ratio is 4:6, which is very harmonious.

In the first class meeting, Qu Bo didn't say too much, the main purpose was to let everyone get acquainted with each other.

After saying a few clichés, Qu Bo asked everyone to go up and introduce themselves.

Wu Di was the first to go up. It seems that Wu Di has put in a lot of effort to run for the squad leader. Everyone was deeply impressed by the first introduction.

The second volunteer to come on stage turned out to be a girl.

And she was a pretty girl, even with Li Feng's critical eyes, she could score 90 points.

"Hi everyone, my name is Song Jia, a native of Yanjing... My hobbies are painting, singing, dancing..."

When Song Jia stepped down, Wang Meng shouted: "Beauty, you forgot to write down your contact information!"

Song Jia walked up again generously, without leaving her mobile phone number, but just wrote down her QQ number on the blackboard.

Li Feng turned his head and saw that Wang Meng was writing down the number with his mobile phone.

"You can do it, kid." Li Feng slapped Wang Meng across the face.

"Needless to say, do you like that girl? Master Six, I'll help you get the contact information."

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Then another beautiful woman with excellent temperament and appearance came up, but the self-introduction was just one sentence: My name is Yu Jing, I come from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I am very happy to be a classmate with you, please take care of me.

Yu Jing turned and walked off the podium.

"Beauty, you also forgot to write down your contact information!" Wang Meng shouted again.

Yu Jing smiled and said: "Anyone who wants to contact me, please find me alone. I don't know who you are when I hide in the crowd, and I can't see your sincerity!"

The whole audience was completely silent, and Wang Meng also made a big embarrassment.

yo!This big beauty has a real personality.

Two super beauties in a row, Wang Meng's chubby face showed a smirk, and he said: "Brother Feng, you look pretty good, we are blessed."

Li Feng rolled his eyes at him, the little fat man is quite playful, he dared to flirt with girls when he just started college.

Li Feng joked, "I think you have excessive male hormone secretion, as long as you are a woman, you feel good."

Fatty Wang Xiao didn't forget to say in the end, "Beauties higher than this level chase our brother Feng, and we don't even want brother Feng".

"Really! False!" The little fat man Wang Meng said in surprise.

"Fuck you fat man, that's nothing!" Li Feng didn't want to bring Yang Xiao up as an argument.

A few people laughed and chatted for a while, and the following introduction was nothing special, it would be good if they were familiar with each other.

When Li Feng came to the stage, he briefly said his name and where he was from, and he came down directly in less than 30 seconds.

Wang Xiao, Zhang Lei, and Liu Bin were similar to him, except that when the handsome guy Liu Bin introduced him, Li Feng saw many girls whispering.

Only when it was Wang Meng's turn to introduce on stage, everyone almost burst out laughing.

"Hi everyone, I'm handsome, suave, cute, loveable, flowers bloom, people say that landslides, landslides, waters flow backwards, ghosts are sad, I can stab two knives for friends, I can stab two knives for women, Megatron The Wang Mengmei boy of the martial arts is also!
... Don't laugh, everyone, listen to me, this name was given by my mother. When I was born, my mother said that I weighed 10 catties, and thought I must grow very strong in the future.

This year, my height is 178, and my weight is...unmarried, and I don't have a girlfriend...don't look at me as fat, but I'm very gentle..."

My phone number is 151********, interested female students can contact me,"

As soon as Wang Meng finished speaking, someone booed from the audience: "Can the male student contact you?"


The atmosphere in the class was instantly lifted, and even the shop instructor Qu Bo showed a smile.

Wang Meng didn't care about other people's ridicule. When he stepped down from the stage, he winked at Li Feng and the others with a smug look on his face.

Li Feng and the others were speechless, this little fat man really had a bright heart, he didn't even forget to tease his sister when he introduced himself.

After a while, everyone's self-introduction was finally over.

Qu Bo came to the stage and said a few words, nothing more than that everyone is a group, from all corners of the country, we should unite and help each other, respect and love each other...

At the end, Qu Bo cleared his throat and said, "Students who want to be class cadres are invited to run on stage, and the final vote will be made by the students!"

As soon as the words fell, some students in front of them got up and went to the podium, wanting to run for class monitor.

This is a pre-emptive attack. It seems that many dormitories have reached an agreement in advance.

The next one to take the stage was not Wu Di, but Song Jia, one of the two beauties.

She was also running for class president, and when Song Jia finished her speech, Qu Bo added, "Song Jia is the highest scorer in Class [-] of Business and Industry this year."

Li Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this Qu Bo is blatantly partial!

Song Jia was originally good looking, and just now she introduced herself as versatile, and now she is still No.1 in the class, so it's obvious that this makes others despair.

But seeing the excited faces of the boys in the class, even without Qu Bo's favoritism, these guys would have voted for her.

Wu Di also chose to run on stage, and his position was still monitor; after that, several people came to give speeches, the Communist Youth League secretary, the life committee member, the art committee member, the sports committee member... Even the little fat man Wang Meng went on stage to run for the sports committee member.

When no one came to speak on stage, Qu Bo asked everyone to vote, and randomly selected two students to sing and check their votes. The results of the election came out in less than 5 minutes:
Squad leader, Song Jia 16 votes, Wu Di 10 votes...
League branch secretary, Yu Jing with 18 votes...
Study members….
Sports committee member, Wang Meng 20 votes,...

Wu Di lost the election in the end, "It's not because of lack of strength, but because the opponent is too strong." Song Jia's excellence is too obvious. It is estimated that most of the boys voted for her. is the second highest vote.

On the contrary, Wang Meng picked up a "sports committee member" class cadre Dangdang, it seems that his humorous self-deprecation just now left a lot of impressions.

In the evening, a few boys were lying on the bed, exchanging their impressions of the campus and their yearning for the future, and they talked about the girls in the class.

"I think Song Jia is the prettiest in our class!" Wang Meng said.

"No, I think Yu Jing is the prettiest, with temperament and connotation!" Wang Xiao said.

"No, Song Jia is the most beautiful, capable and elegant!" Wang Meng said.

"No, it's Yu Jing, gentle and kind!" Wang Xiao said.

"On the first day you came here, how did you see kindness?" Wang Meng asked back.

After a while, Big Fatty and Little Fatty started arguing about "who is the class flower". They asked Wu Di, Zhang Lei, and Liu Bin.

Some said "Song Jia", some said "Yu Jing", everyone said their own.

When asked about Li Feng at the end, Li Feng replied directly, "It must be Song Jia."

"Why?" Fatty Wang Xiao asked puzzled.


My Cao, this reason is powerful!
In the end, Li Feng's opinion became the consensus of everyone.

While laughing, everyone slowly fell asleep, but in the middle of the night, Li Feng was woken up.

After waking up, Li Feng knew that he would move out of 601 dormitory immediately:

MD, there are six people in the whole dormitory, four of them snore, even a handsome guy like Liu Bin snores loudly, not to mention, there are two "nuclear bombs" big and small fat.

With such a loud snoring, I can't live through the day!

 Please recommend, collect, and please support your favorite friends!

(End of this chapter)

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