Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 301 Sharp Development

Chapter 301 Sharp Development
Of course, for Fengrui as a whole, games are only one of them, and more importantly, the proportion of games in Fengrui's entire revenue has dropped to 40%.

Although it still accounts for the majority of Fengrui's revenue, Fengrui is no longer so dependent on game revenue.
Especially unlike when Fengrui was first established, a single "Miracle MU" can account for more than 80% of Fengrui's entire income. Fengrui's "game dependence" has been completely cured by Li Feng.
Of course, this is not because of Li Feng's pressure on the increase in game revenue, and Li Feng also strongly supports the development of the game business, but compared with games, Fengrui's development in advertising business and value-added business is faster.

Needless to say, value-added services, Tencent has already set a good demonstration for Fengrui in the previous life, it is estimated that only Fengrui can play well in the world, but now it is Fengrui's first initiative,

This kind of "virtual value-added service" requires a huge user base. For a large company like Fengrui with more than 1 million registered users, even if only 1% of the payment ratio is 100 million, it is 5 yuan per person per month. If so, it is 6000 million a year,
What's more, the payment ratio is between 5% and 10%, and the average monthly cost per person is more than 5 yuan. Now Fengrui's monthly value-added revenue has exceeded 1 million.

Only a densely populated country like China, and only an Internet company like Fengrui that completely monopolizes the entire social field can have such a value-added means. The two are indispensable, and only when the pool is big, will there be big fish. Big fish”, this is the performance of China’s Internet demographic dividend,
As an essential means of revenue for all Internet companies, the advertising business is an indispensable weapon for every Internet. Advertising is one of the three major means of revenue for Internet companies (advertising, games, e-commerce), just like Google, Like Facebook, more than 90% of its revenue comes from advertising.

Therefore, Li Feng has also put in a lot of effort in this area. In addition to the feed advertisements of, Fengrui's "" is already a veritable "Big Four" portal website, not to mention Fengrui. More powerful YY pop-ups!
Judging from the current profit level of Fengrui, it is appropriate for Fengrui’s total revenue to exceed 2005 billion in 50, and it is also appropriate for Fengrui to exceed 40 billion with the Internet’s profit margin as high as 50% to 20%.

If calculated based on the average price-earnings ratio of 20 to 40 times for the general Internet, if Fengrui goes public now, the 50 billion US dollars is only a guarantee, and it may even challenge the market value of [-] billion US dollars!

However, the pursuit of profit is only one aspect of being an enterprise. Compared with the soaring revenue, Li Feng pays more attention to the development of enterprise quality, especially the structure of Fengrui's entire "ecosystem". A strategic product launched:

First of all, Zhou Hongyi was in charge of 360, and 360 Guardian was officially launched immediately after the year. As the person in charge of the entire 360 ​​project, Zhou Hongyi also really felt Fengrui, the top Internet company in China. Strength,

From the initial technology research and development to the final product launch, Fengrui has the support of top-level resources, world-class technical masters in technology, and the most powerful promotion in China.
Even Zhou Hongyi really felt that Fengrui's corporate culture is different from other Internet companies, "likes to pursue the ultimate", originally asked for three days to complete the things, but the following employees made them in the evening, and the quality was also very high. Gao, how could Zhou Hongyi not like this!

Under Fengrui's full promotion, the newly launched 360 Guardian also showed good results, but it didn't achieve the expected explosive results. At least Zhou Hongyi was very dissatisfied.

Moreover, most of the installed capacity of 360 Guardians comes from the Internet cafes of "Bat Network Management". The performance in the home computer market that Li Feng values ​​most is not very satisfactory. Many people even don't know what Fengrui's new 360 Guardians are for. use,
Zhou Hongyi is very dissatisfied with the answer sheet handed over by 360 Security Guard. Although the results are passable, too many resources were wasted. If it is replaced with other products, it may be a "boom".

What's more, Zhou Hongyi felt that he didn't contribute much. The technology was developed by Wang Xiaochuan and promoted with Fengrui's own resources. He just enjoyed the final results.

This is because the result is not very ideal, and the first project in Fengrui is not very good. For the proud Zhou Hongyi, this is very dissatisfied, and Zhou Hongyi also knows Li Feng's expectations for 360, so Zhou Hongyi Yi also intends to take a more "radical" approach.

Zhou Hongyi directly took 360's "data analysis form", and also approached Liu Zhiping immediately. As soon as they met, Zhou Hongyi said: "Mr. Liu, the installed capacity of 360 guards is average now, so I plan to use some other s method."

Liu Zhiping looked at the "data analysis form" that Zhou Hongyi handed over. It was all red, and the download volume and usage rate were also good. He said to Zhou Hongyi in puzzlement: "Mr. Is it not bad, why are you still not satisfied, then what method are you going to use?"

Zhou Hongyi said directly: "I think the reason why the number of downloads of 360 is small is that people don't know what 360 is for, and my method is very simple, it is 'hype', just like entertainment stars gossip all day long, so Can quickly promote our products."

Liu Zhiping was also curious and asked Zhou Hongyi: "Mr. Zhou, how do you plan to hype it?"

"Lawsuit!" Zhou Hongyi said.

"A lawsuit? With whom?" Liu Zhiping asked.

"What do you think of the current Yahoo Assistant?" Zhou Hongyi said.

"What happened to Yahoo Assistant? How did our 360 get involved with Yahoo Assistant?" Liu Zhiping asked.

At this time, Zhou Hongyi said unhurriedly: "The boss told me a lot about 360 last time, and I also studied it carefully when I went back.
In fact, don’t look at the many functions of 360, such as search software, system acceleration, bug fixes, real-time protection, network speed protection, computer diagnosis, desktop organization, etc. These are also basic functions, but why does Mr. Li launch 360? Woolen cloth?
My research found that the biggest purpose of the boss launching 360 is to form a software retreat with our own Thunder and Huajun Software Park, and then integrate and unify the entire third-party software market.

And this is why President Li attaches so much importance to the home computer market!To put it bluntly, I just want to make 360 ​​into the "Bat Network Management" of Fengrui in the "Internet Cafe Era"! "

Such a familiar routine!
When PC computers are transitioning from "Internet cafe era" to "home computer", looking for the entrance of the next monopoly and creating a brand new "Bat Network Management" is indeed what Li Feng did!It’s just that Liu Zhiping originally thought that Fengrui’s next monopoly entrance would be “YY+ Renren”, but he didn’t expect that there would be a 360.

Liu Zhiping even recalled that when Li Feng planned to forcefully acquire Tengxun, he said that he "planned to sell "Bat Network Management". , the boss is the boss, and the routine is really deep!
It's just that this has nothing to do with Yahoo Assistant, so Liu Zhiping asked again: "Then why does it have to be Yahoo Assistant? Don't we have a direct competitive relationship?"

At this time Zhou Hongyi said again: "Do you think the current software is rogue? It not only takes up a lot of memory, but also cannot be uninstalled even if the user wants to uninstall it, which seriously affects the user's physical examination. The boss has mentioned this before.
And since the boss still wants to integrate the entire third-party software in China, then we should set standards for all third-party software. At least there is a green version of software without plug-ins that users can use with confidence.
So I plan to use 360 ​​to take advantage of this pain point. This will not only increase the installed capacity of 360, but also allow all third-party software to comply with our Fengrui standards.
As for why I chose Yahoo Assistant, it is very simple to 'kill chickens to scare monkeys'. Of course, I admit that I am a little selfish, but is there any rogue software that is more rogue than Yahoo Assistant? "

Liu Zhiping also had to admit that what Zhou Hongyi said was right, but seeing what Zhou Hongyi said was so upright, Liu Zhiping always felt something was wrong. The predecessor of this 'Yahoo Assistant' was 3721, wasn't it developed by you yourself? !
Liu Zhiping always felt awkward when a "father of hooligans" turned his back on "rogue software".

But in the end Liu Zhiping still said: "I understand what you mean, you want to 'kill' Yahoo Assistant, it's not impossible. But behind Yahoo Assistant is Ali, this has to be approved by the boss."

Even if the current Alibaba has just raised 10 billion US dollars, it is far behind according to Fengrui. Zhou Hongyi didn't understand it very well, so he stood up and asked Liu Zhiping: "Does the boss need to approve this matter? We Fengrui are afraid that little Ali will fail!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, listen to me first." Liu Zhiping comforted Zhou Hongyi and sat down, then said, "It's not that Fengrui is afraid of Ali, it's just that the boss specially welcomed me when he was leaving. The execution of the specific business is mainly carried out by the project supervisor, and he will not interfere, he can do whatever he wants, but once it involves Sheng Tianqiao, Ma Huateng, and Ma Yun, he must report to him."

At this moment, Zhou Hongyi became curious, and asked, "Why is this? And why are these three people?"

Liu Zhiping also murmured: "I also asked the boss this question at the time, and he directly said, 'This is the top figure on the Internet in China, and he is also a figure who can pose a threat to Fengrui'.
So, if you don't panic, just wait for the boss to come back; if you are in a hurry, you can call the boss directly, but my opinion is that it is best to be steady first, and 360 needs to be polished just after it is launched, after all, now All of this is still based on our Fengrui's first opener conference. "

Zhou Hongyi also had to admit that what Liu Zhiping said was reasonable. Sheng Tianqiao and Ma Yun were indeed a bit of a hero, but what puzzled Zhou Hongyi was: Ma Huateng's Tengxun was wiped out by Fengrui, and What is worth paying attention to!

(End of this chapter)

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