Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 308 Ma Huateng's Journey

Chapter 308 Ma Huateng's Journey
Defeating Fengrui is indeed a very challenging thing!

However, Ma Huateng is very willing to accept such a challenge. Ever since he was "expelled" by Li Feng like a "lost dog", Ma Huateng has this goal and is determined to defeat Fengrui, even if he will be crushed to pieces in the end!
Ma Huateng and Sheng Tianqiao talked a lot that day, from the business model of the Internet to the most advanced cutting-edge technology, from the domestic Internet to foreign Internet, and from the Internet to all aspects of social development,
The two are also sympathetic to each other, and both have a feeling of "seeing each other late". Ma Huateng was shocked by Sheng Tianqiao's great talent and forward-looking layout, while Sheng Tianqiao was shocked by Ma Huateng's low-key pragmatism and product technology.
And the two of them can always talk about Li Feng from time to time, some "curse" Li Feng, some "hate" Li Feng, and some "addict" Li Feng. After all, as long as you hang around in the Chinese Internet, " The name "Li Feng" is a name that all Chinese Internet practitioners cannot avoid.

And Ma Huateng stayed in Shanghai for two more days before returning to Pengcheng with Zeng Liqing, but this time he went back with him and there were more than 20 "Age of Heroes" R&D personnel, although Sheng Tianqiao said to send , but Ma Huateng felt that he had gained too much, and finally kept 1000 million,

In fact, there are more than 50 R&D personnel in the entire "Age of Heroes", but most of them still choose to stay in Shengda. After all, there is still a distance from Shanghai to Pengcheng, and many people have already set up camp "Yes,

However, Xie Ming, the project leader of "The Age of Heroes", chose to go south with Ma Huateng. Originally, Xie Ming didn't want to leave Shengda, and Boss Sheng treated him well.
But he couldn't stand Ma Huateng's persuasion, especially some of Ma Huateng's ideas coincided with his own. In the end, Xie Ming agreed to join Tencent under the persuasion of Ma Huateng's "persuasive tongue".

With the arrival of Xie Ming's team, at the beginning of 2005, Ma Huateng's Tencent set sail again in the SEG Science and Technology Park Building in Pengcheng. Although Tencent was acquired by Fengrui as a whole, "Tengxun" This name is still completely preserved by Ma Huateng,
This SEG Science and Technology Park building is the place where Ma Huateng first founded Tencent. This time, Ma Huateng still chose this place to start a business again, and let everything start again!
Although this building is very backward, it is far worse than the Fiyta Building where Tencent used to work, and many places are a bit dilapidated. In fact, Ma Huateng is not short of this rent money, but Ma Huateng thinks that here It is his blessed land, and at least until Fengrui is defeated, Ma Huateng does not plan to move again,
But this time there is still a little change. Although it is still the previous floor, this time Ma Huateng directly rented out the entire SEG Science and Technology Park building on this floor and refurbished it. The environment of the whole building is still quite good. Although it is not as luxurious as Fengrui Building, it is also very clean and tidy.

And Ma Huateng chose the previous office again, and hung the running script of "faith" on the wall again. This is when Ma Huateng let Chen Yidan, one of the "Tencent Five Tigers", when Tencent was first established. Written, this can be regarded as the "magic weapon" for Ma Huateng's entrepreneurial success, one must have faith!

It's like a text "From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" that I learned in elementary school, in which Mr. Lu Xun carved the word "Morning" on the desk to warn him to study hard.But later, many children carved the word "Zao" on their desks, but the result was that the desks were carved in a mess, and their academic performance did not improve much.

In this situation, I would like to give you and myself an inspirational sentence: Only with a "faith" in your heart can you launch an impact on the glory of the king.Dear, what rank are you now, Stubborn Bronze or Glorious Gold?

And Ma Huateng has only one belief: defeat Fengrui!Defeat Li Feng!Take back everything that belongs to you!
Start a new business!Start all over again!Ma Huateng stood in this familiar and unfamiliar old place "SEG Science and Technology Park Building" and delivered the first speech on the establishment of "New Tencent".
Looking at the more than 50 people in front of him, Ma Huateng also sighed a lot. Some of them followed him all the way, regardless of success or failure, they would never leave; None of the "Tencent Five Tigers" who have not given up is not bad,
Ma Huateng sighed: "Today is the day when our 'New Tengxun' was established. Why did I say 'new'! Because in this place, we Tengxun have been here before, we have made history, and we have created the first in China. An instant messaging software QQ with over [-] million users, we have also succeeded..."

Speaking of this, Ma Huateng also paused for a while to calm down his mood. Perhaps this song "Ordinary Road" can best reflect Ma Huateng's current mood: "Everything I once owned is like smoke in the blink of an eye."

Ma Huateng also heaved a long sigh, and continued: "But in the end we still failed. We were completely defeated by Fengrui, and we were covered in bruises. We used to have more than 400 brothers, but now there are only you here..."

Although what Ma Huateng said was a bit sad, many young people in the audience who had just joined Tencent were also amazed and even a little excited. Being able to participate in the "earth-shattering" battle between Tencent and Fengrui is a kind of recognition in itself!
At this time, Ma Huateng said again: "Everyone knows that our goal of starting this business is to defeat Fengrui! Although we failed, strictly speaking, it should be: we have failed now, but it does not mean that we have no chance in the future!
And Fengrui is not without weaknesses, at least now I can name Fengrui's three fatal weaknesses: First, Fengrui is too strong, and strength itself is a weakness, which shows that it has seized too much cake. It can be said that it is the opponent of all the large Internet in China;
Second, Fengrui is too big. How many products does Fengrui have?It is estimated that even Li Feng himself does not know how many there are! 'Big' means it is too difficult to transform, 'Elephant Dancing' is not so easy!

The third is Li Feng!He is the most important cornerstone of Fengrui's rise, and can be said to be the guarantee of Fengrui's invincibility, but no one is perfect, he always makes mistakes, as long as he fails once, his "invincible golden body" will Collapse, and other hungry wolves will flock to it! "

After taking a breath, Ma Huateng stood up and said: "Actually, none of these three points guarantee our victory. Our greatest advantage is ourselves. Although we failed, we have an extra 'mother of success'. Since If we can succeed once, we can succeed a second time!

More importantly, we are in an era of change. No technology has ever been as dynamic as the Internet, and has changed human society so profoundly!
And the wave of the Internet is changing almost rapidly, who doesn't know where the next outlet is?Even the invincible Yahoo in the past is now in decline. Who knows who will be the next giant to fall?Guess he, Li Feng, doesn't know either!

But this is definitely our opportunity, as long as we focus on our own affairs, God will always take pity on us, everything else will follow, and there will always be opponents who will fall behind because of distraction! "

Finally, Ma Huateng said passionately: "Everything belongs to the past, let us forget the past and start again, and restart our Tencent's development as a loser, as an entrepreneur, and as a challenger." Unfinished business! Come on, Tencent!"

"Come on, Tencent!" "Come on, Tencent!" "Come on, Tencent!"

(End of this chapter)

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