Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 311 Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously

Chapter 311 Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously (Notice Free)

What made Li Feng even more upset was that not only did he not bring any money, but he also forgot to take his mobile phone. Originally, Li Feng just wanted to deal with it downstairs, and then went back after eating. What a coincidence!

When he was a dick in his previous life, Li Feng didn't have much money; so when he was reborn, he finally got rich. Li Feng had the attitude of an "upstart" and felt very at ease with two or 3000 yuan on his body all day long. Afraid of wronging myself;

Later, I found that I really couldn’t spend money, so I slowly looked away, and let Wu Nan take some with me; and later, with Song Jia, I didn’t have to worry about it. Even Li Feng said that the meticulous service There is no "one, two, three".

But the current situation is that the meal in the noodle restaurant costs 20 yuan, Li Feng did not take his wallet and mobile phone, Song Jia and Wu Nan are not around, so it is a bit embarrassing!
The key point was that the owner of the "five big and three rough" noodle shop also saw that Li Feng had no money, and was afraid that Li Feng would run away, so he stood in front of Li Feng and said to Li Feng again, "Sir, the total is 20 yuan."

He is really a hero who dies for a penny!Usually I don’t even blink when I have 20 million yuan, but now I am stumped by the [-] yuan, it’s hard to handle!
Li Feng thought for a while, then said to the restaurant owner cheekily: "Boss, I forgot to take the money today, why don't I give it to you tomorrow!"

The owner of the noodle shop took a look at Li Feng, found it very embarrassing and refused, "This is not suitable, I am a small business, and I have never met you, why don't you think of a way to let your family Come on!"

And Li Feng was going all out at this time, "I'm going to save my face to survive", so he said to the owner of the noodle restaurant: "Boss, I forgot to take my phone, but take a closer look at me, do you know me! I am Feng Rui's boss! Those who engage in the Internet, does that YY know, mine!

I have also been on CCTV, I am really rich, how about this, I will leave you a signature, let this matter go like this, wait for someone to send you the money again. "

At this time, the owner of the noodle shop took a careful look at Li Feng, shook his head, and said again: "I haven't seen it, and I don't know how to surf the Internet. What is Fengrui? I don't know! Who are you? I don't know either!
But I know that the bowl of ramen you ate just now is 5 yuan, the beef is 10 yuan, and the old vinegar peanuts are 5 yuan, a total of 20 yuan!And I also know that you don't want to use tricks, what do you eat if you don't have money! "

At the end, the owner of the noodle shop stared at Li Feng sternly, and showed off his biceps to Li Feng, "I'm not scared too much."

At this time, several noodle guests nearby also noticed the situation on Li Feng's side, and they all talked a lot, "I didn't expect such a handsome guy to want to eat Bawang's meal"...

This is the first time Li Feng has encountered such a depressed situation since his rebirth. Fortunately, Li Feng saw that the noodle shop still had a phone, so he said to the owner of the noodle shop in a hurry: "Can you let me make a call? I'll have someone give it to you right away." Send me the money, and I will give you a hundred directly when the time comes."

In fact, the owner of the noodle shop was just trying to scare Li Feng on purpose, and he agreed without intending to embarrass Li Feng, but finally said, "Boy, the phone bill is also 1 yuan, and you'd better not play tricks, this street There are people on us too!"

Do you think I am looking for someone to fight in groups?For this 20 yuan, as for it? !
Fortunately, Li Feng still remembered Song Jia's phone number, so he called Song Jia. After the call was connected, Li Feng hurriedly said: "Song Jia, it's me, Li Feng! What... I'm at XX Road, Haiding Street, Zhongguancun, a In the noodle shop called 'Ma's Ramen', don't make a fuss, just ask Wu Nan to come over with some money."

At this time, Song Jia was just about to get off work. Although Li Feng was not around, she still had a lot of work to do. In addition to daily get off work, she also had to summarize some of Feng Rui's more important matters and send them to Li Feng through email before leaving work. front.

When Song Jia received a call from Li Feng suddenly, it was still an unfamiliar number, Song Jia was quite surprised at first, but Li Feng then said "keep quiet" and "take the money"... and his tone was rather flustered,
Song Jia suddenly thought that this might be a very scary thing, "Li Feng might have been kidnapped", after all, Li Feng can be considered a rich man, maybe someone "sees money", even a child of a super rich man like Li Jiacheng may Kidnapped, let alone Li Feng!
Thinking of Li Feng being threatened by the kidnappers to make a phone call, Song Jia suddenly panicked. She didn't know what to do, and she didn't dare to call the police. A phone call explaining the specific situation.

The secretary and the driver are always the most caring people around the boss!

Wu Nan, who was born in the military, has also encountered this kind of situation before. He hurriedly comforted Song Jia and said, "There is no need to panic in this situation, as long as you ask for money, it will be easy to handle. How about this, we will work separately, you go to the company and get 200 million first." , I will ask a few people to help, we will gather downstairs in a while, let's go and see the situation first."

After hearing Wu Nan's words, Song Jia finally calmed down, and hurriedly asked: "Okay, I'll go get the money, but do you want to tell Mr. Liu, after all, so much money needs his approval."

"Okay, let's hurry up, I'll go find someone first."

When Liu Zhiping received Song Jia's call, even though he was usually very mature and stable, he was shocked. Fengrui had just entered the regular stage and was in the stage of rapid development. If something happened to Li Feng, Fengrui would still play. Damn!

For the sake of Li Feng's safety, Liu Zhiping agreed with Wu Nan's opinion after thinking for a while, to stabilize the situation first, as long as it is money, it will be easy to deal with, if not, you can only call the police, and in this case, please ask the police to come forward It's the best way.

With Liu Zhiping coming forward, Song Jia took 200 million in cash from the finance company very easily. This was the first time Song Jia saw so much cash, two full suitcases, like carrying 20 catties of rice.

After getting the money, Song Jia hurriedly met Wu Nan and rushed to the place Li Feng said, with several cars hidden behind, everyone was ready!
When the two arrived at the place, they were dumbfounded. What kind of kidnapping was this? It was clearly "Li Feng eating the king's meal", but everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Li Feng was fine, Song Jia, who had been nervous for a day, threw herself into Li Feng's arms with excitement. Li Feng wanted to push Song Jia away, but Song Jia said excitedly in Li Feng's arms: "It's good that you're fine, we're still here." I thought something happened to you..."

Hearing that Song Jia cared about him so much, Li Feng was also a little moved, so he didn't refuse, and even patted Song Jia on the shoulder twice.

Wu Nan next to him seemed to be used to it, and he pretended not to see it, so he chatted with the owner of the noodle shop next to him about the situation, and soon Wu Nan also sorted out the whole situation, everything was a misunderstanding!

When no one was paying attention, Wu Nan called Liu Zhiping first, and then told the car that followed him to go back directly.

But even though Song Jia and the others came, they came in a hurry and didn't have any money with them, so they had no choice but to take out a hundred-dollar bill from the suitcase containing a million dollar bill and hand it to the noodle shop owner.

The noodle restaurant owner has never seen such a scene before, not to mention Song Jia and the others came in a luxurious car, and the shiny dozens of dollars in the suitcase blinded the noodle restaurant owner.

The owner of the noodle restaurant knew at a glance that Li Feng was not an easy person, at least he was a big shot that he could not afford to offend. Even the few customers who were talking about Li Feng behind their backs just now were frightened by Li Feng's situation. I have to "run away".

So, when Li Feng really handed the 100 yuan to the noodle shop owner, the noodle shop owner was also scared, really scared, he was afraid that Li Feng would retaliate against him,

The "five big and three thick" man said tremblingly directly: "Boss, I'm really a small business, or if you come to my restaurant for free in the future, you will forget the villain's mistakes and just pass what happened just now." !"

At this time, it was Li Feng who felt a little "laughing and crying". When you are not given money, you insist on it; when you are given money, you don't want it.

However, Li Feng still said soothingly: "Brother, you can take it at ease, your ramen is really good, and you taught me a good lesson today."

But the owner of the noodle shop was still worried, and kept saying, "Too much money, too much money..."

At this time, Li Feng suddenly remembered that it happened to be the hotel time, so he asked Song Jia: "You two came here in a hurry, you probably haven't eaten yet, so I'll treat you to noodles today, how about it?"

Seeing the expressions of the two, Li Feng said to the owner of the restaurant: "Boss, let's do this. For the remaining money, you can pay two more according to the standard I just said, and then serve two side dishes!"

The owner of the noodle shop was overjoyed when he heard what Li Feng said, and quickly motioned for Song Jia and the others to sit down.

After the two sat down, Li Feng couldn't help but said, "I never thought that I, the boss, would invite you to eat ramen for the first time. I hope you don't blame me, the boss."

Wu Nan hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Boss, you are really capable, this is what we should do."And Song Jia is still in a dream now, thinking "Li Feng's embrace was really warm just now" with a flushed face.

The food was served soon, and this time the owner of the noodle shop was extra careful, making the side dishes very delicate.

After the interruption just now, Li Feng and the owner of the noodle shop were considered to be "acquaintances without a fight". While Wu Nan and the others were eating, Li Feng chatted with the owner of the noodle shop "without saying a word".

The owner of the noodle shop is indeed surnamed Ma, and he went to Lanzhou to learn the hand-pulled noodles directly... Before leaving, Li Feng said to the owner of the noodle shop again: "Old Ma, thank you for your noodles, and thank you for this class!"

It is indeed a very good lesson, at least it proves that Li Feng's signature is not worth a few dollars!Even if it is the signatures of Ma Huateng and Ma Yun now, it is estimated that the signatures of a second-rate star are not worth much!
People, don't take yourself too seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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