Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 329 The "Dad" of All Mobile Phone Manufacturers

Chapter 329 The "Dad" of All Mobile Phone Manufacturers

What made Lei Jun even more unexpected was that Li Feng asked himself the first question after laughing, so he couldn't do it in time!

At that time, after Li Feng laughed out loud, he asked Lei Jun out of the blue, "Mr. Lei, when are you going to come out of Jinshan and do it alone?"

Lei Jun was directly stunned by Li Feng's question, and he didn't know the meaning of what Li Feng said, but Lei Jun still asked in surprise: "President Li, why do you say that?"

Li Feng said again: "Don't you still want to stay in Jinshan for the rest of your life? Don't you want to create a great company? Have you forgotten your dream?"

Li Feng directly confused Lei Jun's question again with three "could it be" in a row, and Lei Jun also asked himself in his heart: Is this what I have been doing all my life?Am I doomed not to be able to create a great business?Have I forgotten my original dream?
"Building a world-class company" is Lei Jun's childhood dream!Even when Lei Jun first joined Jinshan, he made such a bold statement, "I plan to spend the next ten years making a big bet with Microsoft",
But after ten years, the reality is often more cruel. Lei Jun also found that Jinshan's stage can no longer carry his dream!
On the other hand, Fengrui, founded by Li Feng, has become a very successful company in just three years. Although it is not yet a great company, even strictly speaking, Fengrui's success is only in China, "choosing generals among lame people", but at least Fengrui is on the road to greatness!
Now, although Lei Jun still has a dream, his dream has become "to successfully bring Jinshan to the market", and this has become his obsession!
Lei Jun also thought about starting over, starting over, starting a new business, but he has not given up all the courage to rebuild,

Lei Jun thought a lot, finally sighed, and said to Li Feng: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your suggestion. It would be great if I could meet Mr. Li a few years earlier. Now I only have one idea, which is to successfully bring Jinshan Listed!"

As a result, at this time, Li Feng directly said "adding fuel to the fire", "Really, if it is destined that Jinshan will not be listed?"

"President Li, what do you mean?" Lei Jun was confused again, he didn't know what Li Feng meant, why Li Feng's words were always ambiguous.

At this time, Li Feng stopped hiding and said directly: "Are you willing to sell Jinshan? Or to be more precise, can we Fengrui buy your Jinshan!"

In front of the CEO, asking if he would like to be acquired is like putting a knife on Lei Jun's neck, forcing him to sell if he doesn't want to. Lei Jun feels insulted!
Lei Jun refused without even thinking about it: "Mr. Li, don't go too far, our Jinshan will not be acquired. Strictly speaking, our Jinshan was established longer than you, and we will definitely go public. Next year!"

After Lei Jun finished speaking decisively, he was so angry that his face was sweating a little, Li Feng was too much, did he really think that the current Feng Rui is really an unstoppable "Big Mac"!

However, Lei Jun still felt a little relieved. No matter how awesome and talented Li Feng was, he was still a young man after all, and it wasn't like "he couldn't hold his breath for anything"!

The "Zhongguancun Model Worker", who has always been steady and honest, became so angry. Li Feng also knew that his methods were a bit more aggressive, but Li Feng didn't like to beat around the bush anymore, and he liked to be straightforward in everything.

However, Li Feng still said sincerely: "Old Lei, don't be angry, I'm just asking. No matter how you say it, you can be regarded as an old man in the industry. I must respect you very much."

"Old Ray?!"

Lei Jun didn't even realize it, but he was 15 years older than Li Feng, so it wasn't too late to call him "Old Lei". Could it be possible for Li Feng to call himself "Uncle Lei"!

What's more, with Li Feng's status in the circle, it is appropriate to call Lei Jun by his name directly. The rules of operation in this world are very simple: "the strong prevail"!
Looking at the seats at the Internet Conference, it is very clear that Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, and Li Yanhong "BAT" will always sit at the front and center, not Zhang Chaoyang, who was the first entrepreneur. "Seniors" are sometimes very valuable, but It's not worth the money, it all depends on whether people give this face or not!
But what Li Feng said just now is correct, regardless of past and present, Li Feng definitely respects a down-to-earth, hard-working Internet pioneer like Lei Jun, and this is indeed Li Feng's true thoughts.

It's just that "pioneers" may also become "martyrs". When Fengrui grows up, he will definitely need more space.

Although Li Feng has repeatedly restrained Fengrui from taking the old path of "plagiarism" in Tencent's previous life, the market is so big and the resources are only so much, Fengrui must develop and grow, and it is inevitable to infringe on the interests of others.

If you really want to blame it, blame Jinshan for blocking Fengrui's way forward, just like Tencent before, if it can't be acquired, it must be defeated!

Therefore, Li Feng also slowly said to Lei Jun again: "Old Lei, but I still want to analyze with you, your Jinshan now mainly has three businesses: games, office software WPS, and anti-virus software Kingsoft Internet Security. They hardly make any money at all, so they expect Jinshan Drug Bully to make money.
But have you ever thought that if one day your antivirus software stops making money, do you think there is still a possibility for your Jinshan to go public?Or how do you continue to tell the story? "

If even Kingsoft Antivirus doesn't make money, it will definitely not be able to go public!It's just why their own Kingsoft Antivirus is doing well now, even if it can't compare with Rising, but its revenue is still pretty good, why can't it make any money?

Lei Jun suddenly thought of a terrible thing, which is a question that all Internet companies have to think about: Suppose one day Fengrui enters my field, what should I do?can i resist

Fengrui is going to enter antivirus software! ! !

So, Lei Jun asked Li Feng in a panic: "So, you Fengrui want to enter the antivirus software market?"

Li Feng also nodded, and then sincerely said to Lei Jun: "This is our established plan at Fengrui, and we estimate that Fengrui will launch related plans after this opener conference.

It stands to reason that this is our Fengrui's strategic plan, I shouldn't have told you, but who told you to come from Lei Jun!

For you, I am willing to release this kind of company secrets, just for you!How about it?Lao Lei, are you willing to create a big scene with me? "

Li Feng brought out his tricks of demagogy again, coupled with Fengrui's current influence in the circle, and Li Feng's foreshadowing at the beginning, Li Feng felt that his ability to fool people could almost reach the level of "Ma Teacher" level up!
It's just that Lei Jun calmed down again after a short period of panic, and directly refused to Li Feng: "Thank you for Mr. Li's kindness. If I were a few years younger, maybe I would have sex with Mr. Li. I only hope I failed to knock down Mr. Li earlier! And my only wish now is to 'bring up Jin Shan', so I can only thank Mr. Li for his grand invitation!"

Li Feng asked puzzledly: "Are you still planning to sink with Jinshan? This is not the company you founded. Why are you so obsessed!"

Lei Jun replied firmly again: "This is my style of doing things. I like to start well and end well! And I don't realize that Fengrui will have any chance to enter the anti-virus software now, so I plan to compete with Fengrui!"

Lei Jun also wants to fight Li Feng, and it is best to defeat Li Feng's "invincible body", and help all domestic Internet companies find a way to defeat Fengrui.

Unexpectedly, Lei Jun would still have such confidence, Li Feng looked at Lei Jun again, and then said domineeringly: "Okay, then I will give you a year, if Jinshan can persist by then, I Feng Rui will not say anything." Just quit the antivirus market; but if Jinshan can't hold on anymore, I hope you will think about what I said today!"

And Lei Jun said nonchalantly: "Okay! This is fine, then we will use one year as the deadline, and we will see success or failure at that time!"

But in the end Li Feng said domineeringly to Lei Jun again, "It's just that my method may be more drastic this time, so don't be offended!"

And Lei Jun said nonchalantly again: "Mr. Li, shopping malls are like battlefields. I still know that we are also enemies on stage and friends off stage. Just use whatever you have, and let us have a good fight too. I also want to see how fierce Li Feng's methods are?"

"It's a good fight." Li Feng finally shook Lei Jun's hand vigorously, and then said forcefully, "Old Lei, I, Li Feng, have identified you as a friend!"

But in fact, what Li Feng said just now is half true and half false. It is true that Fengrui is indeed going to enter the anti-virus software, and Zhou Hongyi of 360 under Fengrui will take the lead;

The truth is that this is not Fengrui's core secret, because Li Feng asked Zhou Hongyi to launch his own 360 antivirus the next day after the opening meeting, and the key is "forever free"!
Li Feng doesn't plan to hide it. Like the 360 ​​in his previous life, it will be free for three months, then free for half a year, and then free for one year. It will be free in a different way. In short, it is "boiling frogs in warm water". Come up and play around with several major anti-virus software first, and after the installed capacity of 360 comes up, then announce "forever free" in one fell swoop, and directly determine the world in one fell swoop!

But Li Feng does not intend to do this, Li Feng intends to directly use the slogan of "permanently free" as soon as he comes up, and then use Fengrui's powerful resources to forcefully launch his own 360 antivirus, and strive to end the battle in the antivirus software market within another year.

The reason why Li Feng is so eager is because there is still more than a year before Jobs released the iPhone in 2007.
Li Feng hopes to end all domestic wars before the end of 2006, improve Fengrui's entire ecological system, and turn the country into Fengrui's back garden, and then devote himself to the competition for the supremacy of smartphones with a flourishing attitude!

And this is also the reason why Li Feng invited Lei Jun, because Lei Jun is one of the few people who have succeeded in their second venture, and is also the No.1 who can successfully break through in smartphones!
And Lei Jun can indeed be called this title, because the competition in the smart phone market is fierce, there are only fallen giants, Nokia, Motorola, Blackberry, HTC, Coolpad, Gionee... There are no new giants!

Just like Hollywood filmmakers, from the "Big Eight" to the "Big Seven" (United Artists over), then from the "Big Seven" to the "Big Six" (MGM over), and now from the "Big Six" to the "Big Five" "(Fox over, Disney recently acquired Fox for 713 billion US dollars), there are only dead giants, and the only giant that may increase is estimated to be Netflix (Netflix)!
What's more, what Li Feng wants is not only these, Li Feng wants the mobile system of the entire smartphone market, this is not the "split" Android system in his previous life, but a super Android system with Apple's IOS system physical examination!
To put it bluntly: Li Feng wants to be the "father" of all smartphone manufacturers!
PS: In fact, the outline of this book is very simple. Ma Huateng in the early stage and Jobs in the later stage, one domestic and one foreign, are all very powerful entrepreneurs, especially Jobs, the giant of today’s era, and there is nothing more exciting than defeating such a giant !Finally, there are countries, which can truly change the world, one company against one country!
(End of this chapter)

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