Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 335 Ma Huateng's Shock

Chapter 335 Ma Huateng's Shock
In fact, the latter two questions were more casually asked by Ma Huateng out of curiosity, but he did not expect Li Feng to give a very clear answer, and Ma Hua also felt that this is what the Internet will look like in the future.
Ma Huateng was shocked by Li Feng's forward vision. It is already remarkable that a person can see the changes in the next three years. To sum up, what is this? !
Prophet? !Creator? !

No wonder Fengrui develops so fast, and can continue to maintain a high-speed development after its rise. It turns out that Li Feng has already drawn up the "20-year development blueprint for the future Internet" in advance. As long as the general direction and strategy are correct, then Fengrui will It will only get stronger and stronger in the future!

The most important thing in running a business is direction, strategy, execution, cost, and efficiency. All these factors are not a problem in a fast-growing company, just like nothing is a problem in a championship team that keeps winning.
Moreover, this issue is more important for larger companies. The biggest problem for companies is the problem of transformation. The bigger the company, the harder it is to transform. "It is not so simple to make elephants dance." Even a wrong decision can kill the company. life,
But such an important issue is not a problem at all in Fengrui. Is there anyone who knows the future development better than Li Feng, so Li Feng has more time to "sleep, drink tea, watch the game" and do some things he likes ,
However, Li Feng's theory of "four vertical and four horizontal" alone has a great impact on Ma Huateng, at least it shows Li Feng's deep understanding of the Internet!

At the same time, Ma Huateng was also moved by Li Feng's unreserved big picture. Ma Huateng didn't know what Li Feng thought, and he dared to share this most precious thing. At least with this picture of Li Feng, everyone on the Internet If you have more knowledge and a deeper understanding, you can save a lot of trouble if you start a business in the future!
You must know that most of the Internet in China is still "closed doors", each doing its own thing, and even more in the stage of "life and death" barbaric enclosures, all of which are grabbing more market share. Who wants to share their own good things!

Even Ma Huateng exclaimed in amazement at Li Feng's remarks, not to mention the other audience at the scene, everyone "kneeled" directly,
I don't know who was the first to stand up first, like the tide, everyone stood up, even some Internet leaders in the front row also stood up, and everyone responded to Li Feng from the bottom of their hearts. warm applause,
And the media reporters also seemed to have taken gunpowder, and the flashlights frantically shone on Li Feng, almost blinding Li Feng's eyes!

"Damn, I almost got wet!"

"I'm already wet..."

"No wonder Fengrui is so awesome. It turns out that they have an even more awesome founder!"


Everyone is crazy!Everyone deserves this trip!Everyone benefits too!

Internet practitioners have found the "Bible" of entrepreneurship, Internet giants have found the way forward,
Media reporters also found the best news materials. Li Feng's "four vertical and four horizontal" theory alone is enough for everyone to publicize for a while, not to mention Li Feng himself is the best material!

Even Ma Huateng was a little bit shaken, looking at the dazzling Li Feng on the stage, and for the first time in Ma Huateng's mind, he thought "the sharpness is irresistible".
Is it right to "be the enemy of Fengrui"?

Did I choose the most difficult path?

Ma Huateng fell into deep thought for a while, suddenly wondering where is the future of Tencent?

But Ma Huateng really thinks too much. In fact, what Li Feng said is not a strategy, but a prediction of future development. At most, it is a theory, and it is definitely not a strategy. We know that big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing are the future, but no one knows how to do it!
Understanding it is one thing, doing it is another!

After all, the Internet is all about products, and this is what Li Feng is best at!
And the crazy enthusiasm of the on-site meeting, even Li Feng was a bit unexpected, even Li Feng couldn't understand such a simple matter, how could it be so sought after by everyone!

This is mainly because of the gap between the times. Everyone has heard such a thorough and forward-looking theory, just like listening to "Teacher Ma"'s chicken soup for the soul. Three felt "average"... until the end felt "really poisonous".

So, after drinking Li Feng's bowl of "chicken soup" without experiencing the information explosion, it's like people in the silent film era seeing the current "Avengers", how can everyone not go crazy!

And so that for as long as 5 minutes, Li Feng couldn't say anything else, he could only stand on the stage and say, "Thank you", "Thank you very much", "Thank you again"...

After everyone sat down, after the applause fell, and after everyone's mood calmed down, Li Feng said humorously,

"I didn't expect my nonsense to be so sought after by everyone. If I had known that I would have said it just now on stage, it would not have broken the backstage system!

And this is also thanks to the friend who asked the question just now, and I am very responsible to tell you that we have not colluded..."

Everyone was laughed out loud by Li Feng, they didn't expect Li Feng to have such a humorous side, which made a group of rotten girls in the audience feel itchy, what a perfect man!

If you ask a woman, what kind of man do you like?

After a woman is hypocritical for a while, she will definitely say: rich, handsome, talented and humorous man!

Isn't this Li Feng!So the hearts of all the rotten girls are also fluttering, they are simply gods!Even many rotten girls are now asking how they can join Fengrui!
On the contrary, Liu Chang, Fengrui's public relations manager at the backstage, felt that Li Feng's performance was very good, he was already a bit of a master speaker, he knew when to say something, a simple joke pulled the audience out of the situation just now,
Liu Chang also suddenly remembered the scene when he trained Li Feng to speak in the first book. At that time, Li Feng was still a little "speech phobic", unable to let go, and had to rely on his own guidance for many things.
But now Li Feng's performance is simply flawless, his every movement, every look, and every sentence can resonate with people, just like a personal show.

As for Ma Huateng, the "friend" that Li Feng mentioned just now, he had just woken up from his deep thoughts at this time, and when he suddenly heard Li Feng say that, he could only smile helplessly in the audience.

However, Ma Huateng also wants to understand a problem. No matter whether Fengrui is irresistible or not, since he has chosen the difficult road of "fighting against Fengrui", he must continue to go on. Li Feng took a high look at himself.

So Ma Huateng took another deep look at Li Feng in the stands, and said silently: I hope that one day, we can sit down as equals and have a good chat!
 Make up for yesterday's, today's update may be delayed!Thanks to Danny Fu, emptiness and loneliness for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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