Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 342 Two Horses Meet!

Chapter 342 Two Horses Meet! (Seeking automatic subscription! Seeking full subscription support!)

It's no wonder everyone is so crazy, because Fengrui's open strategy has never been done by an Internet company, absolutely never!
Even in the whole world, no one has done this. In the previous life, Facebook was opened to the outside world in 2007, and Google was a social networking service that was opened to the outside world in 2011.
In China, Tencent only officially opened to the outside world in 3 after the "2012Q War", and its actions are also very cautious.
However, Jinsheng Fengrui proposed an open platform in 2005, a full seven years ahead of this open strategy, and the scope of opening is wider, stronger, and deeper, which is simply unprecedented.

In this era of lack of innovation, Fengrui has such an innovative move, why is everyone not crazy!Not fascinated by it!

This is like if Ronaldo is Chinese now, why wouldn't Chinese people be crazy about it!It can also be said that Fengrui is the first in all over the world!
In fact, Li Feng also used a little trick. On stage, he only talked about the benefits of Fengrui's open platform, what is the user and promotion, and what is free payment, broadband and server... Just talk about joining Fengrui. The benefits of an open strategy,

But there is no mention of the "obligations" that should be fulfilled, but everything is exchanged at an equal value, "what you get, you must give up", but what Li Feng wants is also very simple, nothing more than a little "data". The least valuable thing now, but the biggest "mine" in the future!
Of course, it’s not that Li Feng deliberately kept it secret. It’s nothing more than a bit of “Wang Po sells melons, sells melons, sells melons” and wants to attract more Internet companies to join Fengrui’s ecosystem. When the platform is opened, it will definitely be mentioned,
Besides, anyone who wants to join can join Fengrui's open platform. After all, Fengrui's resources are limited in the early stage, and it is impossible to let all Internet companies enter. It must take care of those companies with potential first!
In the wild shouts and applause of the crowd, Li Feng directly "disappeared" on the stage, and no one even noticed it at first. It wasn't until Liu Zhiping reappeared in the center of the stage that everyone realized that Li Feng had stepped down from the stage. up.

Just now Li Feng's speech was very successful, and Liu Zhiping was also very excited. After all, Li Feng's speech was the most important part of Fengrui's I/O Open Conference. I didn't expect the boss to be so successful.

Even the "dream" part at the end of Li Feng's speech resonated with everyone, so Liu Zhiping also had a feeling of "prosperity and prosperity together",
After Liu Zhiping took the stage, he also said "jokingly": "Wow, thank you for your applause and shouts. If I say now that the keynote speech of the Fengrui I/O Openers Conference is over, is there any hit me"

Before Liu Zhiping finished speaking, everyone in the audience laughed, and some even jokingly said, "We want Mr. Li, not you", "We don't need to beat you, but you have to replace Mr. Li".
And Liu Zhiping also said "jokingly" again: "Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I plan to say three more points..."

It’s just that Liu Zhiping hadn’t finished speaking, and the audience booed, “Come on down”, “You’re so bureaucratic, you’re really talking about it”, “I’m suddenly hungry”, “I want to pee”...

Liu Zhiping also said seriously: "The first point is about the specific content of Li Feng's speech in the morning. Don't panic, we will distribute a set of instruction manuals.
Or you can directly log in to our Fengrui official website, but you must remember that it is not YY.COM, that is our Fengrui website, it is, this is our Fengrui official website!

The second point is that the keynote speech in the morning is really over, but don't forget the sub-forum activities in the afternoon and tomorrow, we have prepared a lot of small gifts!

The last point is that the place for lunch is the third floor of Fengrui Building, so eat as much as you can!And now everyone is free to move about! "

After everyone in the audience listened, they gave Liu Zhiping the middle finger silently in their hearts, and then they also started to leave the table one after another, but let's go pee first, they have been holding it all morning!
At this time, Ma Yun also got up and left the table, and then said to Cai Chongxin: "We won't eat, let's go back to Hangzhou directly!"

Cai Chongxin said with a hungry stomach: "Mr. Ma, are we not going to participate in the activities in the afternoon and tomorrow? Besides, it's too late, just go back, let's go back after eating!"

Ma Yun continued to walk forward, and then said without turning her head: "Li Feng has already shown up, so the next thing is probably not important! Let's not eat the rice, and what's so delicious about Feng Rui's rice? Let's go home and eat."

Didn't you say that you have to live and eat in Fengruibai for two days?However, seeing Ma Yun's pale face, Cai Chongxin didn't say anything. After all, after watching Li Feng's "performance", who doesn't feel a lot of pressure!

At this time, Ma Yun suddenly said: "By the way, Chongxin, send me a copy of Li Feng's speech in a while, and then send a copy to all Ali people, so that they can write me a copy of their thoughts." , and if the writing is not good or profound, it will be regarded as giving up this year's year-end award automatically!"

Here we go again!Didn't Li Feng give his first speech on "Internet products" last time?Why are you still here!
Cai Chongxin also reminded Ma Yun: "Mr. Ma, it has already been done last time, and this year's annual bonus has already been paid!"

Ma Yun said nonchalantly: "Really! Today's year-end bonus has been issued, so use next year's year-end bonus!"

All right!You are amazing!Even Cai Chongxin was a little skeptical about how many Ali people could get the final year-end award this time!
Not only Ma Yun thought so, but even Ma Huateng said to Zeng Liqing: "Li Qing, let's go, let's go back to Pengcheng directly!"

Zeng Liqing is the legendary 190cm tall man, and he is also five big and three thick. In addition, he didn't eat in the morning, and he was already hungry and dizzy. He said directly: "pony, I'm hungry, let's go back after eating!"

Ma Huateng said directly and firmly: "Let's go directly to the plane to eat, and then inform the people above the middle level of Tencent to hold a meeting at [-] o'clock in the afternoon! If you don't go back, let alone defeat Fengrui, you won't even be able to catch the 'Day Lily'!"

Seeing Ma Huateng's appearance, Zeng Liqing had no choice but to go out with Ma Huateng hungry.

Because Zeng Liqing also understands Ma Huateng's character, don't look at Ma Huateng's elegant and easy-going appearance, but once he decides it, he must do it to the end, just like now: Ma Huateng insists on fighting Fengrui to the end!
It's just a coincidence that Ma Yun's side walked in a hurry, while Ma Huateng's side also walked in a hurry. The hat on Ma Huateng's head was knocked off!

 Thanks to Assange for asking for a reward for the weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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