Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 344 Hot topics

Chapter 344 Hot Topics
Offensive and defensive alliance? !this is not bad!

This is a good way to defeat Fengrui!
But how should this "offensive and defensive alliance" cooperate concretely?
Ma Huateng also asked Ma Yun with a huge question mark: "Old Ma, what do you want to do as an offensive and defensive alliance?"

Faced with Ma Huateng's huge question, Ma Yun also said straight to the point: "It's very simple, when someone has a chance to defeat Feng Rui, and at the most critical time, the other two can help each other!"

After Ma Huateng glanced at Ma Yun, he asked again: "Is it that simple?"

Ma Yun said affirmatively: "Yes, it's that simple! Support whoever has the opportunity! Don't you think we'll sign a written agreement, or even set up a company together!"

"Forging iron requires hard work." Ma Huateng thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes! Whoever has the opportunity, support whoever! Now let's eat too..."

After that, the two of them didn't continue to talk about this topic, but drank some wine while talking nonsense...

But soon Ma Huateng found that he was far from Ma Yun's opponent in "Bragging B". At this time, Ma Huateng also saw the difference between himself and Ma Yun. The two are definitely two completely different people:

Ma Yun is a very round-faced person, he understands everything, and you can't see anything you don't like in him, he is very sunny, does not attack others, and always speaks some great truths, chicken soup for the soul, like Worry about the country and the people, talk about big things;

And Ma Huateng is very similar to Li Feng, more pragmatic, more introverted, low-key and introverted, not good at publicity and conversation, and doesn't like to show his face in front of the media; the difference is that Ma Huateng is more shy and quiet, while Li Feng is more domineering ( have a temper).

Although Ma Huateng and Ma Yun's personalities are "diametrically opposed", they are also very similar in one aspect. They have a strong desire for control, a super strategic layout, and they are people who never give up easily!

When they were about to part, the two also cherished each other, and they also made an appointment every year at this time (during the Fengrui Openers Conference) to have a small get-together!
The two should have become "enemies", but because of Li Feng's appearance, they have now become very good friends, really good time!Fate!
Even on the plane back to Pengcheng, Zeng Liqing asked Ma Huateng: "Pony, you don't really have an offensive and defensive alliance with that 'hippie monkey', do you?"

Ma Huateng also thoughtfully said: "Yes, no! In fact, this is just a tacit verbal agreement. If Ma Yun really has a chance to defeat Li Feng, I don't mind helping Ma Yun; the same reason , I guess Ma Yun thinks so too!"

After speaking, Ma Huateng leaned back on the seat, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

When Ma Huateng said this, Zeng Liqing understood, after all, "each takes what he needs and uses each other"!Sure enough, it is still "there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests".

Just when Zeng Liqing was about to squint for a while, Ma Huateng next to him suddenly opened his eyes, and then suddenly said to Zeng Liqing seriously: "By the way, his name is Ma Yun, he is not a 'hippie monkey', at least We are not qualified to call him that now!
Also, don’t forget to inform that the 9:[-] p.m. Internet companies are included in his ecology, he must have a bigger purpose, but we didn't expect it!
The second is to study the launch of "Zhengtu". If you don't launch "Zhengtu", let alone Fengrui, you won't even be able to catch day lilies. Even if we are out of business at Tencent, even Ali probably won't look at us any more. up!

After all, people still rely on themselves, but we really don’t have much time to stay with Tencent! "

After finishing speaking, Ma Huateng closed his eyes again and rested his mind, only Zeng Liqing was left in a mess and couldn't sleep anymore!

In fact, not to mention Ma Yun and Ma Huateng, Fengrui's open strategy surprised and admired all the participants. Even those who don't understand anything know that Fengrui's development platform is awesome.
Because no company or website has ever made such a crazy move, countless sensational reports appeared in the news media and magazines in an instant, and even set off a big discussion about "Fengrui Development Strategy"!
In the current stage of the Internet world, it is still in the stage of barbaric growth. No one has ever proposed the concept of "open platform".
And what about Fengrui? !
It not only took the initiative to open up Fengrui’s core products such as Renren and Alipay to partners, but also took out Fengrui’s core resources such as traffic, users, and relationship chains. , Support on the broadband server... The key is that all these are free of charge!
It can be said that the reaction of the entire Internet industry to the Fengrui F1 conference was almost crazy. Almost all software and Internet companies started to discuss Fengrui's open platform overnight, and Fengrui's open platform strategy has become the current IT Hot topics in the world:

Li Feng, what exactly do you want to do?
Is he really impartial?Want to be a sage in the Internet industry? !

Or is there hidden behind his deeper strategic considerations? !

Everyone was very puzzled, and after the Openers Conference, many people in the industry wondered, what is the purpose of Fengrui's open strategy?

Not to mention the industry, all relevant media and magazines are also reporting on the Fengrui F1 Opener Conference for a while, and there are endless headlines:

"The King of China's Internet, Li Feng!"

"Sharp Openers Conference, the Feast of China's Internet!"

"My success can be replicated, Li Feng!"

"What exactly did Li Feng say at the Fengrui Openers Conference?"


However, some of the more professional financial media also quickly find relevant experts, scholars and professors to do analysis and discussion. There are still many experts and scholars who have analyzed Fengrui's "development strategy" quite well:

"Li Feng wants to be the Bill Gates of the Internet era" - Li Feng is trying to build Renren into a software development platform that allows others to build applications on it.

What he is doing in the Internet field now is similar to what Bill Gates is doing in the personal computer field. He designed as a kind of operating system, which can run various programs on it, and let these applications It incorporates more social elements.

"Fengrui attempts to hook the world" - Fengrui intends to connect the entire Internet world through its open platform, so that all participants need to rely on this platform, and once Fengrui is at the center of the entire ecosystem, At that time, Fengrui will be invincible and invincible!

Some gossip media are unable to conduct professional reports, so they can only focus more on Li Feng himself. Who is Li Feng, the "brick and stone king" is the most topical figure in the current society!
"How much money does Li Feng have? Is he the richest man in China?"

"Brother who sleeps on my upper bunk, Li Feng!"

"My 101 dates with Li Feng!"

"How I Raised My Boyfriend To Be A Billionaire!"


 I have something to do today, I can only update it, I will make it up tomorrow, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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