Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 355 What If I Don't Agree?

Chapter 355 What If I Don't Agree?

Liu Qiangdong is also a veteran of many years of entrepreneurship. It stands to reason that even if it is not "Mount Tai collapsed before and the color remains unchanged", he should at least be not surprised by honor or disgrace, not panic or panic,

But what really brought tears to Liu Qiangdong's eyes was that this sentence was said by Li Feng, which represented Li Feng's optimism towards and the entire e-commerce business. This also indirectly shows that's future is really promising!

It's like shaking hands, but Ma Yun's father shakes hands with you and takes a photo with you. You don't wash your hands all day, and then hang up the photo!Oh, if it's "NBA superstar" Cai Xukun, you're not in heaven!

Therefore, Liu Qiangdong was also very excited and said to Li Feng: "Old Li, is this really possible?"

yes?Is it really possible!Everything is in the unit of "billion", and the turnover is at the level of hundreds of billions or trillions. How can people believe this?Even if it didn't come from Li Feng's mouth, Liu Qiangdong might think it's a lunatic!
Li Feng directly gave Liu Qiangdong a clear answer, and said affirmatively: "It seems that many people say that I see far, then I can also make a guarantee with you, these data will undoubtedly come true,

And I'm not talking casually, let's talk with data. Now the total retail sales in China is nearly 20 trillion yuan, while the transactions completed online are only 100 billion yuan, which accounts for less than 0.1% of the total retail sales of the society.

But everything should be viewed from a long-term perspective. The current e-commerce is changing almost every day, with a monthly increase of 20% and 30%, and an annual growth rate of 200% and 300%. Of course, this increase The rate will probably come down in the future,

And I believe that the final form of the total retail sales of the entire society must be a close combination of online and offline. At least by 2020, e-commerce completed online will account for almost 30% of the total domestic retail sales.

That is to say, even if the current total retail sales are calculated, e-commerce can have a total sales of 6 trillion yuan. You can think about how big this is!
What's more, e-commerce has just started now, and the future is promising. In terms of the number of people, the entire Internet data is now more than 1 million, but the number of people shopping online is estimated to be 1000 million, and there are more than one billion in the country. Population to be developed;
From the penetration rate of e-commerce, the vast rural market has great potential. In the future, in addition to rural e-commerce, there will also be social e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce. People will even be able to buy foreign products in the future... In short, the future e-commerce market has great potential ! "

In fact, these are what Li Feng said conservatively. You must know that Ma Yun's father had a "2012 million bet" with Wang Wanda at the CCTV Economic Person of the Year Award Ceremony in [-].
It means that if e-commerce accounts for 2020% of the Chinese retail market by 50, Wang Wanda will lose [-] million to Ma Yun.On the contrary, if it doesn't arrive, Ma Yun will give Wang Wanda a "small goal" of [-] million.

Otherwise, how can I say Ma Yun’s father is awesome? In 6.3, when e-commerce only accounted for 2012% of China’s retail market, I dare to say that it will reach 2020% in 50. Sure enough, you don’t need to draft a draft!As for the outcome of the bet, let us wait and see!

Regardless of whether Ma Yun's father is bragging or not, the only thing that is certain is that the growth rate of e-commerce is amazing. If you use the words of physics to describe it, it is "accelerated" growth.

So after Li Feng finished speaking, Liu Qiangdong was "wet". Reasonable analysis, bold prediction, and advanced layout are not Li Feng's most powerful skills!

And Li Feng's final conclusion directly made Liu Qiangdong climax. If Jingdong can have half of the share by then, what kind of situation will it be like!Thinking about it, Liu Qiangdong floated away, flying directly into the clouds!

Li Feng saw Liu Qiangdong's flirtatious and dreamy face, and directly poured cold water on Liu Qiangdong, "Old Liu, the market is huge and the future is bright, but comrades still need to work hard!
I am sure of the future of e-commerce, but I am not sure whether will achieve these goals in the end. According to the "Matthew effect" of "the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker", the first thing is to occupy the entire 80% of the market, all the rest add up to only 20%,

Of course, it is impossible for e-commerce to monopolize so much, but No. 2 must have the largest market share, about one-half; No. What do you think of Jingdong?How many can you occupy? "

What Li Feng said is right. In the previous life, the final market share of the entire Chinese e-commerce was almost like this. The entire Ali Group (C2C Taobao + B2C Tmall) was 50%, 25%, and then others. Later, because of Pinduoduo With the rise of the market, some changes have taken place in the market, but the general pattern will not change.

But in this life, has just been established, so Li Feng’s basin of cold water directly drenched Liu Qiangdong into a "heart-to-heart coolness", and directly pulled Liu Qiangdong from the high clouds, and Liu Qiangdong suddenly woke up !
yes!No matter how big the cake is, it's useless if it doesn't belong to you!
At present, Ali must be the first, there is no doubt that the first, but the second is not Jingdong!There are also eBay, Joyo, Dangdang...even Jingdong is not even in the top ten!

Liu Qiangdong was stunned. What advantage does have to stand out from the encirclement?Regarding the development of, it is not that Liu Qiangdong has not seriously studied it, and has many ideas of his own:

Are you continuing to do self-employment?Or do you want to be a platform like Ali?

Is it to outsource express delivery to a third-party company?Or build your own logistics warehouse?

Is it to continue to focus on 3C products?Or an extension?And if you really want to expand the categories, which categories should you expand first?

It's just that there are so many directions, so many strategies, and such goals, all of which require Liu Qiangdong to make decisions alone, and he really can't do it by himself!
For a while Liu Qiangdong fell into deep thought, the market can see it, but what's the use if it can't be done, in the end he can only make wedding dresses for others for nothing!
At this time, Liu Qiangdong, who was distressed, suddenly found that Li Feng in front of him was drinking tea leisurely and elegantly in the courtyard. Isn't there an expert in front of him!And is there anyone taller than Li Feng!
I am so stupid, why do I still "ride a donkey to find a donkey", no, I am a donkey, Li Feng is an expert, and this is the purpose of my visit to Li Feng!


After Liu Qiangdong slapped himself directly, he seriously asked Li Feng for advice: "Old Li, this is why I visited you! You have to help me out of emotion and reason!"

Li Feng was almost scared by Liu Qiangdong and dropped the teacup in his hand, but seeing Liu Qiangdong also leaning on him, Li Feng also smiled and said: "Let me put it this way, I have to help if I don't! Is it reasonable?"

Liu Qiangdong said directly: "Yu Qing, we are also old friends for many years, you help me, who will help me; Yu Li, you are also the second largest shareholder of Jingdong. Although Jingdong is worthless, it is yours anyway A small piece of business!"

I didn't expect Liu Qiangdong to be so good at talking. Li Feng also asked with a smile: "I can give you some advice, but as I said just now, Jingdong is your own company, and whether it succeeds or not should be determined by your own opinion. Forget it, I just gave you an opinion!"

Then Li Feng also asked seriously: "So, before asking me again, what do you think, you have to have your own ideas, what do you want to do most now?"

This time Liu Qiangdong didn't think too much, and gave his answer directly, "I want to do logistics, and it's warehousing plus logistics!"

really!Liu Qiangdong seems to have a natural obsession with logistics, and in his previous life, Jingdong rose with a strong logistics system!

But Li Feng still pretended to be very curious and asked, "Why, why do you want to do logistics?"

Liu Qiangdong thought about it, reorganized his language and said to Li Feng: "About the strategic layout of logistics, I have actually thought about it for a long time. On the one hand, 85% of customer complaints are related to logistics;

On the other hand, it is also because sells 3C digital products, which are generally the most expensive and also the most stolen.

This is not only troublesome for us at, but also for many third-party courier companies. They don’t want to accept our orders, because after the mail is stolen, other courier companies have to compensate us for a little loss!

Of course, the main reason I want to do logistics is based on the first item '85% of customer complaints are related to logistics', isn't this what you often say, yes, user physical examination!

And I seem to have a natural intuition that I want to do logistics! "

Many companies can succeed, and many of them are based on an entrepreneurial intuition!Unexpectedly, Liu Qiangdong saw it quite far, as if he was born to engage in e-commerce!

And Li Feng also followed Liu Qiangdong's intention, and then asked: "Since you want to do logistics, why don't you do it now? Why do you still ask me?"

Liu Qiangdong said with some embarrassment: "On the one hand, Jingdong has no money now, and I want to start the second round of financing of Jingdong. On the one hand, I will tell you in advance. I can continue to participate, and it is best to come from Fengrui this time, I need Fengrui's traffic portal;

On the other hand, none of the high-level and middle-level employees in Jingdong support me in logistics, and even my family members do not support me in logistics, so now I am also hesitant and don’t know what to do. I would like to ask for your opinion. , because I'm not sure about doing this, is it right?

So, Mr. Li, two questions: Jingdong’s financing and future strategic layout, and this is the reason for my visit to you, please! "

Enterprise survival is always the first proposition that the boss thinks about!Financing and strategy are the key to the survival of a company, so Liu Qiangdong chose to hand over this difficult problem of to Li Feng's answer!
At this time, Liu Qiangdong called Li Feng "you", and after Liu Qiangdong finished speaking, he looked at Li Feng very nervously and very seriously, hoping that Li Feng would give him an affirmative answer. Strengthen your confidence!

It's just that Li Feng put the teacup in his hand, then leaned forward, sat upright and said to Liu Qiangdong with a straight face: "Old Liu, you have to rely on yourself for everything, you can't always rely on me, an outsider... and this This is the last time I will give you a clear answer: If I don’t agree with you to do logistics either! What will you do?”

(End of this chapter)

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