Chapter 36
After the final exams, the summer vacation will begin.

Wang Xiao took the train at night, before leaving, he still didn't forget to come to Li Feng's place to say goodbye to Li Feng.

Wang Xiao sat on the sofa, almost sinking into it, and said carelessly while eating some fruit, "I said, lunatic, are you not going back this summer vacation?

Now that your business is getting bigger and bigger, I don’t even know you. If your family knows that you have such a house in Yanjing, what should you do? "

Li Feng said: "It just so happens that the company is quite busy during this time. After this busy period, go back if you have time, and forget it if you don't have time. Don't talk nonsense when you go back."

"Don't worry, madman, you are the big boss now, I dare not offend you." Wang Xiao said indifferently.

Li Feng likes Wang Xiao like this, and has always regarded himself as a friend. In the previous life, he was not alienated because of his "poorness", and in this life, he did not flatter him because of his "prosperity in life". It is enough to have a confidant in life!

Li Feng suddenly remembered that he still had 300 million US dollars in gambling funds that had not been settled, so he asked Wang Xiao, "By the way, Fatty, do you know any friends in America?"

"You really think of me as a rich second generation, my friend from the United States, but I agree with what Zhang Rong said, that Lu Lu in their dormitory went to the United States to study in her sophomore year."

After Wang Xiao finished speaking, he suddenly added, "I heard that you and that Lu Lu have a good relationship, why didn't she tell you that!"

"I'll go, who did you hear that we are just friends, but that time... Forget it, you need to know that we are ordinary friends, that's fine." Li Feng explained.

In fact, the two are really ordinary friends now. After listening to the lecture of "Bill Gates" last time, the two got along relatively well. Lu Lu was even more surprised by Li Feng's knowledge, so she often came to Li Feng. The two often discuss issues together.

Li Feng likes Lu Lu very much, a girl with a straightforward personality, like a "confidant". Li Feng feels very relaxed when he is with her, and Lu Lu can understand some things Li Feng said, but Li Feng never thought of asking for help. Take the relationship between the two a step further.

However, is there really a pure friendship between a man and a woman!Who knows!At least Li Feng has the final say on things like feelings.

Wang Xiao saw that Li Feng was getting a little anxious, so he didn't say any more. Sometimes Wang Xiao envied Li Feng, he always had so many good girls around him,

But Wang Xiao still couldn't understand why Li Feng chose Tang Xin in the end. At least Wang Xiao thought Tang Xin was not as beautiful as Yang Xiao and Lu Lu, and even less beautiful than Song Jia.

Finally, Wang Xiao stood up, patted his buttocks and left, before he left, he did not forget to "scratch" Li Feng: "Okay, madman, maybe she really has a crush on you, you boy is just lucky now, I don't know if you can take it or not.

But I said, Boss Li, what a big boss you are, why haven’t you got a car in a place like Yanjing, at least you can take me to the station, so that I don’t have to take a taxi. "

That's right, it's time to buy a car. I don't need it myself, but the company has almost 200 people now. Having a car is not only for appearance, but at least it is also convenient.

However, the matter of the car can be put aside first, and the matter of the $300 million in gambling money must be resolved first.

To be honest, since Li Feng and Tang Xin confirmed their relationship, if Wang Xiao hadn't mentioned Lu Lu, Li Feng would have almost forgotten her.

Lu Lu, as expected of a top student, received offers from many schools right after her freshman year, including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University.

For this reason, she also consulted Li Feng, and Li Feng's advice was: if you study liberal arts, go to Harvard, if you study science, go to MIT or Stanford.

In the end, Lu Lu chose Harvard University and enrolled in the three majors of finance, economics and business administration in one go.

Lu Lu is a very motivated person who wants to do her best in everything, just like a woman who is "in a hurry" and makes herself very tired.

Sometimes, Li Feng asked her: "Why do you make yourself so rushed and tired?"

Lu Lu would say: "Maybe it's because I'm too young, I want to be fresh, I don't like a comfortable life, and I really want to finish a lot of things right away, so I can do other things."

Lu Lu has always had a dream about starting a business: to find a few like-minded people, form a dream team (dream team), and start her own business.

Therefore, Lu Lu is very envious of Li Feng now, this is what Lu Lu wants.

Therefore, after receiving Li Feng's call, Lu Lu readily agreed and asked Li Feng to meet at a cafe on Xueyuan Road.

When Li Feng came to the cafe, Lu Lu had already arrived early.

Seeing Li Feng sitting down, Lu Lu said, "I know you like drinking tea, so I specially ordered a cup of tea for you."

Drinking tea in a coffee shop is definitely not something ordinary people enjoy.

Add some tea to this coffee, or tea!Li Feng tasted it, and said directly: "I still prefer our Chinese tea. I really can't enjoy this kind of foreign tea."

"Okay, there's no teahouse around here! Just tell me if you have anything to do, I don't think you will come to me if you have nothing to do." Lu Lu said with a bit of resentment.

Bad, could it be that Fatty Wang was right!This chick also likes me, when did I become so feminine!

Li Feng pretended to be confused and said, "It's nothing. You're going to the United States next semester, and you're not studying finance! Have you always wanted to be an investor? I happen to have some money on hand, and I want to invest in some American stocks."

"I understand. What you mean is: Let me help you buy stocks in the United States. No problem, how much do you invest? Also, do you already have the selected stocks?" Once Lu Lu enters the working state, she will Talking non-stop.

"Sister, you asked too many questions all at once, I'm going to invest 300 million to buy..." Before Li Feng could finish speaking, Lu Lu interrupted him.

"Well, 300 million, you really made a lot!" Lu Lu said in surprise.

"It's $300 million." Li Feng said.

"Ah! 300 million US dollars, how do you have so much money, can you make money by opening an Internet cafe?" Lu Lu exclaimed loudly.

300 million, Lu Lu can still accept; but 300 million US dollars is equivalent to nearly 2000 million RMB, at this moment, Lu Lu is a little at a loss, Lu Lu knows that Li Feng has made a lot of money, but thinking that Li Feng is already so rich.

"I sold the Internet cafe, that's why..." Li Feng explained, of course, we can't talk about gambling.

"Sold it! Why? Did you buy some stock, that stock?" Lu Lu also asked curiously.

"Netease!" Li Feng gave the answer directly.

"NetEase! The 163 NetEase in China?" Lu Lu confirmed again.

"Yes, China's NetEase." Li Feng said affirmatively.

In September 2001 last year, NetEase was directly suspended by Nasdaq due to the "false accounting incident", and it could only be traded in April this year.

Speaking of the reason for the "false accounting turmoil", Ding Lei is pitiful enough. In general companies, small shareholders are afraid of being "bullied" by the big shareholder. When it comes to Netease, Ding Lei, the big shareholder, is "bullyed".

Therefore, the angry Ding Lei directly fired the CEO, CFO, and COO, and became the chief architect who didn't know the specific responsibilities. He didn't succeed in trying to sell Netease, so he had no choice but to move the headquarters from Yanjing. Pengcheng.

When Netease went public, it caught up with the "Internet bubble" and was forced to break the listing. The stock price fell from 15.5 at the time of listing, never rising, the lowest fell to 0.48, a drop of 97%, and its market value also dropped from 4.7 million US dollars at the time of listing. , fell to less than 2000 million US dollars.

But Li Feng knew that although NetEase's valuation was indeed very cheap, with a market capitalization of only US$2000 million, its net assets were US$6700 million and its liabilities were only US$1400 million.

At the same time, the SMS and other value-added services it provides for China Mobile are developing rapidly, and its revenue will increase explosively.

Buying NetEase stocks now is definitely a guaranteed profit.

Of course, it is also okay to buy Xinlang and Sohu now, but it is definitely not as profitable as buying Netease.

Li Feng thought that Lu Lu herself is a talent in this field, so he said: "Lu Lu, as long as it does not exceed 1 US dollar, all the 300 million US dollars will be bought in Netease stocks. Be careful, get a few more accounts, and don't exceed 5 US dollars." %.

And this trader is definitely not a day or two, it will take several months, if you follow what I said, you will leave [-]% of the profit as your reward. "

Once the shares exceed 5%, it will be announced to the public, so Li Feng specifically asked Lu Lu to do it again.

"I understand these, don't worry! However, I don't need your charity, these are your analysis, this is the help of friends.

I only hope that if, after I help you make real money this time, you can take some out and let me invest. "Lu Lu still forgot about starting her own business.

"Ok, no problem."

Li Feng readily agreed, and Lu Lu also smiled sweetly.

After seeing off Lu Lu, Li Feng turned around and came to Fengrui Technology Company. Now "Miracle MU" has entered the final stage of debugging, and the "public beta" will be launched soon. Li Feng is a little worried, so I will come to have a look at the end .

(End of this chapter)

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