Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 361 Fatty's Friend

Chapter 361 Fatty's Friend

Facing Li Feng's kindness, Liu Qiangdong quickly refused: "Old Li, you are really too polite, you have already helped me a lot, and without you, it would be a problem whether Xiaojing and I could be together." ?”

What does it have to do with me? I'm not your matchmaker. You said I've met your girlfriend, Jing. How come I don't have any impression! Li Feng also complained in his heart.

Seeing Li Feng's expression, Liu Qiangdong thought that Li Feng didn't believe it, so he explained again, "President Li, I mean it's true, if it wasn't because of you, I would have broken up with Xiao Jing.
Originally, Xiaojing’s family didn’t like me being in business, and they always hoped that I could enter the political circle, but I knew I wasn’t that kind of material, so I still wanted to do business. That was when our relationship was most tense.
And thanks to your guidance, I am determined to go to the road of e-commerce, and the most important thing is your shares, so Xiaojing also supports me to try,
Fortunately, Jingdong is developing well now, and with your guidance today, I believe that Jingdong will indeed have great potential in the future!

So, Lao Li, you saved my love!I thank you from the bottom of my heart!Thank you so much! "

I didn't expect Liu Qiangdong to make such a move. It seems that he really changed Liu Qiangdong's fate, but this is good for Liu Qiangdong himself, Jingdong, and himself.
Li Feng also re-examined and said: "I said, Lao Liu, since love is hard-won, you must cherish it even more in the future. If you live a good life after getting married, I am willing to give you a gift that you can't refuse!"

Liu Qiangdong quickly waved his hand and said, "Old Li, you are so polite, I don't even need to say it."

Li Feng patted Liu Qiangdong on the shoulder, and said mysteriously: "Old Liu, don't rush to refuse. I will ask my secretary Song Jia to give you this congratulatory gift on the day you get married. Now I wish you the best wishes in advance." You are happily married!"

Seeing Li Feng being so secretive, Liu Qiangdong was not polite at this time, "Okay, then I'll wait for a big gift from Mr. Li! Mr. Li, we're done talking about business, and it's getting late. Let's go have dinner together tonight." What a meal, we two brothers haven't had a meal together yet!"

Li Feng saw that the time was past 6 pm, and he said very embarrassedly: "Old Liu, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry tonight, I made arrangements in advance these days, you didn't see me When I was chatting with you just now, I still looked at my watch from time to time,

You should talk to Zhiping about the specific matters, I will tell him in advance, it happens that there is nothing else, I should go, let's get together next time we have a chance! "

Liu Qiangdong listened to what Li Feng wanted, and didn't make any demands. He turned around and left after saying a few words to Li Feng, "That's really a pity. Originally, I wanted to chat with President Li for a while. If that's the case, I won't bother you any more." After speaking, Liu Qiangdong greeted Li Feng again and left.

And Li Feng also sent Liu Qiangdong out the door, closed the door and pulled the "unsuspecting" Song Jia into his arms, and gave Song Jia a wet kiss, "Jia baby, just now you pinched me so painful Ah, how do you think you will compensate me!"

Li Feng's "violent" appearance directly startled Song Jia, and Song Jia lay in Li Feng's arms "panic" and said: "You villain scared me, just now when I was talking about work with Liu Qiangdong, I was serious. As a result, as soon as he left, you turned around and bullied me!"

Li Feng kissed Song Jia again, this time very tenderly, "Then do you like letting me bully you?"

"I hate it." Song Jia gave Li Feng a white look, feeling a little wronged, and pinched Li Feng's arm bitterly.

"Ah... why do you women only pinch people? My skin is almost purple from pinching." Li Feng rubbed the place where Song Jia pinched, pretending to be in pain.

Song Jia thought Li Feng had really pinched her, so she quickly stood up and looked at Li Feng's arm, but just as she stood up, Li Feng pulled her into his arms again, and Li Feng blocked Song Jia's mouth again.


After a long time, Li Feng let go of Song Jia and said, "Baby Jia, I really should go. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. When you take me out to play, I'll listen to you, okay?"

Song Jia was a little fascinated at this time, and said emotionally: "Well, you go first, don't delay your business, I will wait for you tomorrow!"

After Li Feng kissed Song Jia for the last time, he turned and left, and Song Jia stood by the window and watched Li Feng drive out with a happy smile on his face, "Finally I'm still yours."

Li Feng didn't go home first, and went directly to the place Wang Xiao had agreed upon, a street food stall, it was almost 7 o'clock in the evening,

And when Li Feng arrived, Wang Xiao himself had already started eating, and he ate a lot, and there were already a lot of leftover skewers signed by him, and there were two bottles of beer just finished.

As soon as Li Feng sat down, he scolded Wang Xiao: "I said Fatty Wang, it's fine if you choose such a place to treat guests, but the guests didn't come, so you eat first, what do you mean! It's too embarrassing Brother Feng, take it seriously!"

While eating, Wang Xiao kept his head up and said, "I haven't eaten all day! I'm going to starve to death when you come again. This is freshly baked. It's a bit spicy if you don't want to eat it!" "

Li Feng didn't say anything, just sat down and ate. Only then did Li Feng realize that Wang Xiao also had a scruffy beard, just like a savage who just came out of the forest.

Li Feng also asked: "I said, fat man, what have you been up to lately? How come you have such a look, are you really an artist?"

At this time, Wang Xiao also suddenly remembered something, quickly took out a small camera from the handbag next to him, and excitedly said to Li Feng: "Madman, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, I even took a camera specially Come here, take a look, my micro-movie "The Tuner" is still your script, now the dubbing is all that needs to be done."

It turned out that this was the case, Li Feng also wiped his hands, took it out of curiosity and read it again, yes, it's interesting!
The short 15-minute micro-movie, although there is no dubbing and the image quality is relatively rough, is indeed beyond Li Feng's expectations. At least it makes veteran movie fans like Li Feng feel good after watching it. It seems that Wang Xiao really has the talent in this area ah!

After Li Feng put down the camera, he asked sincerely: "That's right, Fatty didn't expect you to have two tricks, I think it's okay, what do you plan to do next?"

"I want to go abroad to participate in an international film festival to see if I can win a short film award, and then return to China to raise investment and make a real movie." Wang Xiao said.

"Okay, that's right. You can still let my Fengrui video website promote it. If it doesn't work, I'll sponsor you two more money." Li Feng said.

"No, your money is your money, and the money I borrow from you is your money. If everything depends on you, what's the point!" Wang Xiao refused.

"Okay, he's the fat man I know. It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on the sky and the earth. It's all up to you. But you came to me just for this matter? You don't know that I will go abroad the day after tomorrow, Yang Xiao Are you still waiting for me at home?" Li Feng complained a bit.

"You don't want to say goodbye before going abroad anymore! But I am looking for you today mainly for a friend, a friend I met while filming a while ago, he has already made a film, although The first movie wasn't that great, but I think he's a real directing genius,

Now he wants to make a movie, and he has been soliciting investment, but everyone sees that he is a new director and doesn’t support him. That’s why I thought of you. I thought it was good, so I asked you for help. You can take a look later, if you can, I will support you. ,alright, that's fine! "Wang Xiao explained again.

"Oh, so that's what happened, what about others?" Li Feng asked curiously.

At this moment, Wang Xiao said in embarrassment: "The place they live is a bit far from here, and I didn't go into details and haven't come here yet. Wait for another two or three minutes!"

"Okay! Fatty Wang, I didn't even want a woman because of you, so I came here directly, but you did this for me. If you really can't do it later, don't blame me for not giving you face!" Li Feng said a little said angrily.

When the two of them were talking, three people sat down next to them, a "little fat" who was thinner than Wang Xiao, an "ugly guy" with wicked eyebrows, a glib "bald head",
Among them, the "bald head" was also acquainted, and after sitting down, he said to Wang Xiao: "I said Fatty Wang, are you reliable or not? How can rich people come to this place?"

At this time, "Baldhead" also saw Li Feng sitting next to him, and said casually, "Fatty Wang, this is your buddy, he is so talented, why does he want to act like Liu Bin, grab food from us ah!"

Finally, the "bald head" stretched out his hand and patted Li Feng's shoulder, "But since you are Fatty Wang's buddy, you are also my Xu Zheng's buddy. I still have a bit of status in the circle now. I will cover you in the future and report to me if you have anything to do." name!"

The action of "patting the shoulder" is usually done by superiors patting subordinates or elders patting juniors on the shoulders to express concern and encouragement. At the beginning, Li Feng didn't realize it. After its establishment, few people pat themselves on the shoulder!
The "ugly boy" next to him with hemorrhoids on his face also interjected: "I said Zhengzi, what nonsense are you talking about? It's my Huang Bo's face if you want to repay it. You count that green onion, if it wasn't for my not-so-good-looking Be handsome, I've already become a superstar, so I can fool around with you guys!"

The last "Little Fatty" who was slightly thinner than Wang Xiao thought that Wang Xiao had failed, and comforted him: "Okay, let me say a few words to you two, Fatty Wang also made a lot of mistakes for us." Ah, let's have dinner first, and then we'll think about it later!"

After "Little Fatty" finished speaking, the three of them stopped talking. It seemed that this "Little Fatty" was quite prestigious among the three of them, but what Li Feng didn't expect was that after the three of them looked at each other, they directly You are welcome to pick up the skewers and eat them with big mouthfuls.

Only then did Li Feng see their faces clearly, they were very familiar, they were all future big stars!Isn't this the golden trio of Chinese movies in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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