Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 377 Acquisition Completion

Chapter 377 Acquisition Completion
After Li Feng and Chen Shijun reached an acquisition intention, they calmly waited for Chen Shijun to prepare all the YouTube materials in Lu Lu's mansion in California, and then called him to complete the formal package acquisition.

I didn't keep Li Feng waiting for a long time, because YouTube is still in its infancy, and many things are not particularly complicated. The main founder of the entire YouTube company is Chen Shijun.
So the next day, Chen Shijun rushed to Li Feng's mansion with all the YouTube materials. Not only was Li Feng impatient, even Chen Shijun was a little impatient.

Arrived at Li Feng's mansion in California, Sea View Villa.

Chen Shijun has seen it all.

No wonder rich people are willing to live in villas.

Such a big house, such a wide garden, as well as a swimming pool, seaside beach, everything is available, it is like a peach blossom garden.

Chen Shijun also began to imagine that one day he could own such a mansion.

Sitting in the living room in the mansion, Chen Shijun was still waiting for Li Feng to go downstairs.

Chen Shijun waited for about ten minutes.

Li Feng, who was wearing a nightgown, walked down the stairs a little lazily.

He was still fighting with Lu Lu just now, so he was busy meeting people, so Li Feng ended it hastily.

"Drink water?" Li Feng asked Chen Shijun casually, and then he poured himself a glass and drank it, his mouth was too dry.If it wasn't for making tea too slowly, Li Feng would have drunk tea.

And Chen Shijun shook his head: "No, I won't drink the boss."

Chen Shijun, he has changed his name to Boss Li Feng now.

Being hired by Li Feng as the CEO of YouTube's new company, Chen Shijun couldn't do without changing his name.

Li Feng drank water, looked at Chen Shijun and said, "Did you bring everything?"

Chen Shijun said: "I have brought everything." He took out a file bag, which contained all the legal materials of the YouTube website.

Li Feng nodded, and he didn't plan to read it, so he asked, "Have the contract materials been prepared?"

Chen Shijun said, "It's ready."

At this time Lu Lu came down, and compared to Li Feng's decadence, Lu Lu looked much more radiant.

Li Feng took the materials handed over by Chen Shijun, passed them on to Lu Lu, and said, "Look, if there is no problem, just sign."

Professional things should be left to professional people, and then Lu Lu also carefully looked at the contract, and finally signaled to Li Feng, "No problem."

After receiving Lu Lu's hint, Li Feng also signed the letter very readily. From this moment on, it means that YouTube has officially become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fengrui.
This is not a shareholding, nor an investment. This is a direct package acquisition. It cost 200 million US dollars, which is equivalent to RMB, which is close to 2000 million. However, YouTube will become the darling of Google in a year, and it paid 16.5 billion The high price of the dollar.

Moreover, this acquisition was made by Li Feng on behalf of Fengrui, not by "Yunfeng Fund". This also involves Li Feng's future layout.

After signing, Li Feng threw these documents to Lu Lu casually. Since Chen Shijun came, he also had some things to tell the other party: "I have asked someone to choose an office location in Silicon Valley. moved YouTube to a new location,
At the same time, Lu Lu will be asked to hold a press conference to announce the matter to Silicon Valley. After all, if you do things in a low-key manner, it will definitely not work.

Also, the company can't be your bare-bones commander. I also asked people to contact a headhunting company, planning to hold a job fair, recruit a few people to help you, and complete the construction of YouTube with you. What do you think? "

Chen Shijun has no problem at all. YouTube is in his hands and can only rely on basic push. It is impossible to have Li Feng's connections and influence. Holding a press conference in Silicon Valley is equivalent to announcing the arrival of a new competitor to Silicon Valley peers.

Of course, Chen Shijun was very happy when Li Feng did this. He also wished that YouTube could soar into the sky, so he said, "Boss, you just need to call me to tell me what to do. I will listen to you."

Li Feng continued to drink water, shook his head and said, "No, no, you don't understand what I mean. I'm very lazy, and I'll keep you on YouTube from now on, and I won't care what you do To develop, you need money, just tell me, you need network resources to expand and influence you, and tell me,

However, if you want to ask me how to manage, how to improve the internal quality of YouTube and retain users, you will think too far.I'm not going to tell you what to do, YouTube is all about you.Because, I have other things to do, very busy..."

Chen Shijun nodded submissively: "I know, I know, boss, I will work hard."

Li Feng patted Chen Shijun on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "Of course, if I have any ideas and plans, I will tell you in advance, but in the end it depends on you."

Then Li Feng said: "Also, let me tell you a little bit more. If you do a good job, I will give a part of YouTube shares as an incentive, so that the management can have something to look forward to."

Hearing Li Feng mention it again, Chen Shijun's eyes lit up: "Really? Boss?!"

Li Feng knew that there is no entrepreneur who does not want shares. This is not only a material enjoyment, but also a spiritual affirmation. Who doesn't want to be a boss!
Li Feng nodded again and said: "It must be true. Although I am very possessive, as long as I work hard with me, if I am good enough, I am willing to share some soup and water for the people under my hand to share a cup of." soup.

So, you don’t have to question this point. The truth of my words will be clearly written down in the company’s management regulations after the new YouTube company is established. "

Chen Shijun's heart fell like a big stone.

That's a good thing, it's a thousand times better than giving him the position of CEO.

After all, the CEO gets an annual salary, but he can only talk about it if he has shares. It proves that there is hope, especially since YouTube was founded by himself, so it is even more emotional.

"Boss, I won't disturb your rest. How about this? I'll go back and study in detail. How many technicians will our new company need, and what else do we need, and then I'll call you?"

Chen Shijun stood up, intending to leave, he couldn't wait to start working.

Li Feng didn't intend to keep him either, "By the way, I've already bought your house in Silicon Valley. It's not very big, just a two-story villa. It should be enough for you to live alone. If there are no accidents, It's right next to the new YouTube company, and the keys haven't come down yet, so I'll let you know in advance, and don't forget about the move."

Chen Shijun almost plopped down on his knees.

If the king treats his ministers like brothers and feet, then the ministers will treat him like his heart;

As his new boss, Li Feng was a big capitalist who treated Chen Shijun like a confidant. Chen Shijun had nothing to repay him, so he could only do his best.

If it were Zuckerberg before, even Chen Shijun didn't see each other when he resigned and left. In contrast, Li Feng was a hundred times closer.

Chen Shijun left with mixed feelings.

After he left, Li Feng dragged Lu Lu back upstairs slowly, taking a catch-up sleep first, and then thinking about something to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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