Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 382 Recruitment

Chapter 382 Recruitment
"Time Magazine" Alexander's team was also responsible for handling follow-up matters, and Li Feng who was interviewed had nothing to do, so he left the interview room one step ahead of time.

At this time, Li Feng had just left, and Lu Lu followed, "Feng, are you still going to YouTube's job fair tomorrow?"

Li Feng asked casually, "Where is it?"

Lu Lu said: "At the branch headquarters of the headhunting company, our requirements are relatively high this time, so we can only pick people from their talent pool."

Li Feng thought about it for a while, and felt that there was nothing to do tomorrow, so he could just visit the job fair, so as not to leave Lu Lu alone, and if Lu Lu went, Li Feng would really be alone.

So Li Feng thought for a while, and gave a clear answer: "Okay, if you're free, you're free. I'll be with you tomorrow."

Lu Lu was happy when she heard that Li Feng was going with her, "OK, I'll make arrangements right away!"

It's just that before Lu Lu went far, she was dragged away by Li Feng, "Don't panic, let's go for a walk together."

The wind in the middle of the night is always so comfortable.

Of course, this requires a slight wind. If it is replaced by a strong wind that can blow people away, no one will say that such a wind is comfortable.

Li Feng and Lu Lu walked on the streets, although the night in North America is not peaceful, always accompanied by various dark events.

But Silicon Valley, as the technology center of North America, has much safer streets here than New York.

Sometimes Li Feng often feels sorry for the people of New York.

After all, as the largest city in North America, it will always become a disaster city in various movies, such as Iron Man, Spiderman, and Avengers.

It was a city that was often destroyed and often rebuilt.

"Feng, what are you thinking?" Lu Lu looked at Li Feng silently and asked curiously.

Li Feng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, just think about it."

Lu Lu nodded and asked curiously, "Are you worried about the recruitment tomorrow?"

Li Feng shook his head and said, "No, actually I am quite confident about tomorrow's recruitment. Although Chen Shijun's experience is not enough, the headhunting company will definitely arrange it."

Not any company can become a headhunter!

A headhunting company is a company that does not appear in the lives of ordinary people.

Such companies are only serving various companies. In fact, in Li Feng's view, they are more like entertainment agency agencies, but they do not have agency contracts with those applicants.

The two sides are more of a tacit agreement.

A successful headhunting company must have its own talent pool, which records talents from all walks of life, which can ensure that the headhunting company can receive jobs from any company at any time.

At the same time, a headhunting company also needs to have a certain degree of understanding of various industries.

At the same time, companies in all walks of life must also have a certain understanding, especially those top companies, or companies with excellent potential.

To put it bluntly, they are a comprehensive butler.

It is necessary to select suitable companies for the talents in your own talent pool, and at the same time select suitable talents for the companies you serve.

Among them, the appropriate two words are the most important.

Only in this way can you demonstrate your own value.

These tasks are extremely delicate and tedious tasks, and it is not easy to do them well.

This time they were looking for a top headhunting company. When YouTube was still in its infancy, their working ability was enough to easily complete these things.

It was Chen Shijun who really worried Li Feng. After all, Chen Shijun was a technical talent before, and he had never done this work as a manager. But when he thought that Chen Shijun brought YouTube up in his previous life, Li Feng didn't think much about it. .

But Li Feng thought for a while, he still called Chen Shijun and told him a few words, nothing more than asking him to have more snacks tomorrow.

Lu Lu stood beside Li Feng and said with a smile, "I still said I'm not worried!"

Li Feng chuckled, and said: "Relax when it's time to relax, but you still have to tell you what you need to tell."

At this time, a gust of cool wind blew by, and Li Feng saw Lu Lu showing a hint of coolness, and said with a smile: "How about we go back to the hotel?"

Lu Lu shook her head and said, "I'll go back later, I like to walk with you like this, without being disturbed by anyone!"

No matter how successful a woman is, in fact, there is a little woman living in their heart. It just depends on whether the man next to her has the ability to call out the little woman in her heart.

Obviously Li Feng has this ability.

On the second day, at the job fair location that the headhunting company prepared for YouTube alone.

After Li Feng arrived, he saw the dense crowd of applicants, and couldn't help but be amazed at how many talents there are in Silicon Valley!
I have such a high interview requirement, so many people come to participate, no wonder they say "Silicon Valley is full of talents"!

However, because of this, Li Feng thought of "LinkedIn", the originator of the professional social network founded by Reed Hoffman in "PayPal", which is also a good investment opportunity.

After all, the future still belongs to the Internet, and no industry can do without the Internet.

Soon it was time for the interview, and the No.1 recruiter came to HiSilicon. Under the leadership of HiSilicon's clerk, this person came to the application room.

This is a young man, and a very confident young man, with round eyes and long beard... He is a very typical American Silicon Valley person.

Li Feng is also very satisfied with this talent, and this person's resume also gave a good evaluation, but this person is too utilitarian, when Li Feng asked him if he would like to work overtime.

The other party directly and simply refused, "I don't want to!"

"What if you are required to work overtime because of the company's needs or your own lack of ability?" Li Feng continued to ask.

"Well, that's it. If the company is willing to provide overtime pay, I can still work overtime."

Still a very practical person!

It's just that Li Feng didn't like it, so he didn't try to keep it, and ended the interview quickly.

Job fairs continue...

Although Li Feng didn't understand the specific technology, he followed Zhou Wei and the others all day long to understand what a real technical expert is, and sitting next to him was a genuine Silicon Valley talent like Chen Shijun for reference.

Therefore, the interview process went smoothly. Li Feng asked ideological questions, and Chen Shijun asked technical questions. After more than an hour of interviews, the recruitment of YouTube's elite talents was almost completed.

The next step is to assist Chen Shijun in the recruitment of Vice President!
This position is very important, almost the second in command of YouTube, and Li Feng hopes to find a real elite to join the company.


(End of this chapter)

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