Chapter 384

YouTube company listed its new office in Silicon Valley, and Li Feng also recruited ten employees for Chen Shijun through the headhunting company HiSilicon, and at the same time recruited Charlie, Chen Shijun's right-hand man to help him.

After Li Feng pulled up the YouTube team, he directly threw it to Chen Shijun to take care of it. As for whether YouTube can become a video uploading website that will be acquired by Google for US$16.5 billion a year later, Li Feng is not optimistic about the results. Even if it hadn't been acquired by Google, the YouTube company would still be useful in his hands.

After all, it only cost 200 million U.S. dollars to acquire it. This amount of money is equivalent to the loss of a dollar for ordinary people, and it is not important at all.

As for Li Feng, he is in Lu Lu's mansion in California, living a shameless and impetuous life with this little beauty. He either checks in to go shopping, or makes an appointment to go out for a tour of the mountains and rivers, and then has sex in the dark Heck, after all, although work is important, life still needs to be experienced, especially for a rich person like Li Feng, the current money is just a bunch of numbers to him, it is better to take advantage of the good times, the world is so big, I think Go and see this kind of Buddhist life.

One morning, Lu Lu prepared breakfast for Li Feng, which consisted of bacon, bread, milk, and some fruit. During the meal, Lu Lu looked at Li Feng and said, "Feng, I know you like to watch the NBA, don't you?" Who likes that Spurs, why are you dumbfounded."

This is what Li Feng said to Lu Lu last time he watched the game, but in fact Li Feng’s favorite star is Leonard, but the current Xiaoka has not yet entered the NBA, so he is called Duncan. Of course, Li Feng Also really like Duncan, Mr. Big Fundamentals.

So Li Feng also nodded and said, "That's right, my favorite team is the San Antonio Spurs, and their star player is Duncan."

Lu Lu smiled: "Then let me tell you, tonight at the home of the Lakers at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, there will be a heavyweight NBA game. Do you want to watch it? The Spurs vs. the Lakers!"

Because Li Feng has watched all kinds of movies now, Li Feng is sincerely interested in sports competitions, and drinking tea, sleeping, and watching games have become Li Feng's three hobbies.

So after hearing what Lu Lu said, Li Feng didn't even eat the bread, so he stood up and asked, "Really?"

From the tone of voice, one can tell that Li Feng is a die-hard fan.

Lu Lu said: "Don't be so anxious, dear, I have already booked tickets for the two of us, and it is the most core position of the court, you can see your favorite NBA stars running and playing in front of you, although you know Tickets here are reserved for celebrities and superstars, but it’s not impossible to get them.”

Li Feng casually tore a piece of his own bread and gave it to Lu Lu: "No, this is a reward for you."

Lu Lu pouted and said, "I hate it! I don't want to do anything practical. You see, every time I reward you, I give you a kiss. Fortunately, you are feeding me with food and trying to raise me." Fat."

Although Lu Lu's tone was complaining, the voice was more lover than lover.

Li Feng laughed and said, "Then let's go to the game tonight. Speaking of which, I haven't been to an NBA stadium to watch a star play for a long time."

Lu Lu said: "Let's not talk about watching the game, you first talk about how to reward me. I also managed to get the best seat tickets."

Li Feng looked at it for a while and said, "Then what reward do you want?"

Lu Lu asked him with a rosy face: "After dinner, let's go upstairs to watch 'Ball'. Besides, you will be entering school soon!"

Li Feng scolded, "Little goblin", there is no other compensation but rou.


Los Angeles is located in the southwestern part of California, the second largest city in the United States. It is often called the "City of Angels." One of the major bases of marine, aerospace industry and electronics industry. Los Angeles also has many world-renowned institutions of higher education, such as Caltech, UCLA, University of Southern California, Pepperdine University, etc.

Of course, what is even more fascinating in Los Angeles is that there is a world-renowned stadium - the Staples Arena.

Staples Arena is located in downtown Los Angeles, California, USA, adjacent to the LA Live development area, next to the Los Angeles Convention Center complex on Figueroa Street. Construction started on March 1998, 3, and it was officially completed and opened on October 31, 1999. It is a multi-functional stadium and one of the main sports facilities in the greater Los Angeles area.

Staples Center is operated by the LA Arena Company and Anschutz Entertainment Group.The Staples Center hosts more than 250 events each year and attracts nearly 400 million visitors.It is the only arena in the NBA that is shared by two teams at the same time, and it is also the only arena in North America that has two NBA, an ice hockey team and a women's basketball team as their home stadium.

If it is further described as the rehearsal venue for Michael Jackson's deathbed concert, the king of pop music in the world, then it can highlight the fame of the Staples Arena.

The night in Los Angeles is very beautiful, of course, because during the NBA game, the city that never sleeps is more full of carnival.

Especially in the summer, in front of those open-air plazas, countless passers-by watching the NBA, drinking beer, and toasting every goal the players make is too explosive.

Going to the NBA to watch the game, especially in the best position, is equivalent to walking on the red carpet and being exposed in front of the media all over the world, so exquisite attire is a must.

Li Feng was wearing a casual suit, and Lu Lu had also changed into an evening gown for social occasions. The two of them were both male and female, arm in arm, and headed to the stadium together in a Lincoln luxury car.

Now the Spurs and the Lakers are in full swing. The duel between the two should be the most popular NBA game. The parking lot outside the Staples Arena is already full of all kinds of luxury cars, including Ferrari supercars and Lamborghinis. There are also Maseratis driven by women. In short, celebrities from all over the United States, as long as they like the Spurs or the Lakers, the rich will come from all over to support, and there are also fans from all over the world.

In his previous life, Li Feng could only watch the NBA on TV through the live broadcast, which is a bit silly to say the least.

In this life, Li Feng came directly to the Staples Center to watch his favorite team play, and he felt very comfortable in his heart.

From the moment he parked the car, Li Feng felt as if he had personally entered an American blockbuster!Although I have seen the Staples Center on TV many times, I still feel a sense of shock when I get closer—it is so big!And, because both teams are aces against aces, the game will be very well attended.

Lu Lu led Li Feng into the stadium, and said as she walked, "Look, Feng. The outside of the stadium is full of people, and there are a lot of police officers. Does it feel very lively? Many families come!"

Li Feng said with a smile: "We are also a family."

Lu Lu blushed and said, "I hate it."

Lu Lu didn't understand why Li Feng liked to watch the NBA. She had never been there before. It wasn't until she walked into the stadium and saw the situation inside that Lu Lu knew: "Like is the truth." The first floor is full of people, and in the center of the stadium, there should be a famous singer from the United States performing.

This is simply a concert, a stadium, and a place where big stars gather.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to see such a sense of blockbuster.

The two showed their special tickets, and the sexy staff took them through a special passage to the best seats in the stadium.

"Feng, wait a minute, introduce me, who is your favorite player, how about we stand next to him for a group photo at the end?" Lu Lu's proposal was good.

Li Feng said: "Okay, let's see if there is a chance then!"

The two came to the best viewing position on the court.

This position can almost be said to be sitting with all kinds of stars playing basketball, just behind them, without railings.

It is said that for such a ticket, scalpers outside can fetch sky-high prices, and there are also those that have no market price.

Fortunately, Lu Lu has a good network in Silicon Valley. Getting such tickets is also an opportunity for Li Feng to experience a close contact with his favorite stars.

The game hasn't started yet.

At the Lakers' home court at the Staples Center, singers from an American pop group were singing, and sexy cheerleaders were also on the court.

Li Feng and Lu Lu took a special passage and came to the best position on the court, not to mention this position, which is really full of big names.

As soon as Li Feng arrived, he saw that people like Jordan, football superstar Beckham, and even the international superstar Michael Jackson were there. Similarly, some sexy Hollywood actresses, celebrities and politicians in American society, and businessmen, all gathered here here.

It's just that Li Feng suddenly had two vacant seats next to the two of them. I don't know who reserved them, or who reserved them in advance.

And among this group of superstars with various skin colors, Li Feng and Lu Lu also saw an acquaintance, Zuckerberg!

Zuckerberg was sitting alone, and beside him were several American investment businessmen. Seeing each other, Li Feng just nodded to him.

The NBA stadium is also an interpersonal communication. There is a saying that Buffett’s dinner can be auctioned for a sky-high price. Similarly, the best location of the NBA stadium can also be auctioned for a sky-high price, because in this place, you may meet big capitalists and It may be possible to negotiate a certain business, or to reach a cooperation with a certain star, and then get the endorsement.

Zuckerberg is an ambitious person, and he appeared here, probably because he wanted to have both sides and improve his reputation.

Li Feng just nodded to Zuckerberg, and sat down with Lu Lu.

Regarding the appearance of the two Chinese in the stands, in fact, there are many people in the surrounding celebrity circle who cast curious eyes.

It's not that there are no Chinese in this place, but they are all celebrities among the Chinese.

The two young lovers made the superstars and celebrities around them think that they were just descendants of a certain rich man.

Before the game started, Lu Lu was asking Li Feng: "Feng, who is your favorite player?"

Li Feng pointed to a big guy who was warming up a few meters away in front of him: "No, it's him, Tim Duncan, the greatest power forward in the league, known as 'Mr. up,

And the person who can block shots best, do you know what a block is, it is equivalent to slapping the face directly.Let's compare it~~ And, I think, this year's NBA championship, the Spurs will definitely win. "

This is the home court of the Lakers, and Li Feng is actually a supporter of the Spurs, which makes many die-hard Lakers around him want to argue with him.

Lu Lu looked at the tall man in the distance, and then stuck out her tongue: "It looks like a dumb gorilla. I think my front is the most beautiful, the most perfect man in the world."

Li Feng smiled and said, "Stop praising me, hahaha~~ The competition is about to begin."

While Li Feng was talking to Lu Lu, Zuckerberg, who was sitting far away, stood up from his seat and walked towards him and Lu Lu.

Zuckerberg is a rookie in Silicon Valley, and Facebook is gradually becoming a fashionable software in Silicon Valley, so many American stars recognize this computer genius.

But now this computer genius actually stood up and walked towards Li Feng like a subordinate, instantly attracting the eyes of a group of international superstars and celebrities who were sitting at the best viewing position on the NBA stadium.

I saw Zuckerberg coming from a distance, and came in front of Li Feng and Lu Lu, he couldn't say hello, Li Feng is now the major shareholder of Facebook, so he has to take good care of him, otherwise it will be like two days ago Additional financing was added. This is the feeling of wanting to hold Facebook in his hands. His intuition told Zuckerberg that Li Feng is not easy to mess with. He met him again at the stadium today. It is impossible for Zuckerberg to be blind. I had to come over to say hello in person.

"Leo, Ms. Lu, you guys come to watch the game too." Zuckerberg felt that he shouldn't come today, he wouldn't run into Li Feng, and he wouldn't greet Li Feng awkwardly in full view.

Li Feng didn't look at Zuckerberg, but looked at his favorite player Duncan, and just replied indifferently: "You can come to watch the game, why can't I come?"

Zuckerberg hurriedly explained: "That's not what I mean, I mean Mr. Li, do you also like the Los Angeles Lakers?"

"Wrong, the team I support is the Spurs."

Li Feng said this very loudly, almost shouting, and everyone around heard it.

It's a bit unbearable to say this at the Lakers' home court, but Zuckerberg provoked this matter, and now everyone is looking at Zuckerberg.

They don't know Li Feng, but Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is the scapegoat.

I just saw Zuckerberg kneeling down in front of the other party again. When did Americans become so spineless? Even celebrities and superstars, including politicians, began to hate Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg said goodbye to Li Feng feeling bored: "Er...Mr. Li, take your time, I'll go there first."

"Let's go, let's go, don't block me from watching the game." Li Feng waved to him, feeling refreshed like coming and going as soon as he is called!

The small episode on the opening stage did not affect the start of the game. After a while, the game officially started, but the two seats next to Li Feng were still empty.

(End of this chapter)

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