Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 388 Meeting Bill Gates Again

Chapter 388 Meeting Bill Gates Again
It’s just that the world of Li Feng and Lu Lu was still disturbed. I saw groups of people next to them starting to gather for the sports on campus. They were all wearing bachelor’s uniforms, talking and laughing along the way.

Li Feng was still curious about what was going on, so he heard Lu Lu stop a classmate and ask, "Children's shoes, what are you doing here? Why are you all going to the school grounds?"

The classmate who was blocked knew Lu Lu. After all, a super beautiful woman like Lu Lu is a famous figure on campus. He also replied straightforwardly: "Sister Lu, don't you know that today is the graduation ceremony, and our school specially invited you Bill Gates is coming to give a speech, so hurry up and take your seats."

It’s Bill Gates’ lecture again. It seems that I have a good relationship with Bill Gates. I remember that not long after I was reborn, the first lecture I listened to was also given by Bill Gates. It was still in the Tsinghua University Lecture Hall. At the same time, because of this lecture, I I have an indissoluble bond with Lu Lu!

Bill Gates, we are really destined!Li Feng thought secretly.

It’s just that this time Li Feng doesn’t want to hear it anymore. What Li Feng dislikes the most is hearing other people’s success stories, because they can all sum it up in one sentence, “As long as you work hard, you can succeed. Otherwise, if you don’t succeed, it’s because you didn’t work hard enough.” Isn't this just nonsense? It's all about objective conditions.

But this time Lu Lu wants to go, "watching movies and listening to lectures together", isn't this considered now, can it be realized now, not to mention that Lu Lu has a sincere affection for Bill Gates, because it is in Bill Gates At the lecture, I really got to know Li Feng, and fell in love with this man who "dare to challenge Microsoft".

"Feng, why don't you go? Didn't you just say to listen to the lecture together? Husband, please." Lu Lu's "Zhiling" call almost scared Li Feng out of his wits.

So what are you waiting for, the lecture sounds, let’s go~~~
When the two arrived at the place, it was already overcrowded, and most of the students had already sat down and were wearing academic uniforms. Fortunately, there was a special parents' area nearby, so Li Feng and Lu Lu could still get in.

As soon as the two sat down, the speech began. It was still the familiar cliché, and it was still the familiar "baby face", Bill Gates, the richest man in the world.

"Respected President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of the Harvard Group, members of the Supervisory Council, teachers, parents, and students:

There's a line I've waited 30 years for and now I can finally say it: "Dad, I always told you, I'll be back to get my degree!"

The audience roared with laughter. It turned out that today was not only a graduation speech, but also that Bill Gates came back to get a degree certificate. However, everyone knows that he is the most successful dropout, and this piece of paper is no longer needed to prove it.

"I want to thank Harvard for giving me this honor at this time, which is nice to finally be able to put on my resume that I have a college degree.

I am very happy for all of you who are here today. It is much easier for you to get a degree than it is for me.The Harvard newspaper called me "the most successful dropout in Harvard history."I guess that probably qualifies me to speak for my class of students... of all the losers, I do the best job.

However, I also want to remind everyone that I caused Ballmer (Microsoft's general manager) to drop out of Harvard Business School.Therefore, I am a man of bad influence.That's why I was invited to speak at your commencement.If I had spoken at your welcome ceremony, perhaps far fewer would have survived to graduate here today. "

The teachers and students at the scene were very attentive, and even Lu Lu quickly devoted himself to it...

But for Li Feng, who was "poisoned" by Mr. Ma's "Chicken Soup for the Soul", although he tried his best to keep listening, he couldn't sit still. I can't move, so I can only listen patiently.

Then Bill Gates recalled his time on campus at Harvard, "For me, Harvard's study experience was an extraordinary experience. Campus life is very interesting, and I often go to audit courses that I did not take. Harvard's extracurricular Life is great too, I live a life of freedom in Radcliffe. There are always a lot of people in my dormitory until midnight every day, discussing various things. Because everyone knows that I never think about getting up early the next day. This Made me the leader of the restless students on campus, we stuck to each other in a gesture of rejection of all normal students.

Radcliffe is a great place to live.There are more girls than boys, and most of the boys are science and engineering.This situation created the best opportunity for me, if you know what I mean.Unfortunately, it is here that I learned a sad lesson in life: great opportunity does not mean you will succeed..."

Real things always resonate with people. Li Feng suddenly felt that what Bill Gates said was good, at least not as hypocritical as what he said in Tsinghua University last time. Partners earn $1", it should be "For every $10 Microsoft earns, local partners earn $10".

At least this time Bill Gates put his heart into it. This kind of heart doesn't come from the gorgeousness of his words, but from his heart. There are even many things that deeply touched Li Feng.

"But humanity's greatest progress has come not from these discoveries, but from discoveries that have helped to reduce human inequality. By whatever means—democracy, a robust public education system, high-quality health care , or broad economic opportunity—reducing inequality has always been humanity’s greatest achievement.”

“When I left school, I had no idea that there were millions of young people in this country without access to education. I also had no idea that millions of people in the developing world lived with unspeakable poverty and disease. Medium. It took me decades to understand these things.”

"We can make the market work better for the poor, if we can design a more innovative system of capitalism -- if we can change the market so that more people can make a profit, or at least sustain themselves -- —then this can help people who are suffering from extreme inequality. We can also put pressure on governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that are more consistent with taxpayer values.”

"If we can find a way to help the poor, generate profits for businessmen, and generate votes for politicians, then we have found a sustainable way to reduce inequality around the world. The task is infinite. It cannot be fully accomplished, but any attempt to consciously solve this problem will change the world."

"On this issue, I am optimistic. But I have also met skeptics who feel hopeless. They say: "Inequality has existed from the first day of human beings, and it will continue to exist on the last day of human existence." exist. —Because humans don't care about this problem at all. "I totally disagree with that point of view."

"Don't let the complexity of the world hold you back. Be an activist. Make it your mission to address human inequality. It will be one of the most important experiences of your life."


Finally, Bill Gates said: "I hope that you will return to Harvard in 30 years and think of everything you have done with your talents and abilities. I hope that at that time, the standards you use to evaluate yourself , not just your professional accomplishments, but your efforts to change the deep inequalities in this world, and how you treat those far and wide with whom you have nothing to do, and with whom you are the only one. What they have in common is that they are all human beings. Finally, I wish you all the best of luck.”

After the whole speech, the applause continued and the atmosphere was warm. Everyone stood up and praised Bill Gates.

Li Feng suddenly felt that there was something about Bill Gates. Bill Gates' mother was a director of IBM, which is good, but there are many directors of IBM, but why only Bill Gates succeeded in the end!

Bill Gates was once penniless like us, but he knew how to use his own advantages to seize the opportunities around him, so he succeeded.

He started to lead Microsoft at the age of 20, became the youngest billionaire ever at the age of 31; became the richest man in the United States at the age of 37 and won the National Science and Technology Medal;

Behind the wealth of Bill Gates, there is a more fundamental thing hidden, that is, the secret that made him famous or rich; the experience and lessons that made him stand up again after falling; The golden rule that came out; his spiritual support at the critical moment to turn the tide... It is because of these that Gates has reached the pinnacle of life that we all admire.

What is the most fundamental thing behind Gates' success?

The answer is: Believe in yourself, independence and freedom, accurate positioning, hard work and enterprising, pioneering and innovative.

Bill Gates is also worthy of being one of the two giants of this era (the other is Jobs), these are the goals of his own pursuit, so in the end, even Li Feng also took the initiative to stand up and applaud Bill Gates, which can promote human Technological advances are giants!

And Li Feng's seat happened to be on the far side of the parent's seat. When Bill Gates passed by, he also saw Li Feng.

For Li Feng, Bill Gates still has a deep impression, but he only thinks he looks familiar, but he can't remember this person.

At this time, the person next to him took the initiative to introduce Bill Gates: "Bill, that person is Leo, who is very popular in Silicon Valley now, and Feng Li from China."

Bill Gates and Zuckerberg are real alumni, and they are the most successful Harvard dropouts. Bill Gates even wanted to invest in Facebook, so he has heard about Leo, but he is still a little skeptical , I always feel that I have seen this young man before.

"So he's Leo, he's really young!" Bill Gates glanced at Li Feng again, turned and left without thinking.

It’s just that he hadn’t walked far when he suddenly thought, isn’t this Chinese man named “LEO” the same young man who boasted that he wanted to defeat Microsoft when he gave a lecture at Tsinghua University?
At that time, I felt that this young man was arrogant and ridiculous, but finally he just replied, "it's easy to say!"

I just didn't expect that this young man has grown so much, and with his current growth rate, he might really become an opponent of Microsoft!

Bill Gates looked back at Li Feng again, what a scary young man!

 The update has not been effective, and I have been making up for the previous account recently. Please count your votes and support me. I will try my best to update it in the future. Only when you treat the readers sincerely can the readers treat the author sincerely. Otherwise, let alone the readers give up, even I will I'm giving up on myself!
(End of this chapter)

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