Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 392 The most beautiful person in 2006

Chapter 392 The most beautiful person in 2006
You are running, and others are chasing you!
When Fengrui was developing and making big acquisitions, other companies were also not idle...

Ma Huateng, who was "expelled by Li Feng and wanted revenge", once again proved himself to be an excellent product manager with his strength,
Tencent's newly launched online game "Journey" has already started to make money from the beta stage, and with this series of historical records, the number of online users reached 50 at the fastest and 100 million at the fastest, and it was the first to officially break through 200 million online users …

Although "Zhengtu" is not the most profitable online game (the most profitable is Fengrui's "World of Warcraft"), it also broke the monopoly of the "troika" (Fengrui, Shengda, NetEase) on the entire domestic online game. This announced the rise of Tencent again!

Ma Huateng almost made the point of "permanent free" to the extreme. This is a game developed with the idea of ​​earning money from adults and rich people. "Let the rich who are willing to spend money spend more money for the game" is The core idea of ​​Ma Huateng's "permanent free" this time.

Although the growth of "Zhengtu" has always been accompanied by the denial of public opinion, but finally in this era of "material desires and money first", Ma Huateng's Tencent has straightened up again!
Although rich, Ma Huateng has never forgotten "the humiliation given by Li Feng". QQ is gone, the company has been taken over, and the employees have all left. In the end, only the word "Tengxun" and the original business The "Tencent Five Tigers", even the place where he planned to build the Tencent Building, was built by Li Feng as the "Fengrui Building".
He has always remembered, he has been dormant, he has been waiting for an opportunity, he wants to fight, not to prove how great he is, but to tell Li Feng, "I must take what belongs to me, Ma Huateng, with my own hands." return"!
And Ma Yun from Hangzhou finally breathed a sigh of relief. It can be regarded as having beaten eBay and eBay. Taobao's market share has increased from 1% to 72%, which means that eBay and eBay have been unable to recover. eBay once ridiculed Taobao Netfree proved that its charging model was successful, but the last one was defeated in 2006.

And now Taobao’s turnover has exceeded [-] billion yuan, and Taobao has become the largest shopping website in Asia. More importantly, Taobao once again proved that:

The Internet does not only exist as an application tool, it will eventually constitute the basic elements of life. Many white-collar workers in cities no longer go shopping in surrounding commercial buildings after get off work at noon and evening, but are used to "shopping" online.

It's just that whenever Ma Yun sees that Fengrui's "Alipay" is used on her shopping platform, Ma Yun feels as if she has been stabbed and stabbed. Although she doesn't pay Fengrui any fees, she looks at "Alipay" every day With a large amount of funds deposited, Ma Yun felt even more uncomfortable.
Based on Taobao’s current annual turnover of 3000 billion, Alipay’s daily accumulated funds are nearly 7 million. Based on the settlement of funds in a 2-day cycle, it is considered that Fengrui has at least 2 million in capital pools. Let’s not talk about anything else. The interest generated by the [-] million yuan made Ma Yun jealous. If Li Feng were to use it for other things, then Fengrui would not send it again.

It’s just that Ma Yun was wrong again. Finance is something that not everyone can touch. If it doesn’t work out, accidents are easy to happen. Li Feng is very careful. For this reason, Li Feng specially asked Cheng Wei (the person in charge of Alipay) to

The money in the fund pool must not be moved, but the interest is still acceptable. Li Feng even asked Cheng Wei to report to the central bank, UnionPay and other relevant departments about Alipay's "fund sedimentation pool", but there has been no reply.

Although Ma Yun also launched her own "Tenpay", the Internet has a "first-mover advantage" and it is easy to become a habit of users, and her own "Tenpay" user physical examination is still not as easy to use as Fengrui's "Alipay". ,
With the same network speed, "Alipay is fast, whether it is Netcom or China Telecom", this is impossible. This is due to the "Pangu Plan" in Fengrui's "Three Super Plans".
In addition to the data center in Yanjing Fengrui Building, the data center in Pengcheng Fengrui Building is also starting, one north and one south, two data centers, no matter who it is, Alipay is definitely the fastest,

Regarding this, Ma Yun's children's shoes were also very helpless, so she said to Cai Chongxin, the "military adviser" next to her, "Lao Cai, if we follow Fengrui to build this data center, I think there is really a lot to do in the future!"

Among the three bats in the previous life, Ali was the first to engage in cloud computing. At that time, Li Yanhong and Ma Huateng also mocked in 2010, "Cloud computing is bluntly speaking, old wine in a new bottle, there is nothing new", "Cloud computing should be possible. It will be hundreds of years, 1000 years later."

However, "cloud computing" in this life was advanced by Li Feng to 2005. Although everyone didn't accept it very much, they also felt that this might really have a future, because this is what Li Feng is optimistic about, and the most discerning people are optimistic about it!

Although Ma Yun was very optimistic, Cai Chongxin poured cold water on Ma Yun, "Boss, I heard that the investment in Fengrui's data center is very huge, and it is almost as big as a Fengrui building. Not so much money..."

Before Cai Chongxin finished speaking, Ma Yun interrupted, "Didn't we just raise $10 billion from Yahoo? Why are we out of money now?"

"Boss, that happened two years ago. Besides, we spent a lot of money just to deal with eBay, and now we still have so much money..." Cai Chongxin explained.

Ma Yun listened, paused for a while, and then said to Cai Chongxin: "Do you have any other way, no matter what you are doing, you can't do it without money!"

"IPO!" Cai Chongxin said affirmatively.

"IPO? Eh... No way, Ali still has a lot of business potential. If we go public now, it will be a big loss!" Ma Yun said.

"Boss, I didn't say it was the entire Alibaba Group, I was talking about B2B Alibaba. Now is the best time for Alibaba to go public, and I have worked in an investment bank before, so I am very familiar with this area!" Cai Chongxin reaffirmed explain.

"Alibaba for B2B?! Listed alone!"

After Ma Yun repeated it, she said to Cai Chongxin: "Okay, Lao Cai, come up with a plan first, and we will discuss it later. Li Feng doesn't have much time left for us."

Ma Yun didn't say "think about it", but directly said "discuss and discuss". One considers whether to do it, and the other considers how to do it. The nature is different. The main reason is that Li Feng puts too much pressure on him, and the time is not waiting for me!
Compared with Ma Huateng, who is "bitter and bitter", and Ma Yun, who is "unrewarded", Li Yanhong, the "elegant and handsome guy" among the three giants of bat in his previous life, has had a lot of glory recently!
Why?Because Baidu’s listing was successful, and it was very, very successful, not to mention exceeding Li Yanhong’s expectations, even exceeding Li Feng’s expectations.

As soon as Baidu opened the market, its market value soared by 440%, heading straight to 50 billion US dollars. Even Li Feng was a little surprised. When Baidu was listed in the previous life, the highest was only 39.58 billion US dollars, but in this life it is 50 billion US dollars.
So, Li Yanhong cried, really cried, this is a waste of money, and he even didn't forget to call Li Feng to congratulate him!

Afterwards, many experts analyzed the reason for Baidu’s surge, which was because of Fengrui’s investment… Li Feng didn’t care about how the experts analyzed it, but Li Feng’s 8% stake in Baidu was paid off, which was 4 million U.S. dollars ah!

And the 4 million US dollars was exchanged by Li Feng with 6000 million and MY123 (recommended positions for 5 Fengrui products should be kept at all times), and it took only one year before and after, so Li Feng earned it no matter what!

In general, although the three heads of the bat family have troubles, they are still very beautiful, and those who are beautiful are lost.

The most disappointed person is probably Shengda’s Sheng Tianqiao. Although Sheng Tianqiao has devoted himself and exhausted all his efforts, in the end, in front of the powerful radio and television zongju, the one-page ban completely declared the failure of the "Shengda Box Project". The exhausted Sheng Tianqiao finally collapsed and was admitted to the hospital.

But for ordinary netizens, no one doesn't care about these things. For ordinary netizens across the country, who is the most beautiful person in 2006?

It is not Ma Huateng who "restarted", Ma Yun who was "smug", nor Li Yanhong who was "high-spirited", nor Li Feng who "directed behind the scenes".

It's Zhou Hongyi who "fired the gun for a year"!
(End of this chapter)

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