Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 47 Internet Addicted Teenager

Chapter 47 Internet Addicted Teenager
In his previous life, Li Feng asked Tang Xin: "Xin Er, if I cheat on you in the future, will you forgive me?"

At that time, Tang Xin pinched Li Feng hard and said, "What, you still want to cheat, I think you don't want to live anymore!"

Li Feng hurriedly said: "If, I mean if, in case I cheated, what would you do?"

Tang Xin finally replied: "Well, do you even think about it? If you really cheated, I will give you a 'click' hard!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Xin gestured "big scissors" with her hand.


Li Feng, who was still dreaming of sex, was suddenly awakened by fright. At the end of the dream, Tang Xin and the others were each holding a pair of large scissors, "Kach", "Kach", chasing Li Feng crazily run.

After waking up, Li Feng wiped the sweat from his brow, feeling a bit of fear after a while, being a "playboy" is not easy.

At this time, the phone rang, and Li Feng saw that it was "Tang Xin"'s phone number. Why are women's senses so accurate?

Don't do bad things, don't shoot ghosts knocking on the door!
Li Feng calmed down, picked up the phone and said with a smile: "What's the matter, baby, you miss me!"

But Tang Xin, who was on the opposite side, was almost crying and said to Li Feng: "Li Feng, my brother ran away from home...can you help me find it in Taicheng...and in two days, my brother has to return Going to Yanjing to join the army... what should I do!"

In her previous life, Li Feng remembered that Tang Xin said that this summer vacation was the darkest period of her life. Her grandfather passed away, family members fought to divide the family property, her father fell ill and was hospitalized, her younger brother ran away from home. "female" became an "outcast".

Hearing Tang Xin's cry, Li Feng's heart ached, and he quickly comforted him: "Xin'er, don't cry, when did your brother run away from home? Look again, how much money did you take when you left?" Money? Have you brought anything?"

Maybe it was Li Feng's words that gave Tang Xin some confidence. Tang Xin thought for a while, and said after a while, "I've been walking for two days, but I brought my clothes with me and took a few hundred dollars."

Hearing Tang Xin's words, Li Feng suddenly remembered: Tang Xin said in her previous life that the whole family searched for her brother for several days before they found her younger brother, and almost missed the time to join the army.
In the end, this kid surfed the Internet at an Internet cafe near the school, and was still playing games when he was found.

Then, Li Feng said: "Xin'er, don't worry, I'll go out and look for it. This kid must have made preparations in advance. I think he will go to Yanjing to report after playing outside for two days."

Tang Xin replied, "It's possible! Okay, thank you, Li Feng, and pay attention to your own safety."

"Why are we being polite!"

So, Li Feng put down the phone, called Xu Jiawei back, and asked, "Old Xu, do you have our salesperson in Taicheng? Also, check the main urban area of ​​Taicheng, how many Internet cafes are there?" ?”

Not long after, Xu Jiawei replied: "Boss, there are no salesmen there at present, do you need to send someone over there.

Instead, I found out from the background of "Bat Network Management" that there are 15 Internet cafes in the main urban area of ​​Taicheng. "

Li Feng thought for a while and said: "There is no need to send someone over, I can do it myself, and send the addresses of those 15 Internet cafes to my mobile phone later.
In addition, our "Miracle MU" also needs to increase the promotion in third and fourth cities. I found that there are many good Internet cafes in small cities, and it will definitely be no problem to operate "Miracle MU". "

After a while, Li Feng received 15 Internet cafe addresses from his mobile phone. Li Feng took a general look and found that the nearest Internet cafe to his high school was the Internet cafe where he played CS with Xiaowei and the others yesterday.

Tang Xin's younger brother, Tang Bin, is four years younger than Tang Xin. He went to the same school as Li Feng and Tang Xin. Bin's grades are really scumbags.

After finishing junior high school, Tang Bin said that he did not go to school anymore. He said that he had a headache because of reading. No matter how much his family tried to persuade him, nothing could be done. He had no choice but to let him drop out of school.

At any rate, Tang Xin's family still had some connections, so she arranged for Tang Bin to join the army because she was afraid that Tang Bin would fail in society.

When Li Feng came to the Internet cafe yesterday again, he searched twice, and finally found Tang Bin who was playing a game in a corner.

Only then did Li Feng realize that the place where Tang Bin was sitting was very close to the place where he played CS that day, and there was only two seats left.

That day Li Feng also vaguely saw Tang Bin, but didn't recognize him.

In the end, Li Feng found out that the reason why he didn't recognize Tang Bin that day was because Tang Bin had changed too much since then.

The current Tang Bin is still thin and short, like Wang Xiao later, five big and three thick, a whole weight of 200 catties, plus training in the army, black and strong, wearing sunglasses is a bodyguard .

Li Feng walked in and took a look, and found that Tang Bin was still playing "Miracle MU". He called Xu Jiawei just now and said that he would increase the promotion efforts in third- and fourth-tier cities. Unexpectedly, there was one in front of him, and he was his brother-in-law.

Li Feng patted Tang Bin on the shoulder: "Hey, Tang Bin!"

Tang Bin, who was having a good time playing, was suddenly interrupted by someone. Seeing that he was still a stranger, he said irritably, "Who are you? What are you doing? Didn't you just recharge the money just now!"

I'm going, treat me as a network administrator!Li Feng said directly and loudly: "I am your brother-in-law, don't you know that you can't be found at home, are you in a hurry!"

Tang Bin held his mouth shut and said, "You are my brother-in-law. Who would believe that you look like this? Besides, do you have any proof?"

Uh, "Prove that I am your brother-in-law", what is the difference between this and "Prove that I am me"!

Li Feng pulled his head and said depressedly: "Then how do you want to prove it? I'll just call your sister, isn't that all right?"

"NO! NO! NO!" Tang Bin shook his head and continued, "I have a way to prove that you are my brother-in-law."

"Tell me." Li Feng said patiently.

"Go to the front desk of the Internet cafe and charge me one hundred yuan for the Internet fee, and you will be my brother-in-law!" Tang Bin said solemnly.

I'll go, didn't you just charge up, brush me up!Then I'll charge you [-], what's wrong with you!

Li Feng slapped Tang Bin hard on the back of the head directly, and cursed: "I'm paying the internet fee! Come down quickly!"

"You don't charge money, why are you beating people?"

"Slap!" Another slap, "Slapping someone!"

"You are too rough. My sister won't fall in love with someone like you. Even if I do, I won't recognize you as brother-in-law!"

"Slap!" Another slap, "Brother-in-law!"

"Brother, no, brother-in-law, I was wrong! Can't I come down!"

Now Tang Bin is just a brat, Li Feng convinced him in a few strokes, and he won't do it if he doesn't!
Seeing Tang Bin was a little scared, and Li Feng felt that he was a little too much, after all, his brother-in-law was good to him in his previous life,

Li Feng said with a little embarrassment: "Okay, I will meet with your sister in a while, so that the family don't worry, and come over to play when the time comes."

After speaking, Li Feng called Tang Xin and said that Tang Bin had been found, and the two agreed to meet at the school gate.

Why, women like to meet at school!

(End of this chapter)

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