Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 511 You Are Not Alone With You

Chapter 511 You Are Not Alone With You

From heaven to hell, it may only take a second!

The entire explosion process of "Falcon 1" took less than 1 second, and even the entire rocket was wiped out in just 76 seconds from explosion to ashes.

Gone, everything is gone!

The "results" that have been worked hard for a long time and spent a lot of energy suddenly disappeared, and everyone couldn't bear it. The entire central control room suddenly became dead silent, and the silence was terrible, as if they were not breathing.

Even some female employees have shed tears of sadness, while Elon Musk stood motionless in front of the screen, looking at the picture in front of him without speaking for a long time.

This is not only because of the failure of the "Falcon 1" rocket launch, but also because of the failure of the "ideal". Many people know that Space X has no money, and the funds on the books are estimated to be insufficient for the next launch mission.

Even Lu Lu couldn't stand the suffocating atmosphere of failed dreams, she was also very sad, she held Li Feng's hand tightly,

And Li Feng was probably the only calm person on the scene, because he was already prepared in his heart for the failure of the rocket launch. He also responded to Lu Lu, patted Lu Lu's hand hard, and sent her positive energy, don't be like this sad.

But even though Li Feng was mentally prepared, he still felt a little sad. He only thought of the success of Elon Musk in his previous life, but he didn't think of Elon Musk's efforts to pursue his dream.

So Li Feng also came to Elon Musk and patted Elon Musk on the shoulder, "Elon, don't be discouraged, cheer up! Your employees are still watching you, and I will always support you!"

If it is said that Li Feng’s support at the beginning was just to better invest in Space X and make more money; but now Li Feng’s support is more for a kind of "dream" support, even if Elon It doesn't matter that Musk really and utterly failed.

At Li Feng's level, money is really just a number, not to mention that I can't spend it all in this life, I guess I won't be able to spend it all in the next life, and in the next life; since Li Feng defeated Ma Huateng, Li Feng's efforts are more of a kind Feelings, responsibilities, ideals.

After all, Elon Musk is Elon Musk, the later "Iron Man" of Silicon Valley. After being comforted by Li Feng, Elon Musk is obviously much better. Directly to the employees present:
"Gentlemen and ladies, although this launch mission failed, we have performed more successfully than the first time. At least our launch has been lifted into the air, and it has reached 12km, which is a height we have never reached. !

Just like what I said when I failed the first launch, 'Space X will continue to work hard, no matter whether it goes to the sky or to the ground, if it fails, it will never give up', so everyone must continue to work hard, let's cheer up and keep going! "

Seeing that everyone is still sad, Elon Musk also said "jokingly", "At least I invited everyone to enjoy a fireworks show worth 1 million US dollars, everyone must give me face and smile!"

It’s just that everyone was unmoved, still looking lifeless, Elon Musk had no choice but to use the last “ultimate move”, “Don’t be discouraged, don’t panic, we still have a chance, really! I didn’t Lie to everyone!"

Then Elon Musk directly pulled Li Feng who was next to him, "Here! Everyone should have heard of it, Leo from the East, he promised us that he will continue to invest, so don't worry!"

Sure enough, real money is more useful. Everyone finally came to their senses, and discussions began to spread from the scene:

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I don't know this, this is Leo, his assets in China alone are worth tens of billions, and he is also an investor in Facebook, and he even sold YouTube a while ago..."

"Ah! So powerful, why didn't Elon Musk say earlier, with such a powerful investor, why should we shoot!"


Ideals are still not worth the power of money. Elon Musk, an entrepreneurial veteran, also expressed his understanding, but he also talked to Li Feng and said: "Leo, for the sake of these young people, you have to support Me once!"

Li Feng also replied straightforwardly, "Elon, don't worry, I will always support you, money is not a problem!"

"Leo, thank you, your support is the greatest reward, but entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship, and the company is not mine alone, I will give you a satisfactory answer." Elon Musk said firmly.

"Okay, you know my phone, just give me a call when the time comes." Li Feng said.

"Well, Leo, thank you. I still have a lot of things to do now. You can go shopping on your own. I didn't entertain you well today. When the next launch is successful, let's have a drink together."

"Okay, leave us alone, we can go back by ourselves."

It is estimated that Elon Musk really has a lot of things to do, and he has to comfort the employees and explain to investors that not all shareholders are like Li Feng. If Elon Musk is busy, Li Feng will not bother Yes, I took Lu Lu and went back.

On the way back, Lu Lu was also in a much better mood, and asked Li Feng with lingering fears: "Honey, do you think Elon Musk can succeed?"

"Sure, yes." Li Feng replied directly, Elon Musk had already succeeded in his previous life, and with his own support in this life, he will definitely succeed.

"Why?" Lu Lu asked in bewilderment. After all, aerospace is a national-level project, and no one can guarantee success.

"No reason, because of me, I will definitely support Elon Musk until he succeeds." Li Feng said casually.

Although Li Feng said it casually, Lu Lu was also moved by Li Feng's firm determination, but she couldn't help saying: "You have a thick skin!"

"That's right, you're not thick-skinned, how can you catch my little Lulu? The main thing is that I want to take you into space. If Elon Musk really fails, then how can we travel into space." Li Feng said.

"Space tourism? I don't know if it can be realized in this life?" Lu Lu sighed, who wouldn't want to go to space and have a look.

"Yes, for sure, because of me, I plan to immigrate to Mars!" Li Feng said.

"You say you are fat, the fatter you are, and you still emigrate to Mars? Do you think there are aliens in this world?" Lu Lu asked.

This is really a difficult problem in the world, Li Feng thought for a while and said, "There should be, otherwise if only human beings, it would be too lonely!"

"I don't know whether human beings are alone or not, but I know that I won't be lonely without you. You will leave tomorrow, so you can go shopping with me now." Lu Lu said with some reluctance.

Even though he was reluctant, even if Li Feng "dedicated himself to death" at night, the time to leave still came. After Li Feng sent Lu Lu away the next day, he also embarked on a journey back.

(End of this chapter)

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