Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 517 LG Joins the Android Alliance

Chapter 517 LG Joins the Android Alliance
On the plane, Sun Zhengyi looked at Song Jia next to Li Feng, sleeping with a blindfold on and Li Feng listless, smiled and shook his head, lamenting how energetic the young people are!
Li Feng accompanied Song Jia to stroll around Ginza for a whole day, and finally got on the plane to Seoul with Sun Zhengyi the next day!
Culture belongs to the world, and the world belongs to Korea.

Korea only has more than 9 square kilometers of land. Since 1988, it has applied for world cultural heritage. By 2007, it had 10 world cultural heritages, with an average of less than 1 square kilometers. There is one world cultural heritage. So scary!
But there are only so many tangible cultural heritages, and they cannot be created out of thin air, so then apply for intangible cultural heritage.

As a result, South Korea successfully applied for the ritual music of the palace ancestral temple as a world intangible cultural heritage.Since then, it has passed one item every two years on average, and even passed five items in one go in 2009. The world's intangible cultural anomalies are like wholesale cabbage.

The most well-known to our countrymen is probably the Jiangling Dragon Boat Festival, which aroused public opinion all over the country at that time.

So China followed suit from the official to the private sector. Those who played the suona applied for it, and those who falconed and hunted also applied. Even the prairie singer Humai became an intangible cultural heritage.

Japan and South Korea are very close, only two hours away, just like the distance between two provinces in China.

When they arrived at Seoul Airport, there were already people waiting for them at the airport.

"Li, when you get to the hotel, take a good rest first, let's have dinner with LG's president Koo Benmoo tonight!" Sun Zhengyi preached to Li Feng at the hotel entrance.

Li Feng nodded and said, "Okay, see you then!"

After speaking, he took Song Jia, who was still recovering, and went back to their room first.

After coming to the room, Li Feng said: "You should take a good rest first, I will look at the information of LG, it may be useful for the negotiation tonight!"

As a successful businessman, whether it is his opponent or his potential partner, he needs to know the enemy and himself in order to bring the greatest benefits to himself, and Li Feng is naturally no exception.

The country of South Korea is actually a country controlled by several major conglomerates, but there are exceptions to everything, and this exception is LG, a clear stream known as the Korean conglomerate.

The founder of LG, named Koo In-hui, is the grandfather of the current president of LG, Koo Ben-moo. The predecessor of LG was the first chemical company in South Korea, "Lucky Chemical Industry Co., Ltd." Hi Cream” cosmetics.

Later, in order to develop an unbreakable packaging bottle cap, Lexi Chemical entered the field of plastics industry, successively developed plastic tools such as combs, toothbrushes, and soap boxes, and expanded to the washing and chemical industry.Later, through the establishment of an oil refinery, it entered the field of basic raw materials, laying the foundation for LG Chem.

At the same time, Koo In-hui began to turn to the field of home appliances and established Korea's first electronics company "Golden Star Society".

From telephones and fans to TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners and other large electrical appliances, and later expanded to the cable industry, the layout of the entire electronics industry.

In the era of Koo Zikyung, Gu Benmoo's father changed the official name of Lak Hui from "Lak Hui" to "Lucky". This is also because Lak Hui is pronounced the same as Lucky.

During Koo Zikyung's tenure as chairman, the business of LG Group has developed by leaps and bounds.Originally they were doing business in the country. Under the background of South Korea's export-oriented policy in the 60s and [-]s, the group not only did business in South Korea, but also went to the world.Production bases have been set up in the United States, Germany, Britain, and Italy successively, and the business scope is getting bigger and bigger, from entities to financial industries such as insurance securities.

By the time he left office in 1995, Koo had experienced two oil crises during his tenure and under the background of South Korean political turmoil, the company's sales had increased by 2500 times.

The name of the current LG was actually changed after Gu Benmoo came to power.

As soon as Koo Benmao took office, he immediately sent a large number of managers to GE, Motorola and other multinational companies to learn business methods; he not only asked senior executives to set sales targets, but also asked them to propose solutions to capital operation problems.

At that time, Koo Benmoo's description of LG's development model in the 21st century was cited as a classic in the business world: "LG is not a Korean multinational company, it is a global company, but its headquarters happens to be in Seoul, South Korea."

Before 1997, LG was a typical traditional family business. The various subsidiaries of the group were closely linked to share capital, finance and resources. When a crisis came, they would also help each other.

This system has played a great synergistic role in the development of South Korea's economy for decades. However, the Asian financial crisis in 1997 exposed the disadvantages of this system: the huge conglomerates were not sensitive enough to respond and were implicated with each other. All lost.

Koo Benmao is determined to reform. Through structural reorganization, the operating organization of LG Group has been greatly simplified. Many listed companies it owns are independently operated, and various indicators are no longer calculated according to the group's caliber.

Under the new organizational system, all members of the LG Group are managed by a single holding company LGCorp, which implements the separation of ownership and management rights and improves the transparency of corporate governance.This strategy of breaking down the whole into parts makes LG, a behemoth, still able to move agilely.

The Asian financial crisis caused many Korean companies to close down, decline or shrink, and LG's ability to adapt and self-adjust has surprised many management experts.Some people say that the Asian financial crisis created LG.

Li Feng looked at the information about LG in his hand and sighed: "This Gu Benmao is a talent."

However, Li Feng also knows that the more such characters are, the harder it is to deal with them. They often have a strong heart and more confidence in their own plans.

The more confident a person is, the less persuasive he is.

However, compared to Sony, LG has some advantages. That is, as a family business, Koo Benmao has absolute authority in LG. As long as he can persuade him to let LG join the Android Alliance, then basically this matter will be settled It's done!
Moreover, as the Gu family that controls the entire LG, they also have an advantage that other families do not have, that is, their family does not have those bloody disputes, and their family is so harmonious that it does not seem like a big family. The way it should be.

Li Feng feels that this is what LG should promote the most, and I believe there will be many wealthy families who want to learn from it.

The reason why LG is said to be a clear stream of Korean conglomerates before is actually another reason, that is, LG is the only consortium that is not so closely connected with politics among the five major conglomerates in South Korea.

In 2002, a political donation scandal occurred in South Korea. Big companies gave gifts and bribes to the president and ordinary officials in South Korea.

LG Group has been involved in political donations.

When the chairman of the board, Koo Ben-moo, heard about it, he personally called the person in charge to the office.Find out and ask if the person responsible gave the money to political giants.

This person said that he was sorry for Gu Benmoo's teachings, and for the training of LG Group for so many years...

Gu Benmao told all the advertising departments of the public relations department that all LG electronic screen advertisements have been withdrawn. This brand is too embarrassing.
Without advertising, the product will not be sold, and it will be recognized if it cannot be sold. This is a manifestation of LG's self-reflection.

Since then, LG Group has been farther and farther away from the political circle.

Of course, you can’t say that all this is not a self-help and marketing strategy of LG, but compared to Samsung, another top consortium in South Korea, LG is indeed a clear stream among the clean streams!
In the evening, Gu Benmao did not invite Sun Zhengyi and Li Feng to meet at the hotel, but invited them to his home as guests. This not only showed how much he valued them, but also showed the relationship with Sun Zhengyi Relationship.

"Mr. Li, I am very happy to meet you. I have heard about Mr. Li's reputation in China for a long time. To meet Mr. Li this time is also a fulfillment of one of my wishes!"

When Gu Benmao shook hands with Li Feng, his tone was very polite.

This also made Li Feng feel the difference between Eastern and Western businessmen. Whether it is a Japanese businessman or a Korean businessman, due to historical reasons, there is a trace of the low-key and humble Chinese businessman, which is not the same as that of Western businessmen who come up with profit first. same.

Of course, this is also related to Li Feng's status
Then Gu Benmao introduced to Li Feng a young man in his 20s next to him, "This is my son Gu Guangmo, and Mr. Li is both young people. I hope you can keep in touch with him in the future!"

Li Feng smiled and shook hands with this lucky guy who looked a bit like a Kung Fu Panda!
The reason why Gu Guangmo is the lucky one is actually because Gu Guangmo is not Gu Benmao's biological son, but Gu Benmao's adopted son, who was adopted by Gu Benmao's younger brother Gu Benmao.

Korean chaebol families have always favored sons over daughters in choosing successors, and LG is even more so. It implements an absolute primogeniture system, only passing on males and not females.

In 2004, Gu Guangmo adopted Gu Benmoo, who was 26 years old at the time, obviously preparing for the family succession.

In fact, Gu Benmao had a son before, but unfortunately, he died in a car accident in the 90s. Although Gu Benmoo had two daughters, according to the LG Group's tradition of passing on males and not females, the successor is It fell on Gu Guangmo.

By the way, Koo Kwang Mo is married, and his wife is the daughter of the CEO of Bolak, a Korean food company.

Marriages of Korean chaebols have always been about being well-matched and joining forces.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that the stories of princes falling in love with silly white sweets shown on TV will appear in Korea.

Finally, there was a story about a three-star princess falling in love with a small security guard. In the end, she ended up getting divorced and even went to court. I believe that after learning this lesson, it is even more impossible for Korean chaebols to allow such things to happen. up.

Regarding the specific negotiation with Gu Benmao, it was almost the same as when Kazuo Hirai was, but there are still some minor changes. For example, Gu Benmao himself is not only not against the matter of joining the Android Alliance, but is also very interested. own requirements.

"Mr. Li, your understanding of mobile phones is very avant-garde, and I agree with many aspects. It is not impossible to let LG mobile phones join the Android Alliance, and we at LG are also very optimistic about the future of smart mobile phones.
But you also know that our LG Group has good products in mobile phone hardware and software. I think that since it is a cooperation, how about deepening the cooperation between you and me? For example: in the future, mobile phones in the Android Alliance will be How about LG as a product supplier, wouldn't the cooperative relationship between you and me be closer! "

Gu Benmao looked at Li Feng with a smile on his face.

When Li Feng heard Gu Benmao's talk about LG's willingness to join the Android Alliance, he was quite happy in his heart. He thought that this trip to South Korea would be smoother than Japan, but he didn't expect that Gu Benmao's plan was also not small.

He even wanted to become a supplier of the Android Alliance.

Li Feng uses the mobile system to build an "Android Alliance", and this Gu Benmao uses his own "Android Alliance" to build an "Android Supplier Alliance"!

"They're all old foxes!" Li Feng said in his heart.

"Mr. Gu Benmao, if possible, I certainly hope to cooperate more closely with LG, but you also know that the Android Alliance is an alliance organization, and many things are not decided by me alone, and other people are needed. Let's discuss it together, so I can't give you an answer to this matter right now!" Li Feng evaded.

Gu Benmao didn't change his expression because of Li Feng's prevarication. The oriental businessman paid more attention to the cultivation of energy, paying attention to the invisibility of emotions and anger, and said with a smile: "Of course, we at LG have always believed that cooperation should be a Pleasant process, there is a Chinese saying that a twisted melon is not sweet."

Li Feng said with a smile: "It's great that Mr. Gu Benmao can understand, so this time I'm talking about this matter with Mr. Gu Benmao with the attitude of making friends!"

"Haha, I like Mr. Li's rhetoric, but we are old after all, and there are many things that can't keep up with your young people's footsteps. By the way, I don't know how long Mr. Li plans to stay in Korea. At that time, I can let you Guangmo takes Mr. Li to visit Korea!"

"When you young people are together, you must have more common topics!"

Li Feng replied: "It's a great honor!"

Afterwards, Li Feng and Gu Guangmo exchanged contact information, and agreed that Gu Guangmo would take Li Feng to visit Korea tomorrow!

After Li Feng left Gu Benmao's villa, there were only him and Gu Guangmo left in Gu Benmao's study.

At this time, Gu Benmao lost the previous smile on his face, looked at Gu Guangmo calmly, and asked, "What do you think of this Li Feng?"

Gu Guangmo replied calmly: "With a sense of maturity that is different from this age, he is an opponent worthy of attention!"

Gu Benmao glanced at Gu Guangmo, smiled slightly, and said, "Adversary? So that's how you define Li Feng!"

Gu Guangmo's face was slightly embarrassed.

"I know what you think in your heart. It's nothing more than the arrogance among some young people, but you have to know that Li Feng's ability to achieve his current achievements at this age has already demonstrated his ability. He is definitely the best among his peers, although you are a bit older than him, I hope you can let go of your prejudices and see him as a competitor, not just an opponent!"

"Competitor? Rival?"

Gu Guangmo didn't understand Gu Benmo's meaning for a while.

Gu Benmao did not confuse Gu Guangmo for too long, and explained: "It is always more cost-effective to have one more partner in the market than one more competitor. I am not sure whether it will succeed in this Android alliance, but This Li Feng has been on the road to success since his debut, which already shows some problems."

Gu Guangmo looked at Gu Benmao in surprise, because what Gu Benmao said meant that he was already inclined to cooperate with Li Feng.

"But the other party didn't agree to our request!" Gu Guangmo questioned.

"Those are not important, Guangmo, you have abilities, but sometimes you need to broaden your horizons. What reason did Li Feng reject us just now?" Gu Benmao pointed to Gu Guangmo.

Now that Gu Guangmo has been identified as LG's future successor, it is natural for Gu Benmoo to cultivate him carefully.

Gu Guangmo recalled it for a while, and said: "Just now Li Feng said that the Android Alliance is an alliance. Father, I understand that since it is an alliance, it means that we can find a breakthrough point from it."

Gu Benmao looked at Gu Guangmo with relief, and said with a smile: "Yes, although the Android system is firmly controlled by Li Feng, we can rely on this alliance to promote our own products, and we will never use an Android system in business. Look at things from the point of view, and learn to find the point that best suits your interests in a mess!"

"Thank you for your father's teaching, I will remember it!" Gu Guangmo said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go down, I'm a little tired, you can spend a good time with Li Feng these few days, and get in touch with him. I won't show my attitude these few days, and when he is about to leave, I will take the initiative to talk to him. He contacted and agreed to join the Android Alliance!"


(End of this chapter)

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