Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 522 1 Everything Puts Android First

Chapter 522 Everything Puts Android First
On the second day, Tang Xin had to continue preparing for CCTV's mirror, and Li Feng came to Fengrui's headquarters early after having a heart-warming breakfast.

It's been a few days since I came back, and Li Feng is still a little uncomfortable, but the atmosphere in Fengrui is much better, everything is organized, and everything is according to plan.

In fact, it's okay if Li Feng doesn't come, and Liu Zhiping will report to Li Feng as soon as possible about Fengrui's important events.

However, Fengrui is Li Feng's company after all. As the main founder of the company, at least he should show up frequently to cheer up the employees, and some of them are better off in person.

When Li Feng came to the office, Song Jia had already been waiting for a long time, and she was still stuck ordering tea for Li Feng.

"Didn't I let you rest for a few days yesterday, why are you here today?" Li Feng said.

"I know that after you come back from a business trip, you will definitely come to the company the next day, and I'm fine," Song Jia said softly, "And I miss you again, and I would like to see you..."

"Well, I have an arrangement in the morning, you can go back later." Li Feng said with concern, and then took the teacup that Song Jia had brewed to the office of President Fengrui.

At the beginning, the conference room was full of chatter. When Li Feng came in, everyone stopped talking for a moment. It wasn't that everyone was afraid of Li Feng, they were all billionaires, but it was mainly a kind of respect.

Li Feng put down his teacup, and also scolded with a smile: "I said, do you have any objections to me? You always laugh when you come up, but when I come in, you are silent."

When everyone heard this, they knew that Li Feng was happier, and that his trip to the United States seemed to be going smoothly, so everyone joked:
"Brother Li, it seems that I have gained a lot!" Zhou Wei smiled.

"Boss, it's not that I'm happy to see you, there's still time for a hippie smile." Xu Jiawei said with a big belly.

"You Xu Jiawei, you can't do anything else, your stomach is getting bigger and bigger!" Li Feng scolded with a smile.


Li Feng also smiled and bragged to everyone for a while, and then he went through all the work with a smile.

Now Fengrui is no longer a small company with a few people, and everything is running normally. Li Feng finally concluded: "There is nothing wrong now. The adjustment of the shares of Fengrui, Softbank and MIH has also been adjusted. Now The most important thing is to launch the Android system at this year's Fengrui Open Developers Conference. At this time, the most important thing is to put Android first.

"By the way, Zhiping, the last time I called you in the United States, I said that I would sell some of our shares in Fengrui Investment Enterprise. This is a little bit tighter. Give me the list first."

In the end, Li Feng summed up some other matters, and the meeting was adjourned.

After leaving Fengrui, Li Feng came to Li Dongmin's office.

"Brother Li, I know you are upright, so I didn't give you anything!" Li Feng joked.

Li Dongmin glared at Li Feng and said with a smile, "Okay, sit down."

After Li Feng sat down, he asked with concern: "How about going out this time?"

Li Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, the plan has been completed, and most of the problems have been solved!"

Li Dongmin nodded and said, "It's good enough to solve most of the problems. There is nothing perfect in this world!"

Li Feng didn't say anything, knowing that Li Dongmin called him over this time, he definitely didn't simply ask him about going out this time.

Sure enough, just as Li Feng thought, Li Dongmin mentioned that Li Feng wanted to continue financing for Fengrui Technology.

"This time your Fengrui Technology is preparing to raise money, it's quite a mess!" Li Dongmin sighed.

Fengrui Technology is not a new company for a long time. As the most famous technology company in China today, when he proposed to raise funds, he did not need to go to those investment banks, but those investment banks would line up to Fengrui Technology , I want to get the investment share of Fengrui Technology.

Li Feng smiled and said: "It seems that some units have found you, Brother Li!"

Li Dongmin nodded, and said without concealment: "Yes, there are indeed a lot of calls to my side, and I hope to participate in the financing of your Fengrui Technology."

The relationship between Li Dongmin and Li Feng was not a secret at all, so some people naturally wanted to get in touch with Li Feng through Li Dongmin.

Li Feng asked: "Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Li Dongmin said directly: "I have no choice. Even if I sit in my position, there are still many things that I can't help myself, but you don't have to worry about my situation. I'm just helping to spread the word. You Just keep going according to your company's plan!"

Li Feng nodded. Naturally, he would not think that Li Dongmin would force himself to do anything, and said: "Actually, the most important thing about the financing of Fengrui Technology this time is not the lack of funds, but the fact that Fengrui Technology wants to raise funds this time. It is more about opening up overseas relations. As you know, although our country is developing very rapidly, there is still a gap compared with Western society. Fengrui's future strategic situation will not only be domestic, but global development, so this time.”

Li Dongmin waved his hand and said seriously: "I know this. Didn't I tell you just now? You don't have to worry about my problems. Once my word has been delivered, the obligation will be fulfilled. I understand. Don't interfere with me. You judge normally!"

"Brother Li, I understand, thank you!" Li Feng understood Li Dongmin's meaning, he just put on a show, and Li Feng should do what he wants.

But Li Feng thought for a while and said: "Brother Li, how about this, you tell me, there are some companies that have found you, I will talk to them first, as to whether it will be successful or not, that is a matter for the future!"

Although Li Dongmin said about this matter, he is a messenger, but it is definitely not an ordinary company that can find Li Dongmin, and Li Feng does not want to reject them directly. Let's meet and increase the following bargaining chips with other investment banks in the future: OK!
Li Dongmin smiled and said, "Okay, I've sorted it out for you by then, and when you leave, just take it away!"

"Thank you Brother Li!" Li Feng laughed.

"Stinky boy!" Li Dongmin scolded with a smile.

"By the way, my appointment document has officially come down, and I will leave in two days." Li Dongmin said.

Li Dongmin was transferred to Shu Province, Li Feng knew about it, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, especially Li Dongmin helped him twice, SARS once, and Tengxun once, Li Feng was very grateful,
"Brother Li, we Fengrui are quite capable now, if you need anything in the future, just ask!"

"I don't need anything, but if it doesn't affect your development, if there is an opportunity, invest more in Shu Province!"


The two chatted a few words casually, and then separated. In their current status, time is always very precious. It is impossible to give the two of them too much chatting time during working hours, especially in Li Dongmin's current location. Location is more important, I don't know how many people are staring at it.

(End of this chapter)

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