Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 524 Brain hole master

Chapter 524 Brain hole master (please subscribe!)

When Li Feng woke up the next day, it was almost noon.

But after Li Feng woke up, he realized that this was Yang Xiao's residence. After all, he was still physically honest. Just like the last SARS, Li Feng subconsciously thought of Yang Xiao first.

Although Li Feng always thought that he loved Tang Xin deeply, in fact, he seemed to love Yang Xiao more in this life, but Li Feng would not admit this.

"When you came last night, it was after two o'clock in the middle of the night. You smelled of alcohol all over your body. I don't know how much you drank. You can't hold it anymore. Why did you drink so much! Is it another matter of Fatty Wang? He Did I feed you?" Yang Xiao said while handing Li Feng a glass of warm water.

It is estimated that Li Feng drank too much. At this time, Yang Xiao didn't call him "Brother Fat", and started directly with "Fatty Wang".

After Li Feng drank a glass of water, he felt much better, "Yesterday was not about the fat man, it was a gathering of some brothers in our dormitory. The atmosphere was better, and no one let me drink it. I drank it myself. I haven't had such a good time !"

"Then you can't drink so much, you vomited twice yesterday." Yang Xiao complained softly.

"Thank you, baby, do you have anything to eat?" Li Feng slept for a whole day, and woke up hungry.

"Well, I prepared it for you earlier, but it's relatively bland..." Yang Xiao said, and finished the meal.

Li Feng wolfed down his meal in a short while, and was just lying on the sofa with his big belly, and Yang Xiao also made Li Feng another cup of tea very virtuously.

While drinking tea, Li Feng enjoyed Yang Xiao's massage, feeling very comfortable.

While Li Feng was enjoying the afternoon, he received a call from Wang Xiao, reminding him not to forget to go to "Brothers Film and Television" in the afternoon.

"What's wrong? Are you going back now?" Yang Xiao said with some reluctance.

"No, didn't you promise Fatty Wang to visit your company yesterday? It's the company he and Ning Hao co-founded, and the "Crazy Stone" filmed..." Li Feng explained.

"Oh, since you have agreed, you can go." Although Yang Xiao was reluctant, she never interfered with Li Feng's affairs.

During this period of time, Yang Xiao took a break from filming. She didn't have a shooting task, so she kept studying. While studying acting skills, she was preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination of the acting department.

And Li Feng was unwilling to separate from Yang Xiao, "Baby, don't just stay at home, go with me, besides, you are all from the entertainment industry, maybe you will still need it in the future."

"Is it suitable, won't it bother you too much?" Yang Xiao said.

"Didn't you also guest-star in Ning Hao's "Crazy Stone"? Don't you know everyone? You just went there to play, and besides, there are fat people. What are you afraid of?" Li Feng said, pulling Yang Xiao and walking out.

In the afternoon, Li Feng brought Yang Xiao to Brother Film and Television, where Ning Hao, Huang Bo, Xu Zheng and Wang Xiao were already waiting.

Except for Wang Xiao, everyone else was very excited when they saw Li Feng. If Li Feng hadn't supported Wang Xiao in giving out 1000 million yuan, and then used Fengying Group's resources to support it, it would certainly not be possible for Brothers Film and Television's No. A movie "Crazy Stone" has achieved a box office of nearly [-] million, so naturally they will not have their success today.

This is Li Feng's first time here, and he took a general tour. Although the company is in an ordinary office building, the environment is good, especially the sign of "Brothers Film and Television" hanging on it is very conspicuous, "Five hands tightly The "big" logo symbolizes the five people who jointly started the business, Wang Xiao, Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, and Li Feng.

"Compared to your sharpness, isn't it far behind!" Wang Xiao said with a smile, but he didn't hide his pride at all.

"Fatty, don't be discouraged, it's not like you don't know that I opened an Internet cafe back then!" Li Feng patted Wang Xiao's shoulder vigorously.

Wang Xiao's face turned livid just now, but he quickly realized, "You evildoer, we are not comparing with you."

But Ning Hao and the others wanted Li Feng to come to the company this time. Apart from expressing their gratitude, the main reason was that Ning Hao had his own idea for a new movie.

"I want to take advantage of the popularity of "Crazy Stone" to launch the second movie of the crazy series "Crazy Racing"!" After speaking, Ning Hao handed the script he had already prepared to Li Feng.

Li Feng took it over and just glanced at it casually, and said with a smile: "You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing. I'm actually a layman when it comes to filming. Compared with you professionals, there is still a big gap. !"

Ning Hao and the others laughed. No one took Li Feng's words to heart. If he was an amateur, would he be able to write such a classic work as "The Tuner"?Moreover, a song he sang casually, "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", was sung by many singers and became popular all over the country.

Just seeing how everyone looked at him, Li Feng also said helplessly: "Then let me read the script of this movie first!"

After speaking, he sat aside and began to read the script. In fact, the story of this movie was already in his mind. It was very simple. He had seen it in his previous life, but now he just pretended to watch it seriously.

Sure enough, there is not much difference from the plot in my memory.

After pretending to read the script, although the others were chatting, they immediately stopped their discussion when they saw how Li Feng had finished reading the script, and looked at Li Feng one after another.

"The script is fine, but are you ready to find someone to play the leading role?" Li Feng asked knowingly.

Ning Hao smiled and said, "Of course it's Huang Bo!"

Huang Bo smiled reservedly beside him, Li Feng nodded and said, "Then I have no problem, in fact, when I read the script of this movie, I couldn't help but put the protagonist on Huang Bo's body!"

Although "Crazy Stone" is a group play, it is Huang Bo who benefits the most in the end.

In fact, according to the development of later generations, Huang Bo is also the best. This is not only because of Huang Bo's impeccable acting skills, but also because of his admirable emotional intelligence and ability to speak.

Huang Bo is famous for his high emotional intelligence in the entertainment circle of later generations.

Whenever he answered some difficult questions, his answers always made the judges wow!

One of the most famous ones is the part of the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards with Cai Kangyong, which is even more admirable.

Cai Kangyong's later generations lived on "Kangxi Is Coming" in China and sold the EQ class he did. In fact, in Li Feng's view, there is no difference between him and other artists, and the EQ class he did was nothing more than Talk about something that seems to be tall, but is actually tasteless.

When he meets a truly capable person, he can only show it off.

Otherwise, how could a person who is good at emotional intelligence, in "The Story of Strange Flowers", when asked everyone to choose to be friends, all choose Gao Xiaosong, but no one chooses him!
Because Yang Xiao was also an insider, Li Feng then handed the script to her, "Look at it too, it's an opportunity to learn."

Although Yang Xiao graduated from a major, she has not appeared in many works. Strictly speaking, she has only acted in two works. .

It's just that Ning Hao's "Crazy Racing" is all about men's dramas, and there are no suitable roles for Yang Xiao, "This is a man's drama, and there are almost no female characters in it. It is your work that Ning Hao is good at. I believe this movie It will definitely work."

How could it be unsuccessful? An investment of 1000 million yuan has resulted in a national box office of 1.1 million yuan, an eleven-fold return. It is simply too successful, and there will be other income such as copyrights behind it.

When Ning Hao heard that Li Feng was so optimistic about the movie, he became more confident.

At this time, Wang Xiao suddenly said, "Madman, our brother film and television has also been counted, and I want to try to make a formal movie. You have a lot of ideas. Take this opportunity to help me think of a script or a story or something." Bar?"

Wang Xiao's current development is very smooth, but he has always been a more thoughtful person. He didn't want to shoot purely commercial films, and always wanted to integrate business and art, so he had very high requirements for the script. He is very satisfied with the story of the micro-movie "Musicist", and now he naturally asks Li Feng for another story!
"I have a lot of ideas, so you just ask me for the script, I'm not even an editor," Li Feng directly evaded, this fat man really thinks he's omnipotent!
"Come on, brother Feng, are you willing to watch my brother idle? Besides, Yang Xiao is not idle now, as long as you think of a good script, then the heroine will be Yang Xiao's!" Wang Xiao "begged" Said.

After Wang Xiao finished speaking, Yang Xiao was also a little moved. As an actor, whether he is an undergraduate or a graduate student, the most important thing is the work.

"You can do whatever you want, and besides, that's not what I do!" However, Li Feng also had to promise that what Wang Xiao said was right. Yang Xiaozhi hadn't made any other works for a long time after filming "Zhu Xian". Well, even Liu Bin has made two works, and Li Feng is also a little tempted to see Yang Xiao.

"Brother Feng, help me!" Wang Xiao said "little dog daddy".

"Go away!...I'll think about it" This time Li Feng and Li Feng glanced at Yang Xiao, and he didn't object any more. One is a brother and the other is a woman. They have to help, it's nothing more than plagiarizing a work from the previous life.

As for that movie, Li Feng thinks about it carefully, even if Wang Xiao really has the talent of a director, it is still the first official movie, and Yang Xiao's acting skills are also on the line, that kind of commercial bad movie that purely makes money will definitely not work,
We need to make some high-end movies, especially those that can test the director's skills and show the protagonist's acting skills, and because Yang Xiao is the protagonist, it is best to focus on women, but there are too few such movies.

After coming here for a long time, Li Feng smiled and said, "I have a good story here, but this movie is unfolded from a female perspective!"

When Yang Xiao heard what Li Feng said, she naturally smiled all over her face. It must be a movie Li Feng tailored for herself.

Seeing that Li Feng still had ideas, Wang Xiao and the others were also very excited. With such a classic work as "The Tuner", they naturally looked forward to the story that Li Feng thought of!

"What story?" Wang Xiao asked immediately.

Li Feng first recalled the plot of the movie in his mind, and after sorting out the content of the movie, he said in a deep voice: "This story is actually a psychological suspense movie."

"The content of the story is about a single mother and a group of friends going out to sea on a yacht, but after going out to sea, she always has a feeling that something bad happened
They encountered a strong storm at sea
The yacht capsized and everyone fell into the sea. After several struggles, they finally climbed onto the wreckage of the yacht
Just when they were at their wit's end, a huge cruise ship slowly approached everyone.
Everyone was overjoyed, and they boarded the cruise ship named "Ai Shi" without any thought. When the time comes, you can think of a name at will, only to find out that this is a mysterious ship that disappeared in 1930, and there are more people on board. is empty.
Blood everywhere, mysterious instructions and sudden murders lead these men and women into a horrific reincarnation that will never be restored."

What Li Feng is talking about is the classic psychological suspense movie "Horror Cruise"!
Li Feng didn't know how to write a script, so he told the plot of the movie. The content of this movie is actually a psychological suspense drama about reincarnation. In "Terror Cruise", the heroines experience repeated reincarnation while interacting with each other. , the film filmed the same people appearing in the same venue, and even chasing and killing each other, which provided multiple interpretations for the play.

After listening to the story, Wang Xiao became very excited and said, "Madman, you are really a master of brain holes, you really know everything! This is a Sisyphus-style movie of tragic reincarnation!"

However, as the director, Ning Hao also heard that there are many difficulties in this, and said: "Wang Xiao, it is not an easy thing to shoot such a movie. Now you can imagine it just by listening to the story. The shooting of a movie is a movie that tests the director's skills."

When Ning Hao said this, he didn't mean that he thought Wang Xiao's directing skills were not good, but that he told Wang Xiao in advance that it would be very difficult to shoot this movie so that he could be mentally prepared!

Wang Xiao was very confident and said: "It's okay, this movie is not only difficult to shoot, according to the third child, this movie will be a very brain-burning movie, and the script alone is enough. It was well polished!"

At this moment, Wang Xiao seriously talked to Li Feng: "Madman, I like this story very much. You tell it so clearly. It seems that you have a complete idea. I will leave the script to you. I know you are also very busy at work." , but this time you have to help me!"

"I'll go, I won't, I've shown all my skills!" Li Feng cursed in his heart, then patted Wang Xiao's shoulder vigorously, and said encouragingly: "You should write the script yourself. , It’s not that I don’t help you, but as a successful director, the ability to write a script is very important, and don’t just sign the script, just sign your name!”

"Then how can I do it? It's obviously your story." Wang Xiao will not take advantage of his friends.

"Well, I'll talk about the signing later, you still write the script, practice and exercise, and I'm really busy recently," Li Feng said.

Wang Xiao really thought that Li Feng was consciously cultivating his ability to write scripts and deliberately giving himself this opportunity, so he readily agreed, but he also emphasized in the end, "Alright then! But the signature must be yours."

Although a good director does not necessarily have to be a good screenwriter, but if a director also has strong screenwriting skills, it will also be of great help to his film career.

In fact, there are examples of what has been done well in this regard, and there are also examples of what has been done poorly.

Well done is Wang Jing, the king of bad movies in Hong Kong. Although many people say that Wang Jing is the king of bad movies, but in fact, Wang Jing is just a person who has watched commercial movies extremely thoroughly, and knows what kind of movies. What kind of movies can make money? What kind of movies don’t make money? I also know that some movies can make money by relying on their own names. It’s unbelievable. Find a few big-name stars to shoot a slightly classic work. That's it!

There is no need to doubt, in fact, Wang Jing really has this strength, but he just doesn't want to tire himself so much.

The one who did not do well is Chen Kaige. The famous director Chen Kaige is actually very conceited, especially when everyone says he has a literati temperament, so he really feels that he has a literati temperament. In fact, he The classic works produced, such as the early "Yellow Earth" and "Farewell My Concubine" are all scripts written by others, but when it comes to his own scripts, they are often sprayed out by Xiang's works.

As for the heroine of "Horror Cruise", it must be Yang Xiao. In fact, the whole movie is actually only one heroine. It is also a test of Yang Xiao's acting skills. This is definitely a test.

And Yang Xiao also felt that it was a challenge, so she nodded firmly.

It's not that everyone is deliberately trying to praise Yang Xiao, but everyone present knows that Yang Xiao's acting skills are definitely the best among the new generation of movie stars in China. There must be no problem with her acting as the heroine of this movie .

Li Feng naturally has no objection to this, not to mention that he himself thinks so.

In the evening, a few people did not go to the restaurant to eat, but directly ate hot pot at Brothers Film and Television.

When eating happily, Huang Bo sang a song
At this time, Li Feng played another movie. You and your family were eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly they were robbed by horse bandits.
What a miserable life, Uncle Ge ended up decapitated in the end.

In the evening, Li Feng and Yang Xiao returned to their residence. As soon as they entered the house, Yang Xiao gave her French kiss
Sometimes, there are some things that don't need to be said clearly. One action and one look can tell what the other party wants to do. What's more, Yang Xiao has done it so clearly now, how could Li Feng not understand it?
For a while, the room could no longer contain the spring scenery that filled the room.

When the sun shines into the room, Yang Xiao opened his eyes, and when he subconsciously wanted to hug Li Feng next to him, he found that he was in vain.

Rubbing his eyes and sitting up, he didn't notice that the quilt had slipped off his body. Looking around, he didn't find Li Feng.

When I walked out of the bedroom and came to the study, I saw Li Feng was already wearing a nightgown, sitting there writing something.

Taking a closer look, I found that Li Feng was planning the Fengrui Openers Conference.

 Due to the impact of the epidemic, the author has already started to eat dirt, and I implore everyone to support a wave!Please subscribe!Please subscribe!Please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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