Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 527 Fengrui is now a treasure

Chapter 527 Fengrui is now a treasure (definitely subscribe!)
Fengrui's financing this time is not because Fengrui lacks money, and Fengrui is also very rich, with a cash reserve of nearly one billion US dollars, not to mention Fengrui's "blood-making" speed, it will only become richer and richer.

The reason why Li Feng insisted on financing must have a greater demand, mainly to achieve strategic success:
One is to raise funds before the financial crisis, and then let Lu Lu use the money to make another fortune when the financial crisis hits. This kind of reverse operation, earning more than one billion US dollars is a decimal,
With this money, Fengrui can do a lot of things in the wave of mobile Internet, and can be freer. It can even continue to inject capital into Fengrui to re-dilute the financing shares. This is really a bit "wicked".

Second, for the development of the Android Alliance, it can attract some background and influential capital players, which is more conducive to Fengrui's development in the international market. When facing some "irresistible" forces, at least one Assure.

The most critical third point is that through this financing, the holding method of the entire Fengrui Group has changed, from the holding method centered on Fengrui Technology to the "Fengrui X Laboratory" controlling all Fengrui companies. hold holdings,
This is not just a change in the way of holding, but more importantly, the establishment of a corporate culture of "everything is based on technology". This is Li Feng's solid foundation for the entire Fengrui to stand in the world.

Li Feng's various plans are all based on his long-term vision and long-term strategy, and this kind of strategy is not all based on Li Feng's previous life's foresight, but more of a way of managing the company by himself. It's hard to see that Li Feng has improved a lot, at least much better than his previous life.

Since the announcement of Fengrui financing in January 2007, it has also aroused strong repercussions in the capital market since April 1, and the entire capital world has gone crazy!
Don Valentine, founder of Sequoia Capital, James Gowen, president of Morgan Stanley, Douglas Fagan, vice president of global investment at Goldman Sachs... All the capital crocodiles are also gearing up, like hungry wolves preying on their prey, and go directly to Headquarters of Yanjing Fengrui Company.

It's a pity that they never met Li Feng's people, because Li Feng then went to the United States to discuss the Android Alliance, and then they found other ways of relationship, and even asked Ma Yun to "lead the needle".

Not to mention these capital tycoons, even domestic counterparts, including some investment banks of the national team, tried to find ways to get closer, and some of them found Li Dongmin, who had a good relationship with Li Feng.

However, Li Feng has always acted with "priorities and conflicts of interest". He first settled the most important Android alliance before he began to consider "Fengrui financing".

"Then tell me about the financing situation of Fengrui Technology..."

Seeing that Li Feng finally started to study this issue, Liu Zhiping also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, Liu Zhiping is also under a lot of pressure, not because he thought it was a matter of financing.
The point is that there are too many people looking for me, some are my old superiors from Goldman Sachs, some are my old friends, and some even come under the banner of Li Feng... And Liu Zhiping can't push Li Feng's side. Liu Zhiping was bored to death.

So Liu Zhiping also reported the financing situation to Li Feng, "Currently, the capital market is very optimistic about Fengrui. There are 36 companies that have passed the preliminary review stage on my side. They are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Sequoia Capital. , IDG Capital..."

Before Liu Zhiping finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Feng, "Zhiping, wait, are there so many who passed the preliminary review? I remember I said that those whose valuation does not exceed 300 billion US dollars cannot participate in this financing?" , Even those big investment institutions can’t do it, don’t tell me that the 36 investment institutions you mentioned have all valued Fengrui at more than 300 billion U.S. dollars?”

In general corporate financing, the company that needs financing is the "son", begging the "capital father" to give some money to spend, but Fengrui's financing is different, capital has always been the "son", even Fengrui's first For the second round of financing, Li Feng also signed a gambling agreement with Sun Zhengyi very stubbornly, and Li Feng finally won.

So for Fengrui's financing this time, Li Feng directly set a bottom line, "no less than 300 billion U.S. dollars", regardless of the investment institutions, they are so arrogant and willful.

It's just that Li Feng didn't expect Fengrui to be so popular. Liu Zhiping replied, "Boss, these 36 are relatively well-known investment institutions at home and abroad, and the valuation of Fengrui is more than 300 billion US dollars!"

When did Fengrui become so popular, Li Feng also smiled and said: "Now Fengrui is also a treasure, everyone loves it!"

is not that right!Who doesn't like money!Li Feng was also very happy when he heard it. This was not only genuine US dollars, but more importantly, he was optimistic about Fengrui's future.

And Li Feng also asked Liu Zhiping curiously: "Then who gave the highest valuation?"

"It's Abu Dhabi Investment Fund, and their first-round valuation of Fengrui is US$500 billion!" Liu Zhiping said.


Even if Li Feng knew that his Fengrui technology was valuable, he would not think it was so valuable, unless Fengrui went public and it was not too bad, not to mention that this was the first round of quotations, and it would be higher in the future.

"Abu Dhabi Investment Fund, is it from the UAE world?"

"Well, they value Fengrui's financing very much, and they even told me in person that their price is definitely higher than the highest one by 20 billion or 30 billion US dollars, no problem." Liu Zhiping said.

Sure enough, oil still makes money, but it still comes from rich people in the Middle East, not short of money!

Li Feng also understands that the investment principles of these Middle East oil funds are nothing more than fearing that the oil will run out and want to invest in some technology companies. This is how these oil tycoons operated in their previous lives and invested in many unicorn companies.

However, the oil funds in the Middle East have just started at this time, and they are far from the influence of later generations. What Li Feng needs most now is capital with a Western background and strength.

So Li Feng also said: "There is a lot of money, but we are not short of money now, so let's exclude them for this round of financing, and consider more investment institutions from the United States. Well, yes, there are many foreign investors from the United States. How many investment institutions are there?"

"Boss, there are quite a few. There are about a dozen of them, or nearly half of them?" Liu Zhiping said.

"Those investment institutions?" Li Feng asked.

"There is DST, there is Temasek, and..." Liu Zhiping said.

Before Liu Zhiping finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Feng again, "Wait, Zhiping, what kind of investment institutions are these? Why haven't I heard of them?"

"Boss, you may not know much about investment. These are relatively well-known investment institutions in the investment world." Liu Zhiping said euphemistically:
"Like DST Group, which is an investment group headquartered in Moscow, Russia, is also the largest investment institution in Russia; while Temasek is a holding company registered in private name under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance of Singapore, which operates 36 countries such as the Development Bank of Singapore. shareholding in the company.”

Well, they are all awesome, and they all have an official background behind them, so they are a bit ignorant, but these are not what Li Feng wants, but this time there are so many, Li Feng is not willing to refuse.

So, while drinking tea, Li Feng fell into deep thought. After a while, Li Feng asked Liu Zhiping: "Except for these foreign investment institutions that are not American, what domestic institutions are there, especially the one that Li Dongmin approached me last time?" How many institutions are there?"

"There are also quite a few domestic investment banks, such as CIC, CITIC Capital, Capital, CDB Capital... Counting these national teams, there are almost ten of them," Liu Zhiping said.

"It's not a lot!" Li Feng nodded, and after thinking about it for a while, he said: "Since we are all uncles, we will not refuse. The amount of Fengrui's financing this time is roughly 300 cents, which is the lowest For 10 billion US dollars valuation financing, we will raise 30% of the shares, which is 6 billion US dollars. Domestic and foreign non-American backgrounds account for 24%, which is almost [-] million US dollars. American investment institutions account for [-]%, which is also [-] billion US dollars. That's about it."

It's easy for Li Feng to settle down, and it's easy for Liu Zhiping's work to start, so he also nodded.

"By the way, who are the American investment institutions?" Li Feng finally asked.

"The US side, those more traditional and powerful investment banks, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Sequoia Capital, Tiger Fund... By the way, boss, this time Berkshire Hathaway is also here." Liu Zhiping Said.

"Berkshire Hathaway?! That's Buffett's? Isn't Buffett never investing in Internet companies?" Li Feng asked.

Buffett is a very powerful and traditional investor. The investment principle is not simply "buy low and sell high". He attaches great importance to the development potential of enterprises. His investment is very traditional and professional.

He mainly invests in the fields he is good at, and most of them focus on the "visible and tangible" industrial fields, but he almost never invests in the Internet field that he is not good at. Even if he invested in Apple in his previous life, he regarded Apple as a hardware company.

"Well, yes, it is Buffett's company. I also asked Buffett this question, and he said that he is not investing in a company, but investing in you." Liu Zhiping said with some admiration.

A person who can make the investment world "godfather level", such an evaluation, Li Feng can indeed write a special book.

But Li Feng is used to it, "Oh, so is Buffett coming this time?"

"He couldn't come this time due to physical reasons, but he has already sent you an invitation to visit his company when you go to the United States again."

"Then we must go some other day, let's go together." Li Feng said.

"thank you boss…"

It is indeed not easy to have a meal with the "stock god" Buffett. The auction price of "Buffett Lunch" in the previous life was all millions of dollars, and it seems that the Chinese participated in the most auctions!

"No, you should do it at this time. You have worked hard. After Fengrui's financing is over, let's go to meet this big boss together, so you will have to work hard. After the Fengrui Developer Conference is over, we will raise Fengrui's financing." It's done."

"Well, boss, I will definitely complete the task..."

"By the way, since we're talking about financing, last time I arranged for you to count the situation of the companies we Fengrui invested in, how are you doing?" Li Feng asked again.

In addition to the matter of Fengrui's financing, there is also the matter of Fengrui's sale of investment shares, which should also be put on the agenda.

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(End of this chapter)

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