Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 536 Publish the Android system!

Chapter 536 Publish the Android system! (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass! Please recommend!)

"Really meaningful things?!", "Real innovation?!"

What does Li Feng mean by this? Could it be that the YY account system he just mentioned (No. 360 ascends the world), Alipay third-party payment software, completely free [-] ​​anti-virus software, etc. are not innovations? !
There is also Fengrui's open platform "Renren", which is the world's first real social networking site. Even Facebook in the United States is a direct copy of Fengrui's "Renren". Isn't this called innovation? !
There is also Fengrui's cloud system, which can sell bandwidth, traffic, and data. Although people don't know how much space this cloud system will have in the future, isn't this still an innovation? !

These Fengrui have changed all aspects of the domestic Internet field, isn't it called innovation? !Everyone expressed their incomprehension.

In fact, these are not innovations for Li Feng, but more of Li Feng’s copy of his previous life, such as Shengda’s “game” in his previous life, Baidu’s “Tieba”, Ali’s “Alipay”, and 360, Thunder …

Of course, more of this is the same path that Tengxun took in the previous life, but Li Feng took it earlier, farther and better, including Fengrui’s core social networking site,,

Although Fengrui's current is much stronger than Tencent's "Qzone" and previous "", just like WeChat's "Moments" penetrates the Internet so much,

But these are also product projects that have been proven to be successful in previous lives, but Li Feng has concentrated all the "strengths of many companies" on Fengrui's "one person", which can be said to be completely standing on the shoulders of giants.

Moreover, Li Feng has been going smoothly since the start of his business. The most difficult period for Li Feng was when Fengrui was founded and before it defeated Tengxun. After that, Fengrui had a firm foothold, and its development was almost "one map flat".
Even if there are no major mistakes, Fengrui only needs to proceed step by step, and wait until the arrival of the mobile Internet, and then launch WeChat and mobile payment...

That Fengrui is the "enhanced version" of the former Tencent, with a market value of at least 5000 billion US dollars, and based on Li Feng's share in Fengrui, he will definitely be the "world's richest man" in the future.
And if Li Feng invested in Google (shared through YouTube), Facebook, Twitter,, and other high-quality Internet companies, Fengrui's market value will break through the trillion-dollar market value in a matter of minutes.

But these are not what Li Feng wants. If Li Feng was a bit of a philistine when he was reborn, he just wanted to make money,
When I first started my business, I still fooled Zhou Wei and the others and said, "To create a world-class company that values ​​technology, pursues innovation, has a geek spirit, and is always pursuing the most cutting-edge technology!"

But now this is Li Feng's truest thought, "to build a world-class company that will always pursue technological innovation."

To do something that no Internet company in China has ever done in the previous life, that is, the mobile operating system that Fengrui is currently planning - "Android System".

So Li Feng also paused in the middle of the stage, and then slowly said: "Before announcing the next project, let me say something off topic."

"The Internet was invented by Americans, but after it was introduced to China in the 90s, it has also undergone earth-shaking changes in China, especially after entering the new century and passing through the "Internet bubble", the Internet has burst into a powerful force , has an increasing impact on our work and life..."

Li Feng talked about the history of the development of the Internet in China, as well as those gratifying achievements, and then suddenly turned around and said,

"Although we have achieved gratifying achievements, in fact, these are only technological applications. When it comes to basic scientific research, the foundation of China as a whole is still very weak.

Especially in the two core areas of our IT field, China does not have its own chips, nor does it have its own operating system, which lacks cores and souls!

Without the support of basic technology, the application of science and technology seems to be only superficially brilliant. When facing competition, "there is no ability to fight back at all"! "

Everyone didn't know why Li Feng said these things so well, it was a bit alarmist, why should he belittle himself by "increasing others' ambitions and destroying his own prestige"!

Everyone has not experienced that era in the previous life, especially after the "ZTE incident", everyone has awakened and started to pay attention to basic research and development.

The "new four great inventions" (high-speed rail, mobile payment, shared bicycles and online shopping), except for high-speed rail, are all hype!
The reason why mobile payment is so popular in China is because the domestic banking system is not perfect, which gives room for the development of mobile payment.

Besides, no matter how advanced mobile payment is, without mobile terminals, chips and operating systems, if you compete, you will not be strong enough.

There is also the "shared bicycle", which is now piled up with garbage and is almost "gray", and has not yet found its own means of profit.

But Li Feng is different, he has experienced all these things, and now he has strength and ability, so he is willing to do something meaningful and step into a field where domestic companies have never succeeded.

"Chinese people pay more attention to pragmatism, are good at management, like to make quick money, and don't like to engage in scientific research and development, because the time for basic research and development is too long, often in the foreseeable future, and the investment is huge, and there may be nothing in the end, but it is more practical to do some applications. Let's keep it simple.

I can understand all of this. Small businesses don't consider making money, so what else do they consider!But what about big companies, and you already have the strength and ability to do something!

Therefore, I appeal to all of us, including the government, enterprises, scientific research institutions and other industry-university-research institutions to work together and invest more resources in basic scientific research, not only in information science, but also in the fields of physics, materials, and life sciences. investment, only in this way can our country have real strength..."

Everyone didn't understand why Li Feng said these "noble" things, why did he want to expose everyone's scars!
However, this kind of topic of positive energy received applause from everyone, just like the "positive energy" skits in the Spring Festival Gala every year.

Li Feng did not continue to say anything, and directly revealed the real theme, "You may think that I, Li Feng, are worrying about others, but that's because I never take chances.
So three years ago, we, Fengrui, had already put it into practice and started to take action. After many experiments, today at this time, we can finally meet with you!It's a mule or a horse coming out! "

Then Li Feng announced loudly: "Our theme today is "Welcome to the Bringing of a New Era". A new era is the mobile Internet, and the key to open the entire mobile Internet is the smartphone, and the product we launched today is the mobile Internet." The operating system—Android!"

"Android system?!"

Li Feng announced suddenly, and the audience was full of discussions:
"Android system, is Fengrui going to enter the operating system?"

"It seems to mean that, but what the hell is this mobile operating system?"

"Although I think Fengrui is very good and Li Feng is very good, but it's not as good as Microsoft and Bill Gates, it's not that I look down on him, it's too late for Fengrui to enter the operating system now!"

"It goes without saying that it must be too late, even if Fengrui's system is good, without hardware support, without software support, then no matter how good the system is, it's useless!"


Even Ma Huateng at the scene, as well as Ma Yun and Sheng Tianqiao who watched the live broadcast in the United States, when they saw Li Feng really enter the operating system, they were full of emotion, admiration, worry, and lingering fear!

The only certainty at this time is: I have to admire Li Feng's courage at this time!The enterprise has reached such a scale and is still struggling so much!

But Li Feng did not speak, leaving time for everyone to discuss. When all the discussions were quieted down, Li Feng said calmly:

"Our Android system was developed three years ago, earlier than the time when Jobs developed the iPhone smartphone, and it is a domestic operating system with intellectual property rights!"

"And our Android system is a mobile operating system, that is, the operating system used on mobile phones, not a desktop operating system on computers. Now that the war on desktop systems is over, we, Fengrui, have no strength to challenge Microsoft's Windows! "

"Okay, the specific details will be demonstrated and drilled by Long Xiaotian, the person in charge of our Android system."

After finishing speaking, Li Feng waved his hands, stepped off the stage to rest for a while, and handed the stage to Long Xiaotian again.

It would be perfect for Long Xiaotian, who first-handedly developed the system, to introduce the Android system, and after being trained by Li Feng for such a long time, Long Xiaotian is also familiar with it.

Long Xiaotian also demonstrated unhurriedly above, and after Li Feng came backstage, he was also very satisfied with Long Xiaotian's performance.

Li Feng also said to Liu Zhiping next to him: "Xiaotian is doing well, he has made great progress!"

And Liu Zhiping expressed his approval to Long Xiaotian, "Well, Xiaotian has indeed made great progress, and he has also put in a lot of effort down there."

At this time, Song Jia also handed Li Feng a cup of freshly brewed tea. Li Feng took a sip and said, "Yes, but I didn't expect him to have such great growth potential!"

In fact, Long Xiaotian used to be the same as Li Feng, more introverted and shy, and more serious than Li Feng, even a little inferior,
Because in the whole Fengrui, Long Xiaotian is the one with the lowest academic qualifications, everyone else is from Tsinghua University and Peking University, but he himself is from Peking University Jade Bird, and he doesn't even have a junior college degree.
Even Li Feng didn't want him in the first place, not because of his academic qualifications, the main thing Li Feng recruited were talents who had proven themselves in previous lives, and Li Feng had never heard of his name in his previous life.

Fortunately, at that time, Fengrui had just started a business and was short of people, so Li Feng reluctantly stayed. It has to be admitted that this is Li Feng's luck!
Especially after going through so many things, everyone recognized his ability, especially his "powerful learning ability" is really too good, it's just copy and paste,
And Long Xiaotian also worked very hard. As long as there were deficiencies, he would make up for them one by one. His English was not good, so he made a surprise attack on English. Once I got the MBA from Tsinghua University, I got my graduation certificate right away.

Therefore, Li Feng is very optimistic about Long Xiaotian, and also trains him intentionally, maybe he will be Feng Rui's next successor.

At this time, Long Xiaotian's demonstration was coming to an end, and Li Feng began to prepare to go on stage again. At this time, the discussion among the audience suddenly increased again.

"Fengrui is planning to play for real!"

"It must be for real. Other systems have already been released! It's just for playing for real, what's the use of this mobile phone system?"

"Who has seen Apple's iOS system, why do I think Fengrui's mobile system is better than Apple's mobile system!"

"That's impossible! Apple's mobile system was developed by Steve Jobs himself."

"I'm not sure, and I haven't studied it carefully. I just think, maybe I don't feel right. However, Fengrui can independently develop its own operating system, regardless of whether it can succeed or not. I admire this courage very much."


And as Lei Jun who participated in the Apple Openers Conference in January this year, he has seen the demonstration of the Apple iPhone's iOS system on the spot, and he is very sure: the sharp Android mobile system is definitely better than Apple's iOS mobile system!
It's just that after this conclusion was drawn, even Lei Jun couldn't believe it. You must know that Apple is the originator of all graphics operating systems!And Jobs is his "idol"!

Whether his current "idol" will defeat his former "idol", Lei Jun is not sure.

It's just that Lei Jun felt that after the meeting, he must have a good chat with Li Feng, not only because of this matter, but more importantly because he found his future path.

At this time, it was past 10 o'clock in the evening in the United States, and Jobs was still going through the final debugging work on the iPhone and the arrangement for its launch.

At this time, Cook also came in with a computer notebook, and then said to Jobs, "Steve, that Chinese Fengrui held an open conference today, and they really launched their mobile operating system."

It's just that Jobs was still progressing and didn't notice Cook. After a long while, he asked, "What system?"

"The sharpest mobile operating system, Android!" Cook repeated.

"Android system?! Why does it sound so familiar to me!" Jobs wondered, but he couldn't remember it himself, and then complained, "Is there such a system in Silicon Valley before?".

"Well, yes, the name of this Android system comes from Andy Rubin's Android company, which was acquired by Fengrui in 2004. However, the development of the entire system seems to be independently developed by Fengrui, but it was called this name in the end. ’” Cook explained.

Silicon Valley technology circles are sometimes very small. Andy Rubin has worked at Microsoft and Apple. He is a genius, so Jobs knew this person.

"Oh, let me tell you, Andy Rubin is a talent, but I guess Fengrui's mobile system is also based on Andy Rubin's system." Jobs guessed.

Cook thought so, otherwise, how could the Chinese develop their own operating system, but he held the laptop and put it in front of Jobs, "Steve, why don't you still watch Fengrui's opener conference?" ?”

Jobs glanced at it casually, but didn't see anything, so he said casually, "The system developed by the Chinese can't just be copied, even if it is really developed by ourselves, it's better to go there. Just take care of your own business, when the time comes, you can see for yourself and give me the result!"

After finishing speaking, Jobs returned to work. In his opinion, it would be good if the Android system developed by Fengrui could reach one-tenth of Apple's ISO system. His opponent is not Fengrui, but Microsoft, nokia...

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(End of this chapter)

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