Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 54 S-Class Products

Chapter 54 S-Class Products

Although "Alipay" is only an online recharge system now, it is not even a third-party payment,
But Li Feng believes that with the growth of "Fengrui Technology", this "Alipay" can also grow to the height of the previous life.

Just when everyone was admiring Li Feng's "Alipay" online recharge system.

On the contrary, Wang Xing has some disagreements with Li Feng's online recharge system: "Brother Li, I found that if this 'Alipay' recharge system is to be successful,
They are all based on the bank's fast online payment, but how do we get through the bank's interface and let the bank transfer money for us? "

Li Feng had thought of this a long time ago. Hearing what Wang Xing said, Li Feng smiled slightly and said: "You are right, all online recharge transactions must go through the bank.

It is definitely not possible to get through the entire banking system, and it is definitely impossible, not to mention that we are still a small company.
However, if we cooperate directly with the most basic branch, for example, this branch of the Bank of China downstairs. "

"Cooperate with them?!" Wang Xing was even more confused.

Li Feng explained to Wang Xing: "Yes, yes! Every grassroots bank has a deposit task.

If "Miracle MU" is officially charged, as long as it can reach the level of "Legend", our monthly revenue may reach hundreds of millions.

So many large sums of money have been remitted to our Alipay. For any small branch, this money represents huge benefits and performance.

If I promise to deposit the money in their bank for a week or even a month, do you think they will help us open online banking for payment? "

Wang Xing's eyes lit up: "Surely, maybe they will confess you as the 'God of Wealth'."

"That's right." Li Feng nodded, and continued: "With such a huge cash flow, I can choose to deposit the money in any bank,
If I use this to discuss cooperation with them, I believe that any branch will not refuse, and I don’t need them to pay anything. The only thing I need to do is to open online banking for me.
For example, as long as one of the Bank of China has enabled online payment for me, all Bank of China online banking users can make transactions with Alipay through this channel!

Then by analogy, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, etc., this means that we have opened up the entire banking system. "

There was a "buzz" in Wang Xing's head.

He still doesn't think that this "Alipay" top-up system will have much development prospects in the future, but Li Feng's method of "four or two" makes him feel like he has opened up a new world.

Li Feng can have such a wonderful idea, he still borrowed a lot of ideas from his previous life "Alipay", and then combined it with the current online recharge system,
There is no need to directly face the entire banking system, just open an opening in any grassroots bank, which is equivalent to penetrating the entire context of the bank.

Just like a POS machine, as long as you apply for a POS machine, you can link your card payment merchants with the bank cards of all domestic banks.

Everyone was overwhelmed by Li Feng's "brain opening". Such a difficult charging problem was solved so easily and easily by Li Feng. Why is there such a big gap between people?

Later, Li Feng explained to Zhou Wei about his framework design for this "Alipay" online recharge system. No other functions are required in the early stage, mainly the basic functions such as fund inflow, payment, transfer out, query and record.

However, Li Feng requested that on this basis, a third-party interface should be developed. If the policy is released in the future, other companies can use this payment platform as soon as the interface is opened as long as they sign an agreement with Alipay.

Zhou Wei asked Li Feng for this: "Brother Li, why bother to reserve this third-party interface?"

Everyone still couldn't understand Li Feng's "Alipay" blueprint, and Li Feng didn't blame them for their lack of vision.

Internet companies now mainly develop offline payment channels. Online payment is not very attractive to them. Lian Shengda has not launched its own online recharge system yet.

In fact, this kind of online recharge system has also been done, but it is more like an online marketing system,

Through this system, Internet cafe owners can purchase account numbers and passwords for different game periods from game manufacturers, just like "virtual game point cards".
They are then sold to players in Internet cafes and nearby people, and the capital flow of the transaction is settled through traditional postal remittance or credit card transfer.

However, Li Feng's "Alipay" online recharge system can directly transfer money through the bank's online banking, and it can be done in one step, which is not only convenient for game players, but also for Internet cafe owners.

Even the founder of Alipay, Mr. Ma, would not look beyond the e-commerce itself to see the development prospects of Alipay.

What's more, Alipay's early positioning was just a tool to enhance the trust of Taobao users.
In the end, Alipay became a special aircraft carrier full of cash in the Internet industry, most of which was the result of unintentional insertion.

So, now Li Feng can't tell them that he wants to make Alipay into a super financial platform, a real "online bank"!
But Li Feng still said seriously: "Zhou Wei, this 'Alipay' top-up system must be paid attention to, this is a strategic product that can evolve into an S-class."

"S-level? Strategic-level product?" Zhou Wei said in amazement, and everyone was also very surprised by this.

Because Li Feng once told everyone about his division of Internet products:

Level C is an auxiliary level, worth [-] million;
Grade B is application grade, worth one billion;
A-level is platform-level, worth tens of billions;
The highest level S-level is the ecological level, worth hundreds of billions.

In fact, Li Feng wanted to add the unit "dollar" to the end, but when he saw that everyone still had doubts about the tens of billions of companies, Li Feng didn't say much at that time.

Hearing Li Feng's high evaluation of the "Alipay" recharge system, Zhou Wei regained his spirits and assured him: "Don't worry, Brother Li, give me a month, no, only half a month, this "Alipay" 'The system, our technology department has made it."

It's no wonder that Zhou Wei attaches so much importance to it. Even if "Miracle MU" is so popular now, Li Feng's rating of it is only a B.

Li Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you 20 days, but you must guarantee the security of Alipay, because when it comes to money, security always comes first."

Zhou Wei also suggested: "We are not experts in the security field, since the security of this 'Alipay' system is the first,

So, what I mean is: according to what you said, Brother Li, this 'Alipay' system is only used for recharging by Internet cafe owners in the early stage.

Then we can directly bind at the beginning, the physical address of the Internet cafe owner’s top-up computer, a fixed account number, and a fixed address, which can definitely put the security of the system first.
After we further improve the system, we will release it step by step...

Finally, what Li Ge said, everyone can apply for an Alipay account, bind their own bank account, and use this 'Alipay' system to recharge themselves. "

Li Feng did not expect Zhou Wei to have this kind of "iterative thinking", so after Zhou Wei finished speaking, Li Feng gave a thumbs up directly,

Encouragingly said: "Okay, very good, just do as you say, step by step, iterate step by step, and improve step by step, down-to-earth!"

"Small steps, quick iterations", isn't this the magic weapon for Tencent QQ?

 Today's update is late, please forgive me, this is the sadness of the newcomer, the code is slow, and the manuscript has not been saved. The update will be changed to 10 to 11 pm in the future. As for the eunuch, the concubine can't do it!Please continue to support us!
(End of this chapter)

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