Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 550 Jobs' Discovery

Chapter 550 Jobs' Discovery
In fact, before he discovered that Fengrui's "Android system" was better than his own Apple's "iOS system", Cook didn't pay much attention to Fengrui. Hey, why did he become so powerful all of a sudden after going through the Fengrui Openers Conference!
And Cook is now hearing more and more voices about "Fengrui", as if everyone is talking about "Fengrui", just like when you buy an Audi car, you will find that the Audi car on the road suddenly becomes Very much the same, oh, by the way, do you have an Audi?
To be honest, not only did Jobs not pay attention to Fengrui, otherwise he wouldn't even take a look at Fengrui's opener conference; and even Cook himself was the same, and he didn't mean it. He put Fengrui in his eyes, but after the Fengrui Openers Conference was held, because of business habits, he just watched Fengrui's Openers Conference as a routine.

It's just something that Cook couldn't think of. It doesn't matter if you look at it. It's shocking when you look at it. Cook can't think of a mobile system developed by a small Fengrui that is better than Apple's. It's like playing in the NBA. I suddenly discovered that a CBA is so powerful!
Cook didn't believe it at first, but after he verified it again, he had to promise that Fengrui's "Android system" would be better, although at the Fengrui Developer Conference, Long Xiaotian demonstrated the "Android system" There is not much content, but Cook, as an industry insider, can still tell the level of the level at a glance.

Since he thinks his own Apple is better, he doesn’t admit it anymore, but Fengrui’s Android system is very good, and it’s not just a certain place, it’s better than Apple’s “iOS system” in many ways, even Fengrui’s Apple didn't even think about local innovations...All of this made Cook feel too unreal!

You must know that Apple's "iOS system" has been developed by hundreds of Apple's outstanding engineers for two years day and night, and there is also the foundation of Apple's acquisition of the "next" company that Jobs started before. The "grandfather" of the system, and now the "boss" of the operating system, Microsoft's desktop graphics operating system was stolen from Apple.

Cook went from "not caring" at the beginning to "can't believe it", and then to "suspicious", and finally he "had to admit" that Fengrui's mobile system is indeed better than Apple's own!
Fortunately, Cook is still a very good entrepreneur. He didn't panic. He quickly sorted out some materials on the sharp Android system, and hurried to Jobs' office.

When Cook hurriedly came to Jobs' office, Jobs had just discussed with the person in charge of the Apple store about the launch plan of Apple's first-generation smartphone iPhone.
There is still more than a month before the launch of the first-generation iPhone. Although Jobs has made arrangements in advance, he is still worried. He still has to listen to reports on some things every day.

When Cook came in, Jobs had just made a cup of coffee. It is not considered a pleasure to drink a cup of coffee to remind him during the interval of work. Of course, if it can be replaced by Lauren Powell’s hand-ground coffee It could not be better!

Seeing that Cook was in such a panic, Jobs took the coffee and asked, "What's the matter, Tim, what's the matter?"

Tim Cook, it can be said that Jobs has recruited the best employees since he joined Apple. He is calm, low-key and pragmatic. Otherwise, Jobs would have appointed him as Apple COO (Chief Operating Officer), and even planned to train him to serve as Apple's next employee. A generation of successors.

I don't know what can make his COO so flustered, Jobs also asked in puzzlement.

And Cook quickly calmed down when he saw Jobs himself. This is a "god-like man". In front of him, you don't need to panic or be afraid. You just need to develop your potential and do your own thing well. At least Cook never saw Jobs fail.

What's more, Apple has encountered much more difficulties than this, and even once went bankrupt, and no one wants to sell it at a low price, but it turns out that all of this is waiting for the arrival of this man,

And this man has indeed proved himself again. Under his leadership, Apple quickly survived and found its own goals. From iMac computers, ipod music players, and now iPhone smartphones, Apple is reshaping itself of brilliance.

At this time, Cook also calmed down, and then he said calmly: "Steve, after Fengrui's opener conference last time, please let me take a look and pay attention. Just now I specifically looked at the Android system released by Fengrui.
As a result, after repeated verification, I have to promise that the "Android system" developed by Fengrui is much more advanced than our Apple's "iOS system". Well, this is the relevant material. Live video, check it out! "

After speaking, Cook handed Jobs the materials he had sorted out, as well as the computer notebook.

Jobs' face remained unchanged, and he did not speak. He first looked at the materials that Cook had sorted out, and then opened his computer and notebook to watch them carefully.

And Cook waited for Jobs to finish watching, and said again: "Steve, is the sharp Android system more advanced!"

Without Cook telling or verifying, Jobs could see at a glance that Fengrui's "Android system" was much better than his own "iOS system", and it was not at the same level at all.

Although Jobs, like Cook, does not have a technical background, he has developed many more systems than Cook, so he admitted very firmly that Fengrui's system is better!

But these did not make Jobs panic, but when he saw the clip of Li Feng after the scene, Jobs panicked a little...

Originally, the video that Cook gave Jobs was just a clip of Long Xiaotian demonstrating the Android system live, and he didn't read the content carefully, but Jobs didn't know about it, he didn't close it, just continued to watch.

And this made Jobs see that the real thing was coming. After Jobs saw Li Feng's appearance, he established the Android Alliance and even planned to release the first Android smartphone in August. Jobs couldn't sit still anymore!
Jobs still couldn't believe it, as if a competitor suddenly appeared from under his eyelids, and this competitor was already "fully armed"!
After he watched it again, he really couldn't sit still this time, and he said directly to Cook: "Tim, call a president-level meeting in 5 minutes! Also, call Jonathan Ive, Tell him to stop his vacation and come back quickly!"

If Jobs is the symbol of Apple's soul and spirit, and Tim Cook is Apple's executor, then Jonathan Ive is Apple's designer. All of Apple's most successful products are designed by him, including iPod, iMac , and now the iPhone...

Originally, the iPhone was about to be launched, and there was nothing to do without Jonathan Ive. It was also rare for Jobs to let his precious engineer rest for a while, but now except for Fengrui, the vacation is definitely not enough.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away!" Tim Cook also quickly took action. At this time, he also realized the seriousness of the matter. It seemed that it was not only a systemic matter, but also more serious than he imagined!
While arranging these things, Jobs re-watched the video of the Fengrui Openers Conference from the beginning, especially the video after Li Feng's appearance, watching it every second...

This was the first time that Jobs saw Li Feng in real life, and he saw it from a computer video. He was a very good and handsome young man, and Jobs seemed to see the shadow of himself when he was young in Li Feng.
Just like his young self, he is full of dream vitality and the power to change the world. More importantly, Li Feng still has a sense of heaviness and stability that he didn't have at the time, but only now.

Jobs didn't worry about Fengrui's Android system, nor did he worry that the Android system was better than his own. He was more worried about Fengrui's open Android phone alliance around the "Android system"!
When Apple and Bill Gates' Microsoft competed for the supremacy of the PC desktop operating system, Microsoft's Windows defeated Apple's "closed" MacOS system through "openness".

And the mobile operating system competition seems to be the same this time. I originally wanted to take advantage of Microsoft's lack of response and quickly "stake the horse" in the smartphone field, but I didn't expect that Feng Rui suddenly appeared!

Moreover, Fengrui is a more "open" Android system, based on which the "Android Phone Open Alliance" was formed; but this time my own is still "closed", more completely closed, such a familiar script!

Originally, Jobs thought that it would be Bill Gates of Microsoft who would do this. He has been vigilant about this happening, but he did not expect that this time it would be a Chinese from China.

What a young man!

Last time "openness" defeated "closed", will I repeat the same mistakes this time!
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
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(End of this chapter)

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