Chapter 555 Fate

And just when Li Feng and his son were lamenting the prospect of the chemical plant, the doorbell at home suddenly rang.

There were a few people standing at the door, all in shirts and trousers, some with eyes, obviously they were all from the system.

Father Li looked at Li Feng curiously, and asked, "Didn't you say that you didn't show off when you came back? Why did someone come so soon?"

Li Feng was also a little curious, why someone came to the door so quickly.

Although Li Feng knew the news of his return, he couldn't hide it for a long time, but no one should be able to get the news so quickly. Could it be that they can still guard the door of his house 24 hours a day?
Even though she said so, Li Ma still opened the door, and then Li Feng heard hearty laughter outside in the living room.

"Mrs. Li, hello! We are Zhao Lei from the Merchants Bureau of our city. I heard that Mr. Li Feng, the pride of Taicheng, is back. We came here specially to visit!" The leader said with a smile.

When Li Feng heard the background of the other party, he became even more curious. If Mayor Han came here in person in his position, he would not be curious. Why did the City Merchants Bureau come here first?

Li's mother is still not used to the title of Mrs. Li, but in the past two years, many leading cadres have come to her family every year, and she has become accustomed to such scenes, so there is no such thing as the beginning. tension.

In fact, people are all the same. If we talk about an ordinary family, let alone seeing the big leaders in the city, even seeing a few people in uniforms will be nervous.

But if this family often comes into contact with top leaders in the city, and they are all polite, then there will be no fuss when encountering such a situation.

Mama Li also smiled decently and invited a few people from China Merchants into the living room.

Father Li and Li Ying also stood up, while Li Feng waited for them to come in before standing up.

"Mr. Li, welcome home. I am Zhao Lei from Taicheng Merchants Bureau. I came here specially to visit today!" Zhao Lei smiled and shook hands with Li Feng.

In fact, Li Feng just came back, and he doesn't like people to disturb him at this time, he really doesn't like it!

But Li Feng didn't make up his mind, he shook hands with Zhao Lei with a smile and said: "Director Zhao, thank you, you are too kind, I just took advantage of the two days to go home and have a look, I didn't expect to alarm everyone!"

When several people sat down, Li Ma and Li Feng's sister-in-law took Li Ran to the second floor, and the living room on the first floor was reserved for them to talk.

At this time, Zhao Lei also explained with a smile, why did he know the news of Li Feng's return in the first place?
"This is also the fate between us. When Mr. Li got off the plane just now, the comrades in our bureau happened to see him. We didn't know that Mr. Li came back today. We ask Mr. Li to forgive me if we bother you!"

After listening to Zhao Lei's introduction, Li Feng realized that he was so exposed. Then he glanced at the few people who came with Zhao Lei, and saw that one of them looked somewhat similar to the college student he just met at the airport. It's on this person.

Although Li Feng doesn't care about Zhao Lei now, his family still lives in Taicheng after all, so even though he was a little dissatisfied that the other party came here today, he still smiled and said, "So that's the case, why did I say so?" Coincidentally, it's also a kind of fate!"

"Yes, it's fate!" Zhao Lei didn't rush to tell the reason for his visit this time, but chatted with Li Feng for a while, and introduced the current development of Taicheng, especially the situation of attracting investment. There are words like "outstanding people and convenient transportation" in Taicheng.

Then Zhao Lei praised Li Feng's achievements outside, which is the pride of the people of Taicheng.

Anyway, it’s a disguised compliment to Taicheng as a good place, and it’s your hometown, Li Feng. Now that you, Li Feng, have made a name for yourself outside, you have to help your hometown no matter what!

For this kind of behavior, Li Feng didn't feel too much disgust. He knew that his hometown, Taicheng, actually didn't have much to praise. Yes, and relying on the prestige of Mount Tai, Taicheng was rated as an excellent tourist city in China.

As for the others, there is nothing to say. The economy ranks in the bottom few every time, but housing prices can be regarded as the top few positive numbers.

There is no geographical advantage, and the attraction of foreign businessmen is not as attractive as the nearby cities, which also makes it difficult for the Merchants Bureau in the city to develop.

A few years ago, Li Feng even heard that everyone in the China Merchants Bureau has a small book in their hands, which records the contact information of every Taicheng person who has made a name for himself outside. ", in order to hope to bring some investment to Taicheng Dora.

If you are abroad, Li Feng is the pride of the Chinese people now; if you are in other provinces, Li Feng is the pride of Lu Province; but anyway, no matter where, Li Feng is the pride of Taicheng people. If possible, Li Feng also hopes to make Thailand The city became more prosperous.

But in today's scene, Li Feng can't agree to Zhao Lei's specific conditions no matter what.

If I promise Zhao Lei something, I believe that other units in the city will find him soon, what should I do at that time?
Do you all help?
It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish!

Li Feng still hopes to make some contributions to his hometown through the leadership of the city. That is to say, Li Feng will only let go if Mayor Han and others come forward. Otherwise, he really can't handle these powerful units. of!
So now they can only laugh and chat with Zhao Lei, but he refuses to argue with Zhao Lei's explicit or implicit hints.

Zhao Lei is not in a hurry. If he can really attract investment for Taicheng this time, he will make a profit. Even if he does not attract investment, it will be a victory if he gets closer to Li Feng.

In fact, Zhao Lei also knew that people of his level should not come to visit Li Feng. This should be the matter of the mayor's secretary, but he was still unwilling to give up this opportunity.

Homeland is hard to leave!

The Chinese, especially, understand this truth. As long as Li Feng is a native of Taicheng, it is impossible not to contribute to his hometown. Now that Zhao Lei is also in the prime of life, he also has time to wait.

Now in the government agencies of Taicheng, the biggest leaders such as Mayor Han are actually related to Li Feng. What he has to do now is to make himself a member of this rank.

Moreover, Zhao Lei clearly remembered that when Mayor Han visited Li Feng for the first time, Li Feng had promised to set up a large-scale data center in the city. At that time, there must be the participation of their China Merchants Bureau.

This is also their achievements!
So after Zhao Lei tested Li Feng a few times, he found that Li Feng's tone was relatively tight, so he stopped talking about investment, and instead started to make friends with Li Feng.

Li Feng was also politely talking with the other party, but Li Feng's patience is still limited.

When Li Feng looked at his watch for the third time, Zhao Lei also knew that his time here was almost up, and if he didn't leave, it would be counterproductive!
"Mr. Li, we take the liberty to disturb you this time, so we won't delay your life at home. I don't know if Mr. Li has time these two days. Our China Merchants Bureau will host a banquet for Mr. Li!" Zhao Lei said.

Li Feng said noncommittally: "There are a lot of things recently, let's talk about it later!"

Although Zhao Lei was a little disappointed, he still smiled and said, "Okay, I'll call Mr. Li in the next two days, and we'll make a decision then!"

This is Zhao Lei's routine. First of all, through such a conversation, it is legitimate to ask for Li Feng's phone number. Even if he does not want to come, he can also call Li Feng's home legitimately.

This is the first step to enhance the relationship between the two parties, and then he will definitely call Li Feng one day later. No matter what Li Feng's attitude is, he must tell Li Feng that the place is arranged, even if it is Li Feng's first time. If you disagree, can you continue to disagree in the future?
To put it bluntly, it is to completely surround Li Feng with the enthusiasm of the people of Taicheng!

After Zhao Lei left, Father Li couldn't help sighing in his heart. Over the years, with Li Feng's success, the guests visiting the Li family are no longer the old friends they used to be. The family must be led by various leaders during the holidays. Condolences.

Those old friends from before have actually gradually changed their flavors. In the past, everyone was the same worker, and no one was better than the other. As long as there is a relative in the family who is awesome, that is a big deal. .

But that kind of awesomeness has a limit. It’s not like the current Li Feng. That’s unlimited awesomeness. My old friends will often find me, either because there are difficulties at home, or because the child has graduated. I don't talk about borrowing money, or helping arrange work, anyway, it's all kinds of complaints. If I don't answer the words, I will turn around and be rich and unkind!

He never told Li Feng about these things. At the beginning, Dad Li felt very uncomfortable, but later, Mom Li comforted him, saying that this kind of thing is not a rare thing at all, and those who speak ill of you must turn around I have to ask you for help.

When the matter develops to the end, it is those who can borrow money and have a good heart. Father Li will still help those who are really in trouble, but he has no choice but to find a job. No matter how good the relationship is, he can't let his own Son is hard to do!
Father Li knew that Li Feng had a principle: he didn't like his family members working in his company, that was the bottom line.

The relatives of Lao Li's family, Li Feng is not allowed to work in his company, let alone other people.

Thinking of his relatives, Dad Li also thought of his two nephews. Both of them graduated this year. During the dinner at home, which two of his brothers still talked about this matter.

Poor people play ten steel hooks on the cross streets, but they can't hook their relatives' flesh and blood.

The rich are in the deep mountains and old forests, wielding knives, guns and sticks, and they can't beat the unjust friends.

It's not that Li's father has any prejudice against his brothers, this is a family matter, the main reason is that he is worried that his son will be difficult to do!

Thinking of this, Father Li said to Li Feng: "Ah Feng, your third uncle and the others asked him to eat at his restaurant tonight, and I might tell you about Xiaowei and Xiaoguo's graduation."

Oh, it turns out that Li Wei and Li Guo will be graduating this year, how time flies!Li Feng also had to give them computers, notebooks and mobile phones when they were just admitted to university, but now four years have passed in a blink of an eye, time flies so fast, it has been four years!
Li Feng was already mentally prepared for this kind of thing, and said with a smile: "Dad, I understand, don't worry, I know how to do it!"

For his family, Li Feng has always insisted on helping if he can, but it must be within the scope of his principles. Besides, with his father here, he has to look at the Buddha's face instead of the monk's face!

In the evening, Li Feng's family drove two cars to the restaurant of the third uncle's house.

The restaurant of the third uncle's family is no longer the small door of the past few years, and now it is one of the few big restaurants in Taicheng.

When the family of six got off the car, other relatives in the family were already there. After seeing Li Feng, they naturally praised him again!

"Xiao Feng, you are getting stronger and stronger..."

"That's right, even the leaders of my unit have to give me a high look when they know Xiaofeng is my nephew. They respect me more than before!"

Li Feng can also clearly feel that the connection between their Li family is far stronger than in the previous life.

Even the number of gatherings is much more than in the previous life. After all, the problem of eating when such a large family gathers is a lot of expenses. This was a very real problem in the previous life.

Home and everything is going well!Generally, this kind of united family will have a backbone!

In fact, this is also a common phenomenon in Chinese society. If there is a powerful person in a family, then the family is often more united than ordinary families; if the family situation of every small family in a family is similar If so, then the closeness of the family connection is actually not that strong.

To put it bluntly, there is no backbone, no one will obey anyone, and family members are sometimes more ruthless than ordinary people!

Several of Li Feng's brothers were also there. After seeing them, they exchanged pleasantries for a while. Because of Li Feng, everyone's lives were better than in previous lives.

After Li Feng's family walked into the rebate point, they were taken directly to the largest private room in the hotel. There were two dining tables inside, one was the table for Li's father and the others, and the other was for Li Feng and the young people.
Originally, Li Feng's uncle wanted Li Feng to sit at their table, but Li Feng refused. He can show off his identity outside, but he doesn't need to do that at home, and Li Feng still sat down with his brothers. Together.

The banquet will begin soon...

(End of this chapter)

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