Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 558 Impressive!

Chapter 558 Impressive! (Please subscribe! Please subscribe! Please subscribe!)

In the next two days, Li Feng also visited relatives and friends at home, and then stayed at home with his parents when he had nothing to do, but at Li Feng's level, he was destined to rarely have time for himself.

As for the news of Li Feng's return, it is impossible to hide the news for a long time. Even if Zhao Lei from the China Merchants Bureau did not say anything, the news that he went to Xiaoshu's restaurant yesterday would still be spread.

Therefore, Li Feng did not stop at home for a long time.

This morning, not long after Li Feng woke up, while he was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, he received a call from the Mayor of Taicheng, Han Lixin.

"Mr. Li heard that you have returned to our city of Tai!" Mayor Han said very enthusiastically on the phone.

This is why Han Lixin is more clever than Zhao Lei. He knew that he should make a phone call first. After Zhao Lei knew that Li Feng was back, he went directly to Li Feng's home.

In any case, there are some abrupt meanings in it, but Mayor Han is different. He made the phone call first, and he needs to confirm Li Feng's attitude before we can talk about the rest.

Li Feng also knew that these things cannot be avoided, and said with a smile: "Yes, the company's affairs have just ended, and I just took advantage of this time to rest for two days, and I was about to call Mayor Han, I didn't expect Let you call first!"

Mayor Han said with a smile: "Mr. Li is being polite. You are the pride of our Taicheng people. Your return is a major event for us in Taicheng. I don't know Mr. Li plans to rest at home for a few days!"

Li Feng naturally heard the meaning of Mayor Han's words, and said: "Mayor Han, how about it, I happen to have time at noon today, why don't we find a time to sit down!"

"Everyone carries the flowery sedan chair." At this time, Li Feng has been in contact with this kind of officials for a long time, and he is not as arrogant as before, but more of a kind of plainness.
Although according to Li Feng's current status, not to mention Mayor Han, when he saw him, he would be an acquaintance of the same generation.

However, Li Feng knew that when his status reached a higher level, he should not be arrogant.

Mayor Han also laughed, and said: "It's good that Mr. Li has time. On behalf of the 500 million people in Taicheng, I formally invite Mr. Li to have a meal at noon. Our Secretary Li from Taicheng will also be there in person. Mr. Li what do you think?"

Mayor Han is also an extremely smart person. Knowing that Li Feng is saving face for himself, he naturally has to take this face completely!

It can be said that Li Feng is now a walking "political body" in cities across the country, especially after hearing that Fengrui is about to raise funds, and the valuation starts directly at 300 billion US dollars, which is higher than the output value of the entire Taicheng city. !

terrible!Perhaps if Li Feng is not from Taicheng, it is estimated that it would not be easy for him to meet Li Feng.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Mayor Han, you are so polite, so you don't have to give Li a high opinion of me, then everything will be arranged by Mayor Han!"

"This is what it should be. Mr. Li, you are the pride of our Taicheng people now, and don't tell me, when we went out to attract investment, no one cared when we mentioned "Taicheng". Now everyone knows that "Taicheng" There is a Li Feng, you are a business card of our Taicheng!"

After all, Han Lixin was the mayor. He really didn't make a draft when he boasted. It made Li Feng feel embarrassed.

Li Feng was also afraid that Mayor Han might blow him out, so after the two discussed the time, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Li Feng looked at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning, and once again lamented that the other party's timing was accurate, and he was not sleepy anyway,

He just got up straight away, washed up briefly, walked to the living room and said to Li Ma: "Mom, you don't have to cook for me at noon, I have to go out to eat at noon!"

"Why are you so good, you went out to eat suddenly, and your brother and the others came in a while?" Li Ma asked.

"I made an appointment at noon, and I went to dinner with Secretary Li and Mayor Han. There was nothing I could do." Li Feng explained.

"Oh, is it the secretary and mayor of Taicheng?" Li Ma quickly changed her words and asked.

"Well, it's Secretary Li and Mayor Han of Taicheng. What's wrong?" Li Feng asked.

"It's okay, that's fine, then you go quickly, don't make people wait too long!" But Li Ma couldn't help but reminded, "Everyone is a leader, when you meet them, you can't just talk casually!"

Mama Li didn't feel unhappy because Li Feng wasn't eating at home. Her son went to have dinner with the city's senior officials and the mayor. She was so proud!

Li Feng smiled: "I know!"

There is no need to explain this kind of thing, or to Li Ma, the mayor of Taicheng should be better than Li Feng.

Near noon, the eldest brother and sister-in-law also brought Li Ran, but they didn't say anything when they heard that Li Feng was going to have dinner with Mayor Han and others.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Li Feng walked out of the house and drove to the banquet by himself!
At this time, the state has not yet issued a document on the issue of eating and drinking for public servants, so the restaurant where Mayor Han Lixin and the others hosted Li Feng was naturally the best restaurant in Tai'an.

Li Feng drove to the Tai'an Hotel, looked at the splendor outside, and couldn't help but wryly smiled, which also showed the difference between the first-tier cities and the third- and fourth-tier cities.

The real top hotels or private clubs in the first-tier cities do not appear to be so tall in appearance, but more to pursue a low-key luxury. It is impossible to see how luxurious such a hotel is from the outside. Only after you get inside will you discover what it means to have a hole in the sky.

But it’s different in the third- and fourth-tier cities. Anyway, it’s all kinds of high-end appearances. It’s luxurious at first glance, plus it’s just resplendent!

Li Feng didn't think too much, and walked slowly to the restaurant. Anyway, he had eaten all kinds of delicacies and simple meals.

Standing at the entrance of the hotel was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a simple suit. Standing not far behind him was the owner of Tai'an Hotel, Chen Hai, the owner of Tai'an Hotel.

Chen Hai was very shocked at this moment. This morning he received a call from Secretary Huang, the mayor of Han, and knew that the top and second leaders in the city were coming to the restaurant to entertain guests. This in itself shocked him very much.

You must know that no matter what kind of guests you usually receive, either Secretary Li or Mayor Han will come forward, and it is rare to see two people appearing at the same time. If the two main leaders appear at the same time, it must be a big shot , So for a while Chen Hai, the owner of Tai'an Hotel, thought it was a big leader from the province.

The most important thing is that the two big shots came to the hotel in advance. When they arrived at the hotel, the guests who wanted to entertain them hadn't arrived yet, which further confirmed his thoughts.

At this time, he didn't go over to say anything to Secretary Huang. Anyway, after seeing the two big men arrive at the hotel, he saw Secretary Huang personally coming to the door to wait for the guest.

Chen Hai also immediately waited with him. To be honest, he was really curious in his heart, what kind of great person came to make two big people appear at the same time.

Secretary Huang quickly saw Li Feng, took two quick steps, greeted him, and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Li, welcome, Mayor Han specifically told me to wait for you here!"

Li Feng said with a smile: "How dare you ask the two leaders to wait for me!"

The owner of the Tai'an Hotel on the side was slightly taken aback when he saw Li Feng. He felt that this young man looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who the other party was for a while, and then he thought that the other party was the leader of the province. son,

But even if it was, it wouldn't make the two leaders appear at the same time, but when Secretary Huang called him Mr. Li, Chen Hai, the owner of Tai'an Hotel, thought of who the other party was, Li Feng!

Li Feng from Fengrui Technology!
At this time, he no longer had any doubts in his heart, but felt that all of this was taken for granted. In the hearts of businessmen in Taicheng City, Li Feng was like a god. When they were still in the city When working hard, Li Feng has become the most famous person in the world!

Secretary Huang is also very good at being a person. Knowing that the owner of Tai'an Hotel has been waiting here for a long time, when they walked into the hotel, he introduced Li Feng: "Mr. Li, this is Chen Hai, the owner of our Tai'an Hotel!"

Chen Hai quickly put on a smile, and said: "Mr. Li's name is very famous, you are the pride of our Tai'an people, it is our honor that Mr. Li can come to our Tai'an Da Restaurant for dinner today!"

Li Feng also smiled and exchanged a few words with the other party.

When the three of them had just walked to the lobby of the hotel, Li Feng suddenly heard someone calling him behind him!

"Li Feng?"

Li Feng followed the sound and turned his head, and unexpectedly saw an old friend Liu Tai, who used to be the richest man in Tai City!
"Boss Liu!" Li Feng said with a smile.

Liu Tai happened to come to Tai'an Hotel for dinner today, and seeing Li Feng's familiar figure from a distance, he tried to call out, but he didn't expect that the other party was really Li Feng.

Some people say, "Students should look at each other with admiration after three days"!
Liu Tai really looked at Li Feng with admiration, not only for "three days", but also for the whole day!

Sometimes Liu Tai couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he could say that he watched Li Feng grow up step by step, even Li Feng's first pot of gold was supported by himself,
Back then, when Li Feng took his family's house book and went to him to mortgage the loan, Liu Tai still looked down on Li Feng in his heart, not because he didn't, but because he didn't care at all!Just treat Li Feng as a brat!

As a result, what happened later was that he was slapped in the face by "papapapa". Afterwards, Li Feng's development speed was like flying upwards like a rocket. When I saw Li Feng bought a villa in the same community as myself Since then, he has been paying attention to Li Feng.

It's just that the more you pay attention, the stronger the shock in your heart. This fucking rocket is like "opening a spaceship" to develop. Liu Tai has never seen such a speed. It's really not human.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, Liu Tai regretted and couldn't help but slap his big ears.

He has watched a movie "A Chinese Journey to the West" by Zhou Xingchi, and he feels that there is a sentence in it that suits his mood very well:
There was once a chance to make myself stronger, but I didn't seize him. If God can give me another chance, I will definitely seize that opportunity firmly. If God insists on adding to this opportunity One time, I hope it is countless times.
He had always wanted to establish a connection with Li Feng, and now that he saw Li Feng again, he naturally didn't intend to miss this opportunity again.

"It really is Mr. Li, I haven't seen him for many years, Mr. Li is getting more and more handsome!" Liu Tai walked a few steps quickly, came to Li Feng, and said politely.

Li Feng chuckled: "Mr. Liu, it's really been a long time since I saw you!"

Secretary Huang naturally knew Liu Tai, but he didn't expect Li Feng to know someone like Liu Tai.

"Mr. Li, do you know each other?" Secretary Huang asked subconsciously. He knew Liu Tai, after all, Liu Tai was also a prominent figure in Taicheng.

At this time, Liu Tai also saw Secretary Huang standing next to Mayor Han standing next to Li Feng.

People like Liu Tai can be said to be the most well-informed and well-connected in Taicheng. Naturally, they know Secretary Huang. When they see Secretary Huang standing with Li Feng, they understand that the guest Li Feng is going to meet today must be that person. Either one of two, or both.

Liu Tai said first: "I live in the same community as Mr. Li, and we have met a few times before. I admire Mr. Li very much!"

He didn't say anything about Li Feng's loan from him. One is that his business is not a glorious business, and the most important thing is that he is not sure whether Li Feng wants people to know that he mortgaged his house for a loan. things.

In fact, Liu Tai was indeed the first noble person in Li Feng's life, and Li Feng's "first pot of gold" in the true sense was obtained through Liu Tai.

Sure enough, they are all human beings!However, Li Feng was also satisfied with Liu Tai's attitude, he also smiled and said: "Yeah, I didn't expect to see Mr. Liu here!"

Secretary Huang knew that the two leaders were still waiting for Li Feng in the private room, so he looked at the time and was actually reminding Liu Tai not to waste time.

Liu Tai understood immediately and said: "Mr. Li, we are destined to meet each other today. I know you are busy, so I won't bother you today. Another day, another day, I will find a time to visit. I hope Mr. Li will appreciate it!"

In any case, Liu Tai did not seem to let the opportunity slip away from his hands this time.

Li Feng also nodded noncommittally, and said, "Let's talk when we have time!"

Li Feng is like this. Although he took the house book and made the mortgage with Liu Tai, and Liu Tai also got the interest and the market price, but no matter what, he still got the help of Liu Tai for his first pot of gold. , so there is no formal rejection of him.

As for whether we can see each other, it depends on fate!
Only then did Liu Tai bid farewell to Li Feng, Secretary Huang and others in ecstasy.

And Li Feng also led by Secretary Huang to the private room!
PS: The latest update has been relatively strong. This month also updated 13 words, and will continue to work hard to update it next month, and this book has entered the second chapter. Please continue to communicate with Xuan!Begging to subscribe!Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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