Chapter 560
The old driver must have the skills of the old driver, and the old workers must have their own skills. There is such a joke that once described the abilities of these workers very well.

After a state-owned machinery factory was acquired by foreign capital, the dismissed workers went to other factories for interviews. At that time, domestic factories wanted to learn everything from foreign companies, so even if they were interviewing workers, the test papers provided were fucking English. , can you believe this, this is really a fucking real thing that exists.

A few old workers looked at the test papers and were immediately stunned. Where did they go to understand English? Immediately put forward their opinions to the interviewer. The interviewer was a turtle. It was incredible that the workers did not understand English. When I was at home, would I be beaten if I spoke English to my parents?

Anyway, I was dissatisfied with the performance of several senior workers. After casually explaining the meaning of a question, I immediately said dissatisfied: If you don't understand these questions, just don't answer them.

The group of Sea Turtles actually have a stink problem, which they also learned from foreigners. They think that all things can be answered theoretically, and even all questions will definitely appear on the test paper.

In fact, most of these people have never been in the workshop.

And the exam questions they gave actually had big problems, and the old workers pointed them out on the spot, and Hai Turtle naturally didn't believe it. In her opinion, the other party was deliberately picking on the thorns.

Later, after the two sides got into a stalemate, the old worker directly asked a question that often appeared on the scene, and the other party was stunned. At the same time, it was another invigilator on the spot who was actually the one who set the question...

This incident actually explains the situation of domestic workers very well. The skills or experience they have in their hands cannot be seen on paper at all.

In fact, the desolation of many state-owned factories has nothing to do with them. It is more a problem with the leadership. It is just that in many subsequent reports, they always like to push these responsibilities to workers who do not understand advanced technology.

Persimmons are always soft to pinch.
Li Feng took a fancy to this point. He did not deny that there must be fish in troubled waters among the workers. If it is really possible to build a joint venture with the city, the two rights of personnel and finance will definitely be taken back by then!

As long as they have these things, their transformation will be much easier when the time comes!

Secretary Li and Mayor Han, when they heard that Li Feng wanted to form a joint venture with them to reorganize the glass factory, the smile returned to their faces, which was a surprise!
They don't have as many thoughts as Li Feng in their hearts. Now the glass factory is a hot potato in their hands. Now that Li Feng wants to take over, that would be great!
The most important thing is that although Li Feng's business is not in Taicheng, Li Feng is from Taicheng. Taicheng is not a big place. Although he said he didn't want to be in the countryside, the two families must have close relatives. , but people in a city can definitely find each other if they have a relationship with each other.

With this level of relationship, Li Feng will not be like those foreign businessmen who came to say that it is a joint venture with the local factory, and promised to arrange the factory staff well, but when the factory is really built, within three years, everyone In some cities, all the workers in the original factory were fired.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in every city!

There is a very famous ham sausage factory, the name will not be mentioned, it is easy to harmonize, and this ham sausage factory operates in this way.

Every time we go to a city to build a factory, we will tell the leaders of the local city how many jobs we will solve for you this time, and then rely on these empty promises to get many preferential policies.

When the factory was first built, it was true that a lot of local workers were recruited, but when the factory was built and entered into formal production, within three years, all the original workers must be dismissed in batches, and then replaced by local workers in their main factory.
"Mr. Li, this is really great. If Mr. Li is willing to invest in the glass factory, on behalf of the thousands of employees in the glass factory, I would like to thank Mr. Li first!" Mayor Han said seriously.

No matter how many calculations he has in his heart, Mayor Han still hopes to obtain more rights and interests for the general public. This is the most basic bottom line of an official.

So in the words just now, Mayor Han directly hinted at Li Feng, the thousands of workers in the factory!

But Li Feng is not easy to be fooled, he admits that there must be some workers in the factory who really want to work, but there must also be a group of people who are just dawdling, and he will not keep such people no matter what!

"Mayor Han, since we are cooperating, some things must be mentioned earlier. After the establishment of the joint venture factory, the existing workers in the glass factory must undergo retraining. To be able to return to work, after all, the money was invested, not to support idlers!" Li Feng said seriously.

At this time, Mayor Han already had calculations in his mind, and he repeatedly expressed his agreement with what Li Feng said.

Father Yang, who was at the side, frowned slightly.

Afterwards, the two parties conducted a general discussion on the situation of the joint venture factory, such as the equity held by the two parties and their respective division of labor and so on.

As an investor, Li Feng must bear the wages owed by the factory before. This is a huge investment in itself. For a factory with thousands of people and a company for a few months, this expenditure alone has exceeded tens of millions. up
After the two sides tested each other, Mayor Han also agreed on behalf of the city government. After the establishment of the new factory, the two major powers of finance and personnel will belong to Li Feng, and the city government will arrange more people in the factory party committee!

Of course, the framework has been set, but Li Feng has to send professionals to operate the specific rules and regulations.
And with the matter of the glass factory, the conversation between the two sides can be regarded as having a relatively perfect ending.

After eating and drinking enough, the few people chatted about homework for a while before it was over.

At the entrance of the hotel, they shook hands and bid farewell to each other. Li Feng originally wanted to send Yang's father off, but was rejected by Yang's father. Li Feng formally bid farewell to the other party without thinking too much.

Back to the car, Li Feng waved his hand, and a bodyguard who secretly protected him came, "Drive me home!"

Although he didn't drink too much at the wine table just now, Li Feng is still a little confused now, so it is naturally impossible to drive.

There was a Land Rover parked at the gate of Li Feng's residential area, and Liu Tai was sitting in the car, and he was closing his eyes slightly at this moment.

At this time, Liu Tai's driver suddenly said: "Mr. Liu, Li Feng's car is back!"

Liu Tai quickly opened his eyes. Although he didn't know what Li Feng was talking about when he met with the two big leaders, Liu Tai was determined this time and must find a way to build a relationship with Li Feng, so he asked his driver to stop at the At the gate of the community, Li Feng was waiting.

Now seeing Li Feng's car coming back, he immediately prepared to get off the car, but saw Li Feng's car turned around at the gate of the community and left directly!
Liu Tai: "."

Li Feng naturally didn't see Liu Tai anymore, and he didn't want to see Liu Tai on purpose, but because he received a call when he entered the community immediately.

"Honey, what are you doing?" It was Yang Xiao who called.

Li Feng smiled and said: "It's okay, I just finished lunch outside and I'm going home!"

Yang Xiao said coquettishly, "I guess Secretary Li, Mayor Han, Director Bu, and my father must be dining with you!"

Li Feng smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Yang called you!"

Yang Xiaotian smiled and said: "Yes, my father said some things, it's not convenient to tell you at that time, if you have time now, go to my house, there are some things he wants to tell you!"

Speaking of this, Yang Xiao was still a little shy. When she received a call from her father, she was still a little apprehensive, thinking that her father was going to tell Li Feng about the two of them.

But Yang Xiao knew her own affairs, so she refused at first, but later Yang's father said that it was a matter of work, so Yang Xiao called Li Feng.

Li Feng's heart also sank, thinking that Father Yang was going to tell him about him and Yang Xiao, so he asked carefully: "Uncle Yang didn't say anything, why did you ask me?"

Yang Xiao said: "It seems to be talking about your work just now, some things, he wants to explain to you!"

Li Feng was slightly taken aback, what could be the matter at work?
But at this time, Li Feng also knew that he couldn't refuse, and said with a smile: "Well, I'll go there now!"

"Well, my dear, I miss you!" Before the two hung up the phone, Yang Xiao said love words.

Li Feng could imagine that Yang Xiao's face must be red at this moment, and said with a smile, "I miss you too!"

The two chatted, and after a while, the driver drove the car to Yang Xiao's community.

He has been here more than once, but it is the first time to visit Yang Xiao's home. He took the gift he bought on the way in the car and told the driver to wait for him downstairs. The doorbell of Yang Xiao's house rang.

Yang Xiao's mother was waiting for Li Feng at the door, while Yang's father was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper with his own identity, but his eyes were still looking at Li Feng, seeing that he didn't come empty-handed, a smile appeared on his face, finally I didn't waste my painstaking efforts.

"Auntie, this is a gift I bought for you and uncle on the way!" Li Feng did not hide that these gifts were bought on the way, because it would make the relationship between the two parties more intimate.

Besides, the other party definitely didn't care about any gifts, they cared more about Li Feng's attitude.

Sure enough, Mother Yang showed a smile and said: "You child, come here, what gifts do you bring, we will be a family from now on!"

It was the first time for Yang's mother to meet Li Feng, but she had heard a lot of Li Feng's stories, whether it was her daughter or her husband, they had all told about Li Feng, and Li Feng was often on TV during this time, so she naturally understood more of them.

Unlike Yang's father, Yang's mother is 100% satisfied with Li Feng. Li Feng's conditions can give her daughter a happy life, which is what Yang's mother values ​​most.

At this time, Father Yang stood up, and Li Feng also gave up his previous attitude at the restaurant, and smiled more cordially: "Uncle!"

In fact, on the way here, Li Feng thought of it. When Father Yang called him here this time, he should be talking about the glass factory. The reason why he came back together when he was not in the restaurant with him is probably what he said next. , It must be something Mayor Han and Secretary Li don't want him to talk about.

Sure enough, this is what Father Yang said next.

"Sit down, it's inconvenient to tell you just now that there are no outsiders at home now. When I was eating just now, I could tell that you didn't think of the difficulty of taking down the glass factory. I guess you don't care. It's just a few faces!"

"Well, it's a little..." Li Feng was slightly taken aback, but he still asked seriously: "Uncle, is there anything else going on here? Tell me!"

"You, although your current achievements in business are beyond the reach of many people in a lifetime, but in terms of politics, you are still a bit immature. You thought that if you wanted to take down the glass factory, you would hold the financial and personnel affairs in your hands. , can you go all the way?" Father Yang said seriously.

Li Feng himself knows his own affairs. His current achievements are not only due to his rebirth as a golden finger, but also due to his hard work over the years, but this does not mean that he is omniscient and omnipotent.

Especially in politics, even though Father Yang is just a bureau chief in Taicheng, if it is his turn to be politically wise, he will definitely not be able to catch up with him.

Therefore, at this time Li Feng immediately asked sincerely: "Uncle, tell me, I'll listen!"

"Hey, if that girl Yang Xiao didn't like you so much, I really don't want to be a sinner!" Father Yang sighed first, and then slightly raised his daughter on Li Feng's side in his words, and finally continued.

"According to what you said to the two leaders just now, I guess you must lay off some people, and the proportion is not low, right?"

Li Feng nodded and said, "That's right, since the glass factory has been reduced to the current situation, there must be a lot of moths inside, and I estimate that at least half of the workers must be unqualified!"

Father Yang said: "That's the problem. Let me ask you, these people have spent almost half of their lives in the glass factory and have no other abilities. If they are fired, do you think they won't make trouble? What will you do then?" manage?"

"The city is not already."

"Yes, the city has decided to help you solve these problems, but do you think these problems can really be solved? With so many people petitioning every year, do you think the city doesn't want to solve them? But have they been solved?"

"What's more, Taicheng is not big. If these people know what you say in the factory, do you think they will go to your house to make trouble?"

"They dare!" Li Feng said with a sharp look in his eyes.

Father Yang chuckled and said, "Why don't you dare? Let me ask you about the scale of thousands of people. Even if you have great influence now and can talk to higher-level people, so what? They don't fight or make trouble. , holding a banner to protest at the gate of your community, what can you do, it will definitely affect your reputation by then, and it will be too late!"

Only then did Li Feng pay attention to this issue. Indeed, as Father Yang said, his own people are not in Yanjing, but his parents are. If those people really do this, then those who don’t know the truth,

I don't know that they were dismissed because they didn't work hard. The hatred of the rich in the society will directly define this group of people as a disadvantaged group, and directly drown their parents with spit stars. investment.

"Uncle, what should I do?" Knowing that Father Yang called him here at this time, Li Feng must have a solution in his heart.

This is the political wisdom that Li Feng does not possess.

Father Yang sighed and said: "There is only one way to solve these troubles, and that is this matter. You can't come forward in person, you need to find another person to stand in front, either from other places, or the local reputation is not good. nice man,

They have no choice but to go to the city to solve it, and that person of yours will be killed and let the city solve it for you. Anyway, this kind of thing can't touch you personally, anyway, the city also promised to help you solve it up! "

Father Yang really regarded Li Feng as his son-in-law at this time, otherwise he would not have said anything to Li Feng.

Li Feng also fell into deep thought.
(End of this chapter)

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