Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 565 It is necessary to give Jobs a good lesson!

Chapter 565 It is necessary to give Jobs a good lesson! (Begging to subscribe!)

Fengrui is now a well-known high-tech enterprise in China. Its every move has attracted the attention of the news media, and the sudden "plagiarism incident" has attracted the attention of many media.

So when Li Feng got off the plane and arrived at Fengrui, the media immediately surrounded him. Many media reporters were holding microphones and recording pens, scrambling to interview Li Feng:
"Mr. Li, what do you think of Fengrui's 'plagiarism incident' that has gone viral recently? Does Fengrui have a plagiarism problem?"

"Fengrui, Mr. Li, what do you say about this plagiarism incident? Does Fengrui really have patent infringement?"

"If it is determined that Fengrui has an infringement problem, what about Fengrui's Android system? Is it possible for the Android Alliance to exist?"


Every media reporter wanted to be able to interview Li Feng, even if Li Feng said something casually, the microphones were aimed at Li Feng like a row of pistols, and some microphones almost touched Li Feng's face.

It's so dedicated and enthusiastic. Fortunately, Wu Nan's several bodyguards blocked the media reporters. While protecting Li Feng, they hugged and pushed forward. Otherwise, Li Feng would have left, not to mention joining the company. Do not move.

"No comment!"

"No comment!"

"No comment!"

Just when Li Feng and the others were about to enter the company, this kind of enthusiasm exploded all of a sudden, and all the reporters flocked up, as if Li Feng and the others were not allowed to enter.

At this time, Wu Nan and the others were protecting Li Feng, and started a tug-of-war with a group of media reporters around the sharp gate.

Surrounded by a large group of media reporters, Li Feng didn't enter Fengrui in a daze.

Seeing this, Li Feng had no choice but to stand up and express his opinion, "I just came back and I don't know the situation yet, so I can't give you an answer, but we will hold a president's office meeting to study it immediately, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer after the meeting. , now please understand more, give way first! Thank you!"

Since even Li Feng said that, the media can't stop him.

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Wu Nan and the others hurriedly took advantage of the reporter's daze, and forced Li Feng to squeeze in. It was really not easy, even Wu Nan and the others were very tired.

After Li Feng came to the company, he didn't stop there, and rushed to the president's conference room. At this time, Liu Zhiping and the others were also sitting upright, not relaxing at all, and everyone had no idea!

Although they have all thought about Apple's counterattack, they have never fought against Apple with real swords and guns, and this time Apple's counterattack is so sharp, not to mention that the big boss Li Feng is not around, everyone is also uncertain!
After Li Feng came in, everyone felt as if they had breathed a burst of fresh air and relaxed a lot. Although everyone was still so serious, it was obvious that they were much more energetic.
The main reason is that "that man" is back, and everyone knows the bottom line. This is his "invincible" confidence that he has experienced in the past few years since he started his business. Even in the face of Jobs, everyone is full of confidence in Li Feng!

Apple has Jobs, we are Fengrui and Li Feng, what is there to be afraid of!

After Li Feng was seated, Song Jia brought over the tea very thoughtfully, and after Li Feng looked around, seeing everyone's confidence, he said with great relief:
"I'm very glad that everyone is confident and fearless in the face of danger. Fengrui should be like this. We have developed Fengrui to this day, and it has not been smooth sailing. We have fought countless battles, big and small!"

At this time, Li Feng saw Xu Jiawei smiling, and asked wonderingly: "Jiawei, what are you laughing at? Am I not right?"

Xu Jiawei was also a little embarrassed to be named in public, but he also explained: "Boss, in fact, we didn't know what to do just now. The main reason is that you came, and we were at a low level. That's why we are full of confidence now. If the sky falls, you will be the top." Let's go!"

"Oh, that's it! But you Xu Jiawei is quite good at flattering, and you have learned to flatter in public!" Li Feng scolded with a smile.

Everyone also laughed, and completely relaxed, as if Apple's "plagiarism incident" against Fengrui never happened.

After everyone laughed, Li Feng went on to say: "Actually, what Jiawei said just now is also true, 'I will stand up to the sky falling', so everyone can do it boldly, don't be afraid, don't shoot anything, it really happens. When it's time, I must be the one who bears it!"

Seeing that everyone wanted to applaud, Li Feng quickly pressed his hands down, and then continued: "Actually, this 'plagiarism incident' is not a big deal. Apple's counterattack was originally in our plan.
It's just that we didn't expect that Apple would fight back in this way at this time point, and it hit us too hard. , so everyone should cheer up,

Moreover, the competition with Apple is different from our previous competition. This is a cross-border competition, and there will definitely be various troubles in it, so everyone must be fully prepared! "

Li Feng first cheered everyone up, and then asked everyone to raise their awareness, and then started to get down to business. He directly named Liu Zhiping and said,

"This 'plagiarism incident', Zhiping, please talk about it in detail. Although I have talked about it on the phone many times, some details are not very clear, and many comrades here may not be clear, so you can talk about it later!"

"Okay, boss, let me talk again!" Liu Zhiping introduced the whole "plagiarism incident" in detail from beginning to end, and then Liu Zhiping finally concluded:
"This 'plagiarism incident' was first reported by many tabloid media, then broke out by the mainstream media, and finally Jobs himself stood up to speak out, and then Apple was preparing to file a lawsuit at the US International Trade Commission. It would be impossible without Apple's operation, of course, there must be news media fueling the flames!"

As for the power of the media, when Li Feng came to Fengrui just now, he had already fully felt it. It was really terrifying. If these pens were allowed to write something randomly, it would really be impossible!
And Li Feng asked again about the specific details, "When will Apple's lawsuit against the US International Trade Commission start?"

"It is still in the investigation stage of the US International Trade Commission. There is no specific date for the specific hearing time, but it will not exceed one month. It should be this month." Liu Zhiping explained.

"What are the specific 'infringement patents' in Apple's lawsuit against Fengrui?" Li Feng asked again.

"Currently there are 222 investigations, but the specific infringement patents have to be confirmed by the US International Trade Commission, but what is currently unfavorable to us is Apple's 'graphics patents' and other series of patents,

We have never thought about similar patents. The key point is that not only we know, Apple knows, but also many ordinary people who eat melons. This is very unfavorable to Fengrui in public opinion, so this patent lawsuit cannot be delayed. ! " Liu Zhiping said seriously.

Apple's "graphics patent" is indeed an epoch-making patent. It has transitioned from the "command era" to the "desktop graphics operation era". Operate "Touch Era"!
Moreover, Apple's "graphics patent" is also a big killer. Otherwise, the operating systems of the PC computer era are only Apple and Microsoft's operating systems, and the "graphics patent" on Microsoft's Windows is still stolen from Apple.

It is precisely because Apple's "graphics patent" is so famous that even ordinary people know about it, and Fengrui does not have this patent, so public opinion is not good for Fengrui, which is why so many people think that Fengrui will "plagiarize" !
This is indeed a thing!
And this is the defect of the Android system, Li Feng also knows it, and Li Feng can't make up for it, but Fengrui's Android system also has many patents for mobile operating systems!

Li Feng also asked: "It is true that our Fengrui Android system infringes on Apple's 'graphics patents', but doesn't Apple know that they also infringe on many of our Fengrui's 'smartphone patents'?"

The Android system has patent infringement, Li Feng is aware of it, and there is no other way. After all, Microsoft and Apple have been "deeply plowing" in the field of operating systems for so many years, and have registered almost all the patents that can be registered. It is already too late to bypass their patent traps. Very difficult.

However, Li Feng never fights unprepared battles, and knows that this is inevitable. When Li Feng developed the Android system, he also made plans in advance, "You have Zhang Liangji, I have bridge ladders", you Apple has many "graphics patents", but I am not bad at Fengrui, and I also have many "smartphone patents"!

Li Feng is also "strategizing and planning in advance". He also registered 555 smart phones with mobile operating systems around the world in advance, and registered all the smart phone patents he knew that could be registered, including Apple's "home "Key Li Feng is also registered, even including its shape, "circle" and "ellipse" are also registered over and over again...
Anyway, as long as it is a mobile operating system, Li Feng can register everything, forming a "patent barrier". If you are a mobile operating system, you must use these patents!
Otherwise, Li Feng would not dare to enter the mobile operating system in this way, and the purpose of Li Feng's doing so is to obtain Apple's "graphics patent" through "patent exchange" and clear Fengrui's obstacles in the field of operating systems !

It's just that Apple doesn't follow the routine now!
Take up the weapon of law directly!

"I'm not sure about this, but I think Apple probably didn't know about it, and they didn't even investigate. Otherwise, they wouldn't have made such a big fuss that we were 'death'!" Liu Zhiping gave his conjecture.

Li Feng thinks the same, otherwise Apple is so determined and calm, it really looks like Jobs!
What a megalomaniac!
Li Feng had taught him in his previous life that Jobs was indeed an egomaniac, and Americans are all egomaniacs, looking down on other countries.

And Li Feng also said with all his heart: "It seems that we need to give Jobs a good lesson this time, and tell him the traditional virtues of our Chinese people, modesty and prudence! No matter what you do, you must guard against arrogance, impetuosity, modesty and prudence! "

In fact, it wasn't Apple that troubled Li Feng, and it was LG that Li Feng tried his best to bring in. He also asked: "Apple is okay to say, so what does LG mean? Just join, then quit! Are you going to beat us sharply in the face!"

For Li Feng, Apple was originally the planned "enemy" and he had to be on guard at all times; but LG is different, it should definitely be his "friend", it's just this "friend", why should he fight against himself at the last moment One knife!Li Feng was puzzled.

"As for LG, we really don't know the specific situation here. Except for the statement that the chairman of the LG Group, Koo Benmoo, has publicly withdrawn, nothing has happened to LG at present!" Liu Zhiping said.

"Did Benmao Gu call Fengrui before he made a public statement?" Li Feng returned his last hope.

"No, no phone calls, no emails, no indications, just publicly announced their withdrawal, and it was at the climax of Apple's lawsuit. If you say that LG and Apple didn't negotiate, I wouldn't believe it!" The calm Liu Zhiping finally gritted his teeth.

Indeed, LG's attack on Fengrui was too severe, it was really a "slap in the face"!

Especially for the "Android Alliance", which has just been established for a few days, it is even more serious. Since you want to withdraw, you might as well not join!

Not to mention Liu Zhiping, even Li Feng couldn't swallow this breath, so he also directly called Gu Benmao of LG Group.


As soon as he came up, Gu Benmao still didn't answer, and after five consecutive rings, no one answered. Just when Li Feng hung up the phone, Gu Benmao on the opposite side connected the phone, "Li Jun, I'm really sorry. , I was in a meeting just now and didn't hear..."

Gu Benmao's tone and attitude were very good, but Li Feng didn't accept this, and directly questioned: "I said, old Gu, we are allies. I still remember the last time I visited Korea. Scenario! Why, now, you quit as soon as you say you want to quit, without even making a phone call, what conditions does Apple give you?!"

"Li Jun, since you know everything, let me tell the truth. You know, our LG Group not only produces mobile phones, but also produces many other IT accessories, especially our LG display field, which is also our IT group. Core Business,
And Apple's PC computer, computer notebook, digital multimedia player ipod, including Apple's upcoming iPhone mobile phone, are all important customers of our LG Group, so..." Gu Benmao explained a little "simply".

In fact, Gu Benmao himself is very optimistic about the Android system, but there is no way, it is the future, full of many uncertainties, and he does not know when the mobile era will come.

And what Apple gave was a real order with very real benefits. This is a good multiple-choice question to choose from!

Therefore, LG finally chose to embrace Apple.

"So, you chose Apple, but you shouldn't stab me in the back again!" Li Feng asked a little loudly.

At this time, Gu Benmao was also a little dissatisfied with Li Feng's attitude, it was nothing more than an alliance of interests, what qualifications do you have to ask me!
Gu Benmao also said very bluntly: "Li Jun, please pay attention to your attitude when you speak, our LG Group is not joking, and it will not be good for anyone in the end!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Benmao hung up the phone directly, which made Li Feng unable to express his anger, but Li Feng was very angry.

Li Feng also gritted his teeth and said: "Android Alliance, whoever wants to join can't just get in; the same is true, whoever wants to quit can just quit! I will want LG to look good sooner or later!"

It's been a long time since everyone saw Li Feng getting angry. It seems that LG Gu Benmao is so angry that Li Feng is not light!

It is estimated that LG will be in big trouble in the future!


(End of this chapter)

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