Chapter 57 Charges
A few days after the new students started school, it was Teacher's Day on September 9th, which was also the day when Li Feng's "Miracle MU" was officially charged.

From July 7, when the summer vacation started, to September 10, when students started school, in just two months, "Miracle MU" has more than 9 million registered users.

The usual daily active users are stable at more than 100 million. At the same time, the number of concurrent online users of the game has also reached 40, which has surpassed the number of simultaneous online users of "Legend". It has become a veritable "miracle"!
These days, the popularity of "Miracle MU" has already subverted the imagination of netizens. Now the outside world is more admiring and curious about this online game, calling it a phenomenal online game!
Because there has never been an online game that has achieved such excellent results before it is officially launched, even "Legend"!
"Miracle MU" was launched today, which also affects the hearts of many people. After all, the trial operation is so popular, and the official operation should not be too bad, right?
The current results of "Miracle MU" have also greatly exceeded Li Feng's expectations, but these are all data from the trial operation, and cannot bring Fengrui any income.

Right now, although "Miracle MU" has only been in operation for two months, Li Feng has spent more than 1000 million yuan on it.

It's also fortunate that "Bat Network Management" and MY123 are their own products, and the cost of others will at least double.

This does not include the 300 million US dollars for the agency rights. If the agency fees are added, Li Feng has already spent more than 3000 million yuan on "Miracle MU"!
As the saying goes, it's the mule or the horse that comes out!Everything depends on grades!

No matter how bad the results of "Miracle MU" were during the free public beta period, if the official fee encounters Waterloo, the results obtained in the previous trial operation will be meaningless, and may even become the laughing stock of the industry.

Just like when online novels are put on the shelves, collecting and recommending them are only one aspect, the most important thing is the subscription results after they are put on the shelves!

Even, many peers paid a lot of attention to "Miracle MU", especially Shengda's boss Sheng Tianqiao, after returning from Cheng Danian to report to Sheng Tianqiao, especially Fengrui Technology launched the "Alipay" online recharge system with great momentum back,

Sheng Tianqiao is even more interested in Li Feng, and has always wanted to meet this young man who is "a match for chess". Therefore, this time "Miracle MU" is officially charged, Sheng Tianqiao also postponed some unnecessary activities, just look at this set The effect of the online recharge system of "Alipay".

Of course, Li Feng himself did not dare to relax at all!
Early in the morning, Li Feng came to the company early, and everyone in the company had already carried out the final debugging work.

Li Feng himself was still a little worried, so he asked Zhou Wei, "Zhou Wei, is there any problem with the Alipay recharge system?"

Zhou Wei quickly replied: "Brother Li, no problem! We absolutely followed the highest standard. We have performed tens of thousands of simulations without any problems, and the server can also withstand the impact of large-scale data!"

Xu Jiawei next to him did not wait for Li Feng to ask, and took the initiative to report: "Boss, more than 1 Alipay top-up systems have been installed, and they are all Internet cafes with more than 50 units, covering almost the first and second-tier cities and many in the country. Third-tier cities, and third- and fourth-tier cities, the brothers are still stepping up promotion."

After all, this Alipay recharge system involves the most important personal information and bank cards, so many Internet cafe owners are more cautious. Many people's idea is to wait and see, and when everyone is okay, it will not be too late to open Alipay at that time. Late.

But Li Feng would not give them this kind of opportunity, so he said to Xu Jiawei: "Old Xu, this is asking the brothers to work harder. The more Alipay accounts are opened, the more money we will make.

Therefore, when you open Alipay in the first month, you will be given a 20% commission, in the second month you will be given a 10% commission, and in the third month you will only be given a 5% commission.
It will take about three months. If you want to open it, you will probably open it. For the rest, there will be no commission in the future.

If the system is running without any problems, after half a year, I will fully release Alipay, so that all players can recharge through Alipay. "

The reason why Li Feng is so important to "Miracle MU" is because Fengrui Technology cannot fail,

The current Fengrui Technology is just a baby, unable to withstand a major blow, and must drink milk, and this milk is "money". The most important factor for the success of Internet companies in future generations is capital.

If stocks and Internet cafes are Li Feng’s first pot of gold, which solved Li Feng’s life problems; then "Miracle MU" is Fengrui Technology's "first pot of gold", and the success or failure of "Miracle MU" is related to Fengrui future growth of technology.

Therefore, Li Feng also made a lot of preparations for today's official charging of "Miracle MU".

First of all, the recharge price of "Miracle MU" is the same as the legend, 35 yuan for 120 hours, or 35 yuan for a monthly subscription with no time limit. In addition, you can also choose 20 yuan for 60 hours, or 20 yuan for [-] days.

Li Feng didn't want to change this charging standard. Li Feng wasn't as ugly as Zhu Jun in Ninetowns in his previous life. Everything had to be 1/3 more expensive than Sheng Da.

Because of Shanda's success, Li Feng has already been told that this is a charging model that players can accept!
Secondly, "Miracle MU" starts to operate for a fee today, which will definitely cause conflicts among many players.

Just like a pair of men and women, from friends to lovers, the steps are basically holding hands and kissing. Basically, they follow a step-by-step approach, and rarely one step is in place, and the game is the same.

It is the most difficult for players to recharge for the first time!
In order to make players willingly take money out of their pockets, Li Feng also made several moves.

The first measure is, as long as you recharge, buy one get one free!Buy a recharge card worth 35 yuan, and then give you a recharge card worth 35 yuan, that is, if you buy a recharge card worth 10 yuan, you will also get a recharge card worth 10 yuan!

The second measure is that for this launch, the "Miracle MU" game also held an internal event.

Shengda has already done many examples. The reason why "Legend" is so profitable is mainly because of the perverted pursuit of vanity by the players, and Shanda has always worked hard to satisfy these perverted people.

Overwhelmed with activities, attracting countless fans, "Tianlong" today, "Yitian" tomorrow, and "Resurrection" the day after tomorrow. There are so many activities, it is the first in the history of online games!
Therefore, Li Feng followed suit and released several new dungeons, but they were only open to players who recharged.

Players who are willing to spend money and players who are not willing to spend money must be treated differently, otherwise they will not be able to reflect the difference between spending money and not spending money. Who is willing to recharge and consume?
The third one is that as long as the recharge reaches 35 yuan, you will be given a "blessing gem". This is the most important equipment synthesis item in "Miracle MU". Almost everyone wants to hear the Maya and blessing sounds of Ding Dong.

Finally, at 08:30 in the morning, the entrance of "Miracle MU" was suspended for half an hour.

The trial operation and the official operation will definitely be different, and some procedures will also need to be changed. These have been sent system messages to the players in the morning.

It didn't make the players sitting next to the computer wait too long. As soon as [-]:[-] a.m., "Miracle MU" officially started charging.

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(End of this chapter)

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