Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 584 Happy cooperation!

Chapter 584 Happy cooperation!

When Li Feng arrived at the Paramount headquarters, Paramount CEO Brad Gray had already been waiting for a long time.

Brad Gray is a very American TV and film producer. Since he took the post of CEO of Paramount, Paramount has been sitting firmly on the throne of Hollywood hegemony, even the current "Disney baby" is not his opponent.

And during his reign, Paramount launched the box-office hits Transformers, Star Trek and Mission: Impossible.Gray produced eight of Paramount's top ten highest-grossing films, a staggering number that speaks volumes for his own contribution to Paramount.

Brad Gray personally greeted Li Feng, which was considered a great deal of face.

"Mr. Li, welcome, welcome!" Brad Gray personally welcomed Li Feng at the door.

Yesterday, Brad Gray suddenly received a call. He was surprised that Li Feng from Fengrui Technology wanted to meet him.

And now the hottest news about Li Feng in North America is the spat with Apple. If you insist on adding some relationship, it is that before Jobs returned to Apple, he also briefly mixed in Hollywood. At that time, Jobs used For $1000 million, they bought their animation department from Lucasfilm and established Pixar Animation.

Paramount's new logo is produced by Pixar.

Later, Jobs was invited back by Apple, and Jobs also sold Pixar animation to Disney, which made a gorgeous turn.

"Grey, hello!" Li Feng also smiled and shook hands with Brad Gray.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries, Li Feng arrived at Brad Gray's office under the guidance of Brad Gray.

Brad Gray's face is a bit joyful, at first glance it looks a bit like a "square face" Crayon Shin-chan
But if anyone regards him as a harmless person, it must be a big mistake.

Brad Gray was able to go all the way from a screenwriter to the president of Paramount, a veteran Hollywood top production company, and his skills can be imagined.

After a few simple greetings, Brad Gray sat there and said straight to the point: "Mr. Li, let's get straight to the point. There is no cooperation between you and me. This time you can come here in person. There must be cooperation. To be honest, I am looking forward to Mr. Li's cooperation!"

Li Feng was also very forthright. He laughed and said, "Happy, I also like Gray's straightforwardness. This time, I really want to cooperate with you on one thing!"

Brad Gray showed a happy smile. Although he still doesn't know why Li Feng came here this time, one thing is certain, that is, at Li Feng's level, the things he wants to cooperate with are definitely not small businesses. For Brad Gray, it must be a huge opportunity. The most important thing is that Brad Gray understands the potential Chinese market behind Li Feng!
Although China's film market still has no way to compare with Hollywood, as long as it is a person in this industry, no one can ignore the potential of China's films.

As the president of Paramount, Brad Gray naturally knew all of this.

The highest-grossing movie in China last year was Zhang Yimou's movie "The Golden Flower", which earned 2.4 million yuan at the box office in China.

Although it is only tens of millions in US dollars, Huaxia's commercial films are just getting started. A few years ago, Huaxia's movie box office hadn't broken through [-] million yuan, but now it has reached more than [-] million.

If we add China's population base of billions, at this time there is already a basic understanding in the global film industry, and China's film market is about to rise.

Naturally, Paramount doesn't want to give up China's huge market. As long as it manages properly, Paramount will have a place in China's film market in the future.

Originally, Brad Gray was still thinking about how to establish a closer partnership with Huaxia's film market, but now it's all right, Li Feng took the initiative to deliver it to his door!

But Brad Gray also knows that Li Feng will definitely not find him for no reason, and he must hold what Li Feng wants in his hands. Now what Brad Gray has to do is to see what Li Feng wants. What is going on in your own hands.

"Mr. Li, please tell me, as long as our Paramount can do it, I am definitely willing to cooperate with Mr. Li!"

Li Feng chuckled, Brad Gray is really an old fox, he doesn't reveal anything, first he said that Paramount can do it, and then he said that he himself is willing to cooperate.

The subtext is naturally what our Paramount can do, and it is also what we are willing to give up. If it is what our Paramount is willing to give up, then naturally there is no problem with cooperation, but if it is what Paramount is not willing to give up, then there is no problem. There is a solution, although I really hope to cooperate with you, Li Feng, but Paramount is embarrassed.

"This matter is actually very simple. I know that Paramount is going to cooperate with Marvel next. As the distributor of the new movie "Iron Man" that Marvel is currently preparing, my request is very simple. I hope that Paramount can cancel the cooperation with Marvel,
Of course, as a prerequisite for cooperation, I also have some layout in the Chinese film and television industry. I believe there is a lot of room for cooperation with Paramount. I can even help Mr. Gray introduce Mr. Han Sanping, the person in charge of China Film Group. He and I are very good. friend! "

Han Sanping!
Now the absolute number one brother in the domestic film and television industry!
Don't talk about Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang's current three major domestic directors, let alone Huayi Brothers, Bona Film and Television, these are younger brothers compared to Han Sanping!

At the award ceremony of the Huabiao Award last year, it basically became Han Sanping’s commendation meeting. When Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, International Zhang and others came to the stage to accept the award, the first person to say thank you was not the Huabiao Award, nor the investment. Congress, but Han Sanping!
In fact, Han Sanping really deserves this honor.

Han Sanping went to Xiying Film Studio after graduating from university. After working in Xiying Film Studio for several years, he was transferred to Beijing Film Studio as the deputy director and director of Beijing Film Studio. Then he went to China Film Studio and became the first brother of China Film Film Corporation. !
At the beginning, Feng Xiaogang was soft-blocked in China because of his cooperation with Wang Shuo, and no studio was willing to use him. Later, Han Sanping found Feng Xiaogang and helped Feng Xiaogang film "Party A and Party B", which made Feng Xiaogang later become Lunar New Year King of.

And after Han Sanping became the No. [-] brother of China Film Group, he has more rights, especially for foreign films.

In 1994, the country began to liberalize the introduction of Hollywood movies, but in 94, only one Hollywood movie was imported, but in 1995, this number was put at 6, which year Hollywood's "True Lies" won the national box office championship in which year, and later "Titanic" broke the domestic movie box office record, which has remained so far.

And all of this is operated by China Film Group.

Because according to the national policy, the introduction of Hollywood movies can only be through China Film, which is why when Hollywood movies enter China, there will always be dragon signs.

It can be said that if Paramount wants to enter the Chinese market, it must pass through China Film Group, and if it wants to pass through China Film Group, it must pass through Han Sanpin!
More importantly, China Film Group also owns its own theater chain in China, and China Film Xingmei Cinema Line has always been among the top three domestic theater companies.

When Brad Gray heard what Li Feng said, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching. This is really a pie in the sky. The release of Marvel movies is not the same as opening up the movie market in China. things.

Not to mention Han Sanping, even Li Feng himself is the partner of cooperation!

Now no one knows what Marvel's super-English movies will be made, and it's unclear whether they will make money or not, but as long as you have the key to open the Chinese film market, then it is a business that will definitely make money.

But businessmen, they will definitely not agree to Li Feng's request so easily. After all, they also need greater interests, and they also hope to pursue something that maximizes their own interests in this negotiation.

"Mr. Li, Paramount naturally attaches great importance to the Chinese market, but the release of Marvel movies is also a very important strategic plan for Paramount this year and next. Open, our company still attaches great importance to Marvel's "Iron Man"!" Brad Gray said with a smile.

Li Feng did not show dissatisfaction because of Brad Gray's refusal. Brad Gray knew that this was a negotiation for his own best interests, and Li Feng naturally knew it too.

The next step is the negotiation between the two sides. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than testing each other's bottom line.

After a lot of verbal confrontation, Brad Gray asked curiously: "Mr. Li, may I take the liberty to ask, why are you targeting Marvel like this?"

In fact, at the beginning, Brad Gray was a little curious. Marvel, Li Feng and Fengrui Technology didn't seem to have any relationship. Why did Li Feng suddenly target Marvel?There must be something behind this, and there is "hate" for no reason!

You must know that although Marvel is still the second largest company in North America in the comics market, it is only a third-rate film company in the film industry. If it weren't for the fact that it has so many superheroes under its umbrella, it probably wouldn't even be considered a third-rate film company.

Now that Li Feng is blatantly targeting Marvel, Brad Gray has to be curious.

Li Feng smiled and said: "The reason is also very simple, because I prefer to read DC comics, so I don't like Marvel!"

Brad Gray: "."

It is naturally impossible for Brad Gray to believe this kind of reason for lying to children, but he also got a piece of news, that is, Li Feng does not want outsiders, at least he, to know why Li Feng is targeting Marvel.

From Brad Gray's point of view, this is also understandable. After all, this is the trump card of the negotiation. If he knows Li Feng's true intention, then he can grasp more initiative in the negotiation between the two.

"President Li, you are really humorous!" Brad Gray laughed dryly.

"Well, Mr. Gray, I will take a step back. I don't need Paramount to cancel the cooperation with Marvel. I just hope that during this period of time, I can cooperate with me to make a picture that Paramount wants to cancel the cooperation with Marvel. Once the trend emerges, that’s enough!” Li Feng said.

This is his real intention. Li Feng does not have any deep roots in Hollywood, he is more of a white man, and this has nothing to do with how much money he has.

In later generations, the founder of Oracle Corporation, Ellison, is rich. A pair of his sons and daughters entered Hollywood with their father's huge funds.

When my brother first entered Hollywood, he waved a check and invested in several films, but just like when Xiangjiang Film Company entered Hollywood in the early days, no large studios accepted his investment at all, only some independent film companies would accept it His investment, coupled with his attributes of being taken advantage of at the time, was coaxed by the other party, and hundreds of millions of funds were thrown in without even seeing a splash.

After paying hundreds of millions of dollars in tuition fees, it was accepted by the mainstream Hollywood film market.

Although my younger sister doesn't spend as much as he does, she actually doesn't spend less. However, the investment strategies of the two siblings are also different. The older brother mostly invests in mainstream commercial films, while the younger sister invests in independent productions. The ones that win awards and focus on the videotape market.

In fact, there is a complete industrial chain in Hollywood. Everyone knows that mainstream movies go to the box office and go to peripherals, and those independent movies also have a market. Not in the early 90s.

But there are also a group of diehard fans, coupled with the establishment of independent theaters, it also provides a market for independent films.

In fact, Li Feng's real purpose is to make Paramount act as if it wants to end its cooperation with Marvel. Although Lu Lu has acquired some shares in investment institutions, most of the shares are still held by others. Li Feng, and now that Lu Lu has gone to Wall Street to talk about these things, Li Feng will naturally have to contribute.

I believe that after Paramount releases the smoke bomb, Marvel's stock price will definitely fall, and all these are more favorable conditions for Lu Lu.

But Li Feng also doesn't want Paramount to really cancel the cooperation with Marvel. As I said before, Li Feng is a loser in Hollywood, and he also needs Paramount's distribution channels to help him open up Marvel's distribution channels.

It's just that these things can't be said to Paramount.

And Brad Gray heard that Li Feng just wanted to release the smoke to pop it up, so there was no problem. Trading a smoke bomb for China's movie market, in itself, did not cause any loss to Paramount.

As for the loss of reputation, Brad Gray is not stupid, and his statement will definitely take care of this. The most important thing is that Paramount did not really cancel the cooperation.

"President Li, let's have a good cooperation!" Brad Gray finally made a decision, although this decision is not so difficult!

Li Feng smiled, although the negotiation process was a bit bumpy for you, but according to Lu Lu, this is just a small problem and easy to solve.

"Happy cooperation!" Li Feng stretched out his hand and smiled.

Then Brad Gray invited Li Feng to have lunch, but Li Feng refused.

But Li Feng didn't know that after he left Paramount, Brad Gray immediately made a phone call.

"Boss, I already know why Li Feng came here." Then Brad Gray told the other party the whole process of his conversation with Li Feng.

As for the one who can make Brad Gray the boss, it is naturally Viacom's big boss Redstone!

When Lei Shidong was living in a hotel, he encountered a fire and survived the catastrophe. He immediately started his own life of cheating, first started in the theater business, then sold his own theater, and began to enter the entire media industry. Finally acquired Viacom and became the big boss of one of the largest media groups in the world.
But it's a pity that although Lei Shidong is a great talent, he has really failed in educating his children, just like the emperor in ancient China, his head was bald when he was tossed by his children in his later years.
After listening to Brad Gray's narration, Lei Shidong was silent for a while, and then said: "You have done a good job, and maintaining a good relationship with Li Feng is a very important plan for us!"

When Li Feng asked someone to contact Brad Gray, Brad Gray told Lei Shidong about it. After all, Li Feng's level is too high, which is due respect.

"I'm just curious as to why Li Feng is suddenly interested in Marvel. As for the reason he said, he must be lying to children." Brad Gray still can't think of why Li Feng is suddenly interested in Marvel.

Lei Shidong was also a little suspicious on the phone, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Don't worry about why he targeted Marvel. There is nothing worthy of attention in Marvel's superhero movies now. Let him make trouble. As long as we can enter China's film market, it will be a success!"

One more thing, Redstone didn't tell Brad Gray that with China's take-off, almost all industries in the world are now staring at the Chinese market, and Redstone's Viacom is no exception. However, China's control over the media industry is too strict, and this incident is an opportunity for Lei Shidong. If Paramount can be used as a base to open up Viacom's media market in China, it will be great Very good.

He doesn't want to fall too far behind his old opponent!
The old opponent in Lei Shidong's heart is naturally that News Corporation has more Merck. Last year, Phoenix Satellite TV, which is controlled by News Corporation, cooperated with China's mobile company, and through this cooperation, Phoenix Satellite TV officially entered the Chinese market. Shi Donglai is a signal released by Huaxia officials.

Brad Gray also decided not to speculate on this matter anymore. As Viacom's big boss, Redstone wanted to let Viacom's entire media group's industries enter China this year, and Brad Gray Naturally, what Gray thought was Paramount's siege in the Chinese film market.

After hanging up the phone, Brad Gray called his secretary, "Notify me, I want to make a statement!" The secretary obeyed and went first!

At this time, the president of Marvel, Kevin Fitch, didn't know the crisis facing Marvel, and he was actively raising funds for Marvel!

(End of this chapter)

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