Chapter 60
In fact, the 12-hour daily turnover of "Miracle MU" yesterday was exactly 2000 yuan!
As for the highest number of people online, it was 62!

These two data are the highest records in the history of online games!
In addition, yesterday's "Miracle MU" paid an unprecedented [-] million people!
If an online game can have 3 people online at the same time, it can basically make money, and "Miracle MU" is 20 times this standard, and the popularity is very high.

Moreover, because "Miracle MU" all uses its own "Alipay" online recharge system, Li Feng saved a considerable part of the point card sales channel costs, and further improved the actual profit.

Li Feng was very excited after getting this data. This is definitely the most exciting day since he was reborn, because he earned more than 2000 million in one day.
And with the cash cow of "Miracle MU", Li Feng finally dared to look up to the sky and scream, "Mom, don't worry about my studies anymore!"

No, it was "Lao Tzu, I will never be short of money again!"

"Miracle MU" is still in the trial operation stage, and has already attracted the attention of all parties. Now that it is officially launched, there are many more people watching closely.

Especially Feng Rui's old rival Sheng Da's Sheng Tianqiao.

Since Li Feng introduced "Miracle MU" into China in advance, Li Feng's only domestic opponent is "Legend".

Fortunately, the entire Chinese online game is in a stage of rapid growth, although under the impact of the same type of game "Miracle MU",

However, the number of online users of "Legend" has not decreased much, and even the market share in the third and fourth cities far exceeds that of "Miracle MU".
Moreover, Shengda also made preparations in advance, and acted as an agent for two casual online games, "Bubble Hall" and "Adventure Island".

But with the continued popularity of "Miracle MU", it must have more or less compressed the time of other games.

Early the next morning, Sheng Tianqiao was in his office, anxiously waiting for the results of "Miracle MU".

Cheng Danian, Sheng Tianqiao's right-hand man, knocked on Sheng Tianqiao's office door with eager steps.

Seeing Cheng Danian coming in, Sheng Tianqiao hurriedly asked, "How's the score of "Miracle MU"?"

Cheng Danian glanced carefully at Sheng Tianqiao before uttering three words from his mouth.

"Too good!"

Sheng Tianqiao couldn't help but tighten his heart. Although he had expected this result, he obviously didn't hear the truth with his own ears.

"How much is the specific data?"

Cheng Danian opened the various data reports of "Miracle MU" fed back by the marketing department.

"As of 50 o'clock last night, in just [-] hours, the number of simultaneous online users of "Miracle MU" was at least around [-].

The daily turnover has almost reached 2000 million. These are conservative statistics. I believe the real data of "Miracle MU" is better than this! "

Sheng Tianqiao knew what it meant to have at least 50 people online at the same time. This meant that there were at least twice as many people, 100 million people who were willing to pay for "Miracle MU"!
Moreover, these are conservative statistics!
After listening to Cheng Danian's report, Sheng Tianqiao couldn't help swallowing secretly, with envy in his eyes.

But the domineering Sheng Tianqiao quickly calmed down and ordered: "New Year, the rise of Fengrui Technology is already unstoppable, and it will be our great enemy in the future.

So you have to observe and observe this company a lot. If they have any project plans in the future, you must tell me as soon as possible. Also, their founder named Li Feng should not be underestimated!

We can't control so much other people's affairs, so let's do our own affairs first.

One is, since Fengrui Technology has already demonstrated to us, we will also do it in one step. Putting aside Ubisoft, we will launch a set of our online recharge system. Fengrui Technology's is called "Alipay," and ours is called "Sheng Dayibao".

The second is to increase the promotion of "Legend" while "Miracle MU" has not yet taken off. I think "Legend" still has potential, especially in rural areas where "Miracle MU" has not yet covered.

The third is to help me contact Mr. Yan from SoftBank Saifu, I want to prepare to acquire South Korea's WEMADE company, and solve the problem of "Legend" in one go. "

In the end, Sheng Tianqiao sighed: "New year, this is a lesson! Look at Li Feng of Fengrui Technology, he does things one by one, with vision, strategy, and pattern.

"Miracle MU" not only has a low share, but also directly obtained the source code at one time. It has been in operation for such a long time, and there is no plug-in on the market, so you can't accept it! "

At the same time, many game operators and Internet companies, including the South Korean Webzen company, have already obtained the [-]-hour fee for the official launch of "Miracle MU".

Most people couldn't help being envious of Fengrui's current achievements, envious that Fengrui got the cornucopia of "Miracle MU"!

Ding Lei, the boss of Netease, got the [-]-hour score data of "Miracle MU", and his heart was filled with sadness!
As a senior practitioner of online games, he is very clear about the meaning behind the data of "Miracle MU".

The online game "Miracle MU" will dominate the Chinese online game market for a long time!
While envious of the popularity of "Miracle MU", Ding Lei is more determined to enter NetEase's online games.

Although the three major Korean online games "Spirits" that spent huge sums of money on agency ended in failure, the unexpected success of "Journey to the West 2" also allowed Ding Lei to find the direction of online games.

The so-called: Times make heroes. In the era when the Hallyu swept across China, Korean games also adhered to its consistent style, with cheats flying all over the place.

Not everyone, like Li Feng, obtained the core source code of "Miracle MU" in advance by relying on the vision of his previous life, which suppressed the generation of cheats.

At the same time that there are not many competitors of the same type, "Dahua Game 2" pays attention to the player experience while,
A series of optimizations have been made for the cheats. Even if one or two cheats pop up occasionally, they still maintain a firm attitude. Therefore, the success of "Dahua Game 2" is not unreasonable.

Although "A Chinese Journey to the West 2" was an unexpected success, "Journey to the West 1" is facing a crisis of discontinuing the service.

Apart from inheriting the art resources of "A Chinese Journey to the West 2", "Journey to the West 1" has nothing to do with "Journey to the West 1".

However, Ding Lei couldn't bear to let "A Chinese Journey to the West 1" die so soon, "I haven't made enough money yet!"

Therefore, Ding Lei approached Xu Bo and asked him to rewrite "A Chinese Journey to the West 2" using the "Wind Soul" engine of the "Dahua 1" client.

However, Xu Bo is one of the few people in China who really wants to make an online game, and is determined to create a truly excellent domestic online game.

Therefore, there is only one planner "Xu Bo" and one programmer named "Blood Dance Setting Sun" at the beginning. The content is all edited, and the classic online game "Fantasy Westward Journey" can also be made.

As the big brother of the portal, Xinlang, who is still upstairs in Fengrui Technology, saw the popularity of "Miracle MU", and also saw the effect of the joint promotion of "Bat Network Management" and MY123.
Therefore, Xinlang also found Li Feng immediately, and planned to spend a lot of money to launch the three major Korean online games "Paradise" that he represented.

In addition, Sogu, the boss of the portal, is also jealous of the crazy money-making of "Miracle MU", so he is also preparing to launch another three major online games "Knight" in South Korea at a high price.

(End of this chapter)

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