Rebirth of the internet boss

Chapter 74 Watching Movies

Chapter 74 Watching Movies

When Li Feng saw the finished beta of "", he felt relaxed. Wang Xing is worthy of being an "immortal Xiaoqiang". Xing did well.

Therefore, Li Feng said to Wang Xing: " has done a good job. It is very simple, clean and comfortable. This is what we want.
Today is already December 12th, how about this, I will give you a few more days to perfect it, and it will be officially launched on around New Year's Day or Christmas. "

Wang Xing replied happily: "Brother Li, don't worry, I promise to make it perfect!"

Since Renren has Wang Xing, and other projects also have Zhou Wei and Xu Jiawei, everything is going according to plan, and Li Feng doesn't need specific programming, of course Li Feng can't, so Li Feng is fine. , It's time to go on a date with Tang Xin again.

This Saturday, Li Feng and Tang Xin made an appointment to visit the Shichahai Scenic Area in Yanjing. It is not only completely free, but also has a very cultural atmosphere. You can visit Prince Gong’s Mansion, Nanluogu Lane, Huguo Temple Snack Street, etc.

You can row boats in the water, go clubbing on the shore, and visit the old BJ Hutong. It is the first choice for visiting to see history, culture, customs, and characteristics, increase knowledge, and cultivate sentiment.

Parking and finding a parking space in Yanjing is a worldwide problem, and Tang Xin likes to take public transportation. Besides, Li Feng hasn't told Tang Xin about starting a company by herself, so the two finally chose to take the bus to go shopping. .

I remember in the previous life, when the two of them had no money to travel on weekends, they would just take a random bus, and when they saw something beautiful there, they would get off and play there for a while.

After playing enough, he would get on the bus and go to the next point. Sometimes the two of them could play for a whole day, and Li Feng got into the habit of putting a few coins in his pocket.

Time will erase all the pain, Tang Xin turned into a happy "bird" again, and she told Li Feng that she couldn't do it.

When two people take the bus, they generally like to stand. If they really want to sit, they can sit directly at the back of the bus, where there is no need to give up their seats.

There were quite a lot of people on the weekend, and there were not many vacant seats. Tang Xin smiled and stood side by side with Li Feng on the bus, and let Li Feng's big hand cover Tang Xin's slender hand holding the railing.
Li Feng's hands were a bit rough, but they were dry and warm, which gave Tang Xin an inexplicable sense of security...

It's already a little cold in Yanjing in December. Today, Tang Xin is wearing a one-piece dark long sweater, her long hair is spread over her shoulders, and her eyes are picturesque.

Especially those bright eyes were crystal clear, and she didn't know what kind of perfume she was wearing, but she exuded a faint scent of Sophora japonica flowers.

The men in the entire carriage secretly glanced at her from time to time. Such a beautiful girl appearing in the bus is definitely a beautiful sight.

After a while, the car door opened, and a group of people quickly squeezed in. There were a lot of people getting on the car at this stop, and the crowd was surging, squeezing Tang Xin who was standing upside down. At this time, Li Feng stretched out his hand naturally, He took Tang Xin into his arms.

At this time, Li Feng was like a rock on the seashore. No matter how the wind blows and the rain blows, the turbulent waves are high, but I stand still. pop open.

Tang Xin, who was held in his arms, felt as if she was going to faint. Li Feng had a faint sweaty smell, which smelled good, but Li Feng's thick chest was so warm. In her arms, Tang Xin suddenly felt very safe.

"By the way, where do we go first?"

The bus moved slowly, Tang Xin pushed Li Feng away, got out of his arms, and hurriedly found a topic.

"Eh? I haven't made up my mind yet, how about we go to Shichahai first, and then go to Huguo Temple Snack Street for dinner?" Li Feng suggested.

Both of them like to eat, but Li Feng only likes those kinds of meat, like pork, beef, mutton and chicken, other common meat, dog meat, goose meat, and nothing else; fruit is also, that is, apples, bananas, etc. Mainstream common fruit.

And Tang Xin likes to try different things, and when she sees different delicious things, she likes to try them. Li Feng and Tang Xin tasted a lot of good things, but the number of times they didn't like it seemed to be a little bit more.

The two of them were like this, looking here, playing there, eating a little here, eating a little there, and they were full without even eating dinner.

After playing for a day, Li Feng and Tang Xin held hands and walked slowly on the street. Shopping with women is definitely a physical job.

"It's still early, let's find a place to sit for a while!" Maybe women are born shopaholics, and Li Feng really didn't want to leave.

"Then I'll invite you to watch a movie. You've been shopping with me all day!" Tang Xin pointed to the movie theater in front of her and suggested.

"Okay! Then I'll treat you to popcorn!" Li Feng suddenly became energetic.

After a while, Tang Xin bought the movie tickets, and Li Feng took the bought snacks to the seats in the theater.

The two of them also liked to watch movies in their previous lives, especially those blockbuster movies with special effects, or those movies that were particularly popular. "Hero".

Among the most influential Chinese films, these are the three films that really affect the progress of Chinese films: "The True Colors of Heroes", "A Chinese Journey to the West", "Infernal Affairs", and "Heroes" can be counted as half of them. It is the pioneering work of the mainland blockbuster, and it opened the curtain of the Chinese commercial blockbuster.

As for "Farewell My Concubine" and "To Live", like "Xiao Ganbo", they are all pretentious movies, let alone anyone who has seen them, you can ask how many people know about them.

At this time, the movie had already started, but Li Feng didn't care about the movie, he just wanted to find a quiet place, lie on a comfortable mount, so he picked up Tang Xin's little hand and kneaded it.

On the contrary, Tang Xin was quickly attracted to the movie. After all, it was a super blockbuster that was "unprecedented".

The plot of this "Hero" is top-notch, at least in terms of graphics, colors, and music. Otherwise, the country would not have asked Lao Mouzi to be the chief director of the Olympics.

For Li Feng, who has already seen it, going to the cinema is the most suitable place for a date, and the most important thing is to take advantage of it. At first, Li Feng just touched his little hands.
"Li Feng, don't! We're going to watch a movie, let's go to the movie, we're going too fast!" Tang Xin said in embarrassment.

"It's not fast at all. Our high school classmates have known each other for several years! Alright, let's watch a movie!" Li Feng said with a lot of meaning, but he kept his eyes fixed on the girl and didn't look at the screen at all.

Tang Xin was very helpless about this, she knew that Li Fengguang wanted to do "bad things".

After a while, the girl once again attracted her attention to the movie, but this time the girl didn't stop Li Feng.

Not to stop, but to encourage!So what are you being polite about?
It was already very late after the movie ended, and on the way back, at some point, Tang Xin put her head on Li Feng's shoulder and fell asleep.

Smelling the body fragrance of the girl beside him, Li Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what a perfect girl, he must make her happy in this life.

In the following period of time, Li Feng and Tang Xin were always tired of being together, Shichahai, Summer Palace, etc., except for the Great Wall, they visited almost the entire scenic spot in Yanjing, and tasted the delicacies of every place. again.

The only regrettable thing is that Li Feng was only one step away from hitting a "home run".

But the happy time is always short-lived, Tang Xin is still busy with her studies, and soon, the day when everyone will go online.

(End of this chapter)

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